- Terminal report of previous incumbent The FAOR should be briefed on any outstanding recommendations and be provided with a copy of the latest Audit report(s). Finally, the briefing should provide an overview of the current financial and budgetary situation of the office, mentioning any major issue and providing advice about any action that could be taken to improve it and ensure the most efficient utilization of the available resources. General Info. Budget Allotment 2. When a position of an FAOR is expected to fall vacant, the selection process starts and suitable candidates are identified from the OSD roster as well as from among currently serving staff members. Office premises NOOCS MANUAL VOL 2. The panel ensures that a thorough interview is conducted to evaluate the candidate appropriately, including language skills deemed essential for the assignment. Australia- India Higher Education Programs E Visiting Faculty / Member Board of Studies / Examiner / Project Guide At the FAOR country offices, this is complemented by the Monthly Attendance Reports prepared by the FAOR for all professional staff in the respective locations. Immediately following the interview, each panel member submits separately his/her assessment to the Director-General, providing a careful evaluation of the suitability of the candidate/s for the post in question. letter to the government, meeting with ministry staff, etc). Manual Section 118 on FAO Representatives Introduction to COIN and Guidelines on its use The authority to confirm the appointment of FAORs at the end of the probationary period and to extend the assignments of FAORs rests with the Director-General. - a standard Briefing Kit including the presentation of HQ Departments and Offices, and For inquiries or comments on this page please write to: coin@fao.org, Last updated on: Whenever the premises are shared with other UN Agencies, the briefing should provide information and guidance about any major issues related to common services as well as FAO’s position vis-à-vis initiatives at country level to invest for a UN Common House (ONE UN). - Module 3: Organizational principles and design. The United Nations and the specialized agencies embody the highest aspirations of the peoples of the world. Employer Self-Service (ESS) Secure Portal for Member Organizations. Before the end of  the relevant probationary period, the ADG/RR sends out emails to the concerned units (TC, CS, AUD, SRO, OSD, others as deemed necessary), The office of the ADG/RR  monitors replies and follows up as necessary, Upon receipt of all inputs, the ADG/RR writes a memo to the Director-General, through the  DDGO, providing the evaluation and his/her recommendation, Upon receipt of the DG’s approval, the RO ensures that the confirmation of appointment from the DG is forwarded to the respective SSC-Hub for their action/records, SSC monitors the requirement to start action on Extension of FAORs, SSC submits the Routing Slip to the ADG/RR before the end of the contract period, ADG/RR sends out emails to the concerned units (TC, CS, AUD, SRC, OSD, others as deemed necessary) to obtain the necessary feedback to be able to make the appropriate recommendation, The RO monitors replies and follows up as necessary, Upon receipt of all inputs, the ADG/RR signs the Routing Slip, providing his/her recommendation, and forwards to next addressee, Upon receipt of the DG’s approval, the SSC takes the necessary action. The Director-General selects the candidate on the basis of the interview reports. Latest AUD report and outstanding recommendations The total duration of such initial briefing of FAORs varies from 4 to 2 weeks- depending on the level of the prior knowledge of FAO and of the FAOR functions - with four weeks for newly-recruited FAO staff members, three weeks for staff members who are newly-appointed as FAORs, and two weeks for FAORs on transfer. Process medical claims for NPP/PSA personnel. The FAO Community seeks officers with a minimum of 5 years of commissioned service (YCS). The Host Country Agreement should be reviewed together with the new FAOR to ascertain if it envisages the payment of a GCCC and/or in-kind contributions. • Keep check and balance of procedures governing payment of Salaries and Allowances. 7. The world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies, building prosperity and supporting a sustainable future for people recovering from … Previously poultry farms had production of only a few hundred birds (200-500 chickens) per cycle. Job Search; My Jobpage; This service is set to disconnect automatically after 60 minutes of inactivity. In addition, the briefing should apprise the FAOR of: Detailed guidelines covering the above areas are available in this Manual under respective chapters Budget Management, or Office M.anagement The briefing should cover a review of the types of posts (RP, AOS-funded or Government Provided Staff, APOs, Fellows and Volunteers), their functions, any specific information on the incumbents (if known), vacant posts, posts becoming vacant, prospects to maintain AOS positions, and any other related matter (including any disciplinary actions, disputes, etc). Human Resources JAG Corps Medical Assignments ... Acquisition Attache Education Placement EOD Flag FAO Joint Space Cadre SPECWAR Enlisted Avails Aviation ... NEOCS MANUAL. Dept. 5. 2) selection of candidates for specific vacant FAOR posts; In addition, the briefing includes 3 to 4 days at the concerned RO and 1 to 2 days at the SRO (where applicable). - Latest Country Brief (from Briefs on Line, BOL) Remember to also use Search on an FAA page or in a document that is displayed. This involves maintaining a roster of potential candidates. Animal husbandry and fisheries [1987] Ministry of Agriculture, Dacca (Bangladesh). Terminal Report of the previous incumbent, Latest Country Brief (from Briefs on Line), Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service, Circular of Responsibilities and Relationships, Sample Letter of Appointment (reflecting the TORs), Manual Section 118 on FAO Representatives, Introduction to COIN and Guidelines on its use, The SSC-Hub monitors the requirement to start action on Probationary Period and/or Confirmation of Appointment, The SSC-Hub will advise the ADG/RR in writing when the first 6 months’ Probationary Period Appraisal Report (PPAR) and when the 9 months’ Probationary Period Appraisal Report  (PPAR) are due  to be completed. 2. Click OK to reset the timer to 60 minutes. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT These include the UN regulations and rules, Secretary-General’s bulletin (SGB), Administrative Instruction (AI), Information Circular (IC) and Guidelines and Agreements. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment laws and regulations vary from state to state and country to country. MANUAL Appendix A STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE Introduction 1. OK. You have been signed out. We invite you to explore the opportunities and benefits of … NOOCS MANUAL VOL 1. 6. 2.1.1. Additional in.. 2.2.1. [POULTRY FARM MANUAL] Infrastructure Plan 10 SECTION - 2 INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN The demand for modern poultry infrastructure in India is fuelled by an increase in the size of the poultry farms. FAO Representatives (FAORs) are appointed by the Director-General to represent the Organization and manage the FAO office and activities in member countries. Prior to travelling to their new duty station, FAORs are briefed at HQ and at the SSC in Budapest (OSD's responsibility) and at the Regional and Subregional Offices. - Module 2: Research planning. The FAOR should be provided with the latest “pdf” printout of the vehicle fleet status available in COIN. the procedures for the disposal of equipment; the reporting of loss, damages or theft of FAO property; the current status of the vehicle fleet and the criteria for replacement; the rules for the use of FAO vehicles. GCCC (Government Counterpart Cash Contribution) Assignment grant To assist you in meeting initial extraor… This chapter covers the following sections as listed below: For inquiries or comments on this page please write to: coin@fao.org, Last updated on: The briefing should stress the need to regularly update the information related to local contracts to avoid a wrong calculation of the financial resources required by each office. The MILPERSMAN is a living document used primarily to administer Navy military human resources policy and procedures. As it is known, the Regional Office has become responsible for following up on country specific recommendations included in the reports of Audit missions. For full details about the functions of FAORs, please refer to MS 118 and to the standard Letter of Appointment. Once a candidate is selected by the Director-General, OSD proceeds with informal consultations with the government, generally through the Permanent Representative to FAO. Upon arrival for briefing, all FAORs are provided with: The selected candidate/s are interviewed, either through a videoconference or in person at Headquarters by a Senior Panel consisting of the Deputy Director-General Operations, the ADG/CS, the ADG/TC, the Directeur de Cabinet and the Director OSD. Employee Self Service (ESS) Tool Forms: Human Resources Holidays at HQ, 2014 Holidays at HQ, 2015 HR Responsibilities / Focal Points Human Resources Manual Locally Recruited Staff Transfer Project Salary Payment Schedule 2014, HQ UN Dual Career and Staff Mobility. The following topics should be included in the briefing by the Regional Offices: 1. The briefing in this area includes an overview of the COIN Fixed Assets module and the various types of equipment disposal. Travel expenses If you are recruited internationally, FAO covers travel expenses for you and your dependants from the place of recruitment to your assigned duty station. For full information about management of leave, refer to the FAO Handbook Human Resources Leave Overview section. WFP HUMAN RESOURCES Data provided as at 31.10.2009. FRONTLINE MANAGER TOOLKIT 13045 Page 3 Using Search Use the Toolkit Search feature to locate a topic if it does not appear in the Toolkit Table of Contents. 2. “[p]ursuant to WFP/FAO HR Manual [paragraph] 308.4.16: ‘A Staff Member whose service has been reported as unsatisfactory for two successive qualifying periods is subject to transfer, demotion or separation.’ Furthermore, WFP/FAO HR Manual [paragraph] 314.2.1 states: ‘A staff Removal expenses Depending on the type of your contract, you may be entitled transportation of your personal effects and household goods. Agricultural extension. - OSD requests SSC by email, to initiate recruitment of the selected candidate indicating duration and EOD of the appointment;  This part of the briefing is meant to provide to the FAOR information about the office premises situation, i.e. Training manual. Officers should be within 18 months of PRD to be accepted as a FAO and must be available for overseas PCS at next PRD. Short-listing candidates for specific vacancies. Press Ctrl+F to display a Search window, if one is not available. Management of Human Resources In their capacity as Budget Holders of the FAOR Country Office Network in the regions, the Regional Representatives have received responsibility for various aspects of the management of staff in the FAOR country offices, details of which are provided in this chapter. of Agricultural Extension; FAO, Rome (Italy). NOOCS MANUAL. 25 July, 2017, Manual Section 118 on FAO Representatives, Standard of Conduct for the International Civil Servant, Introduction to COIN and Guidelines on its use, Circular of Responsibilities and Relationships, Circular on Responsibilities and Relationships (. Human Resources JAG Corps Medical Assignments Public Affairs ... Acquisition Attache Education Placement EOD Flag FAO Joint Space Cadre SPECWAR Enlisted Avails Aviation Information Warfare FTS Corpsman Seal SWCC EOD Diver NUC SUB ... NOOCS MANUAL. - OSD communicates with the selected candidate to inform about clearance of his/her candidature and obtain confirmation of availability and estimated EOD; Dependants whose travel expenses may be payable are the staff member’s spouse and children, provided that they meet certain conditions. The process of recruitment of an FAOR comprises three consecutive stages: 1) identification of potential candidates for senior level (unidentified) positions of FAOR; Ahead of the arrival at HQ of the newly appointed FAOR, OSD prepares individual briefing programmes, adapted to the needs and requirements of each FAOR, and covering a full range of topics and appointments with HQ Departments and Offices concerned. [Corporate Author] Staffing of the Representation Although the information is … The FAOR should be provided with the latest “pdf” printout of the Office Allotment available from COIN. Management of Human Resources - Disciplinary Measures - Disciplinary measures are regulated by Manual Section 330 whose provisions apply to all staff members of the Organization, including field personnel, consultants, and short-term personnel. For newly-recruited FAORs who have no familiarity with FAO budget process, structure and terminology, the briefing should preliminary cover the steps through which the FAOR yearly allotment is arrived at, from the PWB preparation to the issuance of the allotment itself. - a folder with other important documents including Denver Seminary Financial Aid Office Policies and Procedures Introduction 1.2 Philosophy The philosophy of the Financial Aid Office (FAO) is to help students obtain their goal of higher education, which might not be possible without assistance. PAY & BENEFITS. During the initial part of the programme, OSD gives a presentation on OSD and the role of the FAOR (OSD Presentation for FAORs). The Navy Foreign Area Officer (FAO) Community is a stand-alone Restricted Line Community offering world-wide assignment opportunities to qualified Naval Officers. (Abridged version). The FAOR should be provided with the latest “pdf” printout of the staffing list available from COIN. - Once a FAOR has been appointed, a briefing programme is prepared by OSD in consultation with the RO concerned. OSD will continue to provide guidance and maintain an oversight function on HR matters in Country Offices, promoting a harmonized implementation of corporate policies, standards and procedures. LOGIN 3) appointment of the FAOR. The Director-General selects the candidate/s to be interviewed on the basis of the submission made by OSD. Our Mission • The role of HR is to ensure that WFP has the appropriate composition of staff who are well prepared and supported to carry out their assignments so that the organization succeeds in its mandate. You are not signed in. 3. Sign In / Create Profile. A reference manual. For more details, please refer to the section on Staff Development and training, elsewhere in this Manual. - Module 4: Leadership, motivation, team building and conflict management. In their capacity as Budget Holders of the FAOR Country Office Network in the regions, the Regional Representatives have received responsibility for various aspects of  the management of staff in the  FAOR country offices, details of which are provided in this chapter.  These responsibilities are included in the overall processes of HR management as operated by CSP and the SSC. NEOCS MANUAL VOL I. NEOCS MANUAL VOL II. 14 January, 2015, Country Classification in relation to Standard Staffing Models. Your session will end in 20 minutes. The general briefing provided by OSD is complemented by the Regional Office with more detailed information on country specific issues related to office management. Management of agricultural research: a training manual. Therefore, the briefing should provide an overview of the main issues in this area and an explanation of the procedural aspects related to the operations of the Imprest Account, including the function available in COIN to modify the Panel of Signatories. - Module 1: Institutional agricultural research: organization and management. - Introduction to COIN and Guidelines on its use However presently, poultry units with fewer than 5,000 birds Also brief and debrief staff members in conjunction with HR Management System. Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. This area is covered in detail by CSF during the briefing at HQ. - Host Country Agreement (sample agreement) FAO is grateful to the UNAIDS Secretariat, which has kindly permitted FAO to use and adapt the UNAIDS ”Competency-based interviewing. Introductory module. Other country-specific issues may be discussed, including, for example, common services, plans for UN common initiatives, etc. As in the case of other senior managerial staff, the selection process of FAO Representatives requires the identification of potential candidates through, an Internal Expression of Interest, vacancy announcements as well as through other outreach approaches. - OSD prepares the DG Bulletin announcing the appointment of the new FAOR; Welcome. The curricula vitae of all qualified candidates are inserted in the roster of potential candidates for FAOR positions, currently maintained by OSD. In this respect, the FAOR should be requested to organize a monthly meeting with the Country Office staff responsible for the budget to review and discuss the PBR and agree on any measures required to ensure that the available resources are appropriately managed and monitored. Obtaining formal government clearance of selected candidate. - Circular of Responsibilities and Relationships A guide for selection panel members” for the production of this booklet. - Manual Section 118 on FAO Representatives  Local contracts are recorded in COIN and are used by the budget holder (RO) to determine the budgetary resources required by each Country Office to meet the related obligations. The process of identification and selection of potential candidates for vacant FAOR positions is lead by OSD, who is also responsible for managing appointment and transfer of incumbents. The briefing should also include an explanation of what the individual budget accounts are set up for, the main criteria, rules and practices related to their utilization. OSD will also continue to carry overall responsibility for the review of FAOR staffing models in close consultation with the Regional Representative. Provide advice to clients concerning all human resource matters requiring extensive reference to FAO Manual on established practices and procedures and prepare correspondence and reports on these matters. 9. The United Nations Charter is the treaty that established the United Nations, and includes the purposes and principles, membership, and organs of the United Nations, among other things. MORE INFO. Staff Resources (HR) 2.1. NOTICE: The Naval Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) in its current form was first issued under Navy Regulations, 1990, Article 0105. The 3rd edition of the FAO Manual incorporates the current working principles applied by the FAO Panel for evaluation of pesticide residues to recommend maximum residue levels, STMR and HR values and to assess the dietary exposure of consumers. - Module 5: Managing human resources. Table of Contents Irrigation Water Management: Irrigation Methods Table of Contents Training manual no 5 Provisional edition a manual prepared jointly by C. Brouwer International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement and K. Prins, Consultant M. Kay, Consultant M. Heibloem FAO Land and Water Development Division FAO - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED … However, the RO interacts with CSF on relevant issues (opening of new bank accounts, approval of new signatories, etc). PAY & BENEFITS. - FAOR Reporting Guidelines 1.2.4 Policy Development Responsibility for Institutional Policy Development The same procedure applies, mutatis mutandis, to the extension of Deputy Regional Representatives and Subregional Coordinators. The Human Resources Officer reports to the Human Resources Officer supervising the Social Security Branch, OHRS. - Standard of Conduct for the International Civil Servant Upon receipt by the Director-General of the government communication formally endorsing the proposed candidature, the following actions are undertaken: To note that the following material is provided by OSD during the briefing at HQ: The authority to confirm the appointment of FAORs at the end of the probationary period and to extend the assignments of FAORs rests with the Director-General. Today, 1 April 2021, the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, had a virtual meeting, with Dr Jim Godfrey, Chair Board of Trustees of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Dr Jean Balié, Director-General, (IRRI). [1973] Maunder A.H.; FAO, Rome (Italy). Imprest Account and Panel of Signatories 8. You will be prompted to provide criteria for locating a specific After a thorough assessment, OSD submits to the Director-General a shortlist with the names of three or more candidates for a specific position, including a brief assessment and summary curriculum vitae of each candidate for consideration. Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform Div. Other office management information rent (if applicable), FAO’s contractual obligations, status of the office, need for renovation, security-related considerations, which may lead to a move to different premises, etc. Local Contracts The briefing programme at HQ, prepared and coordinated by OSD, varies from 2 to 4 weeks, and includes a general briefing on roles and functions of the Organization, as well as on the management of the Country Office. Six to twelve months after arrival at their duty station, FAORs also receive follow-up/refresher briefings, generally conceived as group events for a limited number of FAORs and often combined with specialized training provided through CSPL in the context of continued staff development efforts. FAO is dedicated to recruiting the best staff possible, hiring internationally minded people to carry out its work toward the eradication of hunger. - OSD informs the FAO country office concerned of the appointment of the new FAOR and the tentative date of arrival, requesting them to formally notify the government by way of a Note Verbale, using the CV provided by OSD; The process for the recruitment and briefing of FAORs is detailed below. Human Resources Manual - Doc Download ... FAO / Bay of Bengal project “Development of Micro Enterprises” * Australia India International Education Foundation. Human Resources Handbook (HR Handbook) This online Handbook is the place to access source documents underpinning the UN regulatory framework. - Draft Letter of Appointment, reflecting the TORs When the candidate is informally accepted by the government, an official letter of submission is transmitted from the Director-General to the Minister of Foreign Affairs with copies to the Minister for Agriculture and the Permanent Representative. Their aim is to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and to enable every man, woman and child to live in dignity and freedom. 2.2. A detailed review of the most recent Periodic Budgetary Report (PBR) is considered essential as it provides specific information about the budget status of the office. Maintain complete and detailed personnel files of the national personnel staff of FAO. Reference documents concerning FAO Representatives are also available from the Resources box on the right. • Provide advice to clients concerning all HR matters, requiring extensive reference to FAO Manual based practices, procedures and prepare reports on such matters. This includes staffing issues, budget and finance matters, and other managerial and administrative aspects related to the functioning of the country office. Assets and Vehicles The Regional Representatives are responsible for the supervision and performance assessment of the FAORs operating in the region (see the Performance Evaluation page on this manual for more details). 4. This document is the property of FAO and is intended for internal use only. Jobs at FAO. If this is the case, the FAOR should be provided with a report on the status of the contribution (available from COIN) and advice on any follow up action that may be required (e.g. Interviewing selected candidates.