Please login I have lost the Confirmation of Entry the centre gave me.
an employer, an educational institution, etc.) to use anytime, anywhere for both candidates and institutions. The Results Verification Service is best viewed in Google Chrome.  Please read the site Terms of Use. Results Verification Service. What is my secret number? Our guide gives you step by step instructions to get you started. document.write(year)
There is no charge for using the Results Verification Service. Individual candidates KET and PET exams candidates have direct access to their results via the Cambridge English Language Assessment Online Results Service. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications, Novel coronavirus - Information for schools about the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, Online Learning – professional development, register your institution’s admission policy. This is a free service offered by Cambridge. The free service is secure, easy to use, and means you can be certain that a candidate’s result is valid. Where do Cambridge qualifications take you? However, if you are a language school or preparation centre, please use our Preparation Centre Results Service as described at Information about Exam Results. Educational institutions, employers and government agencies can register to use this free service to verify results using a simple online registration process. KET and PET exams candidates now have direct access to their results via the Cambridge English Language Assessment Online Results Service. Introducing our new results verification service. A Certifying Statement is the only certificate replacement service that we offer. If you have any questions, please email Keep up to date with news from Cambridge and its schools around the world. If you don't get the email: Contact us with any questions or comments: By registering for the Results Service, you will be notified by email as soon as your results are released. We aim to respond to you within five UK working days. There is no charge for using the Results Verification Service. We also encourage students to visit universities own websites for further information on their courses. We’ll send you an email confirming when your results are ready. Helpful articles regarding Cambridge English exam results. For the use of the Results Service, Cambridge Assessment English will use the personal data provided at the registration of your exam to set up a personal login. 1 - Register If this is your first time using the site, you will need to register. The digital Academic Verification Document can be requested in CamSIS self-service via the Academic tile (alumni can access via Extended Self-Service). We use cookies. If you need your Certifying Statement urgently you can select the fast track service and your application will be processed within 7 working days of when we receive confirmation of payment. The new Results Verification Service is designed to help universities, employers and government agencies to quickly and securely validate candidates’ Cambridge English examination results.
Your centre gave you a letter about accessing the candidate results website. for learners and teachers of English language. View the >Direct user guide (PDF, 1MB). This brochure is designed to give you all the information you need about the Verification Service and how to register to use it. Each candidate's personal timetable will include login details and candidates will also receive an e-mail notifying them that the results release period has begun. Cambridge Assessment English Results Verification Service Cambridge Assessment English have introduced a Results Verification Service to help organisations, individuals and agencies validate quickly and securely candidates’ Cambridge English qualifications results. Once you have requested your document it should be available within five working days. There is a further charge for this service. About us. If you have questions about your grade, talk to your school first who will be able to advise you. From March 2011 Cambridge English has introduced Extended Certification, which is aimed at giving many candidates additional credit for the language skills they have demonstrated in a Cambridge English examination. The enhanced service gives institutions, employers and government agencies the ability to verify candidateâs results more effectively. Results Verification Service Apply here to create a Results Verification Service account for your organisation. Also below is a guide for universities about how to access Cambridge results, together with frequently asked questions. Once you have submitted this form we will acknowledge your request within two working days and you will receive an email to say your account has been approved.
If you have taken a different exam, please speak to your centre in order to request your results. This is a free service offered by Cambridge. Preparation Centre Results Online. Your centre gave you a letter about accessing the candidate results website. „Cambridge Assessment English‟ is an operating name for the division of UCLES based at The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA. 3. The result of each applicant is checked against our permanent record and the verification supplied is based wholly on that record. applicant results can be quickly and easily verified. Verification is the process of ensuring that original documents are genuine. By continuing to use this website you are giving your consent for us to, B1 Business Preliminary (BEC Preliminary), International language standards explained, Qualifications for schools and ministries, Become a Cambridge English Assessment Specialist, help article about viewing your exam results online on the Candidates Portal, Verify individuals or groups who have shared their results, Download results using customisable templates, Set up custom email alerts to let you know when results have been shared, Use API functionality to integrate with your own database. If you would like to apply for this service please complete the online application form below. The enhanced service gives institutions, employers and government agencies the ability to verify candidate’s results more effectively. Statements of Results are released online, approximately four to six weeks after the exam for paper-based exams, and two to three weeks after the exam for computer-based exams. Cambridge can provide Admissions Office staff from universities with access to our secure website, Cambridge International Direct (>Direct), so they can view and verify students’ results online. Copyright ©
Check the authenticity of Cambridge English results by using our free online Results Verification Service. On registration of the Site we will collect your e-mail address. Results Verification Service | Cambridge Assessment English The old Results Verification Service website was decommissioned on February 12th 2020. The database includes admission policies from universities worldwide and is a useful resource for Cambridge schools and students. Your ID number is on the letter. Extended certification From March 2011 Cambridge English has introduced Extended Certification, which is aimed at giving many candidates additional credit for the language skills they have demonstrated in a Cambridge English examination. You will be able to see an applicant’s Statement of Results and a photo taken on the day of the test. This is why we have an ‘enquiries about results’ service. User information. Â UCLES, We use cookies. If you are a student that has taken exams and you wish to check your results, or share them with an organisation you have applied to, please refer to this help article about viewing your exam results online on the Candidates Portal. only approved organisations can verify results. The free, secure IELTS Results Verification Service allows organisations to quickly verify that an applicant is presenting a genuine Test Report Form by checking that the results you receive match the results held on the IELTS database. We take great care in marking and grading your work, but occasionally something can go wrong. The Cambridge Assessment English Results Verification Service at A fee per certificate per student will be charged for this service, which is included on the form. The Customer Support team provides support for candidates, authorised exam centres, teachers and anyone else with a question about Cambridge Assessment English exams, products and services. We use cookies. var today = new Date()
It has 3 letters and 6 numbers. Organisations can use our free, secure and user-friendly Online Verification Service to check the validity of Cambridge English results instantly. Enter your email address and choose a password. A password reset email has been sent to you and this will arrive within a few minutes. The majority of your students’ results will be available at the start of the release window, with any outstanding results being released in the days following. What should I do? The email contains a link which is valid for 24 hours. 4. Cambridge English’s user-friendly Results Verification Service simplifies this process and helps to prevent fraud by allowing institutions to check this information quickly and easily. Have as many users as you need at your institution. Verification Service. Cambridge can provide Admissions Office staff from universities with access to our secure website, Cambridge International Direct (>Direct), so they can view and verify students’ results online. Results for computer-based tests are released around two to three weeks after the exam. Results Online is available for the following Cambridge English exams. You will need to provide information on which Cambridge International qualifications you recognise such as Cambridge International AS & A Level, Cambridge Pre-U, Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level. A2 Key - previously known as Cambridge English: Key (KET) It has 4 numbers. So, if you are a university, company or other institution that needs to verify results of applicants to your organisation, we strongly encourage you to please register and start using the new Results Verification Service as described on this page. There is no charge for using the Results Verification Service. This can be used to validate your attendance and academic award. Your secret number is on the letter. Kings College - Cambridge). Select the relevant organisation from the drop down list and then click Send my result: If you are presented with a list of organisations with the same name (e.g. Go to the Cambridge English Online Results Service and click on the Register button. If you would like to apply for this service please complete the online application form below. Cambridge students and academic organisations can apply to us for verification of results. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to. Enter your Candidate ID and Secret Number from your Confirmation of Entry. The verifying authority is confirming the validity of the document to the person/organisation relying on the verified document (e.g. The old Results Verification Service website was decommissioned on February 12th 2020. Before verifying, we will check your documents with the issuing authority for confirmation on their originality. developed and operated by Cambridge Assessment English. Extended certification From March 2011 Cambridge Assessment English has introduced Extended Certification, which is aimed at giving many candidates additional credit for the language skills they have demonstrated in a Cambridge Assessment English examination. Extended certification. By continuing to use this website you are giving your consent for us to set cookies Dismiss var year = today.getFullYear()
The Statement of Results can also be accessed on the online Results Verification Service, which allows recognising organisations to securely verify results. Each candidate's personal timetable will include login details and candidates will also receive an e-mail notifying them that the results release period has begun. Please note that you will need to know the students' Cambridge centre number, candidate number, date of birth and the relevant exam series in order to view the results. The service is secure, easy to use, and means you can be certain that a candidate’s result is valid. Cambridge Assessment International Education, Find out how to become a Cambridge school. Kings College), make sure you select the correct organisation from the relevant country/city (e.g. Cambridge English Results Verification Service The University of Cambridge has introduced a Results Verification Service to help organisations, individuals and agencies to validate quickly and securely candidates’ Cambridge English examination results. There is no charge for using the Results Verification Service. Click the Register button and complete the online registration form. This will be used in future to verify your identity on entering the Site. Cambridge English Results Verification Service The University of Cambridge has introduced a Results Verification Service to help organisations, individuals and agencies to validate quickly and securely candidates’ Cambridge English examination results. While applying for Direct access, you can also register your institution’s admission policy by providing a statement for our Recognition database. You can check the authenticity of any Cambridge English result by using our free online Results Verification Service. This secure and easy-to-use feature is an invaluable tool for verifying test results. Up to four verified (stamped and signed) photocopies per document would b… To register for the Results Verification Service visit and complete the form. Extended certification From March 2011 Cambridge English has introduced Extended Certification, which is aimed at giving many candidates additional credit for the language skills they have demonstrated in a Cambridge English examination. If your organisation needs to check a student's results, please ask the student to complete the Verification of Results Application Form and return it to us with a copy of the certificate to be verified.