“Much like the previous person, I have depression and extreme fatigue due to Crohn’s Disease. Today I switched to Vyvanse for good. On Adderrall immediate release I would initially get a rush of energy and focus and after 4-5 hours I would be all blah. Not a good medicine if you are not okay with losing weight.”, For ADHD: “A total life changer! It’s been like this for months. This has been an absolute MIRACLE and has changed my life ten fold. Wishing you all peace, wellness, and a good experience with Vyvanse like I have had so far.”, For ADHD: “I struggled with Manic Depression, PTSD, minor bipolar, and ADHD since I was around 6yro. My older kids have noticed my home is cleaner, up earlier in the mornings, I can stay on one train of thought before moving on to another, and my younger kids are happy that their mother can play with them without running off to the bathroom after 10min because I couldn't stop crying. For ADHD: “I have seen mental health experts on and off for over 50 yrs. But I went from 142 lbs to 117 lbs. I can focus...have energy and completely have increased my energy. So I switched to Vyvanse. I have only been using it for a little over a month, but so far I have not noticed any side effects and I feel like I have my life back.”, For ADHD: “I'm going to start with the negatives then positives in regards to vyvanse. Despite the claims, it is not non-addictive and it does cause addiction in some individuals. This information is NOT intended to endorse any particular medication. I usually eat just fruits and veggies small portions. Depression is found among people who take Vyvanse, especially for people who are female, 10-19 old, have been taking the drug for < 1 month. Take it too late, I'm wired and unable to sleep. Vyvanse is a stimulant medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It causes moodiness, angry outbursts, and paranoia. Depression and Vyvanse So I started taking Vyvanse 3 weeks ago and noticed that when I'm not occupied my depression symptoms seems to be more apparent. I can feel when my body is satiated AND am able to stop eating. How soon for Vyvanse to start working and how long does it last? I’ve been on Adderrall, differing doses for at least 8 years, maybe more, and the one difference I can already tell is that Vyvanse has a much smoother delivery than Adderrall does. I would notice my depression would get worse which made my attention span shorter but after several years I decided to enter nursing school and right off the bat my fundamentals teacher told me that I was struggling to pay attention and that I seemed tired and so she advised me to go see a different psychiatrist. Summary: Overall ratings: 3.5/5. I drink a lot of water, and it does "stimulate" my GI tract. Literally feels like Vaseline over your eyes. Adderall, Vyvanse, methylphenidate, Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera. Doses may be increased by 10-20 mg/day at weekly intervals. That is just my opinion. Things have gotten so bad that I’m on disability and sleep 12-16 hours a day. I've been on so many medications over the past 20 years, it's hard to remember them all, but my First day taking Vyvanse - it was like the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders for the first time in my life! TO NO LONGER BE A PRISONER TO FOOD IS AN AMAZING, FREEING FEELING. If I took it too early, it wore off. I have spent most of my days in bed; No energy what-so-ever. I feel vyvanse prevents me from feeling happy in life it makes me feel really sad or bored all the time and it's getting really annoying, I notice that when I've taken it I don't want to eat and I have to force myself to eat, it doesn't feel like eating just chewing and swallowing. This holds true for both first time and chronic abusers. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 1 Apr 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 5 Apr 2021), ASHP (updated 6 Apr 2021) and others. Vyvanse was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in July 2007. They may recommend that you slowly taper off the medication to help you avoid or reduce withdrawal symptoms. I gained 100lb in a year and finally decided to try Vyvanse to curb the habit & I don’t think I’ll ever look back. I received genetic testing and it came back that my body doesn’t metabolize Concerta very well. I got everything done in a timely manner. My doctor prescribed me this in hopes of it boosting my energy. I don’t feel anxiety or depressed anymore. Common sense, but the pharma companies can't profit from it. The "Vyvyanse Crash" is real, in my experience, as many others have observed. You may not have the experience with it that I or others did. Ritalin vs Vyvanse - What's the difference between them. Started Vyvanse 6 months ago and didn't think it worked at first, so stopped. It was a complete gamechanger. I was worried that my heart was going to be pounding out of my chest and I was going to feel like I had drank 10 cups of coffee, but it wasn't that feeling at all. Is it okay to take Vyvanse while on birth control? At 43 years old, I had no faith what so ever that Vyvanse could help me. I believe this is because in the US of the massive profitability pharmaceutical experience in developing new drugs for every affliction. Struggled my entire life with food. ... MAOIs are used to treat illnesses such as depression and Parkinson’s disease. Held him back in first that helped a little. I ended up being up all night writing what IDK (as I can't even read it) But Idon know that I didn't get any of the work done that I had intended to do. I don’t know what happened, but it is devastating: I am so tired all the time, have no drive to do anything, binge eat everyday, I’m angry and irritable. Good luck to all. 73% of those users who reviewed Lisdexamfetamine reported a positive effect, while 27% reported a negative effect. It is absolutely amazing how quickly and effectively Vyvanse worked for my two kids. I am very anxious and find that at times it exacerbates my anxiety, but I stay at a low dose (20 mg) to mitigate that.”, For Binge Eating Disorder: “I was 306lb in Aug. 2019 I started taking vyvanse to treat my ADD and binge eating....I had to start low 10mg. This is known as a Vyvanse crash. depression; If you want to stop taking Vyvanse, talk to your doctor. Even if I am very stressed/bored and I emotionally feel like I want a binge, it’s almost like Vyvanse is blocking my consciousness from entering that state. This was a life changer for me.”, For Binge Eating Disorder: “I'm in my early 50s & struggled with BE for years. I’m a shell of myself. Because of this, I suffered depression and lack of self esteem because I thought others were better or smarter than me. Buy Vyvanse Online (Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate) Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate is a white to off-white powder that is soluble in water (792 mg/mL).Vyvanse capsules contain 40 mg, 60 mg, and 70 mg of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate and the following inactive ingredients:. He prescribed Vyvanse. Is Vyvanse a controlled substance / narcotic drug? It's like a miracle! Vyvanse is FDA-approved to treat children and adults with ADHD as well as adult binge eating disorder. Off-label uses for Vyvanse include treating depression but the FDA has made it clear that Vyvanse is not a weight-loss drug Vyvanse comes in chewable tablets and capsules. I’m in the masters program now and my life has flipped a 180. Everyone's physiology is different, so give Vyvance a try. I read through the reviews & was desperate for anything. That started several years ago. At this time there’s no generic of Vyvanse. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Teacher said it was like a fog lifted. This means that Vyvanse may be more expensive than other ADHD medications, most of which have a generic option. Very unusual. But for real if you take vyvanse please do not take it with an aspirin. It allows me to focus on the task that I have in front of me and complete it. My grades in high school weren't bad, but they definitely could have been better if I didn't procrastinate and be lazy all of the time and keep putting things off. It's a very subtle medication that I find gives me the alertness I need to not feel panicky on a day to day basis.”, “I suffer from paralyzing anxiety that came on when I was 36 and I'm now 40. I can go an entire day and not think about food, which is a miracle. Side effects: FREEZING COLD HANDS. Thanks for reading!”, For ADHD: “I'm in my 40s and have known I had ADHD for a long time but never had the desire to go on medication for it. I feel absolutely normal!!”. Some people like Adderall some people like Vyvanse. This is a miracle drug. Vyvanse, used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD), is one of the most commonly prescribed brand-name drugs in the US. I encourage anyone who starts taking vyvanse to give it a fair chance, let your body adjust, and try to find what dose works best for you. You might be surprised by the answer! Vyvanse truly does make a difference.”, “Everyone is different. How long does Vyvanse stay in your system? Now with a good job, a new house, and the desire to complete an advanced degree, I felt it was finally time to have a go. Subscribe to Drugs.com newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Vyvanse is basically a legal amphetamine and the body takes time to react to it and eventually builds tolerance to it. All my hard work just disappeared. I know I've had depression for awhile but during my brilliant clarity while taking Vyvanse, I feel it's effects even more than usual. The initial recommended dose is 30 mg taken once in the morning; if needed, doses can be increased in 10 mg increments until the maximum dose of 70 mg is reached. It’s much subtle and I don’t crash like I do with Adderal. Scared me to death to put him on medicines, 100% difference. Depression: While many people use Vyvanse to treat depression, some individuals actually become depressed as a result of Vyvanse. As a result of my mood improving dramatically on more of a stimulant type of medication, and the fact that I smoke cigarettes and drink plenty of coffee, I was prescribed a CNS stimulant to try. Wish I found this decades ago but so grateful I'm on it now. Facebook. With Vyvanse I get 10-14 hours of relief and at the end of the day there is a gentle come down that doesn’t leave me an anxious wreck. I am SO happy with Vyvanse, and think I’m finally ready to get off my Suboxone soon. I began taking 50 mg Vyvanse August 2016, and currently take the same amount. Never diagnosed other than it's just the way I am and your getting by. 21 years old in CC planning to transfer soon and much more motivated and driven. But not bad.”, For ADHD: “I started taking Vyvanse sophomore year of high school and my grades went up and I actually became a good student. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -. I know everyone reacts differently to medications, but this saved my life. I hope it continues, because I have never felt so much gratitude, peace, happiness and in control as I do now. I was prescribed Adderall at first for my depression. It is trial and error to find the right dose AND right timing. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Best part, it didn't interrupt my sleep. when i first started taking the drug i noticed that i was more clear headed and driven through the day. Anxiety, agitation, palpitations, unable to socialize all horrible for day to day living. I'm currently on 70mg once a day in the morning for the past 6 months. Hassle to get in KY”, “I feel great after taking Vyvanse! Ritalin vs Vyvanse - What's the difference between them? My provider said drinking OJ or grapefruit juice will flush from your system more quickly if you can't sleep. SUBSCRIBE for good luck: https://bit.ly/2m2QIYB When I wake up the drug is active and working. 73% of those users who reviewed Lisdexamfetamine reported a positive effect, while 27% reported a … But if you take it in the evening because you forgot to in the morning, and you may or may not have been doing any of your homework and that particular day you wanted to be the best you wanted to be and focus on your work (you know?) Over a span of about 2 years I lost 70 pounds and got into the best shape of my life. Not only am I not eating NEARLY as much as I use to, but I also don't snack, and I also eat small portions, I am so much happier, and the weight is just shedding off. Lisdexamfetamine has an average rating of 7.5 out of 10 from a total of 11 ratings for the treatment of Depression. One more thing. Adderall made me very aware that I was on medication, whereas Vyvanse is much less intense and has a very smooth feeling.”, For ADHD: “I've had issues trying to retain information and understanding test questions and there were days where I felt very tired and depressed to were I couldn't wake up though after forcing myself to get out of bed. It's like somebody turned on a light switch. On day 1 my obsession with food just stopped! My straight D GPA skyrocketed to a straight 99% in every single class. Depression: Symptoms, Types and Diagnosis, Female Sexual Dysfunction: Diagnosis and Treatment Options, Antidepressants: Options, Advantages, and Precautions, Antidepressant Medications and Alcohol Interactions. I have to say that this medication has really given me this new look out on life. We take a deep look at the question: Can Vyvanse cause depression? If anyone else experienced this I’d love to hear about it.”, For Binge Eating Disorder: “I recently stopped Adderal after attempting to quit for years. I don't get quite the same effect anymore but it definitely makes me able to get up and stay up throughout the day. I hope this is helpful.”, For ADHD: “My son who is nine was just started on Vyvanse for ADD. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 1 Apr 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 5 Apr 2021), ASHP (updated 6 Apr 2021) and others. The recommended starting dose of Vyvanse for treating ADHD in adults is 30 mg and for pediatric patients ages (6-12) it is 20 to 30 mg once daily in the morning. We struggled with from preschool to third grade. Grades were always so-so cause you could forget trying to sit down and read a book or study. I still get depressed if I take more than my normal 25mg dose, but the antidepressents have pretty much gotten rid of it. he started me on 30mg and had to move me up to 50mg after 2 weeks because it was wearing off half way through the day and i would get extremely tired. I moved from 20mg to 30mg a month after I started and haven't looked back. But for me I now way 220lb...so in about 6 and half months I'm 85lbs down! Cheers”, For ADHD: “As a 44 year old male, who recently went for treatment of this problem.