Main Cause Leonard tried to get into the Umbrella Academy but was turned away. Vanya tells Sissy that Carl already knows she had an affair. This caused her amnesia to resolve and all of her memories flooded back. Season 1 of The Umbrella Academy began at a very auspicious moment. All Vanya ever really wanted was to feel accepted and loved by her family, if they did just that Vanya would of never become a danger . As the rest of the Umbrella Academy members \"Number Five\" was born on October 1st 1989, somehow he ended up in Sir Reginald Hargreeves' hands, where was raised by him and Grace- who he called dad and mom. But seriously, no pressure or anything. Vanya also told Sissy that Carl had threatened to send Harlen to a facility. The Umbrella Academy, now available on Netflix, is about a dysfunctional family of superheroes — The Monocle, Spaceboy, The Kraken, The Rumor, The Séance, Number Five, The Horror, and The White Violin — who work together to solve their father’s mysterious death. All-Out War Between Russia and the United States Of America. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Real Meaning of The Umbrella Academy Season 1's Ending. The second season of The Umbrella Academy feels familiar but creates new storylines to take full advantage of what already has been built within the universe of The Umbrella Academy. The 1963 apocalypse is an event that concurred in The Umbrella Academy. (Remember when the Hargreeves caused the apocalypse by trying to prevent it?) Luther created an issue that was not only extremely obvious to the viewers, but even to the siblings who hadn’t cared about Vanya for their whole lives. 1963 Apocalypse The Umbrella Academy had subtle teases through the whole first season that Vanya Hargreeves was the trigger of the apocalypse – and here’s what those clues are.The Umbrella Academy is a series of comic books created by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá and which made the jump to TV/streaming thanks to Netflix.The first season of The Umbrella Academy was released in February … People were about to become privy to the information needed without the drama that happened after five came back again. The Umbrella Academy comes to Netflix on July 31st! Russian PopulationU.S PopulationThe Umbrella Academy HazelNumber Five Dislike the hero and feel sympathy for the villian and I don't know which is which. All while being hunted by a trio of ruthless Swedish assassins. The Umbrella Academy all started with a mysterious event.On October 1, 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth at the same time, the only issues being that none of them were pregnant when the day began and all the children were born with superpowers. Cause Five ensured that his siblings weren't blitzed to a pulp by the apocalypse … I'll try to find an image to include when I'm off of work, but for now you can see one here:The Umbrella Academy's Ending Was Revealed In Episode 3. One of her interrogators questions how she knows her name but nothing else, and believes that she is Russian. All-Out War Between Russia and the United States Of America Luther went from decent and naive to my least favorite asswipe in the finale. Russia nukes back and this starts an all-out war between between Russia and the U.S.A. Spoilers ahead for The Umbrella Academy Season 2. The Umbrella Academy has both a very conclusive ending and no ending at all. Hazel. The Hargreeves siblings were able to prevent another apocalypse of their own design on planet Earth. So who dies in The Umbrella Academy Season 2? Short And Not-So-“Suite” In The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite 5 min read Reading Time: 4 minutes A look into the action-packed, dark, and bloody world of Umbrella Academy's first volume: Apocalypse Suite. The 1963 apocalypse is an event that concurred in The Umbrella Academy.After being transported back in time, the Hargreeves siblings were separated throughout the timeline, but luckily they were only years and not decades apart. The U.S.A nukes Russia after the incident with Russia, thinking that she's a Russian spy. It was a dick move when Vanya turned herself in for forgiveness and Luther acted like a decent brother only to trick her at the end. When the police corner them, Vanya uses her powers, but is hit and knocked unconscious. His … Luther fucked it all up because he was stubborn and wanted to assert his leadership for what he thought was best, ignoring any input from his siblings to release Vanya. Vanya wakes up in custody of the FBI again and finds herself connected to some kind of interrogation machine which delivers high shocks of electricity. The Umbrella Academy, based on the acclaimed Dark Horse comic series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba, arrives Friday on Netflix, introducing viewers to the dysfunctional family of superheroes who must overcome their differences if they have any hopes of saving the world.. Next If he hadn't locked her up, they could have worked with Vanya to overcome her own trauma, but instead he locks her in the room that was a major source of her trauma, leading to her mental breakdown. He raised the Umbrella Academy from children to be fighters and to always think of … It was a rational move that is 100% the move to make with the info he had. Where did they end up and when When they time… Fans of superheroes, tactful music choices and heartfelt stories will … 'Umbrella Academy' Ending Explained: What Vanya's Powers and the Apocalypse Number 5 Foresaw Means for Season 2 By Andrew Whalen On 2/19/19 at 5:19 PM EST Share In Season 2, the FBI suspects that Vanya is a Russian communist agent after an altercation with the police while trying to flee with Sissy. In some of the most thrilling scenes of Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy, the titular team of super-kids turned neurotic adults faces apocalypse.. That shouldn’t be a surprise. The Umbrella Academy foils a robbery at a … The moon begins to break apart. Right and then Luther who has no faith in Allison and always wants to be in control of everything ruins it again. The Umbrella AcademyRussian ArmyU.S Army. Conveyance of The Umbrella Academy to 2019 Before Season 1. Unnamed man- Neck snapped by Diego As we await news of a season-three renewal for Netflix’s “The Umbrella Academy,” let’s discuss some of the lingering questions left behind after the season-two finale, “The End of Something Five and the rest of the members travel back in time in the final moments. Based on the Dark Horse comic series by My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way, this subreddit is for discussions, pictures, drawings, cosplays, news and anything else to do with the Umbrella Academy. Enter Leonard Peabody (John Magoro) - one of the 36 non-adopted babies (remember them?). Will they ever learn? Luckily, thanks to Hazel, the apocalypse was reversed. Look at Grace's embroidery back in episode 3. Agreed, I’m loving the parallels between Vanya and Klaus, both locked up by their father for powers that were scary/confusing to them, both ridiculed by their siblings, both experiencing their powers now in new ways they’ve never seen before. About a month after Vanya's arrival, she was arrested by the FBI, due to Carl surrounding the area with cops and interrogated. Agreed, I thought Luther took too much pride in being “number one” or the leader; and his condescending attitude to Klaus and Vanya kinda made me dislike him near the end. He talks Russian to her and she is unexpectedly able to communicate and understand him too. Deaths Eventually, Sissy agrees and tells Vanya and Harlan to leave first because she had to get the Jar of money she saved up. Soon, her memories are restored, and she escapes the cell, using her powers to levitate above the building. She is given LSD via eye drops, which causes severe hallucinations. When Vanya sees Allison watching her concert, she snaps out of the trance for a moment and smiles. So I thought it was like the fuse was already lit and they just had to stop her from finishing. She tries to use her powers on him, but is pulled away and subdued by the nurse. It's a tall task, given their backgrounds: In 1989, 43 children were born on the same day across the globe, to random … Also Luther was literally going away with Allison, so he couldn't lock Vanya away. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Umbrella Academy Season 2, streaming now on Netflix.. Sissy is confused and reluctant to leave without telling Carl. Allison marries Raymond Chestnut, Klaus starts a cult, Luther becomes a boxer, Diego becomes hospitalized after attempting to kill Oswald, and Vanya moves into a farm with Sissy. The FBI viewed her as a Russian communist. She accidentally made her power erupt through the hallway, and she went haywire once again. If they just watched her concert and clapped for her that would’ve had such a different outcome lol. This means a similar structure, another Apocalypse… I think that was done on purpose. The Academy fights back. So, he acts out his revenge by helping to bring about the apocalypse. Previous About a month after Vanya's arrival, she was arrested by the FBI, due to Carl surrounding the area with cops and interrogated. Let’s discuss the interrogation. Ahhh, I’m excited to see how they both develop going forward. Escaped one Apocalypse without saving the world, The Umbrella Academy time travels back to the past, where another one is waiting for them. The Umbrella Academy unleashes a lot of fun, action and social issues with a fresh yet familiar setup. Per Netflix’s description of the season, “Now the Umbrella Academy must find a way to reunite, figure out what caused doomsday, put a stop to it, and return to the present timeline to stop that other apocalypse. This caused an All-Out war between the two countries, causing the Apocalypse. Is Vanya the reason for the apocalypse in The Umbrella Academy Season 2? It won the 2008 Eisner Award for Best Finite Series/Limited Series. The issue is that was the optimal play from 5's point of view. The results were catastrophic, with trillions of deaths and acres of rubble and destroyed landscapes. Their plan fails when Vanya uses her power to suspend them all in the air, connected to her by energy tendrils and draining the life from them. The agent remarks that the government takes a communist threat seriously. The siblings are scattered throughout the timeline, years apart from each other. Reversal The U.S saw her as a Russian spy, so they nuked Russia, and Russia attacked back. After killing Leonard, when she gets to the Academy and Luther says it's ok, she can stay because that's her house and hug her, you can clearly see that she relaxed and felt safe, I though everything was gonna be ok and the comission would be the final villian. Read the full review of The Umbrella Academy season 2, here. Affected Rescuing Vanya From The FBI Season 1 We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals. Only in hindsight do we see the issue. knew more then he was ever able to pass on. Behind Vanya, Allison aims a gun at her head. The difference is that 5 didn’t have enough information to know that the timeline he fucked up could have led to the best outcome and future - in his and everyone else’s mind, that timeline would result in the end of the world so it makes sense for him to destroy that timeline. 5 fucked it up because he literally didn’t have the information to have known any better. But seeing as how Vanya smiled at Allison, maybe the clapping ending would’ve worked. Vanya and Allison even had a sweet microsecond where they smiled at each other during the concert, making me believe that Vanya would have calmed down if she’d seen genuine support from her family. Vanya wakes up and learns that Sissy and Harlan have been released back to Carl. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They all start new lives in the timeline. At its very root, the apocalypse was caused by Sir Reginald Hargreeves. The Umbrella Academy season 2 went out with a bang! The pieces crash into earth, destroying homes, oceans, and landscapes. First thing she said was it was not her fault, it was an accident, "everything happened so fast". Luther, however, did have the information to know that Vanya was more volatile when upset and also ignored his siblings intervention to try help, not reject Vanya. Which I think will be an interesting dynamic and bond between Klaus and Vanya next season, both of whom are starting to develop the full extent of their powers. The first two paragraphs are free of spoilers for those who want an overview of analysis without any plot points revealed (don’t click on the hyperlinks, though!) Notice how she only asks for forgiveness when she got locked up. Casualties B ut seriously, no pressure or anything.” Now the Umbrella Academy must find a way to reunite, figure out what caused doomsday, put a stop to it, and return to the present timeline to stop that other apocalypse. Hazel chose a life of love, enjoying his time with love-of-his-life Agnes. Tell that to her dead nannies, she went there because of guilt not forgiveness. His stubbornness and righteous attitude really started to piss me off, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the UmbrellaAcademy community. In the final moments of The Umbrella Academy Season 1, the Hargeeves linked hands to teleport away from the apocalypse… Contributers Sir Reginald Hargreeves - Killed himself in order to bring the Umbrella Academy back together so that they can stop the apocalypse.Ressurected in a new timeline. Umbrella Academy Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Pic credit: Netflix. The big twist of The Umbrella Academy season 1's ending is that not only were the Umbrella Academy unable to stop the apocalypse, they actually made it happen. Your ultimate Umbrella Academy Season 1 refresher before season 2 premieres. The Umbrella Academy saw its own birth back in 2007 in the pages of a Dark Horse Comics limited series. We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals, Conveyance of The Umbrella Academy to 2019, But then Luther made her relive her WORST childhood trauma and didn't allow any of the siblings who wanted to help her get even close. “The Umbrella Academy” is easy to dive into and enjoy as the Hargreeves have to save the world from another apocalypse; it again leaves me impatiently waiting for another season to see where they can go from here. All while being hunted by a trio of ruthless Swedish assassins. And while some details have changed, most of its characters, as well as the franchise’s darkly comic vibe, have now migrated to Netflix, itself home to a … Sir Reginald Hargreeves, the school's founder and patriarch, had died. The Umbrella Academy, now available on Netflix, is about a dysfunctional family of superheroes — The Monocle, Spaceboy, The Kraken, The Rumor, The Séance, Number Five, The Horror, and The White Violin — who work together to solve their father’s mysterious death. On the way to their destination, Vanya learns that Sissy left a note for Carl. Now the Umbrella Academy must find a way to reunite, figure out what caused doomsday, put a stop to it, and return to the present timeline to stop that other apocalypse. And there’s a moment before they charge Vanya in ep 10 where Klaus has an expression that seems to say “I don’t know if this is the right action”. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. The Umbrella AcademyRussian ArmyU.S Army I think that was the point, and the episode name is “the day that it wasn’t” suggesting “if only” and we get to a glimpse of everybody making progress towards a happier life, but it was never to happen. One Apocalypse down, onwards to the next. I think it must be clear that Sir Reginald Hargreeves . Luther multiple times made bad choices, however I think a lot of people give him shit forgetting he really had no relationship with Vanya, meaning he couldn't know the magnitude of his actions like the viewer does. A couple months later, Vanya goes back to Sissy's house and gives a summary of everything that happened with Carl, citing that they're leaving for a better place. Well as things progress in the story there is a claim that Vanya caused it all. The FBI interrogator and nurse electrocuted her for information. Abuse Causes the Apocalypse: Cycles of Harm, Transformative Justice, and The Umbrella Academy Content warning: This article discusses depictions of chronic emotional abuse within family units. However, this apocalypse was successfully prevented, thanks to Five actively trying to stop this event ten days prior and Ben Hargreeves sacrificing himself to save Vanya. Agreed. Ressurected in a new timeline. The Umbrella Academy spoilers follow. Phew, what a trip The Umbrella Academy season two was! "The Umbrella Academy" is back for Season 2 of it apocalyptic tale. Ben Hargreeves/Number Six - Killed by unknown circumstances. Survivors The finale features a pretty finite conclusion for literally all of Earth, R.I.P. After Vanya's confinement she becomes in full control of her powers, and heads to Icarus Theater to play first chair in her concert. These hallucinations turn into flashbacks from her past including interactions between herself and Reginald during her time as "Number Seven". Causality Russian PopulationU.S PopulationThe Umbrella Academy The Umbrella Academy is an American comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá.The first six-issue limited series, The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite, was released by Dark Horse Comics between September 14, 2007 and February 20, 2008. Umbrella Academy members become celebrities, appearing on many magazine covers and amassing legions of fans. As Vanya continues to play, Luther, Diego, Klaus and Five decide that if they rush her one of them might get through to stop her. I thought the same while watching the scenery, Luther was probably wrong, but he said if Vanya were to finish the song, then the world would end. Luther trigged her and her trauma, the apocalypse was nothing more than a huge meltdown. All she wanted was for her family to be there on her big day. After being transported back in time, the Hargreeves siblings were separated throughout the timeline, but luckily they were only years and not decades apart. Hahahaha. The Umbrella Academy, now available on Netflix, is about a dysfunctional family of superheroes — The Monocle, Spaceboy, The Kraken, The Rumor, The Séance, Number Five, The Horror, and The White Violin — who work together to solve their father’s mysterious death. At the start of the second season, he wisely gives Five a warning about the incoming apocalypse after Agnes told him to. I THINK THE EXACT SAME THING!!! Conveyance Of Vanya To 1963 The second season had plenty of drama, blood and twists and a few deaths. Instead of shooting her, Allison places the gun next to her ear and fires, disrupting her power. Harold Jenkins, who introduces himself to Vanya as Leonard Peabody, is the key to the apocalypse. Soon, Russia sends a mother load of missiles at the U.S, initially destroying it. Vanya releases her brothers, and a lance of energy burst from her body and streaks through the roof of the Theatre, striking the moon. Bless his soul. I actually think the original timeline we were in (when Diego was in the park with Mum and Luther didn’t get drunk) had a better chance of stopping it. One thing you should look for is whether they manage to stop the apocalypse, and what (or who) in the world really caused it? Combatants Umbrella Academy family members Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, and dead Ben work to avoid the apocalypse.