Seminar paper from the year 2016 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 2,0, RWTH Aachen University (Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik der RWTH Aachen), course: The Sonnet - History of a Genre, language: English, abstract: Nowadays sonnets, or probably even lyric in general, are not very popular anymore. An examination of the addressees in Shakespeare's sonnets, An interpretation of Shakespeare's sonnet 73 and the deeper meaning of its metaphors, About Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Troilus und Criseyde', An Analysis of the Shakespearean Villain in 'Othello' and 'Much Ado About Nothing', Development of Lear´s Character in Shakespeare´s Tragedy 'King Lear', Time as metaphor in writings about love, desire and death, On Shakespeares 'Hamlet' - past and present, memory and forgetting, How does Shakespeare utilise the sonnet form to express emotion? That was quite different in the Elizabethan era when sonnet-writing was widespread during the so called 'sonnet vogue' at the end of the 16th century. Shakespeare addressed the first half of his sonnet sequence to a young man, also referred to as the “Fair Youth”. What does this portrayal tell the reader about the relationship between persona and addressee? The description of the Dark Lady distinguishes itself from the Fair Youth sequence by being overtly sexual. At the end of sonnet 20 the persona complains that the young man was not created a woman because by creating him as a man nature added “one thing to [his] purpose nothing” (Shakespeare et al. Shakespeare had two major addressees for his sonnets: The "Fair Youth" - respectively the "Young Man" - and the "Dark Lady" whose identities are still a matter of speculation even today. The first part of Shakespeare's sonnet sequence, namely sonnets 1-126, is directed to the "Young Man", while sonnets 127-154 are written to the "Dark Lady". While in the first seventeen sonnets the persona tries to persuade the young man to marry and father children, the tone changes from sonnet 18 on. What seems quite noticeable though is that the poetic persona is attracted to the young man and even loves him whether platonic or not. You submitted the following rating and review. The Dark Lady sequence (sonnets 127–152) Shakespeare is the most defiant of the sonnet tradition. - Shakespeare's image of Richard III, Shakespearean Drama - Women in Renaissance, Ironic Contradictions in the 'Pardoner's Prologue' and the 'Pardoner's Tale', The role of Polonius in 'Hamlet': a man of judgement disturbed, Types of the sonnet in english and american literature, 'What is your substance, whereof are you made?' To get a better understanding of these poems, an important aspect one should be concerned with is the addressee of each sonnet. To get a better understanding of these poems, an important aspect one should be concerned with is the addressee of each sonnet. Nowadays sonnets, or probably even lyric in general, are not very popular anymore. In sonnet 20 the persona speaks to the man as “ the master mistress of my passion” (Shakespeare et al. For the “Fair Youth” section these are going to be sonnets 18, 20, 26, and 116; for the “Dark Lady” sonnets I will deal with sonnets 127, 130, 129, and 144. 2 Fair Youth vs Dark Lady «In making a young man’s beauty and worth his central focus, Shakespeare may be seen as overturning the conventions of more than two hundred years of Ê»Petrarchanismʼ, broadly interpreted» (Duncan-Jones 2006, p. 47). At the end I will recapitulate the ascertained outcomes in a conclusion. When, after the poet and the woman begin their affair, she accepts additional lovers, at first the poet is outraged. This sonnet starts with these famous lines: “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? In Sonnet 144, the fair youth is the angel, a being of purity and comfort. But it would be a mistake to take it entirely in isolation, for it links in with so many of the other sonnets through the themes of the descriptive power of verse; the ability of the poet to depict the fair youth adequately, or not; and the immortality conveyed through being hymned in these 'eternal lines'. This is a love that cannot be destroyed by anything: there are no changes that could hinder their love but it is like a guidance, something to rely on and to give some kind of safety in difficult times. ', Gender and Pronoun Usage in the 17th Century, 'Two loves I have, of comfort and despair'. The Dark Lady is a woman described in Shakespeare's sonnets (sonnets 127–154) and so called because the poems make it clear that she has black wiry hair and dark, brown, "dun" coloured skin. Thanks! 2.1.3 Summary A Poem Analysis, King Lear: Lear's Language, Beginning vs. End of the Play, The Concept of Love in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 127' and the mysterious 'Dark Lady' - An Analysis, Multiple Iago - The Character and Motives of Iago in Shakespeare's Othello, Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Parliament of Fowls', Keats's Odes (SparkNotes Literature Guide), The God Within. You've successfully reported this review. Here the persona already sounds enamoured and charmed by the man and the tone is light and lovely as it is throughout the whole poem. - High royalties for the sales 2.2.2 Relationship to the Poetic Persona The first part of Shakespeare’s sonnet sequence, namely sonnets 1 – 126, is directed to the “Young Man”, while sonnets 127 – 154 are written to the “Dark Lady”. 2.2 The “Dark Lady” Sonnets A self-proclaimed “luddite” finally joins the ... Wild science! Shakespeare had two major addressees for his sonnets: The 'Fair Youth' - respectively the 'Young Man' - and the 'Dark Lady' whose identities are still a matter of speculation even today. Sonnet 60 One can excerpt certain characteristics from the way this young man is presented in the sonnets as well as find out about the nature of the man’s relationship to the poetic persona. 2.1.2 Relationship to the Poetic Persona 45) can be taken literally as well as figuratively because the addressee really is a lord (Rowse, S. xiv). But Shakespeare does not seem to have any problem with that. But how are these figures – the young man and the dark lady - portrayed by the poetic persona? He directed the majority toward two people: the fair youth and the "Dark Lady." Keeping in mind that this sonnet still belongs to the “Fair Youth”-sequence the expression “marriage of true minds” (Shakespeare et al. The 'Fair Youth' and the 'Dark Lady' in Shakespeare's sonnets and their relationship to the Poetic Persona. However, an affair is later indicated between the Fair Youth and the Dark Lady of the Sonnets and while the Sonnet Speaker openly admits to a sexual relationship with his Dark Lady… The poet writes of the young man in romantic and loving language, a fact which has led several commentators to suggest a homosexual relationship between them, while others read … The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. A marriage is after all the deepest bond two people can enter although this is most times based on a sexual relationship. Another reading of this could be that the “man in hue” is a “noble” man who is graceful and elegant in his behaviour and appearance (Shakespeare et al. A lot of sonnets were written during that time by poets like Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser or of course William Shakespeare, whose sonnet sequence contains 154 sonnets in total. I think this depends on your interpretation of the tone, of the fair youth; the difference concept could be simply described as purely platonic, where as the sexually explicit dark lady sonnets, are from it - depicted by any of the first 17 sonnets encouraging the fair youth to find love, marry and evan have children. Please review your cart. Fair Youth/Dark Lady Betrayal Sequence (Sonnets 133, 134, 144) Quotes Fair Youth/Dark Lady Betrayal Sequence (Sonnets 133, 134, 144) Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan For that deep wound it gives my friend and me; Is’t not enough to torture me alone, But slave to slavery my sweet’st friend must be? After a brief summary of these results the 'Dark Lady' sonnets will be examined in the same manner while regarding the results about the 'Young Man' I achieved before. In this paper I am first going to deal with the 'Fair Youth' sequence: There will be a short characterisation of this figure before I will concern myself with the relationship to the poetic persona. The beginning of this sonnet “Lord of my love” (Shakespeare et al. This fact also counts for the poetic persona as will be shown in the next chapter. Shakespeare had two major addressees for his sonnets: The “Fair Youth” – respectively the “Young Man” – and the “Dark Lady” whose identities are still a matter of speculation even today. 133) . Go to our United States store to continue. In sonnet 20 one can find another meaningful phrase that describes the man’s character: “A man in hue all hues in his controlling, Which steals men's eyes and women's souls amazeth.” (Shakespeare et al. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. 18 by William Shakespeare, Stylistic Analysis of Robert Frost's 'The Secret Sits' and William Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 18', Shakespeare's Othello: 'Racism in Othello? The dark lady is the “worser spirit,” who is so seductive that she has not only tempted the speaker to sin, but is now tempting his “angel” as well. The author of the Sonnets clearly has a love-hate relationship with the Dark Lady, and there appears to be some kind of triangular relationship involving the author, the Dark Lady, and the “Fair Youth,” i.e., the young man to whom most of the Sonnets are addressed. - Publication as eBook and book You've already shared your review for this item. 2. Tell readers what you thought by rating and reviewing this book. Thanks! An Interpretation of Sonnet Nr. In fact the youth's hair is described as "buds of marjoram" (Sonnet 99) whose color is auburn, or a shade "neither dark nor fair." The attraction becomes obvious in the description and praising of the man’s beauty especially in sonnet 18 as already mentioned above. The Fair Youth and Desdemona – The Dark Lady and Cleopatra: A Comparison of Shakespearean Romantic Characters and How Gender’s Perception in Jacobean Society Effect … The review must be at least 50 characters long. 42) . Sonnets 127-154 comprise the Dark Lady sequence of 28 (14*2) sonnets. on January 5, 2021. There are 154 sonnets in total: 126 of them are addressed to a "Fair Youth", a young man of aristocratic breeding; 26 of them concern a "Dark Lady", conspicuously not … The dark lady is a woman antithetically balancee with the fair friend. After a brief summary of these results the “Dark Lady” sonnets will be examined in the same manner while regarding the results about the “Young Man” I achieved before. 90) in the first line makes me think of them as soulmates or as people who share a profound bond. The Mystery of the Divine in Shakespeare's Plays, Rather Something - On 'nothing' in King Lear, The presentation of love in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Principles of Human Knowledge [Christmas Summary Classics]. A comparison. Sonnets 17 and 18 ... who is rumoured to have been the inspiration for the ‘Dark Lady’ in sonnets 127-154. 2.1 The “Fair Youth” Sonnets Some of Shakespeare's sonnets are still very well-known today and are read and analysed by students in schools or universities. Another possible interpretation reads this ‘passion’ as writing poems or sonnets. The fair youth does not like music, and the speaker claims it is because the call of family life is “chiding,” or scolding, him for remaining single. So as one can clearly see the addressee of this sonnet stands above the persona. The Dark Lady is so called because she has black hair and dun coloured skin. 42) alluding to the man’s genital which is apparently of no use for the persona. by Discuss with reference to at least three poems, John Donne - 'The Flea' and Andrew Marvell - 'To His Coy Mistress', The Construction of the Plot in `King Lear´, The Concept of Metamorphosis in Literature, The Concept of Love in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'', Fathers and daughters in selected Shakespearean plays, Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 60': a detailed interpretation and analysis, Iago´s Iniquitous Cajolery of the Suspicious Othello, 'But I do think it is their husbands' faults If wives do fall.' A co-operative work between the author and the reader, Shakespeare's sonnets 12 and 73: a comparison. Not in Philippines? Once he will be able to write well enough and be “worthy of [his] sweet respect” (Shakespeare et al. 42) . Would you like us to take another look at this review? The Dark Lady. Shakespeare had two major addressees for his sonnets: The “Fair Youth” – respectively the “Young Man” – and the “Dark Lady” whose identities are still a matter of speculation even today. These points will be executed by looking at several sonnets in detail. A gender studies approach to William Shakespeare's 'The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice', Biographia Literaria [Christmas Summary Classics], The Existential Dichotomies of Chaucer's 'The Miller's Tale' and 'The Reeve's Tale', About 'The Broom o the Cathery Knowes' and its Place in Tradition, Nominal Forms of Address in Shakespeare's 'Othello', Decay in Nature - Seen from Two Different Points of View, Sterne's writing and conversational style. Thou art more lovely and more temperate”. The first part of Shakespeare's sonnet sequence, namely sonnets 1-126, is directed to the 'Young Man', while sonnets 127-154 are written to the 'Dark Lady'. At the end I will recapitulate the ascertained outcomes in a conclusion. This love cannot be altered by time but it stays the same until the end. You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: Looks like you're in United States. Choose your country's store to see books available for purchase. The Greek Sonnets (Sonnets 153 and 154): The last two sonnets bear little resemblance to the Fair Youth and Dark Lady sequences. In this understanding “master-mistress” would simply mean that a man is addressed the way women are usually addressed in sonnet-writing (Shakespeare et al. These become most apparent in sonnet 26. About all these points that are stated about real love in this sonnet the persona seems to be very sure of as one can see in the final couplet: But although they seem to share this special bond there are still differences in the social class between the two figures. The first part of Shakespeare's sonnet sequence, namely sonnets 1-126, is directed to the 'Young Man', while sonnets 127-154 are written to the 'Dark Lady'. The “Fair Youth” is a young man who is portrayed with feminine qualities in many of Shakespeare’s sonnets directed to him. What exactly was the description of the sonnets?' Fair Youth Procreation Sequence (Sonnets 1–17) Fair Youth Friendship Sequence (Sonnets 18–126) Rival Poet Group (Sonnets 78–86) Dark Lady Sequence (Sonnets 127–154) Fair Youth/Dark Lady Betrayal Sequence (Sonnets 133, 134, 144) The Poet’s Act of Betrayal (Sonnet 151) Quotes By Character; The Speaker; The Beautiful Young Man; The Dark Lady - Completely free - with ISBN 133) . The fair and unkind lady image of the Petrarchan sonnets is demolished and the genuine picture of a genuine woman of flesh and blood is introduced. They stand alone and draw upon the Roman myth of Cupid. That is, they often seem to be moody or, changing their minds. 45) he will finally show how much he loves him. This applies to both his looks as well as his characteristics as is especially apparent in sonnet 20 and in this quote of the first lines thereof: “A woman's face with nature's own hand painted, Hast thou, the master mistress of my passion; A woman's gentle heart, but not acquainted With shifting change, as is false women's fashion”. Although beauty was up until then merely used to describe women it is here a characteristic that is applied to the young man (Innes 108). Though the term is not used in any of the sonnets, the name has stuck since the women is described as having both dark features and having a dark nature. We appreciate your feedback. When the bard calls his young man "fair," he mingles description and praise — "as fair / … 42). The persona then goes on talking about the young man’s characteristics in comparison to those of women: he has only the positive attributes of the female gender, for example is he on the one hand as soft and compassionate as women are, so he has “A woman’s gentle heart” (Shakespeare et al. Also similar is the poet's unhealthy dependency on the woman's affections. This reading would also fit the next line of the sonnet that says that both men and women feel attracted to the youth and are charmed by his demeanour. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. word "fair" to describe the young man, but its meaning in the sonnets is "beautiful," not "blonde." - Every paper finds readers, RWTH Aachen University Some see it as a homosexual relationship whereas others read it as merely platonic (Innes 145). Among these, Sonnet 151has been characterised as "bawdy" and is used to illustrate the difference between the spiritual love for the Fair Youth and the sexual love for the Dark Lady. 132). - It only takes five minutes Since the persona states clearly that a male genital is of no interest for him this relationship presents itself as merely platonic. Shakespeare had two major addressees for his sonnets: The "Fair Youth" - respectively the "Young Man" - and the "Dark Lady" whose identities are still a matter of speculation even today. In this paper I am first going to deal with the “Fair Youth” sequence: There will be a short characterisation of this figure before I will concern myself with the relationship to the poetic persona. For the “Fair Youth” section these are going to be sonnets 18, 20, 26, and 116; for the “Dark Lady” sonnets I will deal with sonnets 127, 130, 129, and 144.  (Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik der RWTH Aachen). But while women may enjoy the man’s body the persona wishes to have the man’s love on an emotional level. We are currently reviewing your submission. The persona seems to accept the fact that nature “prick’d [the man] out for women’s pleasure” meaning that the man is supposed to have sexual relations with women instead of the persona. For the 'Fair Youth' section these are going to be sonnets 18, 20, 26, and 116; for the 'Dark Lady' sonnets I will deal with sonnets 127, 130, 129, and 144. 42) The expression “A man in hue” could have the meaning of a man who is in a good “form” or “shape” or who has pleasant looks (Shakespeare et al. A “marriage of true minds” must then only happen on the emotional level: they are probably two people who were made for each other and love each other but in a platonic way.