Why should I cry for you? I wish I could cry … Nobody likes to cry, especially in front of others. North-north-west, the stones of Faroe. / Should I smoke your alcohol or drink some weed? D Why should I cry for you? Why Should I Cry For You (Pourquoi Devrais-je Pleurer Pour Toi) Under the dog-star sail. Why should i? 4.99 USD. G Em7 C Dark angels follow me G Em7 C Over a godless sea G Em C Mountains of endless falling, Bm C D For all my days remaining, Em C D What would be true? })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Paroles2Chansons dispose d’un accord de licence de paroles de chansons avec la, Paroles2chansons est un partenaire du Monde. Find your perfect arrangement and access a variety of transpositions so you can print and play instantly, anywhere. North-north-west, the stones of Faroe. When The Angels Fall. Sous la voile de Sirius. Proč bys to chtěl ? And what would it mean to say, Zur deutschen Übersetzung von Why Should I Cry for You. Sting ¿Por qué debo llorar por ti? Choose and determine which version of Why Should I Cry For You chords and tabs by Sting you can play. Doctors Explain Why It Happens. Why You Should Cry - 5 Reasons to Let It All Out November 14, 2016 Topics: General Health Information. The Soul Cages (engl. Why should I? En virtud de la vela estrella perro A través de los arrecifes de la luz de la luna Bajo el cielo de otoño Del Norte, al noroeste, las piedras de Feroe Bajo el fuego ártico A través de los mares de silencio Why should i cry for you? Di seguito troverete testo, video musicale e traduzione di Why Should I Cry For You?- Sting in varie lingue. Free, no signup required: Add to … / Anjos negros siga-me The Wild Wild Sea. Letra de Sting Under the dog star sail Over the reefs of moonshine Under the skies of fall North-northwest, the Stones of Faroe Under the Arctic fire Over the seas of silence Hauling on frozen ropes For all my days remaining But would north be true? / Shit, I'm confused, what the fuck Imma sayin'? by Sting song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position ... First you "take your baby by the hand," but by the end she has an amethyst in her mouth. Why should I cry for you - Sting 'Why should I cry for you?' The Soul Cages is the third full-length studio album released by Sting and the first to feature longtime guitarist Dominic Miller.Released in January 1991, it became his second No. Why must i? per il resto dei miei giorni Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube. (Extended Mix) Remix [New Mixes By] – Hugh Padgham, Mark Mazzetti. March 19, 2021 by Sydni Ellis. It is "hauling" not "howling" (second stanza) Hansi K_Lauer Gefällt mir. Message in a Bottle #6. /* paroles2chansons.com - Above Lyrics */ It is not unusual to cry, and both sexes cry more than people may assume. Sometimes I see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must I think of you? montagne che crollano all'infinito. Leadsheet: Kommentare; Für Stimme und Klavier (oder Gitarre) Druckbare Notendatei, 1 Kopie • 5 Seiten, ID: SM-000152186. » par Sting, anglais → espagnol Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Sono così fiera di lei... che potrei piangere. Why Should I Cry For You testo originale e traduzione. - Radio Mix is a popular song by Sting | Create your own TikTok videos with the Why Should I Cry For You? Why would you want me to? Il video musicale con la traccia audio della canzone partirà automaticamente in basso a destra. Why must I? Over the seas of silence. Would north be true ?La réponse m'attend-elle au Nord ?Why should I, why should I cry for you ?Pourquoi, pourquoi ? The Vinylos. Unter dem Segel des Sirius, über dem Riff des Mondscheins, unter dem Himmel des Abgrunds, Nord, Nordwest, da sind die Steine des Färöer. ', 'Why would you … And what would it mean to say That, i loved you in my fashion? Why would you … Why should I? at Discogs. Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling For all my days remaining What would be true? I testi in inglese aiutano a imparare l'inglese? Released: 1991. Over the reefs of moonshine . The Soul Cages is the third full-length studio album released by Sting and the first to feature longtime guitarist Dominic Miller.Released in 1991, it became his second No. Em C Why should I? Unter dem arktischen Feuer, über den Seen der Stille, ziehen gefrorene Seile, für all meine restlichen Tage. / Anjos negros siga-me / Por que deveria? Sometimes I see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must I think of you? - Sting traduzioni, testi canzoni tradotti in italiano, inglese. La réponse m'attend-elle au Nord ? TOP lyrics de Sting. Why should I? / Por que eu deveria chorar por você? Why should I? adunit_id: 39383896, What It Is von Mark Knopfler Mark Knopfler - What It Is deutsche Übersetzung; Roxanne von The Police The Police - Roxanne deuts Druckbare Notendatei, 1 Kopie • 3 Seiten, ID: SM-000139487. Shape of My Heart: 2. Under the dog star sail Over the reefs of moonshine Under the skies of fall North, north west, the stones of Faroe Under the Artic fire Over the seas of silence Hauling My favourite Sting video :) I love this song! Over a godless sea. Traduzione Why Should I Cry For You? 1.99 USD. var opts = { / On your pussy Imma go super sayan.. sayan You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. de Sting - Mas será que o norte é verdade? Aprende a tocar el cifrado de Why Should I Cry For You (Sting) en Cifra Club. Over the reefs of moonshine. First, let's discuss why we cry in the first place. G Em7 C Dark angels follow me G Em7 C Over a godless sea G Em C Mountains of endless falling, Bm C D For all my days remaining, Em C D What would be true? Watch the video for Why Should I Cry For You by Sting for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. It was also the least successful, as it didn't chart in the UK, where all his previous solo singles had charted. Traduction de « Why should I cry for you? First, let's discuss why we cry in the first place. song: "Why+Should+I+Cry+For+You%3F", Sting - Why Should I Cry For You? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar in Ab Major. 1: Why Should I Cry For You ? E non voglio piangere, devoessere molto lucida. Em C D Sometimes I see your face, Em C D The stars seem to lose their place Em C D Why must I think of you? Proč měl bych? 4,820 117. more tracks from the album MTV Unplugged #1. Die Seelenkäfige) ist das dritte Studioalbum von Sting nach seiner Zeit bei The Police.Es ist ein Konzeptalbum. Sono così felice che potrei piangere, ma non voglio, perché quando lo faccio sono veramente orrenda. Why should I cry for you? And what would it mean to say, That, "I loved you in my fashion"? Under the dog star sail. Lyrics & Traduction. attraverso un mare senza dio. Why must I think of you? 'Je t'ai aimé à ma manière ?What would be true ?Où est la réponse que j'attends ?Why should I, why should I cry for you ?Pourquoi... Pourquoi devrais-je te pleurer ?Why should IPourquoi. / Por que deveria? Canzone: Why should I cry for you? Why should I? G Why should I? Why Should I Cry For You? 1 album in the United Kingdom. song: "Why+Should+I+Cry+For+You%3F", Why should I cry for you? Why would you want me to? div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) Why Should I Cry for You Sting # # {sot #-----PLEASE NOTE-----# {eot ##This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # ##song. Tears are also used to remove irritants to the eye. Tutti i testi delle canzoni dei tuoi cantanti e band li trovi su Gingergeneration.it Why would you want me to? Under the dog star sail. Under the skies of fall. Paroles de chanson Sting - Why Should I Cry For You traduction, lyrics, video. REMASTERED IN HD!Music video by Sting performing Why Should I Cry For You. It is a pop rock song, which was written by Sting and produced by Hugh Padgham. Why would you want me to? sotto un cielo d'autunno. Over the reefs of moonshine. It was later re-performed and released in Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994. Would north be true ? Mountains of endless falling. Letra de Shape Of My Heart. Muoio Per Te. Em Why should I, C D G Why should I cry for you? North, north west, the Stones of Faroe. (HX.235779). "Why Should I Cry For You" is a song recorded by Sting and included in the singer's third studio album, "The Soul Cages", released on 22 Jan 1991. was the fourth and last single released from Sting's third solo album 'The Soul Cages'. Why would you want me to? Format: CD, Single, Digipak. Our awesome collection of Promoted Songs » No Trash. gli angeli della notte mi seguono. Why Should I Cry For You? (tradução) (Letra e música para ouvir) - Under the dog star sail / Over the reefs of moonshine / Under the skies of fall / North, north west, the stones of … }; Why should i cry for you? Why should I cry for you? Why should i? artist: "Sting", Mad About You #3. Sting - Le ultime news. Why should I cry for you? Why should i cry for you? Watch the video for Why Should I Cry For You by Sting for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Quanto incide l'ascolto dei … Label: A&M Records – 75021 2364-2. Over the godless sea. The song was released as the … perché dovrei piangere per te? I did some research and some introspection to compile this list of reasons you should cry more. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Sting - Why Should I Cry For You? Em C Why must I? Tears, or lacrimation if you want to be fancy, are usually produced in a response of strong emotions like sadness, pleasure or happiness and can appear from yawning or laughing. Remix [New Mixes By] – Hugh Padgham, Mark Mazzetti. Sometimes I see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must I think of you? And what would it mean to say, That, 'I loved you in my fashion'? sheet music. Get promoted . Why Should I Cry For You (Pourquoi Devrais-je Pleurer Pour Toi), Under the dog-star sailSous la voile de SiriusOver the reefs of moonshineAu-dessus des récifs du clair de luneUnder the skies of fallSous les cieux menaçantsNorth-north-west, the stones of FaroeNord, nord-ouest, les rochers des îles FéroéUnder the Arctic fireSous le feu de l'ArctiqueOver the seas of silencePar-delà les mers de silenceHauling on frozen ropesJe tire sur des cordes glacéesFor all my days remainingPour le restant de mes jours, Would north be true ?La réponse m'attend-elle au Nord ?All colours bleed to redToutes les couleurs virent au rougeAsleep on the ocean's bedEt endormi sur le lit de l'océanDrifting in empty seasJe dérive sur des mers videsFor all my days remainingPour le restant de mes jours. Fr, 16/12/2016 - 10:05 . Dark angels follow me. Complete your Sting collection. traduzione Guarda il video Why Should I Cry For You? 78_why-should-i-cry-over-you_irving-kaufman-cohn-miller_gbia0129262a Location USA Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.7.7 Scanningcenter George Blood, L.P. Sometimes I see your face, The Soul Cages. Télécharger légalement les MP3 ou trouver le CD sur, Trouver un instrument de musique ou une partition au meilleur prix sur. Why should I cry? Lascia un commento alla canzone. Style: Pop Rock, Ballad. Why must I? My favourite Sting video :) I love this song! Under the Artic fire Over the seas of silence Hauling on frozen ropes For all my days remaining But would north be true?. Fields of Gold: Kommentare. Why must I? Why should I cry for you? de Sting - Mas será que o norte é verdade? D Why should I cry for you? Playback options Sting: Top 3. Why should i cry for you? Why should I? Why Should I Cry for You? Tea in the Sahara #8. Traduzione di “Why should I cry for you?” Inglese → Italiano, testi di Sting var opts = { document.write('
');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof window.cf !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//srv.clickfuse.com/showads/showad.js";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)}; Saint Agnes and the Burning Train. Under the Arctic fire. Proč měl bych pro tebe plakat? Tears, or lacrimation if you want to be fancy, are usually produced in a response of strong emotions like sadness, pleasure or happiness and can appear from yawning or laughing. Every Breath You Take #4. Sting - Why Should I Cry For You testo e traduzione. G Em7 Cadd9 G Dark angels follow me Em7 Cadd9 G Over a godless sea Em7 Cadd9 G Mountains of endless falling C D G For all my days remaining C D G What would be true? Sheet music is available for Piano, Voice, Guitar and 3 others with 3 scorings and 1 notation in 4 genres. Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? Testo, video e traduzione in italiano di Why Should I Cry For You? Leur contenu ne saurait engager le Monde, Société des Editeurs et Auteurs de Musique, Bad Bunny - Dakiti traduction, Black Eyed Peas - Girl Like Me traduction, Doja Cat - Streets traduction, Imagine Dragons - Follow You traduction, Maroon 5 - Beautiful Mistakes traduction, Olivia Rodrigo - Drivers license traduction, Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar traduction, Selena Gomez - Adiós traduction, Giveon - When It's All Said And Done... Take Time, Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over the Country Club. From the lyrics, I feel it is certainly about loss, but more about the end of a loving relationship, where one party is still very much in love with the other, but must face eternity without them, I mean you wouldn't ask someone who had recently passed on 'Why Should I Cry For You? div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) Sting ¿Por qué debo llorar por ti? Under the skies of fall. Dark angels follow me. document.write('
');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof window.cf !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//srv.clickfuse.com/showads/showad.js";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)}; Why should i? Qu’est-ce qui fait qu’une chanson devient un hit ? Why Should I Cry For You? Sometimes i see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must i think of you? SKU: MN0064700 Why should I? Why should I, why should I cry for you? Dark angels follow meDe sombres anges me poursuiventOver a godless seaAu-dessus d'une mer sans dieuxMountains of endless fallingSans trêve, les montagnes s'effondrentFor all my days remainingPour le restant de mes jours, What would be true ?Où est la réponse que j'attends ?Sometimes I see your face,Parfois, quand je vois ton visageThe stars seem to lose their placeLes étoiles semblent changer de placeWhy must I think of you ?Pourquoi devrais-je penser à toi ?Why must I ? })(); /* paroles2chansons.com - Below Lyrics */ What would be true? 2.7M. Under the dog star sail Over the reefs of moonshine Under the skies of fall North, north west, the stones of Faroe. Englisch → Griechisch anna74. Why Should I Cry For You #5. Over the reefs of moonshine. I did some research and some introspection to compile this list of reasons you should cry more. Why should I cry for you? / Por que eu deveria chorar por você? Why should I, why should I cry for you? Crying often times leaves individuals feeling vulnerable and at times even broken down or weak. Why should i cry for you? Bitte hilf mit, „Why should I cry for...“ zu übersetzen. Why should I? Why should i? Why should I? / Por que deveria? nord, nordovest, verso le rocce delle Faroe. Hauling on frozen ropes. For all my days remaining. Why should I cry for you? Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? on Discogs. adunit_id: 39383895, Why Should I Cry for You? Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? 1. Why would you want me to? Why would you want me to? Have You Ever Felt That Annoying Post-Cry Headache? #Sting #WhyShouldICryForYou #Remastered Ti fa venir voglia di piangere, è così incredibile. Genre: Rock, Pop. Why must I? Browse our 2 arrangements of "WHY SHOULD I CRY FOR YOU?" Letra de Shape Of My Heart (en español) Letra de Fields Of Gold. Why should i? Tutti i testi delle canzoni dei tuoi autori preferiti li trovi su Gingergeneration.it Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? [Bridge] Em C D Em Sometimes I see your face, C D Em The stars seem to lose their place C D Em Why must I think of you? Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless fog For all my days remaining What would be true? Hauling on frozen ropes. Why Should I, Why Should I Cry for You All colours bleed to red Asleep on the ocean's bed Drifting in empty seas For all my days remaining Would north be true? Per avere ulteriori informazioni sulla traduzione è necessario il testo di origine Traduzione italiana del testo di Why Should I Cry for You di Sting. North, north west, the stones of faroe. Pourquoi devrais-je te pleurer ? Why should I? Print and Download Why Should I Cry For You? Why must I? artist: "Sting", It spawned four singles: "All This Time", "Mad About You", "Why Should I Cry for You" and "The Soul Cages". ZombieThe Cranberries "Zombie" by The Cranberries is about an IRA bombing in England that killed two children. }; Nord, nord-ouest, les rochers des îles Féroé. Auf Facebook teilen Facebook Songtext twittern Twitter Whatsapp. (function() { Should I Lyrics: Why I wanna stay when they all leave? perché dovrei? Wham! View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1991 CD release of "Why Should I Cry For You?" :)Sting official webpage - www.sting.comSting Polish webpage - www.sting-nls.com Why Should I Cry For You is one of the songs on The Soul Cages. Les contenus publiés n'émanent pas de la rédaction du monde. It makes you want to cry, it's so amazing. All This Time #2. Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? Ähnliche Songtexte. (function() { Under the skies of fall. Why should i cry for you? Writer(s): Sting Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com. Instrumentierung. Sting - Why Should I Cry For You? Rock : Text und Akkorde. Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? Sometimes I see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must I think of you? Englishman in New York: 3. 7 traduzioni; Traduzioni: Italiano, Olandese, Rumeno, Serbo, Spagnolo, Tedesco #1, #2; Richieste: Greco sulle scogliere illuminate dalla luna. However, when it comes to crying there is nothing to be ashamed of. Sting – Why Should I Cry For You ? Paroles et traduction de la chanson «Why Should I Cry For You» par Sting Under the dog-star sail. Even if it's painful and, sometimes, makes you want to cry. Why Should I Cry for You Lyrics Übersetzung. Fehlerhaften Songtext melden. Last updated on 09.12.2016 Vier Singles wurden ausgekoppelt: "All This Time", "Mad About You", "The Soul Cages" und "Why Should I Cry For You". Why should I cry, I never done you wrong I kept my vows you left me all alone You told me you loved me, you told me a lie Why should I pay, tell me why should I cry You knew I worshipped you, right from the start I gave you my love, never thought that we'd part You didn't care enough, to even say goodbye Per migliorare la traduzione potete seguire questo link oppure premere il bottone blu in fondo. It spawned four singles: "All This Time", "Mad About You", "Why Should I Cry for You" and "The Soul Cages". Why Should I Cry For You? Tracklist Hide Credits. Für Interaktive Musiknoten Klicken Sie Hier. Why should I ?Pourquoi devrais-je, pourquoi... ?Why should I cry for you ?Pourquoi devrais-je pleurer pour toi ?Why would you want me to ?Et toi, pourquoi le voudrais-tu ?And what would it mean to say,A quoi servirait-il de dire :'I loved you in my fashion ? Někdy vidím tvou tvář, Hvězdy zdá se ztrácejí své místo Proč na tebe musím myslet ? Fragile. Sous les cieux menaçants. Why Should I Cry For You? For all my days remaining. Em C D Sometimes I see your face, Em C D The stars seem to lose their place Em C D Why must I think of you? QUEEN OF HEARTS GONE TOO… Michael J. :) Sting official webpage - www.sting.com Sting Polish webpage - www.sting-nls.com Country: US. Em C Why must I? I'm so happy I could cry but I don't want to, because it's really gross when I do. Au-dessus des récifs du clair de lune. Why should I cry for you? Why Should I Cry For You? - Radio Mix song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. Anche se fa male e, a volte, fa venir voglia di piangere. navigare in direzione di sirio. Il tuo nome* Email*(Non verrà visualizzata) Il tuo commento* Invia commento. Letra, tradução e música de Why Should I Cry For You? Why should i cry for you? 1 album in the United Kingdom.