Primary Menu Scopri su TV Sorrisi e Canzoni la programmazione di Piedone d'Egitto: trama, cast, news e curiosità sugli attori. Stagione 2019-2020. Genres: Comedy, Action, Poliziotteschi. Carlo Pedersoli (31 October 1929 – 27 June 2016), known professionally as Bud Spencer, was an Italian actor, professional swimmer and water polo player. Critic Reviews for Piedone d'egitto. Find movie and film cast and crew information for Piedone d'egitto (1980) - Steno on AllMovie Keep checking Rotten Tomatoes for updates! There are no critic reviews yet for Piedone d'egitto. Overview of Piedone d'Egitto, 1979, directed by Steno, with at Turner Classic Movies Bud Spencer is top-notch as one army man taking on a group of bandits and as always he makes his own stunts with comic touches , as usual . Piedone d'Egitto. A man is living happily on an island with his family, growing bananas. Rizzo and his colleague Caputo join forces and travel to Cairo in search of the missing Professor Cerullo, who has discovered an insect adept at finding oil and so drawn the attention of various criminals who see a lucrative opportunity. Una nuova avventura del robusto poliziotto napoletano interpretato da Bud Spencer. (1980). Comedy action crime film. Cast & Crew. Starring: Robert Loggia, Angelo Infanti, Enzo Cannavale, Bud Spencer. Piedone în Egipt (în italiană Piedone d'Egitto) este un film de comedie și aventuri italian din 1980, regizat de Stefano Vanzina (Steno) și avându-l în rolul principal pe Bud Spencer.Acest film este al patrulea (și ultimul) din seria celor patru filme cu comisarul Rizzo (poreclit "Piedone") de la poliția din Napoli. Teaming up with fellow Italian Terence Hill, the two made such international successes as I quattro dell'Ave Maria (1968) and Ricerca per: ROYAL BASKET. Salvatore Santangelo
, New entry with Bud Spencer as Police Comissioner Rizzo who this time travels to Egypt . Audience Reviews for Piedone d'egitto. Directed by: Steno. He was known for action-comedy and Spaghetti Western roles with his long-time film partner Terence Hill.The duo "garnered world acclaim and attracted millions to theater seats".