Cleo and Lewis work their long-distance relationship, and Rikki falls for the new guy, Nash, who turn out to be just like them, yet has to fight over him with another girl. wOOOOOW?! nº Titolo originale Titolo italiano Prima TV. itll be big if they do have a season 4. itll be HUGE!! uti. In Italia, le prime due stagioni sono uscite in cofanetto, rispettivamente da 5 e 4 … nn saprei scs, cmnq anke a me piace H2o è mlt bll!! (Actor), phoebe tonkin (Actor), jeffrey walker (Director) & Rated: G. Format: DVD. The Merman Code 23m. of course they play cleo and rikki, there would be no show without them. and whta we can expct sinte shuer beforre we see it on tv - it be this yera or the comin up one .. the one lives--will seeeeee...! first of all it is 2014 and I want a season for because I am a big fan and I want Lewis on it because season 3 was a little bit boring without Lewis but I still love H2o. 1 decade ago. and allso if not cleo would have never qited to fry and that the new one in town can make water SHINE outa all there si si soo cool?! im in Australia it may be different from where ur coming from. Ho notato sul digitale che c'è la terza serie di H2O, ma era già non so quale episodio, non i primi...qualcuno sa se ci sarà su italia 1 come l'estate scorsa? H2o stagione 2 Episodio 2. Well if we all work together, maybe we can get a fourth season or at least a movie from popular demand!!! La seconda stagione della serie televisiva H2O - Basta aggiungere acqua (2), composta da 26 episodi, è stata trasmessa per la prima volta dal 28 Settembre 2007 al 21 Marzo 2008 Scopri sulla guida di TV Sorrisi e Canzoni tutte le informazioni sulla stagione 2 di H2O: episodi, curiosità e altro ancora H2O.Ended 3 Stagioni - 78 Episodi. exactly! A young man is magically turned a merman, and discovers his underwater origins, after he comes in contact with the magic waters at the mysterious Mako Island guarded by a trio of mermaids. theyy do hav eseason 4. i know im just another person typing this and you look at it like yeahh ok so someone agrees theres a seasn 4 but i feel soooo strongly their is! lts all cross our fingers and say SEASON 4!!!!!! Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. H2O: Just Add Water. Answer Save. Wait, what will happen to Zane and rikki??? Created by Jonathan M. Shiff, Mark Shirrefs, Sam Carroll. Sign in with one of these options: Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. You can also watch H2O on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Vudu, Google Play, Apple TV online. WE WANT A SEASON 4!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?! i am i big fan but is it tru like u said what if it is false, Well if they're making it in 2012 it will probably come out in 2013. Cast. They make friends with a new girl, Bella, and a new boy, Will. i am not sure if it is real twitter or facebook is real or fake !!!! I just checked wikipedia it said that the spin-off Mako: island of secrets was announced in July 2011 and that it has 26 episodes. ...but couldnt they at least give us 1 more season of h2o??? Browse more videos. Cleo and Rikki enter their final year of high school. Okay, you guys DO realize anyone can go online and edit a Wikipedia page, right? okk so im australia perth tomorrow is the 11th and rikki should be posting wether there is gonna be a season 4... i cant SEE IF I DONT KNOW WHAT USER SHE IS ON TWITTER AND FB!! (if its not already!!! Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Something to say? Wait, season 3 was filmed because of popular demand right??? Angus McLaren (Lewis) will probably not be in Season 4 because he is going back to shoot Packed To The Rafters. Create a new Fanpop account! Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. As Emma returns she come across problems with Bella - feeling replaced. Don't get your hopes up until it comes from a truly reliable source. that must mean something!! Fire and Ice 25m. -» H2O: Just Add Water 10 Questions - Developed by: 5honypony - Developed on: 2018-02-12 - 27,549 taken - User Rating: 3.3 of 5 - 11 votes - 56 people like it Do … H2o 3 stagione ep 4 san Valentino - YouTub . Tutti gli episodi in italiano della fantastica 3° serie di H2o! well thats passed now some time in 2013 maybe? It's 2014 and we still haven't gotten a season 4, i live in england will it come out in england the same time as in america. Can you paint them? Grazie in anticipo Where do I stream H2O online? ARRRRR, i have looked and looked and looked but i dont know what account (both twitte and fb) is real. and si fine!! @candycake5320. The series first aired on July 7, 2006. I CANT HELP IT! WE WILL FIND OUT 2MORO IF SHE POSTS SEASON 4 IS REAL OR WATEVA! Get your facts straight. Lightning Point Stagione 1 Episodio 6 streaming ita completo, Lightning Point Stagione 1 Episodio 6 guarda online italiano, guarda Lightning Point Stagione 1 Episodio 6 streaming online gratis, Lightning Point Stagione 1 Episodio 6 streaming completo cb01, Lightning Point Stagione 1 Episodio 6 serie tv completo sub ita, Lightning Point Stagione 1 Episodio 6 serie tv streaming ita gratuito I also heard about a mini series called Mako: Island of secrets and that is definately happening. without being cheap and overly revealing, the other actors are perfectly cast for their roles as well, and … If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. >< its awesome news about season 4 and im sure they will! Ciao a tutti! 9 Answers. It must mean they are debating on a season 4. I hope cariba does. Everyone I just checked en.wikipedia for the H2O just add water season 4 is gone again off the wikipedia someone erase it and it was not me at all. but WHAT FACEBOOK are you talking about for rikki there sare like 20 million! h2o just add water cast,h2o just add water season 3,h2o just add water graduation,h2o just add water locket,h2o just add water games,h2o just add water fanfiction,h2o just add water season 2,h2o just add water necklace,h2o just add water bella. anyone else in australia and know anything about thissss??? Oh i know,In Australia is there any news on H2O yet for season 4, I just saw that Hannah Murray is on H2o season 4 on Wikipedia, yea its still there on hannah murray page but not on the h2o page why. 2021 movie is scheduled around the 2021 Tokyo Olympics it’s likely that Free! I dont think she was a twitter or a facebook tho. @energizerbella what is the link of facebook? With Chai Hansen, Dominic Deutscher, Gemma Forsyth, Rowan Hills. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. great news!!! and a season 5allso toit?! So there will be 4 Mermaids in Season 4. well, you know underneeth they have a kinda predictive text for suggested words or thigs the computer thinks your going fot to type in yeahh? yeah is it real if it is that is soo cool i love h2o i hope they make season 4 before mako mermaids start filming on there scene when are they releasing it? PLZZZZ tell me which one of rikkis facebooks (search her real name ad soo many dfferent accounts of hers come up) will tell us season 4 is coming out... u said she will post it on the 11 of novem! that's the big question that we have: that information is real? do emma and bella get along? LETS START A SEASON 4 REVOLUTION!!!! How does everyone know all this, I just found out today in 2013. If there wasnt gonna be one, wouldnt they tell us??! Rating. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. In 2012, the director of H2O will be making a Season 4. im exited but also fustrated! ive heard nov 11th and dec 14th but im not gonna give up until they give us a real answer. Cariba Heine (Rikki) will confirm it on 11th November on Facebook and Twitter. well that passed they must of meant they start MAKING it then but when are they releasing it? This article is a disambiguation page for Season 3. :DDD! H2O Magazine-trimestrale di pesca, turismo e tempo libero. Aug 4, 2014 - Wallpaper of Poster Desktop for fans of H2O Just Add Water 1347628 Imp. ... 4. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. And the spin off is called mako mermaids! <3 but there are still 2 things that i dislike: Yes ,,, but exactly like CleoSoShy said from where you got the info?? oh yea and btw, the theme song says "the best things come in THREE" therefore stating that there will be no new girl unless someone leaves. and theres no emma unless like cleo or bella or.. forbid rikki leaves.... hopefully emma comes back and if someone has to leave for her to come back it should be bella. BE A TRUE H2O FAN AND SPREAD THE WORD!!! i don'T care about it !!! Considering that the upcoming untitled Free! During series four, she develops a crush on Zane Bennett and they become a couple. so much coll and gretae nenws eh?? Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Il cast della serie tv H2O - Basta aggiungere acqua (2006) con i personaggi e protagonisti: regista, attori, sceneggiatori e tutto il cast tecnico. Dont leave us hanging!! Favourite answer. It was conifrmed by Jonathan M. Shiff on July 9th, 2011 that season 4 will air in November and Hannah Murray will join the main cast as Kelly Smith. She has been a mermaid since the age of twelve and can make water shine. OK SO I HAVE A STATMENT TO MAKE SO READ THI AND TAKE IT IN! Report. è per il xcompleanno di mia sorella gli piace h2o e vorrebbe vede la serie 3 a non mi dite you tube ok? The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. finnaly!! I see why they had to wait till 2012 to go for season 4. *yes *cant (spellign is horrific sorry....). Is mako mermaid by the same DIRECTOR? U live in America and Australia gets the information first. the secret circle was canceled for some reason, there not releasing it in 2012 just making it, well if you see a facebook page or something that says its phoebe tonkin or something theres really no proof weather its real or not, yes.. i really hope that H2O season 4 will exist soon.. i really love the show,, i am hoping that in season 4 emma (claire holt) is there.. :( i miss watching H2O.. :(, i totally agree but dont they need to film it before the new mako mermaids show coz they film on the same set, EMAIL THE PRODUCER TILL WE GET WHAT WE WANT, if its being made in 2012 it should be out in 2013, can somebody give me some proof about it like a link to a site that confirms that there will be season 4 h2o just add water. However, they encounter a new force on Mako … I believe that there will be a season 4 too(: tomorrows the day! FINALLYYYYYYY I FOUND RIKKIS TWITTER PAGE ( THE REAL ONE!) im in australia). Also, lots of people make Facebook pages that are fake. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. @CourCour, no, he didn't. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. When Erik dives down and touches one of the rock outcrops on Mako reef, he's transported into a sphere of endless water with no way out. ci sarà la 4 stagione di h2o just add water? @CindyBradyGirl.I live in florida and im a she,did they say anything about season 4 yet. claire and phoebe do tho. Honestly, I could go and make Abraham Lincoln our current U.S. president. allso:: i dont belive with m,e il swety hetaand soul tha rikki will alow that will ever happem bettwen her zane abd sum other new actally as bella was to our bets- bets in season 3 outra ALL?! I hope it does not get complicate with her filming another show. so tell me which one do i choose!!?? Playing next. By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. WHY CANT THEY TELL US ALREADY?! And when Season 4 is finished, they will talk about making a Season 5 for all the fans and it all depends on how much ratings they get for Season 4. wow, really? i heard they promised a promise is a promise, h2o is more popular than both of the shows they're currently working on, there has to be h2o season 4 or atleast a movie, well im in england and its on week ends at 1:30 and its on every night at nine thirty or ten, A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. H2O - Stagione 02 (4 Dvd) !!! Not yet registered? Well they arent denying a 4th season so thats a good thing. @CleoSoShy, h2o-clewis and vickytorita, I got the info from Facebook and Wikipedia. it must mean the web has lots abut it! I WANT EMMA BAK! @CourCour the he I was talking about was Jonathan. so tell meeeeee!!!!!!! What you need to know about new COVID-19 strain yup!! Cast. rikki and cleo are the original ones so they shouldnt leave.... id cry if rikki left tho cause shes my fave,......... anyways spread this^^ message about season 4 so we coould get it back by POPULAR DEMAND!! H2O is a series that is currently running and has 3 seasons (91 episodes). where it came from? who the **** cares were he/she got the info come if they say there a season 4 agree with them 2 make urself feel good. ! so where do i look on friday to see if 'rikki' anounces season 4.... im exxxiteddd, Im thr samr way! @h2o-clewis, they said H2O Just Add Water Season 4 is coming in 2012 and its airs on 16 January. Anonymous. sooooooon! The film's script was written by Upendra who stars in the lead role with Prabhu Deva, Priyanka Trivedi along with Babu Mohan, Sadhu Kokila and Bank Janardhan portraying supporting roles.