Put new text under old text. Richard tells Ben to go home but Ben then asks if he can join Richard. The episode's title references The Wizard of Oz, as the question of how powerful Ben and the Others as a whole are is compared to "the ferocious and majestical Wizard of Oz, and there was in fact this very small man behind the curtain. The use of the squid ink looked as if black paint had been splattered with a … Roger is processed by Opal a nurse. Gainey - Tom FriendlyJon Gries - Roger LinusDoug Hutchison - Horace GoodspeedSamantha Mathis - Olivia GoodspeedCarrie Preston - Emily LinusTania Raymonde - Alex RousseauMarsha Thomason - Naomi Dorrit Locke responds by stepping forward and beating Mikhail unconscious. Ben says he did it because John "heard him." Alpert and his group emerge wearing gas masks. They talk about where Jack and Juliet are, and Kate admits that she told them about Naomi. The next morning Ben and Locke walk through the jungle. Juliet tells Sawyer to play the other side of the tape, which is Ben's plan to lead a team to kidnap all the fertile women. A podcast rehash for the episode was released on May 11, 2007. Ironically, Richard is actually the only person on the island who does know where Jacob is, and will, Throughout the episode, Locke's influence over the Others gradually increased. In his flashback, Ben arranges for the Hostiles to take on the village while he is away with his father - and arranges for himself to kill his father by his own, particular means. John Locke arrives at the Others' camp carrying his father's body on his back, and demands that Ben tell him everything about the Island. This episode shows that Ben's mother dies when he is born. The audience expects Locke to meet a man, a human man, named. Ben says they came here seeking harmony, however, they could not even coexist with the original inhabitants of the Island. The following day, Locke still does not believe Jacob is real, and says he will expose Ben as a fraud. Ben seems used to this routine and, after he places his gift box on the table, he takes an empty beer can from his dads hand and starts to take his father's boots off. Naveen Andrews - Sayid Jarrah Henry Ian Cusick - Desmond Hume Emilie de Ravin - Claire Littleton Michael Emerson - Benjamin Linus Matthew Fox - Jack Shephard Jorge Garcia - Hugo Reyes Josh Holloway - James Ford Daniel Dae Kim - Jin-Soo Kwon Yunjin Kim - Sun-Hwa Kwon Evangeline Lilly - Kate Austen Elizabeth Mitchell - Juliet Burke Dominic Monaghan - Charlie Pace Terry O'Quinn - John Locke Roger says it isn't what he signed up for and throws an empty beer can on the floor. Ben looks to see John Locke enter the camp carrying what appears to be a dead body, wrapped in canvas, on his back (exactly as Ben had asked). "[3] Jacob, the mysterious entity who rules the Others, made its first physical appearance. episodului: Sezonul 3 Episodul 20: Scenarist: Elizabeth Sarnoff & Drew Goddard: Regizor: Bobby Roth: Cod producție: 320 Data difuzării: May 9, 2007: Actori ocazionali; … Ben, ashen faced, follows him and hangs up the (now intact) oil lamp outside the house. Defiant, Ben has prepared an escape and he later returns to the fence, armed with the deactivation code. Young Ben's bag that he takes with him when he meets Richard is a Fossil, you can see the tag when he puts his rabbit in it. After confronting his father about forgetting his birthday again, Roger suggests they go for a drive together after their work is done, to have some father-son time. The Man Behind the Curtain Ben unwillingly divulges information to Locke about the island, taking him on a journey to various locations including strange monuments and the mysterious Jacob. Ben was literally born a murderer, according to his insensitive father. The children huddle together in the corner of the room. Locke reveals Jacob said "Help me", and Ben replies that he certainly hopes Jacob helps him, as he departs leaving Locke for dead. Ben introduces Locke to Jacob and gestures towards an empty chair, to which he starts talking. Locke pulls out a flashlight, and suddenly, objects in the room begin to violently fly about, windows shatter, and Ben is flung against a wall as a strange man is briefly seen sitting in the chair. Ben tells Locke to turn off his flashlight because Jacob hates technology as much as Locke does. Ben states that this also makes him smarter than Locke. ♪. Restaurant by Michael O'Hare . Ben points the gun at an already severely injured Locke and demands to know what Jacob said to him. Starring: Daniel Dae Kim, Jorge Garcia, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Elizabeth Mitchell, Terry O'Quinn, Matthew Fox, Emilie de Ravin, Henry Ian Cusick, Dominic Monaghan, Michael Emerson, Michael Emerson, Rodrigo Santoro, Naveen Andrews, Kiele Sanchez, Josh Holloway, Yunjin Kim, Evangeline Lilly. He says he was smart enough not to end up in a ditch like the DHARMA Initiative. Roger holds up his DHARMA uniform and angrily protests that he has been given the occupation of "Work Man." The beer can that Roger drinks from just before Ben kills him bears the Swan logo, despite Roger previously saying he was delivering the van's contents to the Pearl station. A young Ben emerges from the submarine with a group of research-esque people and passes under a sign which says Namaste from the Sharma Initiative. Ben's lantern falls to the floor and catches fire; the fire is quickly extinguished, as if by magic. At the survivors' camp, James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway) plays Juliet Burke's (Elizabeth Mitchell) tape for Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews) and Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly). Which hereby means (I had to google this) ‘free from restraint, control or power of another’. Ben seems used to this routine too, as Roger goes on to say that Emily was only 7 months pregnant when she gave birth to Ben. She takes the doll of Ben and gives him the doll representing her. Horace tries to explain that they are having some skirmishes with the natives. Years have passed and Ben, now in his 20s, is dressed in a DHARMA uniform which shows he is now also a Workman like his father. Ben is still seated at his desk, as Olivia yells at him to move to safety. Ben asks Locke what he bases that assumption on and Locke says that if Ben were telling the truth, his hand wouldn't be shaking. Ben's first flashback gave us a look at his life from birth to his time with the Dharma Initiative and finally to his shocking alliance with the hostiles. As he does, he hears a deep, sepulchral voice saying, "Help me.". Roger notices Ben looking at his watch and jokingly asks Ben if he has a date. Ben and the Others kill the entire DHARMA Intiative. Lost „The Man Behind the Curtain” Nr. Writer 54439 is 7 x 7777. Horace takes Ben under his arm as they pass under a sign proclaiming "Namaste!". Ben comments that we all answer to someone. Juliet sends the recording to Ben. Outside, Mikhail runs into camp shouting for Ben. In a flashback, Ben killed his father, and helped kill everyone at the Barracks. Long shrouded in mystery, much of it self-generated, “The Man Behind the Curtain” tracks Ben Linus from his traumatic birth, not on the island as he’s long claimed, but in the woods just outside of Portland (this is revealed in a scene that calls to mind M. Night Shayamalan’s The Village), to the snail’s crawl patience required in overthrowing and annihilating DHARMA over the course of more than a … Olivia orders the class to "get into their positions." Ben also tells John that he was not born on the island. Meanwhile, Sawyer returns to camp with the tape recorder he got from Locke, causing everyone to finally confront Jack and Juliet about her intentions. As the blueprints of the cabin were found on his body in the mass grave this may suggest the … Fast forward to 2020, the year of the pandemic and one of its modern-day men behind the curtain, Governor Andrew Cuomo. The work man coveralls that Ben puts on the day of, Richard dresses in grungy, pirate looking gear for this episode only. [5] Director Bobby Roth said the 1970s scenes try to convey the decade's "full of hope" spirit, where "people try to create a new world". Ben proceeds to chat to "Jacob" and argue, while Locke stands in complete disbelief. Ben, visibly shaken by these words, replies to Locke that he had better hope that Jacob will help him now. In their conversation, Ben says he is looking for his mother and that he has seen her, even though she is dead. Ben has visions of seeing his mother again. Olivia grabs a bolt action rifle and tells Annie to lock the door. Richard asks Ben if they should collect Roger's body but Ben tells Richard to leave Roger there. ... Sayid Jarrah. Locke tells Ben that he is pathetic and turns to leave. The interior design for the DHARMA installations tried to be utopic, but utilitarian. "I'd get out of my way if I were you!" Locke now demands to know everything about the Island, having held up his end of the deal, and tells Ben to start from the beginning. As Sawyer plays the tape, Jack and Juliet return. She was the woman with Horace just after Ben was born. Uncredited Ben slams his reading glasses down and storms outside to ask Tom about it, but Tom's gaze is elsewhere. Tasting Menu Only. Reluctantly, Ben agrees to take Locke to see Jacob. For a split moment when the objects start to move around in the cabin, a long-haired, slightly bearded man can be seen in the chair where Ben was supposedly talking to. Just then, Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox) and Juliet return to the camp. Richard looks at his watch then takes his mask off. He does confess that he’s been lying to everybody (except Richard, who met him as a kid) about being born on The Island, and he does show Locke the mass grave full of Dharmans that he and the Others gassed to death. May 9, 2007 The chaos stops as quickly as it began. Mikhail tells Ben that several of Locke's people have an injured woman who parachuted onto the Island. As they collect water at the river, Alex arrives and gives Locke a handgun. Ben tells Locke that he helped kill his own people when it became clear that the DHARMA workers could not coexist with the natives, and then shoots Locke, who falls into the pit. Sawyer plays the tape recording Juliet made to the camp. He explains that when it became clear to Ben that one side had to go, he did what he had to do. He tells his father that he has missed Emily too, but the difference for Ben is that he had to put up with his father for all those years. Annie gives Ben an "Annie" doll on his birthday and keeps her "Ben" doll with her, so that they "Will never be apart". Bobby Roth He hears a brief whisper, then his mother appears on the other side of the fence. But Ben, fed up after years of neglect and abuse, pulls out a gas mask and bids his father goodbye before filling the van with a gas that kills Roger. Annie grabs Ben by the arm and leads him to the corner with the other children. Ben returns to the barracks, where all the DHARMA workers have died from the same gas, and Alpert and his men emerge wearing masks. Ben asks Roger whether he truly does think its Ben's fault that Emily died. Ben receives it from the other side and tells Locke about it. Roger says "while driving back from the Flame we drive into the middle of a shoot out!" Roger retorts that he doesn't give a damn about Ben's education, demanding an extra $30,000 more in "hazard pay." 89-90 This is the first episode to air after the announcement of the 2010 end date. ♪ Ben comes home later in the evening to find his father asleep on the couch, surrounded by empty beer cans. Juliet reveals that she has already told Jack about it, and that they were still thinking of a plan. "The Man Behind the Curtain" is the twentieth episode of Season 3 and the sixty-ninth produced hour of the series as a whole. John tells Sawyer that Juliet is working for Ben and gives him the tape as proof. When Ben leaves the cabin he places the unbroken lantern to its previous location. It displays the time. It looks like they are receiving delivery. Sawyer, returning from helping Locke, hides in the trees and grabs Sayid's attention. After parking atop a hill, Ben asks his father if he blames him for the death of his mother. He asks Richard if he is one of the Hostiles, and Richard asks Ben whether he even knows what that means. Emily says that it hurts and when Roger looks at his hands, he sees that she is hemorrhaging. Roger's DHARMA logo on his jumpsuit is the Swan's. Years later, Ben, now a young man working for DHARMA, helps his father Roger load a van. Ben picks up an old photo of his parents, which shows them together and smiling. He stumbles backwards, knocking over a chair. As Ben takes Locke to see Jacob and reveal the island's secrets, Ben's background on the island is exposed--as well as what happened to the Dharma Initiative. Locke falls backwards into the pit of DHARMA corpses. ... Desmond Hume. Roger chokes and he bleeds from the nose and mouth. Lost's Jacob, who runs the Others from a secret cabin and can apparently only speak to Ben, is such a straight execution of this trope that the episode in which Jacob first appears is in fact titled "The Man Behind the Curtain." He allied with the Hostiles and committed the mass murder of the Initiative members, as well as patricide. This foreshadows the fact that Richard is very old and doesn't seem to be aging. Ben is in class learning about volcanoes from his teacher Olivia. It was broadcast on May 9, 2007. Locke says he has seen enough, but they keep moving. If the "bicarbonate" was a commercial product such as Alka-Seltzer or Bromo-Seltzer, it had citric acid mixed in and would only require the addition of water to react. In his last moments with his father Ben questions him whether he really thinks he's responsible for his mother's death. Nestor Carbonell - Richard AlpertAndrew Divoff - Mikhail BakuninM.C. Annie tells Ben it is the "the Hostiles," and that it will be okay. Roger answers, "What do I know?". When Ben shot Locke in the final scene, this dramatically ended Locke's rise to power. I bet he will when he has something to say, right Ben?" The part of Emily Linus, Ben's mother, was played by actress Carrie Preston, the real-life wife of Michael Emerson. ♪ Roger seems embarrassed and sheepishly suggests they go for a drive together after their work is done, to have some father-son time. She demonstrates the effect that water has on baking powder to simulate the effect of a volcano. Opal calmly apologizes and tells him that he is free to apply for another position if one comes up. In his conversation with Richard Alpert, Ben says: "You do remember birthdays, don't you Richard?" Locke accuses Ben of being the "the man behind the curtain, the Wizard of Oz" and says Ben is a liar. He stumbles outside in fear and confusion. Richard enters, and in conversation, Ben learns that the tape recorder with his new instructions was never taken back to the medical station, despite it being missing. Hearing the noise, Roger comes into Ben's room. Roger comments on the beautiful view as he swigs beer from a can. Days Roger is unhappy she is gone, and that he is stuck on the Island with Ben. Locke sees a man sitting in the chair for a brief moment. After bringing his father's body to Ben, Locke demands to see Jacob, the leader of the Others. As Olivia notes similarities to the Island, the building shakes and a siren sounds. Ben leaves, and Locke is left gasping for breath. Ben says that only he is allowed to see Jacob. As Ben turns his face his bedroom window, he sees his mother outside, staring in at him. Length People, all dressed in DHARMA uniforms, busily moving boxes. Jack finally decides he, Juliet and the Losties "have some catching up to do". She says it's not time yet. Baby Ben was portrayed by a baby girl called Amanda. Locke also notices that Ben is leading them back by a different path. Josh Wigler ( @roundhoward) and Mike Bloom ( @AMikeBloomType) take a look at “The Man Behind the Curtain.”. They have been gassed. Ben tells him that the true leader of the Others is named Jacob, and denies Locke's request to see him. Season 3 | Episode 20. "The Man Behind the Curtain" (titulado "El hombre tras la cortina" en España y "El hombre detrás de la cortina'" en Hispanoamérica) es el vigésimo capítulo de la tercera temporada de la serie Lost. Arlo wanders along a rural road in the middle of the night, drunkenly talking to the ghost of his first wife, Raylan's mother, as he approaches Limehouse's turf, Nobles Holler. 1. It was first aired on May 9, 2007, on ABC. The first flashback episode for one of the best characters Ben Linus! John raises his hand and says, "He said, 'help me.'" Mikhail demands to know why Locke is there. Emily Linus (Carrie Preston), gives birth to her son in a forest. Before Ben and Locke enter the cabin, Ben lights a lantern, which later falls to the cabin floor, breaks, and sets a fire. There is a signpost which says they are 32 miles from Portland. She coldly tells Ben, "Happy birthday, Dad" as she leaves. As Ben waits watching the brief video, a girl, Annie introduces herself. Juliet reveals that she has already told Jack about it, and that they were still thinking of a plan. Locke is shot by Ben in the last scene of this episode, leaving the viewers uncertain about his fate. Director Seven years later, Ben (Sterling Beaumon) and his father arrive at the Island to work for the DHARMA Initiative, of which Horace is a member. But “The Man Behind The Curtain” might be the most perfect execution of the show’s two primary storytelling devices: its deep mythology and its use of parallel narratives that draw strength from each other. Meanwhile, Juliet's secret goes public, on "Lost," WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the Walt Disney Television via Getty Images Television Network. Locke follows. As Ben lights the oil lamp that is hanging outside the wooden hut, he warns that after opening the door, there is no turning back. Eventually, Roger tells Horace to get out of his house. [4] For the scene in the cabin, actor Michael Emerson wrote Jacob's unspoken lines so that it would seem more like a normal conversation was transpiring between the two. Ben glances at his watch, which shows the time as exactly 4 o'clock and 15, then 16, seconds. 3. Locke is even briefly able to see and hear a figure sitting on Jacob's chair: the person or thing that is possibly the source of Ben's power over the Others. In the classroom scene, there is a scientific inaccuracy where Olivia is performing an experiment to illustrate lava. They turn over the tape and hear that Ben plans to lead a team to kidnap all the fertile women. UNITED STATES - APRIL 02: LOST - "The Man Behind the Curtain" - Ben begrudgingly begins to introduce Locke to the secrets of the island, beginning with the mysterious Jacob. Ben steps over and Locke investigates by touching it with his fingers. Richard tells him that it might be possible, but that Ben would have to be very, very patient. She says there is something wrong, but he asks her to push. When Locke suggests that Richard might lead him to Jacob, Ben angrily declares that Richard doesn't know where Jacob is and doesn't speak to him. Careful what you wish for. Inside the compound, Errol, who had organize… Annie explains that the dolls would mean that they "never have to be apart." ♪. The words from his father prompt Ben to run out of the house. This parallels when Locke is unable to speak and vision-Boone tells him, "Don't worry; you'll speak when you have something worth saying. https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Man_Behind_the_Curtain?oldid=1125182. Ben calmly asks what Jacob had said to John. In the next scene, Ben shot Locke who then fell into the pit of dead people from the Barracks. This foreshadows the fact that Annie disappeared from Ben's life, either by time or distance. When Ben arrives on the island, Roger says, "Ah, he don't say much," to which Horace responds, "That's okay. He says that her helicopter crashed into the water, that her ship is 130 kilometers to the west, and that she has a radio phone. Ben receives it from the other side and tells Locke about it. The episode makes prominent use of the colors blue (many pieces of clothing, VW buses, Emily's dress in the jungle, the present ribbon, the puppets, the Apollo bar, Tom's mug, Ben's big blue eyes as a kid, etc) and red (the liquid in Jacob's jars, the car that helped Roger, the swings, Sun and Jin's shirts, Annie's dress, shirt hanging on the cord, the rabbit's eyes, etc). Efter att ha tagit sin fars kropp till Ben kräver Locke att få träffa Jacob; De andras egentliga ledare. A red convertible VW Karmann Ghia then stops, and a man and woman stop to help them. Roger shouts for help as a truck and a car pass by. Ben is in his tent, once again lovingly looking at the wooden Annie doll that he received from his childhood friend Annie as a birthday present when he was a child. Transcript Guests Mikhail says he was fortunate that the pylons were not set to a lethal level. "The Man Behind the Curtain" is the 20th episode of the 3rd season of Lost, and the 69th episode overall. In many ways, Lost as we knew it ended with this episode, and did so by crystallizing a formula it would raze just two episodes later. Once the rabbit gets through without injury, Ben follows, running into the jungle amidst whispers. On the way, Ben admits that some of the things he has said on the Island were "not the truth." Keep the questions open-ended and neutral: do not suggest an answer. He admits to not having been born on the Island like he said. He looks up and sees Locke. Locke casually eats a piece of fruit while Ben explains to Locke that Jacob is not the sort of person you visit, he is the sort of person who summons you. We finally get a good look at The Man Behind the Curtain! Locke gazes down into an unfilled mass grave full of skeletons, DHARMA jumpsuits still visible on some. Locke calls bullshit, without even knowing that Ben’s “I was born here!” is clearly a lie, and says that Ben is clearly the Man Behind the Curtain just like the Wizard of Oz. Ben places the doll inside the bag which he always carries around with him. (In. True, Olivia didn't mention this, but she was teaching a lesson about volcanoes, not chemistry. Cast (in credits order) Naveen Andrews. This may explain his obsession with trying to prevent pregnant women dying on the Island. 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