[he doesn't even learn the name of the wind. The troupe acquires the scholar and arcanist Abenthy, who trains Kvothe in science and sympathy: a discipline that creates links from one physical object to allow manipulation of another. I was immersed the entire time. The most likely release after The Doors of Stone is The Tale of Laniel Young-Again, a story set more than a hundred years before The Name of the Wind in the world of Temerant. However, most of the population does not have reliable knowledge of the magical disciplines and many still doubt that magicians can truly call upon the Wind. How is this so highly rated? There, Kvothe and Denna meet a local farmer who reported the blue fire, and later, as they are searching for the Chandrian, they encounter a draccus, which nearly destroys the local town before it is slain by Kvothe. Kvothe then resolves to get into the University, whose vast Archives include all kinds of accumulated knowledge, including, presumably, also on the Chandrian. This is a magnificent and wonderfully-written epic fantasy novel! The Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicle: Day One) is the first fantasy book of the Kingkiller Chronicle fantasy series by Patrick Rothfuss. This book was like nothing that i've read before. I like to imagine real actors playing the characters of a book I'm reading. Much of the world follows a religion similar, though not identical, to medieval Christianity. Anyone else notice the how the story line mimicked the wheel of time? In later parts of the book, characters are often skeptical of such stories. When Kvothe seemingly fails to use magic to help, the skin dancer dies after the local blacksmith's apprentice, Aaron, strikes the possessed mercenary with a rod of iron. Your book has the highest average GR rating (4.49) of any of the book I've read. The more of it I read, the more I realize traditional "epic" fantasy of the multi-book series tack is not quite for me. It's a well known fact that I will read pretty much any book with a magical school but so is the fact that I don't like waiting for the next book in a series. This inquiry turns out to have fatal consequences. Some kinds of magic are taught in the University as academic disciplines and have daily-life applications (those who can afford it are able to buy magical lamps, for example, much better than the candles used by poorer people). Let's back the hell up here. Overall, he is a very arrogant character that think he is better than everyone in everyone way possible, and he would do anything to get ahead, even if means killing you. AKJGALGJLSJLAG W.T.F. Told in Kvothe's own voice, this is the tale of the magically gifted young man who grows to be the most notorious wizard his world has ever seen. Taborlin fell from a tremendous height but since he knew the name of the wind he called it and the wind came and set him down safely. This is why I love fantasy so much. Patrick Rothfuss' fantasy novel The Name of the Wind ends as it begins: with a "silence of three parts." just finished it. This is the riveting first-person narrative of Kvothe, a young man who grows to be one of the most notorious magicians his world has ever seen. Those first few pages did nothing to encourage me, but as soon as I realised that this is, essentially, a story about a story, I was hooked of Rothfuss’ magic. Last year I read two books with “Wind” in their title – The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Select files or add your book in reader. The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1), I'm sorry, Mr. Rothfuss. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.”, Locus Award Nominee for Best First Novel and Best Fantasy Novel (2008), Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire Nominee for Roman étranger and Traduction (2010), The Quill Award for Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror (2007), Premio Ignotus Nominee for Mejor novela extranjera (Best Foreign Novel) (2010). Is this book hard? Everything that he does to me might as well be a flaw, the flaw of being rational , not thinking of the consequences or the emotional effect it would have on others. He does extremely well in all of these as in every other field to which he turns his hand. The name of The wind Book Summary. I burned down the town of Trebon. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I was wondering how many things that he does right then there is a flaw to follow right afterwards. Kvothe's father, the famous bard Arliden, starts composing what was to be the greatest of his works—a ballad of the ancient tragic hero Lanre. We’d love your help. We build ourselves out of that story.”, “Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. Grade 9 seems like an adequate. Welcome back. This first book in The KingKiller Chronicle emphasizes the early years of a wizard named Kvothe, framed against what we know (or can surmise) about the present-day fugitive Kvothe who is telling the story. Hearing reports of blue fire and murder at a rural wedding, he suspects the Chandrian and visits the site. And for God's sake, why do male fantasy writers always write about do-everything, know-it-all male heroes who vanquish dragons, defeat their conniving rivals, strangle angels, and literally walk through fires /carrying weeping females over their shoulders like sacks of potatoes/???? This fantasy novel was recommended to me by a number of sources. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Your book has the highest average GR rating (4.49) of any of the book I've read. can you imagine, I can understand every single word you wrote. I had a bad experience with Steven Erikson's Malazan Empire books, so is this book hard to understand/read? [I always died a slow death whenever someone broke Kvothe’s lute. After doing some research on my own, I found this book … Last edited by ImportBot. All the time. Back at the University, Ambrose taunts Kvothe and breaks his lute. I almost stopped reading after twenty five pages, shocking I know. can you imagine, I can understand every single word you wrote. Some books may have better overall plots, some may have better worlds, or better systems of magic. Kvothe enters the University despite his lack of tuition funds and performs admirably as a student, but faces continuous poverty and rivalries with the wealthy student Ambrose Jakis and the arrogant Master Hemme, who sees that Kvothe receives lashing for misbehaviour. Kvothe begins his story during his childhood, when he lived amongst a troupe of highly reputed traveling performers known as Edema Ruh. The Name of the Wind is the first book in the Kingkiller Chronicles. The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title. and yet i still liked it. I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. Another version was released on tape narrated by Fred Major for the American Printing House for the Blind. My heart bled so much for him and it quite literally hurt my artistic soul!! Whose brilliant idea was it to throw around the GRRM and Harry Potter comparisons, thereby actually getting me to waste my pennies on this book when the money could've been better spent, I dunno, on some new dish sponges or perhaps bundled together into a lump sum donation to the Feminist Fantasy Writer Foundation? DAY ONE: THE NAME OF THE WIND My name is Kvothe. The Name of the Wind is an epic fantasy by Patrick Rothfuss in which the legendary hero Kvothe, now in hiding as Waystone Inn owner Kote, recounts his past experiences to Chronicler, a story collector. I appreciate this review. than myself - a famed hero in a milqtoast world little different from modern North America. Are you kidding me? He is like everything that a parent does not want their kid to become friends with or their daughters to even date. This is a kid's book next to them. Opinions Needed - Is this OK for 16 to 18-year-old readers? So I took a shot and check this book out of the library, ending up hating the book mostly because of the main character, Kovthe. Another version was released on tape narrated by Fred Major for the American Printing House for the Blind. That story makes you what you are. I finally dropped my rating down to one star because it's just a steaming pile of crap and I couldn't take the embarrassment of having posted a two-star rating. Why do these high fantasy disappointments keep on keeping on? When the troupe makes camp, Kvothe's mother sends him to gather sage in the surrounding woods. However you will find little to no books that are executed better then the Name of the Wind, and in my opinion you will never find a character with more character than Kvothe. For realz, actual sorry. DAY ONE: THE NAME OF THE WIND My name is Kvothe. And if you are uncomfortable that I point out the lack of strong female characters, the main character as essentially a male Mary Sue, or the fact that the entire book was pure male fantasy wish fulfillment, then perhaps you should consider some personal reflection on why those points upset you. I am thinking of picking this for my Grade 9 book club. WITH A GIRL SLUNG OVER HIS SHOULDERS. It all began when Pat Rothfuss was born to a marvelous set of parents. Despite a decade having passed, the third novel titled The Doors of Stone has not yet been released. I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. Patrick Rothfuss’s The Name of the Wind (The KingKiller Chronicle #1) is a work I should have read a long time ago. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Are those genre-establishment reviewers who're thrashing about in paroxysms of fawning five-star NEXT BIG THING OMG joy wearing blinders or just so used to mediocre fantasy that this book actually comes across looking good in comparison? It initially appeared quite basic and completely uninspiring. I was expelled from … I burned down the town of Trebon. A sequel entitled The Wise Man's Fear was released on March 1, 2011 by DAW Books. Based on the few things I heard and the image on the cover, this book was not what I expected. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Big things are afoot for fans of Patrick Rothfuss and his The Kingkiller Chronicle novels. I'm pretty easy with my 5*, they're not reserved for the best book I've ever read, just very good books. 43,661 reviews. And if you aren’t convinced to read The Name of the Wind after this gorgeous and awesome review by Any – then you should stay away from fantasy. Start by marking “The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)” as Want to Read: Error rating book. DAW Books. The most recent of these stemmed from a placeholder date that surfaced on some online book outlets, claiming the book would be out on August 20, 2020. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. Let's back the hell up here. I thought The Name of the Wind was "very good". I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I'll give this 5* with no begrudging. Kvothe buys a lute despite his poverty, and performs brilliantly at a famous musical tavern to earn money, where he also befriends Denna again. Though you don't appear to need my pity. Discover #1 New York Times -bestselling Patrick Rothfuss epic fantasy series, The Kingkiller Chronicle. I actually started it a little over a year ago, but didn’t get very far. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. As names have power, words have power. The other problem I had was the language: Kvothe's eyes are described as shards of ice just a sentence before his voice is likened to a sharp steel blade. I burned down the town of Trebon. But I can try to give you a feel for the book, if I can figure out where to start and how to do justice to this masterpiece. Are those genre-establishment reviewers who're thrashing about in paroxysms of fawning five-star NEXT BIG THING OMG joy wearing blinders or just so used to mediocre fantasy that this book actually comes across looking good in comparison? At night, Bast breaks into Chronicler's room and reveals Chronicler's coming was part of his plan all along. I have so many unanswered questions and I'm not even mad about it. Buy The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle): 1 New e. by Rothfuss, Patrick (ISBN: 8601300344706) from Amazon's Book Store. At the time, I had been plowing through books, and I’ve since discovered that this is not the way to get to know or appreciate The Name of the Wind. I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. The Kingkiller Chronicle is a fantasy book series by Patrick Rothfuss, which recounts the story of Kvothe, an adventurer and musician. Martin, a dozen scattered other novels and series. I have no interest in imagining I'm someone who is stronger, deadlier, smarter, sexier, etc. Both books are extraordinary. Though you don't appear to need my pity. DAY ONE: THE NAME OF THE WIND My name is Kvothe. Everything that he does to me might as well be a flaw, the flaw of being rational , not thinking of the consequences or the emotional effect it wo. He threatens Chronicler to focus Kote on the more heroic aspects of his story in the hope that he will abandon his apathy and return to his former heroic self.