What is EVIL EMPIRE SPEECH? Citizenship & Civic Identity Civil Rights Freedom of Speech Religion & Morality in Public Life Social & Economic Justice U.S. Internationalism War & Peace. Reagan wanted everyone—Americans, Soviets, citizens of Westeros—to know he was aware of some rather evil parts of America's past. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan addressed the National Association of Evangelicals, delivering what is now referred to as his "Evil Empire" speech. Allusion is one of the rhetorical strategies President Reagan uses numerous times during the course of his entire speech. An Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s “The Evil Empire.” Ronald Reagan gave a speech in Orlando, Florida on March 8, 1983 called, “The Evil Empire.” This speech was intended for the ears of all Americans and is one of the best known presidential speeches ever given. Analysis of the “Evil Empire” speech can highlight many issues in the . (Source), © 2021 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. He believed that our country should take a leap of faith in God and see what he has in store for us. Evil Empire Speech by Ronald Reagan March 8, 1983 Historical Note On March 8, 1983, President Reagan delivered an address to a meeting of the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida. torical speech was aimed at convincing the nation about the righteousness of his nuclear policy. The Evil Empire speech was primitive, a mirror-image of crude Soviet rhetoric. He uses this story to show that there are still honest and respectable politicians, legislatures, congressmen/women, and any other government officials in the public eye out there. So he proceeded to launch a campaign that produced ads that were honest. A famous “Evil Empire Speech” given on March 3, 1983, by the fortieth President of the United States Donald Reagan addresses The National Association of Evangelicals that is known for its contribution to humanitarian and spiritual work in America. I feel that the topic of the speech, Evil Empire, lies in paragraph 29, “There’s a great spiritual awakening in America, a renewal of the traditional values that have been the bedrock of America’s goodness and greatness”. Domestically speaking, the speech highlighted . And, really, that's just downright dangerous—someone should call the DMV. "The Evil Empire," President Reagan's Speech to the House of Commons, June 8, 1982. Ronald Reagan gave a speech in Orlando, Florida on March 8, 1983 called, “The Evil Empire.” This speech was intended for the ears of all Americans and is one of the best known presidential speeches ever given. Domestically speaking, the speech highlighted . Those of you in the National Association of Evangelicals are known for your spiritual and humanitarian work. The use of this sentence is to appeal to the audience’s emotions and get the audience to start thinking about what abortion really is. A long, long time ago our fore fathers sat down and drafted the most influential document of our lives as Americans, The Constitution. “There is sin and evil in the world, and we’re enjoined by Scripture and the Lord Jesus to oppose it will all our might.” President … He would like them to voice their opinion on the current problem occurring in the United States. I believe the use of these numerous rhetorical questions helped to persuade the parents to lean more to Reagan’s side. Yet optimism is in order because day by day … And as leaders in the fight to contain communism and protect oppressed populations around the world, the U.S. cannot condone anything that disrespects human life. The use of this metaphor is referring to everlasting justice and righteousness in what Reagan believes as the spiritual awakening that is about to initiate in the United States of America. A famous “Evil Empire Speech” given on March 3, 1983, by the fortieth President of the United States Donald Reagan addresses The National Association of Evangelicals that is known for its contribution to humanitarian and spiritual work in America. Nancy and I have felt their presence many times in many ways. What makes the speech challenging is all the underlying meaning. He goes on to talk about other issues in American society, including infanticide and mercy killings, saying they "lead to a decline in respect for human life" (80). An Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s “The Evil Empire” Essay Sample. The third rhetorical strategy Reagan used in his speech is metaphors. seminal speech and its importance to human freedom. A continuation of the political movement groups was the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) fight for a better working environment and equal working conditions as the workers toiled in the fields harvesting grapes. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.9-10.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Reagan wanted to do whatever he could in his power to change our world for the better. There's a great spiritual awakening in America, a renewal of the traditional values that have been the bedrock of America's goodness and greatness. Dolan also drafted Reagan’s 1982 speech to the British Parliament, delivered at the Palace of Westminster, that has been cited as Reagan’s initial “evil empire” speech. He also used his strong belief in God and faith to help contemplate and persuade the minds of our citizens and win over the audience. 20 September 2013. The first use of metaphors in this speech is, “Yes, let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream” (Reagan 5). Yes, change your world. Here's the crux of things, kids—nuclear freeze is a bad idea, as are any negotiations with totalitarian groups. In presenting his address, Reagan makes use of his role in office in his “Evil Empire” speech. Ronald Reagan’s 1983 “Evil Empire” Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis by Kirsten Ann Westenskow Clark Dr. David Henry, Examination Committee Chair Professor of Communication University of Nevada, Las Vegas In 1983, President Ronald Reagan addressed the National Association of Evangelicals, delivering what is now referred to as his “Evil Empire” speech. The National Association of Evangelicals serves as a representation of many different denominations of Christianity throughout America and works to make our country a better place by supporting Christians and doing humanitarian work. 518 Words 3 Pages. By the time he's halfway through, the audience is about ready to go grab a pint—of Ben and Jerry's, of course—and wallow like Rory Gilmore. Courtney Professor English 1302 20 September 2013 An Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s “The Evil Empire.”Ronald Reagan gave a speech in Orlando, Florida on March 8, 1983 called, “The Evil Empire.”This speech was intended for the ears of all Americans and is one of the best known presidential speeches ever given. RFK’s speech uses parallel structure and other rhetorical devices to appeal ... am concerned- as I believe most Americans are concerned- that our present course ... mistake and not “repair[ing] the evil”. The difference is we had learned from our mistakes, and it was high time the USSR did the same. The last few lines of Reagan's speech are actually rather similar to what Marx was saying. DBForum3 COMS101 Speech Analysis Week #8 RONALD REAGAN, “EVIL EMPIRE SPEECH” (8 MARCH 1983) 1. In conclusion, the use of parallel ... ... other American colonist’s revolutionary ideas were encouraged and elaborated through the speech. Page numbers 1-8. (54). Reagan and the other officials of the United States government were doing everything they could to help fund these clinics, that way the government could have a say in regards to requiring parental consent when the young girls would come and ask for help. The final two rhetorical strategies I found in “The Evil Empire” speech given by Ronald Reagan was the usage of pathos and logos. Get custom paper. The second example of rhetorical questions Reagan used in multiple sentences in one segment of his speech is when he said, “Is all Judeo-Christian tradition wrong? “Us”, is referring to the representatives of our great country. In presenting his address, Reagan makes use of his role in office in his “Evil Empire” speech. An evil empire is a speculative fiction trope in which a major antagonist of the story is a technologically advanced nation, typically ruled by an evil emperor or empress, that aims to control the world or conquer some specific group. What is EVIL EMPIRE SPEECH? What is this speech’s topic? In discussing such "lighthearted topics" (they said sarcastically), Reagan knew the key to packing a punch began with tugging on the heartstrings of his audience, which he does from the very beginning by highlighting a bunch of patriotic quotes that make you wanna stand up and wave the stars and stripes while eating a slice of apple pie. The "Evil Empire" speech was a speech delivered by U.S. President Ronald Reagan to the National Association of Evangelicals on March 8, 1983 during the Cold War.In that speech, Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an "evil empire" and as "the focus of evil in the modern world". In the 6th paragraph of Obama’s speech, he introduces a small yet personal synopsis of his ... States of America is the sole place where almost anything can be accomplished, no matter how unfeasible the quest; many grown Americans ... All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. Ronald Reagan's 1983 "Evil Empire" speech: A rhetorical analysis Kirsten Ann Westenskow Clark University of Nevada, Las Vegas Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Clark, Kirsten Ann Westenskow, "Ronald Reagan's 1983 "Evil Empire" speech: A rhetorical analysis" (2002). Everyone had to hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and agree to start over. Previous . By reminding everyone of their love of country, they become way more invested in the problems he's talking about, because they're everyone's problems, and everyone needs to be part of the solution. You'll need to watch something cute and uplifting after reading this section of Reagan's speech. Thank you for your prayers. Analysis of the “Evil Empire” speech can highlight many issues in the . Since this document was put into place, ... Another example of an allusion in “The Evil Empire” speech is when President Reagan talks about the young father who is speaking to a crowd in California sometime during the cold war.