We all benefit from the camaraderie, encouragement and motivation from our peers. Of course, if you are in a marriage than this could be something that does cause a split if your partner feels threatened by your new identity. This means there is the possibility at this eclipse you could suddenly feel burnt out and exhausted, or you could get plagued by one cold or flu after the other for the next 6 months. We must decide which foot to move in response to the road ahead. There is always more to earn, more to achieve, more prizes to win.. and this is exhausting. We have a finite focus as human beings, and it’s natural to concentrate on what’s in front of us. Ancient people often thought that an eclipse of the Sun or the Moon was a sign of disapproval or anger by the gods or from the heavens. If an eclipse falls within 5 degrees of a natal planet, it alters the planet's traits. Solar Eclipses in 2020 . One minute they are adorable, the next possessed by brat demons. The December 2020 solar eclipse is also in good aspect to Mars. This can prompt us to question our beliefs and look into them further, maybe even taking a degree course in something related to the discussion. Living your truth inspires others to do the same. An event may occur that shakes up the work/home imbalance if there has been one. For the next three months, petty niggles with your peer group force you away into an environment that is more light-hearted and playful. Capricorn “Sacred space” doesn’t always mean a particular place. The moon here makes it quite a treacherous labyrinth to navigate, and one where you will have to be good at feeling your way through the dark! In astrology, the sun is the planet that represents our focus, our most personal desires, goals, and our external self. ET — a new moon solar eclipse will adorn the night sky in … It can be a great wake-up call to start paying attention to your unique talents. This gives you a better night sleep that improves your looks (House 1) and gives you more energy for work (House 10). Because it’s veiled by our planet’s natural satellite, there isn’t enough sunlight, and from Earth … It can leave you with very little time to spend cultivating a happy, fulfilling family life of your own. How we manage our emotions and feelings, how we respond to those of others, the stories we tell ourselves about the ‘who, what, where and how’ of our existence, all have consequences which a solar eclipse can bring into sharp relief. Are you investing in yourself or do you believe you can’t achieve anything so even why bother? The causative factors of events in our lives are many and varied, but we are the common denominator and it is through self-knowledge and self-acceptance that we can more fully live, whatever life (and a solar eclipse!) At its most basic sense, this means connecting to your immediate friends. Reflecting both subconscious and unconscious forces in the psyche, the moon reveals our emotional habits and our default orientation towards life. There is also the possibility of creating your rituals and spiritual practice after becoming disappointed by traditional monotheistic religions. It could be that your immunity is low due to not being firm with other’s demands or through your excessive drug/alcohol use. You are drawn to the innocence and the purity of the fairytale, younger mind. The sense of resentment is a powerful spur to make you far more proactive in your quest for recognition. Alternatively, it may make more sense to let go of previous goals and reconsider the shape of things to come in this area of your life. Aspects of our life which we assumed were unassailable can be thrown into disarray and we must pick up the pieces, like it or not. The mind/body/spirit connection becomes all-important. Suddenly you are sensitive to the fluorescent office lighting, or the smell of the photocopier. The crisis of the Lunar eclipse could have you storming out of a classroom or being sent out of one. In school, an eclipse is an excuse to go outside and wear funny glasses. Your romantic relationships, or lack of them, are given a great cosmic shot in the arm by the Solar Eclipse. I first experienced the cooling effects of a solar eclipse when we lived in a town called Phalaborwa in the province of Limpopo in South Africa. However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. Travel is, of course, another avenue that broadens the mind, so for the next 6 months, trips abroad or meaningful exchanges with influential foreigners could help you see the world through a much wider angle lens. This Solar eclipse is very much like a rebirth. Dis-ease is exactly what the word says. Did they invest in you to live out their unfulfilled ambitions? This Solar eclipse attempts to jolt an imbalanced soul back into a harmonious life rhythm. It’s the third eclipse to fall along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis this year, but the first Solar Eclipse in this sign set. At best, the effect of a solar eclipse can amplify insights gained from a very balanced left and right brain. If all is well in your psyche and you have done enough self-work then the blurring of boundaries will just give you a heightened feeling of intuition. The study is not simply about gaining qualifications to further your career (Though this is a pleasant side effect. When an eclipse affects any of your natal planets, there may be changes in your mood, ways of thinking, life direction, or the life events of those around you. Any changes that you make to your home will have a domino effect on the rest of your life. Don’t push yourself if you know it’s time to step back, because stepping back at the right moment is equally important as stepping forward, and both contribute to the potential of an eclipse well-lived. Disillusionment with higher education could be felt as you feel trapped by the confines of the curriculum. At this time you could find a teacher who inspires soul growth that will affect you profoundly and that lasts for the rest of your life. From $5 a month you will have access to the full un-cut Moon/Matrix reports, the 36 Decan online library & and the keys to all my deepest, darkest posts. The reboot might come initially from feeling quite lonely, that you have spent a lot of time social-networking online rather than meeting real-life people. Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Astrology. Mostly though, this is a time of much internal cleansing. The Meaning of Eclipses in Vedic Astrology. Other interference can be from wifi, computers and of course recreational drugs. Become a Darkstar Subscriber! The solar and lunar eclipses are sometimes disruptive shake-ups, leading to major life events or more subtle inner changes. of your natal sun, whose impact upon your life will be emphasised during a solar eclipse. But adjustment will still be necessary and we may at first discover we’re a lot more scared of positive change and progress than we previously anticipated! The universe is speaking loudly and you are divinely inspired. The only way to find out exactly what is lurking in those depths is by some deep-sea diving into your subconscious. Eclipses happen because the size of the Moon and its distance to the Sun are in just the right measurements so … It is important to go somewhere relatively unspoilt and solitary, so you can have some quiet contemplation with the land. If however, there are some unrecognised boogie men giving you nightmares, then it’s time to open the creaky cupboards of your subconscious and shoo them out. This means you might well experience quite a few sniffles at this time in the form of colds or flu. Of course, this is attractive to others so you may well attract a marriage proposal if your prospective spouse can see this is a person who invests in themselves long term and is also likely to invest in the family long term also. Identifying the present consequences of past actions and omissions, denials and assertions, will assist us greatly in moving forward with deeper wisdom that supports a more awakened responsiveness in future. Sagittarius & Gemini – The Theme of Meaning. 2 months ago. Internal investments pay off later down the line. Your decision-making abilities and sense of sovereignty in this area of your life will mature as a result of the eclipse and you will gain a broader and wiser perspective upon the affairs of this house and how best to take them forward. So a solar eclipse is akin to driving a car with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake! If you're interested in using astrology as a tool to enhance your personal and spiritual development, my Self-Study Astrology Course will equip you to read any birth chart, work deeply with your own and unlock the profound wisdom messages every chart contains. This solar eclipse in your sign rekindles your lust for life, and your passion for personal growth. It is therefore especially important to attend to the quality of our thoughts, emotions and behaviour at this time. Because the light of the Sun (the life-force expressed as will) is blocked by the physicality of the Moon (the life force expressed as instinct) the shape of our life at a solar eclipse often reveals the consequences of past actions and reactions. If you had a dysfunctional upbringing then this period can be very challenging. It asserts authority over victimhood and reminds us that everything we do has consequences, many of which are out of our grasp as soon as we’ve acted. It can feel quite gut-wrenching, but at the same time cathartic as all the angst is wretched out of you. This step into the unknown could bring an out-of-the-blue friendship that activates gifts that you didn’t realise you even had. If you have not seen each other for a while, the friendship could be renewed. What this period will bring up for you then is any childhood wounds that have not been addressed. Brenda Black, C.A.P. Solar Eclipse: Jan 4 2011: 13° Capricorn 38′ Solar Eclipse: Jun 1 2011: 11° Gemini 02′ Lunar Eclipse: Jun 15 2011: 24° Sagittarius 23′ Solar Eclipse: Jul 1 2011: 09° Cancer 12′ Solar Eclipse: Nov 25 2011: 02° Sagittarius 37′ Lunar Eclipse: Dec 10 2011: 18° Gemini 11′ The Lunar eclipse in the underworld of your chart is so mysterious that you might not even realize how much it has transformed you until three months thrice have passed. An eclipse in the house of your hopes and wishes pushes you do be impulsive and daring in what you could create. The November Lunar Eclipse and the December Solar Eclipse are the first of three sets of eclipses in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini that continue in June 2021 and December 2021. This could be a time when you become quite obsessed with a new topic which completely changes the way you write or communicate. There’s simply no time to wait for feelings to change of their own accord now. The Sagittarius new moon on Monday, December 14, 2020, is a total solar eclipse. (These can be the tears of unacknowledged grief too) Don’t try to work over it or suppress your body’s natural wisdom, just help it heal itself. The Lunar Eclipse could find you pining for someone unattainable, or it might manifest the much longed for love affair. You might find you have quite a perverse desire to watch gory movies or post-mortem shows at this time. You see that it is a false economy to spend many hours on tasks another could do much faster and that your time has more value long term, in doing what you do best. If you have lost out financially then the Lunar Eclipse’s message is that you have not invested enough in your self-esteem. Astrologically, the sun reflects our core will and essence. There could be some unexpected development at work that causes you to move home or just spend more time in it than you usually do. It’s blood-curdling and brings up very raw, primal urges that can make you feel quite shameful. This local incident could result in us going further afield, even travelling to the bus passenger’s native country. However, it is through being too attached to your familiar, local area that you are forced out of your comfort zone and into.. culture shock! If old ways of presenting and expressing yourself no longer feel authentic to you, it’s time to let them go. The Solar Eclipse here does seem to insist on dissolving boundaries, but this can be a good thing if you have been walling ourself off from the world, complete with castle and moat.. A Lunar Eclipse is a super menstrual, wolf-howler version of a full moon. The effect of a lunar eclipse can last up to three months, it can bring a volcanic purge at some point. The Solar eclipse has the effect of reinforcing satisfying and balanced relationships, but also of splitting apart weak or draining connections. Generally, New Moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. On the other hand, you might finally make the break from a classmate that you have long outgrown. May 2020 – Jan. 2022: North Node in Gemini – Whose Thoughts Are YOU Thinking? The effects of an eclipse in your possessions and values zone are variable. Instead, you feel more of an emotional pull from ‘teachers’ who are your close friends, those who feel like siblings A lunar eclipse in the house of the goddess has a very pagan feel to it. The funny thing is, others around you can see the intensity or even the gravity of events that occur around you at this time, yet you are blind to it. Sometimes we get a blood-red moon as the earth’s shadow slowly creeps across its crater face. It breaks our habitual behaviour and gives us a kind of cosmic reboot. You are called upon to seek out supportive family members you can trust, they don’t have to be blood ties, but need to feel like your clan. Networks that you are plugged into get fire-wired into action and your mind becomes hungry for new information. This area of your chart is also one of hidden enemies so there is the possibility of psychic attack, which could show as psychosomatic illness. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth stands between the moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the moon. Despite the intense nature of a solar eclipse its fruits may take the following six months to ripen, fertilised by our energy during the two or three days either side of the actual event. You might have to get worse before you get better, so be patient. This period of time should provide you with the opportunity to re-align with your true talents. There can be a pleasant exchange between the generations where grandma passes on her knowledge from her childhood. Solar Eclipses: Their Meaning and Message . "The sign of the solar eclipse shows a 'universal' destiny," Karen McCoy, karmic astrologer and author of Spiritual Astrology said on Inner Self. But with an Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. The eclipse works like that Instagram filter that blurs out everything around the subject to focus just on their lips, eyes, butt…. If you are solo, you could be relying too much on external validation (‘Likes’!) Look also to the position and condition (aspects and strength etc.) Your insights have given me so much wisdom and clarity. I would say not! While your attention is focused on a particular area of your life, the eclipse in relation to your natal chart is almost like a "self-help" tool that can help develop the strengths of your personality. But that’s only in your 3D reality, for a great deal is simmering below the surface! You may be drawn to certain colours, shapes, animals or archetypes and this is telling you a great deal. Instead, look at why you are viewing what should be ‘appraisals’ as ‘admonishments.’ Any work upsets are likely to have you scuttling back to the safety of your cocoon, but maybe you have to acknowledge that this is what is currently needed. If your parents were not inclined to champion your efforts and were rather critical of you, then you must address whether this same programming is what is holding you back now. This Lunar eclipse will hit you hard in the pocket if you rely too much on the generosity of others. A reboot from the cosmos, that will shake you up so much that you will also find a domino effect on other foundational areas. You might suddenly feel disconnected and that you do not share the same common interests any longer. That means the next six months could have you constantly pining for your mystical other half. A solar eclipse in this ‘children and pleasure’ zone could be dramatic in both good and bad ways. It’s all about confidence! We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Sometimes illness is due to some nutritional imbalance, but with this eclipse, it is more likely to be psycho-somatic at the root of it since the Sun lights up house 12 for you. The Lunar Eclipse in your house of expansion and higher learning pulls you out of your local box and throws you onto the vast plains of endless possibility. This is a great time for self-promotion and you will be unafraid to speak your truth. Lunar Eclipse June 5, 2020 ~ Magic Man-ure! SOLAR ECLIPSE MEANING. Nature’s way! At this time you might decide to embark on an apprenticeship of some kind. You may need clan members to be your anchor if extreme waves of sentiments and sorrow overwhelm you. Somehow you stumble upon an evening class or a ‘meet-up’ group and feel compelled to go along. With this Lunar Eclipse, you realise the importance of taking time-out for just being, rather than being on a constant production line 24/7. If we need to slow down and rest we won’t miss the boat. A total solar eclipse is what happens when the new moon passes directly between the sun and the Earth, blocking out the sun's light completely. This person could be your standard spiritual guru, but also could be someone who is simply very wise and had gained this knowledge through hard knocks from the school of life. You want to be careful at this time not to consciously provoke people into revenge behaviour because right now you are not in the strongest position (Unless you have other mitigating transits). You could win many followers because such confidence is always attractive. Solar Eclipse December 26 2019 ~ 4º Capricorn Lunar Eclipse January 10 2020 ~ 20º Cancer Lunar Eclipse June 5 2020 ~ 15º Sagittarius  Solar Eclipse June 21 2020 ~ 0º Cancer   Lunar Eclipse July 5 2020 ~ 13º Capricorn  Lunar Eclipse November 30 2020 ~ 8º Gemini Solar Eclipse December 14 2020 ~ 23º Sagittarius. The foundations of your life both physical and emotional are being re-set. With the change of signs from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius, the themes that are being energized are changing from identity … With Solar Eclipses expect the unexpected. The events of our lives, their twists and turns, challenges and triumphs, reflect our deepest essence and unique presence in this world. What annoyed the hell out of your past acquaintances, is suddenly seen as a really good thing! of your beauty or talents. In our sanitised world we sometimes get overly fearful about losing our 2nd house modern conveniences (Or ‘all mod cons’ as they used to say on rooms-for-let ads.). Yes, this can be a blinding eclipse and a half, but you will get more love juice if it falls in close aspect to the ruler of House 5 or to a personal planet located therein. It’ll wait because our resting is all part of the process towards the next step. An event occurs where you find the language is completely alien to you. We’re right in the middle of eclipse season, and on June 21, a solar eclipse in Cancer occurs just one day after summer solstice.This eclipse is all about your love life, and it … Have hot curries, blow your nose a hundred times a day, whatever it takes, just let it all out! We can provide emotional support and morale-boosting to the main breadwinner whether they be male or female. November 21 st to December 20 th is the date range you need to be born in to be a Sagittarius. Spiders, mould and other nasties take hold and eventually start eating into the actual wall. For example, if your natal sun is in your 10th house of career and public life and the eclipse is in your 4th house of home and family, you may find that work issues and demands from the outside world greatly impact your home life, and your work/personal life balance requires some skilful attention. I really LOVE your work! It is all the more potent if it triggers any personal planets in this house of your roots, father and property. Having a shared view about how you can make the world a better place becomes vital. This is the dawn of a new cycle for you. On the other hand, it might be a relief to have it all out in the open, even if you have to go through some disdain or ridicule for a while. This which will, in turn, affect your intuition and psychic awareness. This will leave you feeling all the more frustrated. Your personal lunar experience and how you handle change, in general, depends on how the eclipse is configured to your chart. Sharing tips on our successes and failures from fellow travellers help us all advance a lot quicker. This eclipse could throw up a situation, (like say, we are on a bus that breaks down,) where we get talking to someone much older than us with an opposing world view. Passion is the word as debates get heated. Once the eclipse season has passed and things begin to settle you may see a gradual change in this area over the following few months, as events and changes associated with the eclipse ‘bed in’ to your life. With the Solar Eclipse in your friendship and wishes zone, you should feel motivated to reach out to your fellow human beings. SKIP TO LUNAR ECLIPSE NOVEMBER 30 2020 ~ MEANING FOR EACH SIGN. You are an amazing teacher <3. Bleurgh. All donations of any amount are therefore very gratefully received! It finally dawns on you that you don’t have to look after everything yourself! There can be a great revelation for you with this Lunar Eclipse about how the subconscious has been affecting your health. 17th February 2021 – Saturn in Aquarius Squaring Uranus in Taurus – A Fight for Life and a Love Story, 30th January – 21st February 2021: Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius – We Are What Lies Beneath. This is one of those eclipses that could seem as if it has slipped by you with no effect at all. A Solar Eclipse can bring an awakening or a shocking revelation that rocks you to the core. We all know what happens when a dank part of the house gets ignored. Solar eclipse spiritual meaning: Solar eclipses in astrology always coincide with a New Moon (Image: Getty) The New Moon is believed to mark a … "It … On December 14, the new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius is happening. Sometimes this can even happen by a person losing or gaining a lot of bodyweight too or sadly even by just ageing. You can make a donation, which we call a Gratitude Gift, here, © 2012-2021 Awakenings: Astrology With Sarah Varcas | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | | Powered by Thesis | Log in, The next solar eclipse will be on 10th June 2021 UT in the 20th degree of Gemini, If you’re interested in photographing a solar eclipse you’ll find a very thorough article on how to do so here, Introduction to Astrology Self-Study Course, Three Common Misunderstandings About Eclipses. If you want to understand how a particular solar eclipse impacts you more personally, look to the house where it falls in your birth chart. You are obviously leading a balanced life and looking after your precious human body both mentally and physically. Having the Sun disappear from sight during the day (Total Solar Eclipse) or to see the Moon seemingly swallowed up as they watched (Total or Partial Lunar Eclipse) was a frightening sight for many people. Sometimes this is so awesome that we don’t know what to do, others even become afraid of their power. It might even make you want to drop out of 9 to 5 work altogether. Sometimes you pick a path that is truly your souls calling, but the financial rewards take some time to materialise. Solar eclipses only occur during the New Moon phase, and solar eclipses can be total or partial, depending on where you’re viewing them. But there is just a very slim chance and only possible if this eclipse closely aspects a personal planet here, or hits the ruler of this house by hard aspect. We are force-fields of energy and intent, interacting with the unified field of being woven through all things. Solar Eclipse 2020 - The solar eclipse (Surya Grahan) occurring on 14th December 2020 would be an annular eclipse meaning that the Moon would not cover the Sun’s disk completely and therefore would create a partial block of the sun rays. This can trigger an exciting adventure where you could learn a new language, travel down undiscovered pathways and emerge into areas that you could never have dreamed of before. If on the other hand, you are quite pleased with your life, thank you very much, do you need to worry that it will all fall apart at this eclipse? So the spiritual meaning of the new moon December 2020 astrology relates to how you think and communicate. It is about constructing your elemental shrine in your garden as opposed to worship in a grand cathedral. If nothing you did was ever good enough then the constant striving for excellence could have served you well in material terms. © Izabela Podlaska - first published by The Astrological Journal, 2011 / The Astrological Association of Great Britain / 03.04.2018. Eclipses get their bad reputation because humans are creatures of habit and become upset by the unexpected. Depending on how things have gone in the last 6 months, we can now see the fruit blossom from the seeds we planted at the last solar eclipse. The same goes for your dear self. Whether Earth is in the middle or to the side of this alignment determines the type of eclipse. Usually the birds stop tweeting as well which is a strange thing about solar eclipses. Here you will also feel the impact from a solar eclipse, but often more in the long-term than at the actual time of the eclipse. Renovating foundations. This Solar eclipse is all about being true to your identity and not having to wear a mask. (Or at least a marriage of sorts.) If you don’t learn to say ‘no’ then your body itself will have to speak very loudly to compensate. It can make you quite rebellious too, which might be shocking to those who have not seen this side of your personality. We feel good about ourselves when we have worked hard on our usefulness in the world. Either choice is fine, as long as it’s the right one! What is the worst that can happen? You feel at odds with the teachers, who all seem to have an agenda and do not appreciate any real free thought. Sagittarius. There is a possibility of feeling that you a ready to have children now and those late nights horsing around with friends have lost their shine. Solar Eclipse July 2019 is a total solar eclipse so none of the Sun will be visible. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Constructive criticism from your superiors doesn’t mean that you have to storm out of your job! You desire recognition for your talents and if you do not feel they are being seen, then some event could occur where you are thrust unfairly into the shadows. If so, is the career you are in now a reflection of their aspirations rather than your soul-calling? Digging into your basement is particularly symbolic as you will have to work on having strong support with this Solar Eclipse. They disrupt our malaise and act to insert new experience into our personal timeline. Any financial loss in the next 6 months might just be a mirror to your lack of self-esteem. More unique handcrafted Amethyst jewellery and more from Buddha Blossom Jewels, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Do we release the break and progress at increasing speed, or do we release the accelerator and rest for a while? Therefore the lunar interrupts the flow of energy and causes disruption. Healthy usually means happy and full of vitality. This alien ‘language’ might be experienced by conversing with people of totally different political beliefs. The sugar rush can be both hilarious or dangerous depending on where the child is. Eg, You are on one leg in tree pose and the Solar eclipse pokes you in the side.