Die Titan sollte durch 2 Algol-Stufen als Startbooster verstärkt werden. So, NASA began in 1967 to consider the possibility of mating a Centaur upper stage with the Titan III. Never flown. Durch vielfältige Modifikationen entstand eine ganze Familie von Interkontinental- und Trägerraketen. This type performed its last mission in 2003. The Titan 33B was a Titan 23B with the Agena (which had a smaller diameter than the Titan) enclosed in an enlarged fairing, in order to allow larger payloads to be launched. LC -40 is shown in Figure J. La NASA l'a également utilisé de manière marginale pour lancer tous les vaisseaux du programme Gemini ainsi que quelques sondes spatiales telles que Cassini. Použitý prvý stupeň Titan 3B-1 bol približne o 1,5 metra dlhší ako Titan 3A-1, motory boli zhodné LR-87-11. The shroud made it possible to improve Centaur's insulation and thereby increase its coast time in orbit from thirty minutes when launched on an Atlas-Centaur to over five hours on the Titan IIIE. The final member of the Titan IIIB family was the Titan 34B which was a Titan 24B with the larger fairing used on the Titan 33B. Titan IIIB was the collective name for a number of derivatives of the Titan II ICBM and Titan III launch vehicle, modified by the addition of an Agena upper stage. Configuration of Titan 3B proposed by Martin in mid-1960's. [5] A launch of a Jumpseat satellite on 24 April 1981 was a partial failure when the Agena failed to separate. The KH-8 was double the size of its predecessor but still well below the Titan's lift capability. Die Entwicklung der Titan I begann 1955. Die Titan war von den USA eigentlich als Ersatz für die Atlas-Interkontinentalrakete konzipiert. 1976 samos 108 launched by titan 3b - vandenberg afb, ca - u.s. #1596 (esp#3860) $6.95. Titan 3B je súhrnný názov pre niekoľko variantov a konceptov používajúcich vylepšené verzie prvého a druhého stupňa Titanu II. Titan 401, with a Centaur upper stage, could put 5.76 tons into GEO from Cape Canaveral. 1 Variants 2 Types 3 Special Equipment 4 Bosses 5 Heroes 6 NPCs 7 Notes Regular: These normal centaurs have a light-brown hide. Titan IIIB was the collective name for a number of derivatives of the Titan II ICBM and Titan III launch vehicle, modified by the addition of an Agena upper stage. Titan 3B for deep space missions with Centaur upper stage, Algol strapons for liftoff thrust augmentation. Proposed by Martin for precise delivery of payloads beyond Titan 3C capacity into geosynchronous orbit. La Titan 3B est le nom donné à la version utilisant l'étage supérieur Agena D. Bien que moins puissant que le Transtage, cet étage a quelques atouts. Die Centaur-Oberstufe verwendete eine energiereichere Treibstoffkombination als die Transtage, so dass ihre Nutzlast für hohe Umlaufbahnen deutlich größer als bei der Titan IIIC war. It consisted of four separate rockets. Le lanceur est dérivé du missile balistique intercontinental SM-68 Titan et est caractérisé par le recours à des ergols hypergoliques stockables. [citation needed], Primary function: Launch vehicle used to lift medium class satellites into space:[citation needed], Titan 23B used the basic Titan 3A core with an Agena D upper stage. The Titan 23B was a basic Titan II with an Agena upper stage, and the Titan 24B was the same concept, but using the slightly enlarged Titan IIIM rocket as the base. Titan IIs also were flown in NASA's Gemini manned space program in the mid-1960s. It was not possible to determine the cause of the malfunction with certainty, but a fuel line obstruction was believed to be the most likely explanation. The primary activities include facility preparation for … [6] Star-37E stages were also used on the two Voyager launches, but the stages were considered part of the payload instead of part of the rocket. 33 flights were made from 1966 to 1971, with one failure. [1]:160 To compensate, the Centaur's on-board computers ordered a burn that was far longer than planned. Die Titan sollte durch 2 Algol-Stufen als Startbooster verstärkt werden. Startował 23 razy w latach 1971–1984. Titan 401, with a Centaur upper stage, could put 5.76 tons into GEO from Cape Canaveral. The Centaur T of the Titan-IV based on the Centaur G and Centaur G-Prime, with diameter of 4.32 m. The Centaur G / G-Prime were planned as future kick-stages for payloads on the Space Shuttle. 1975 LAUNCH VIKING "A" ON TITAN/CENTAUR WITH MARS LANDER & ORBITER (ESP#3773) $6.95. The RP-1/LOX combination was replaced by a room-temperature fuel whose oxidizer did not require cryogenic storage. Titan 3C7: Variant of Titan 3C with seven segment solid motors. 23 flights took place from 1971–84, with two failures. Titan 3B, first flown on 29 July 1966, used an Agena-D upper stage. As a "Proof Flight", it was planned to have the same trajectory as the Viking mission to Mars that was scheduled for launch in 1975. Using the U.S. Air Force Titan IIID as its basis, Titan IIIEs had liquid-fuel first and second stages, two strap-on solid rockets for extra boost at liftoff, and a liquid-fuel Centaur third stage. The Titan 3E developped for civilian applications of NASA the top stage was a cryogenic Centaur . When the new technician attempted to attach the bolt with the wrench specified in the assembly instructions, the wrench was too short and prevented him from screwing it into place properly. Titan 403 was a no-upper-stage version that could put 14.89 tons into polar LEO from Vandenberg. Before the technician retired, he failed to inform his successor about this. Titan 3B. The Centaur T of the Titan-IV based on the Centaur G and Centaur G-Prime, with diameter of 4.32 m. The Centaur G / G-Prime were planned as future kick-stages for payloads on the Space Shuttle. The Titan stages burned as programmed, but when the Centaur stage failed to ignite, it was destroyed by the Range Safety Officer. Free shipping. Despite the failure, at least one important goal was achieved. Launch Vehicle: Titan 3BAS2. Titan 3B + Centaur + Algol-Booster (Titan 3BAS2) Dies ist eine von Martin Marietta im Jahre 1965 postulierte Version der Titan für schwere Raumsonden. AFSATCOM USAF satellite Titan 3b - SPACE TOPIC - Vandenberg AFB Mar 9, 1975. Configuration of Titan 3B proposed by Martin in mid-1960's. Des versions de plus en plus puissantes ont été développées pou… Starty $2.00 shipping. Using the U.S. Air Force Titan IIID as its basis, Titan IIIEs had liquid-fuel first and second stages, two strap-on solid rockets for extra boost at liftoff, and a liquid-fuel Centaur third stage. It also lived up to its promise of greater reliability than the Thor and Atlas, with only a few failures over its run. It appeared in a 1972 economic analysis of the proposed shuttle system as part of a potential expendable launch vehicle alternative fleet to the shuttle. Titan 403 was a no-upper-stage version that could put 14.89 tons into polar LEO from Vandenberg. Titan I and Titan II were part of the US Air Force's intercontinental ballistic missile fleet until 1987. A Centaur is shown being stacked onto the Core vehicle at LC 40 in Figure K. The countdown on launch day typically starts at L-750 mins for a TIVB Centaur. [citation needed], Various models of this Titan/Agena D rocket were called, "Titan 23B", "Titan 24B", "Titan 33B" and "Titan 34B". The most obvious change was enclosing Centaur in a large shroud to protect the stage and payload during ascent. Od rakiety Titan 23B wyróżniał się jedynie zmienionym stopniem głównym, zapożyczonym od rakiety Titan 3M. Má nosnost až 17100 kg na nízkou dráhu, nebo 3600 kg na dráhu únikovou. [2] On 24 October 1969 OPS 8455 was placed into a higher-than-planned orbit by another 23B due to an engine failing to cut off after completing its planned burn, however the payload was able to correct its own orbit. Never flown. The Titan 23B was a basic Titan II with an Agena upper stage, and the Titan 24B was the same concept, but using the slightly enlarged Titan IIIM rocket as the base. Má nosnost až 17100 kg na nízkou dráhu, nebo 3600 kg na dráhu únikovou. Rovnako ako prvý bol aj … 23 were launched in 1971-87 with two failures. The Titan IIIE or Titan 3E, also known as the Titan III-Centaur, was an American expendable launch system. The launch of KH-8 #39 on 26 June 1973 also failed to orbit when the Agena had a fuel valve failure, preventing engine start. Jupiter was in a more favorable position vis-a-vis Earth during the launch of Voyager 1 than during the launch of Voyager 2. This is a 1:15 scale model of the Titan IIIE rocket, developed by Martin Marietta for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The next launch, on 20 June 1967 was a partial failure; due to a problem with the protective skirt on the second stage, a lower-than-planned orbit was achieved. Od rakiety Titan 23B wyróżniał się jedynie zmienionym stopniem głównym, zapożyczonym od rakiety Titan 3M. Mala nosnosť až 17 100 kg na nízku obežnú dráhu, alebo 3 600 kg na dráhu únikovú. Titan est une famille de lanceurs lourds, qui furent utilisés entre 1959 et 2005 pour placer en orbite les satellites militaires américains de grande taille. This combination is referred in the early 1970s designations as Titan 3(23), Titan 3(24), Titan 3(33) and Titan … The first stage consisted of a ground ignited Aerojet LR-87 liquid propellant rocket, while the second stage consisted of an LR91 liquid propellant rocket. Titan 4B with Milstar communications satellite separates four hours early, resulting in a useless low orbit, 30 Apr 1999 (S 24 4:26, R 19 36) ... Vmfh Centaur/Milstar upper-stage failure due to attitude-control system software (R 20 49); roll-rate filter constant .1 factor (-0.1992476, not -1.992476) (R 20 57,59) Never flown. Titan 3B. Titan 3B je súhrnný názov pre niekoľko variantov a konceptov používajúcich vylepšené verzie prvého a druhého stupňa Titanu II. Launched seven times between 1974 and 1977, it enabled several high-profile NASA missions, including the Voyager and Viking planetary probes and the joint West Germany-U.S. Helios spacecraft. A four-stage configuration was available, with a Star-37E being the additional upper stage. This is a 1:15 scale model of the Titan IIIE rocket, developed by Martin Marietta for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Titan 3B for deep space missions with Centaur upper stage, Algol strapons for liftoff thrust augmentation. Seria rakiet Titan 3B składała się aż z pięciu wariantów: . Several Atlas and Titan I rockets exploded and destroyed their silos. Titan 3B. In the early 1960s, NASA's long-range plan was to continue using Atlas-Centaur until a reusable launch system or a nuclear-powered upper stage could be developed. free shipping. Startował 23 razy w latach 1971–1984. Titan 3B for deep space missions with Centaur upper stage, Algol strapons for liftoff thrust augmentation. It appeared in a 1972 economic analysis of the proposed shuttle system as part of a potential expendable launch vehicle alternative fleet to the shuttle. This Template lists historical, current, and future space rockets that at least once attempted (but not necessarily succeeded in) an orbital launch or that are planned to attempt such a launch in the future, * - Japanese projects using US rockets or stages, This page was last edited on 23 December 2020, at 15:55. 54) Titan 3B: Titan 3B-25 / Agena D: 14 Jan 70: Success: KH-8 25 GAMBIT: 55) Titan 3C: Titan 3C-18: 8 Apr 70: Success: Vela Hotel 11 / Vela 6A, Vela Hotel 12 / Vela 6B Titan 3B + Centaur + Algol-Booster (Titan 3BAS2) Dies ist eine von Martin Marietta im Jahre 1965 postulierte Version der Titan für schwere Raumsonden. The Titan Centaur was launched from both Launch Complex (LC) 40 & 41. It consisted of four separate rockets. A further development was the Titan 3B which used the Agena D upper stage instead of the Transtage. The Titan performed normally during launch, but the Centaur's engines failed to start. To help fund the escalating Vietnam War and the new War on Poverty, Congress drastically reduced the funding of the civilian space program. The original plan was for this flight to carry the Viking Dynamic Simulator (VDS), a model of the Viking spacecraft. Titan 3BAS2: Configuration of Titan 3B proposed by Martin in mid-1960's. [1]:145 With the Centaur in free-fall, a safety destruct command was issued at 748 seconds after liftoff. [citation needed], The Titan 34B was a Titan 24B, modified by the addition of the larger fairing used on the Titan 33B. [citation needed], The Titan 33B was a Titan 23B with the entire Agena and payload completely enclosed in a shroud. Centaur 3D models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. The third stage was an Agena D XLR81-BA-9 liquid propellant rocket. A Titan ... A Titan–3D kiegészül egy Centaur DT nagy energiájú szilárd hajtóanyagú fokozattal. Titan 3C7 American orbital launch vehicle. This bracket held a LOX regulator in place. The next flight of the Titan IIIE was on December 10, 1974, carrying the Helios-A spacecraft. La Titan 3B avec étage Agena. Now held by. Never flown. The same first-stage rocket engine was used with some modifications. It was able to lift approximately 3,000 kg (6,600 lb) into a polar low-Earth circular orbit. Titan 402 used an IUS upper stage to put 2.86 tons to GEO from the Cape. Titan was a family of United States expendable rockets used between 1959 and 2005. Použitý prvý stupeň Titan 3B-1 bol približne o 1,5 metra dlhší ako Titan 3A-1, motory boli zhodné LR-87-11. The projected performance was a bit underwhelming. space gemini titan i2 launch 11-11-1966 gorgeous orbit … Titan 3B. Starty Variant of Titan 3C with seven segment solid motors. NASA assigned management of the vehicle to the NASA Lewis Research Center (now known as the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field) with follow-on contracts with Martin Marietta to develop what became the Titan IIIE and General Dynamics to adapt the Centaur D-1.[5]. The payload remained attached to the Agena stage. It became known as the Titan I, the nation's first two-stage ICBM and first underground silo-based ICBM. Watch. [citation needed], The Titan IIIB family emerged when the new KH-8 (Gambit Mark 3) photo reconnaissance satellite was being developed as the successor to the KH-7 Gambit Mark 1/2 which began flying in 1963. [3], On 16 February 1972, a Titan III(33)B failed to achieve orbit carrying a Jumpseat satellite. All seven launches were conducted from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 41 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Titan 3B for deep space missions with Centaur upper stage, Algol strapons for … Never flown. It flew only three times (1971–73) with one failure and was used to launch Jumpseat satellites. $2.00 shipping. The Centaur's bulging shroud was proven to be aerodynamically stable during flight and had jettisoned properly and on schedule.[1]:145–6. Mala nosnosť až 17 100 kg na nízku obežnú dráhu, alebo 3 600 kg na dráhu únikovú. The mission of the satellite was to measure the interaction of space plasmas with the satellite's high-voltage surfaces. In addition, further development of the reusable launch vehicle was postponed. He thus used a slightly longer socket wrench that gave him more reach. titan/centaur with german helios satellite launch cape canaveral, fl 12/10/74. Variant of Titan 3C with seven segment solid motors. Négy fokozatú, soros elrendezésű rakétaegység. Never flown. They are often accompanied by boars. The Titan 23B space launch vehicle was a three-stage liquid fueled booster, designed to provide a small-to-medium weight class capability. Titan 3E – amerykańska rakieta nośna budowana przez spółkę Martin Marietta (obecnie Lockheed Martin), a także pierwsza rakieta Titan wyposażona w stopień Centaur, dotychczas używany w rakietach Atlas.Używana była do wysyłania sond międzyplanetarnych. [1]:145, The failure was traced to the Centaur boost pumps, but the cause remained unclear. Titan–3B. Carried the Viking 2 orbiter and lander to Mars. If the same failure had occurred during Voyager 2's launch a few weeks earlier, the Centaur would have run out of propellant before the probe reached the correct trajectory. [1]:160, Media related to Titan IIIE at Wikimedia Commons, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 41, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "TITAN IIIE/CENTAUR D-IT SYSTEMS SUMMARY", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Titan_IIIE&oldid=995917951, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Carried the Viking 1 orbiter and lander to. Martin-Marietta had no answers except to suggest implementing better quality control measures during assembly of the Titan vehicles. All seven launches were conducted from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 41 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Voyager 1's launch almost failed because Titan's second stage shut down too early, leaving 1,200 pounds (540 kg) of propellant unburned. The Centaur stage also contained the guidance computer for the entire launch vehicle. The space launch vehicle versions contributed the majority of the 368 Titan launches, including all the Project Gemini crewed flights of the mid-1960s. The Agena suffered a failure of a pneumatic regulator during ascent and reentered the atmosphere. The projected performance was a bit underwhelming. The Centaur was also used for the Titan-3E and Titan-IV launch vehicles, in two versions. Launched seven times between 1974 and 1977,[4] it enabled several high-profile NASA missions, including the Voyager and Viking planetary probes and the joint West Germany-U.S. Helios spacecraft. Titan 3B for deep space missions with Centaur upper stage, Algol strapons for liftoff thrust augmentation. [citation needed], Titan IIIB rockets suffered four outright failures, and two partial failures. $1.98. More than 140 Titan II ICBMs, once the vanguard of America's strategic deterrent force, were built. [7], The first launch of the Titan IIIE on February 11, 1974, was a failure. The Centaur was also used for the Titan-3E and Titan-IV launch vehicles, in two versions. [citation needed], The Titan rocket family was established in October 1955, when the Air Force awarded The Martin Company a contract to build an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Watch. This interface needed insulation to prevent Titan's ambient-temperature hypergolic propellants from causing the boil-off of Centaur's cryogenic fuels. The Titan 23B was launched from SLC-4W at Vandenberg AFB, Calif. Its main payload was the GAMBIT (KH-8 reconnaissance) satellites, although the final two 23B vehicles carried Jumpseat SIGNIT satellites and had some minor upper stage modifications for them. [citation needed], http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/titan24b.htm, "History of Satellite Reconnaissance Volume 5, Management of NRP", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Titan_IIIB&oldid=996955477, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Engine thrust: 474,000 lbf (2,110 kN) vacuum, Weight: 258,000 pounds (117,000 kg) Fueled, Engine Thrust: 100,000 lbf (440 kN) vacuum, Skin and Stringer Construction – Tri-Sector Design, This Template lists historical, current, and future space rockets that at least once attempted (but not necessarily succeeded in) an orbital launch or that are planned to attempt such a launch in the future, * - Japanese projects using US rockets or stages, This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 10:08. The Titan IIIE or Titan 3E, also known as the Titan III-Centaur, was an American expendable launch system. Titan 3C7 American orbital launch vehicle. Several modifications to the Centaur were necessary to accommodate the more powerful booster. Nieco zmodyfikowany wariant, startował 9 razy w latach 1969–1971.. Titan 24B. Titan 3E – amerykańska rakieta nośna budowana przez spółkę Martin Marietta (obecnie Lockheed Martin), a także pierwsza rakieta Titan wyposażona w stopień Centaur, dotychczas używany w rakietach Atlas.Używana była do wysyłania sond międzyplanetarnych. Outre son prix, il a une masse à vide beaucoup plus faible et il bénéficie d'une longue … Nieco zmodyfikowany wariant, startował 9 razy w latach 1969–1971.. Titan 24B. Monsters > Beastman > Centaur Centaurs are half-horse, half-men and belong to the category Beastmen. Aufgrund ihrer mangelnden Zuverlässigkeit und der langwierigen Startvorbereitungen war sie als … TITAN 3B CENTAUR Titan 3B Centaur was proposed during the late 1960s/early 1970s period as a growth option for the 1980s and 1990s. Titan 3B for deep space missions with Centaur upper stage, Algol strapons for liftoff thrust augmentation. Starttömege 650 tonna. 54) Titan 3B: Titan 3B-25 / Agena D: 14 Jan 70: Success: KH-8 25 GAMBIT: 55) Titan 3C: Titan 3C-18: 8 Apr 70: Success: Vela Hotel 11 / Vela 6A, Vela Hotel 12 / Vela 6B Seria rakiet Titan 3B składała się aż z pięciu wariantów: . This mission was successful, as were all subsequent launches. Titan 3D was assembled with 3 stages from Titan 3B and the 2 lateral 5-segment boosters of Titan 3C. Engineers at the Lewis Research Center, however, ultimately persuaded their colleagues to put the Sphinx satellite on the flight instead of the VDS. The Titan 33B was a Titan 23B with the Agena (which had a smaller diameter than the Titan) enclosed in an enlarged fairing, in order to allow larger payloads t… Proposed by Martin for precise delivery of payloads beyond Titan 3C capacity into geosynchronous orbit. It was decided to switch to the Titan family over the Atlas used for KH-7 because it had substantially more lift capability and also its conventional two-stage design and hypergolic propellants made for a simpler and more reliable launch vehicle than the quirky Atlas. [1]:140 On June 26, NASA contracted with Martin Marietta to study its feasibility. The rocket was launched on a proof flight designed to prepare it for twin Viking launches. Sie fand jedoch später ihre Hauptanwendung als Trägerrakete in der Raumfahrt. Dozens of missions, all launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base and carrying military satellites, were … [citation needed], While the KH-8 was the original raison d'être for the Titan IIIB's existence, as well as its primary payload, the booster was also used for Jumpseat SIGINT satellites and military comsats. NASA needed a launch vehicle more powerful than Atlas-Centaur to send heavier planetary probes like Viking and Voyager into space in the 1970s. [4] Another failure occurred later the same year, when on 20 May a Titan III(24)B malfunctioned during the launch of KH-8 #35. Michigan State University Libraries Special Collections Division Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection "Comic Book Magazine" to "Comic Book Villains" The first Titan-Centaur lifts off from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station at 9:48 a.m. EDT on Feb. 11, 1974. The technician responsible for installing it had found that the normal tool used to screw bolts into place was too short to reach the bracket. It was launched from Vandenberg between 1971 and 1982 with KH 9 and KH 11 on board. The bolt came loose, fell off, and got sucked into one of the LOX boost pumps, which jammed the pump and prevented its operation. To reduce the chance of a second failure, pre-launch procedures were implemented to verify that Centaur's pumps were free and unobstructed. Helios-program esetén a hordozóegység hossza 48,77 méter, átmérője 3,05 méter. Die NASA verwendete sie in den Jahren 1974–1977 zum Start der Raumsonden Helios , Viking und Voyager 1 sowie Voyager 2 . The first failure occurred on 26 April 1967 during the launch of a Gambit 3 satellite when the second stage suffered a sudden thrust decay which left it unable to achieve orbital velocity, sending the Agena and GAMBIT into the Pacific Ocean some 400 miles downrange. Pri variante rakety Titan 3B bol nahradený stupeň Transtage kyslíkovodíkovým stupňom Centaur. $1.97. Nearly four years passed before the cause of the failure was determined: an improperly installed mounting bracket inside the liquid oxygen (LOX) tank. Najstarszy wariant, startował 22 razy w latach 1966–1969.. Titan 23B. Titan 3B. This type performed its last mission in 2003. The Titan 23B is a derivative of the Titan II vehicle with an Agena D upper stage added. Die Titan-Rakete wurde ursprünglich als militärische Interkontinentalrakete von Martin Marietta gebaut. Liquid oxygen is dangerous to use in an enclosed space, such as a missile silo, and cannot be stored for long periods in the booster oxidizer tank. This was used for the two Helios launches. [1], The Titan 24B differed from the Titan 23B in that the Titan IIIM core with extended propellant tanks was used in place of the original Titan II core. or best offer. Titan 3BAS2: Configuration of Titan 3B proposed by Martin in mid-1960's. At cutoff, the Centaur was only 3.4 seconds from propellant exhaustion. They appear in various places in Greece (Act I) and are proficent with bows. The diameter of the second stage was incr… TITAN 3B CENTAUR Titan 3B Centaur was proposed during the late 1960s/early 1970s period as a growth option for the 1980s and 1990s. By March 1969, this combination looked promising. Because Centaur was wider than the Titan's core stage, a tapering interface was required. The prevailing but unproven theory was that ice or debris caused the failure. The Martin Company was able to improve the design with the Titan II. Najstarszy wariant, startował 22 razy w latach 1966–1969.. Titan 23B. Titan malfunction caused premature second-stage engine cutoff, but successfully compensated by extended Centaur burn. U varianty rakety Titan 3B byl nahrazen stupeň Transtage kyslíkovodíkovým stupněm Centaur. Titan 402 used an IUS upper stage to put 2.86 tons to GEO from the Cape. Titan 3C7: Variant of Titan 3C with seven segment solid motors. Never flown. Although it had been assumed debris would land near South Africa, pieces turned up in faraway Great Britain a few months later. All launches consisted of KH-8 satellites. Once held the record for a space probe's fastest velocity relative to the Sun.