Quite the same Wikipedia. : Ich bin Luna) ist eine argentinische Telenovela von den Machern von Violetta. Die erste Folge wurde am 14. Ruggero Pasquarelli (born 10 September 1993), artistically known as RUGGERO, is an Italian singer and actor. Nel 2004 si iscrive ad una scuola di recitazione. Inoltre sempre nello stesso anno pubblica per Mondadori il suo primo libro intitolato Mi piace! The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. [16] Negli ultimi mesi del 2020 è la volta di altri due singoli: Dos Extraños il 19 novembre e Mil Razones il 17 dicembre. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Ruggero Pasquarelli.jpg 346 × 576; 36 KB. This page was last edited on 1 April 2021, at 21:08. Au fost confirmate 3 sezoane, adică 220 de episoade. Cei doi formează cuplul Ruggelaria. Culorile ei preferate sunt roz și galben. Ruggero Pasquarelli Wiki 2021, Height, Age, Net Worth 2021, Family - Find facts and details about Ruggero Pasquarelli on wikiFame.org Zusammen betreiben sie den YouTube-Kanal „Ruggelaria“. Growing up in the Italian town and … Candelaria was one of Violetta's main cast members throughout the series but Ruggero is only in the recurring cast, until season 3. The series premiered on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on October 10, 2016. He is known for working with some of the world renowned record producer and musical artist. Ruggero Pasquarelli is an Italian singer. Come conquistare un ragazzo (come me). Ruggero Pasquarelli (* 10. He is a very good skater, reason why they give him the nickname "El Rey de la Pista", when he meets Luna Valente he falls madly in love with her and looks for how to always approach her. Ruggero Pasquarelli y Lionel Ferro.jpg 1,279 × 714; 122 KB. The immense popularity and success have led Ruggero Pasquarelli to have landed him on Wikipedia where a detailed description of his life and filmography has been well-presented for the readers. Today the very talented actor-singer has turned 27 years of age. Ugrás a navigációhoz Ugrás a kereséshez. Van Wikipedia, de gratis encyclopedie. Just better. Nel mese di settembre 2019 sono state annunciate le prime date, che avranno luogo in America del Sud. They spent a lot of time together on the set of Soy Luna, and off-set too. Ruggero Pasquarelli, italijanski filmski in televizijski igralec ter pevec, * 10. september 1993, Pescara, Italija.. Življenjepis. To install click the Add extension button. [4] While he was a high school student, he also became a singer of the local rock band 65013. Both have five letters in their nicknames. 1… In addition, he announced the Nuestro Tour, a small tour that took place between October and December of the same year around South America. [2] Es conocida principalmente por interpretar a Luna Valente en la serie original de Disney Channel, Soy Luna. Er wurde am 10. Gyermekként gitározni tanult, és művészeti órákat vett. Szülei Bruno és Antonella Pasquarelli voltak. He is known for working with some of the world renowned record producer and musical artist. Gyermekként gitározni tanult, és művészeti órákat vett. Seit Dezember 2014 ist sie mit Ruggero Pasquarelli liiert, den sie bei den Dreharbeiten zu Violetta kennenlernte. Ruggero Pasquarelli est né le 10 septembre 1993 à Pescara, et a grandi dans la … September 1993 in Città Sant’Angelo, Italien, geboren. Ruggero Pasquarelli was born in 1993 in Città Sant'Angelo, in the province of Pescara in the Abruzzo region in Italy, although his family is originally from Naples.He has been singing and dancing since he was six years old. Nel 2019 entra a far parte del cast di Argentina, tierra de amor y venganza nel ruolo di Toro, un giovane italiano che conquista il cuore della ribelle Francesca. 100 0 _ ‎‡a Ruggero Pasquarelli ‏ ‎‡c attore e cantante italiano ‏ 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (25) 400 0 _ ‎‡a Ruggero Pasquarelli ‏ ‎‡c Italiaanse acteur, zanger en presentator ‏ Molfese resides in Buenos Aires. Pescara megye Città Sant'Angelo városában nőtt fel. Erre a szócikkre érvényes a Wikipédia:Élő személyek életrajza irányelv. 2008. óta Pasquarelli énekórákra is járt, 2009 óta pedig tanult zongorán játszani. Later, he attended the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts Escénicas specialty dedicated to Bertrand Spaventa located in the town of Città Sant'Angelo. He has been singing and dancing since he was six years old. That's it. Astro … Ruggero Pasquarelli (Città Sant'Angelo, 10 settembre 1993) è un cantante, attore e personaggio televisivo italiano, noto per aver partecipato a Violetta e Soy Luna e per le sue canzoni come solista. The first season originally aired from March 14, 2016 to August 26, 2016 in Latin America. Carrière. In 2004 he enrolled into an acting school. Quite the same Wikipedia. "—" denotes a recording that did not chart or was not released in that territory. Nel settembre del 2010 entra nel talent show X Factor nella squadra di Mara Maionchi, nella categoria uomini under 24[6]. 1 Viaţa şi cariera 2 Fillmografie 3 Alte date 4 Referinţe Ruggero s-a născut pe data de 10 septembrie 1993, în oraşul Sant'Angelo, provincia Pescara din Italia. Il a participé à la quatrième saison de la version italienne de The X Factor en 2010. Ruggero Pasquarelli in 2016.jpg 285 × 399; 18 KB. Seit 2016 moderiert sie zusammen mit Agus Sierra und Mika Vazquez die Talkshow Fans en Vivo, wo unter anderem auch Stars wie Sabrina Carpenter zu Gast waren. Since 2009 he is part of the … Ruggero Pasquarelli RELATIONSHIP. As a child, he took guitar and acting lessons. Italian singer who found fame through … Dal 2009 fa parte del gruppo musicale angolano 65013, di cui Ruggero è la voce maschile[3] e con cui pubblica alcune cover e svolge alcuni concerti fino al 2010. Ruggero_Pasquarelli.jpg ‎ (346 × 576 pixels, file size: 36 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) File information. Ruggero Pasquarelli (* 10. září 1993) je italský zpěvák a herec.V roce 2010 se zúčastnil čtvrté série italské talentové show X Factor.Známějším se stal díky roli Federica v argentinském Disney seriálu Violetta a díky roli Mattea Balsana v argentinském Disney seriálu Soy Luna September 1993 in RUGGERO ) ist ein italienischer Sänger und Schauspieler.2010 nahm er an der vierten Serie der italienischen Talentshow X Factor teil .Er ist auch bekannt für seine Leistung als Federico in der argentinischen Telenovela Violetta (2012–2015) und als Matteo Balsano in Soy Luna (2016–2018). Captions. Ruggero Pasquarelli is an Italian actor, singer, TV presenter and dancer best known for participating in fourth series of the Italian talent show ‘X Factor’ and for his performances in Argentine television series’ ‘Violetta’ and ‘Soy Luna’. In 2010, he took part in the fourth series of the Italian talent show X Factor. Ruggero Pasquarelli, 2017. Natal Astro Chart: Ruggero Pasquarelli Biography, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Ruggero Pasquarelli Birthdate (Born * 10 September 1993, Italy), singer, actor, instagram, birth, birth date, date of birth, birthplace, astrological signs of zodiac, ascendant rising sign, astrology, horoscope, Ruggero Pasquarelli astro-databank Astro.com, astrotheme, Astro Database AstroSeek, Astro-Seek . Media in category "Ruggero Pasquarelli" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Ruggero Pasquarelli est un acteur, hôte, musicien et chanteur italien. As a result, he was chosen by Mara Maionchi as a member of the "Boys" category. After being nominated at number 6 on the 4th Italian X-Factor list, he became famous. 2004 schrieb er sich in einer Hochschule für Schauspiel ein. He participated in the fourth season of the Italian version of the talent show, The X Factor in 2010. In 2004 he enrolled into an acting school. Later, he attended the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts Escénicas specialty dedicated to Bertrand Spaventa located in the town of Città Sant'Angelo. Ruggero Pasquarelli (* 10. Mai, 2016 im Disney Channel. In 2010, he took part in the fourth series of the Italian talent show X Factor. Ruggero Pasquarelli (2016).jpg 316 × 521; 34 KB. The first episode with his participation was “An approach, a song” (season one, episode 56) until the end of the series (season three, episode 80). [2] Es conocida principalmente por interpretar a Luna Valente en la serie original de Disney Channel, Soy Luna. Matteo is a very presumptuous, and superficial boy. Ruggero was born in 1993 in Città Sant'Angelo, in the province of Pescara in the Abruzzo region in Italy. That's it. Ruggero Pasquarelli (n. 10 septembrie 1993, Citta Sant'Angelo, provincia Pescara) este un prezentator, actor și cântăreț italian. Since 2009 he is part of the Angolan musical group 65013, which is the gro… Ruggero Pasquarelli, (born September 10, 1993) is an Italian actor, television host, musician, and singer. Ruggero Pasquarelli Wikipedia At this moment no more Wikipedia information about Ruggero Pasquarelli . Ruggero Pasquarelli, (born September 10, 1993) is an Italian actor, television host, musician and singer.He participated in the fourth season of the Italian version of the talent show, The X Factor in 2010.He is currently playing the character Federico in a recurring role … Тази страница частично или изцяло представлява превод на страницата „Ruggero Pasquarelli“ в Уикипедия на английски. Soy Luna („Sunt Luna”) este o telenovelă argentiniană produsă de Disney Channel America Latină.Protagonista serialului este Karol Sevilla (Luna Valente), iar unul dintre co-protagoniști care a avut un rol în Violetta este Ruggero Pasquarelli (Matteo Balsano). Ruggero Pasquarelli is a singer. Ha studiato chitarra, pianoforte e canto moderno[4]. Nel 2013 conduce insieme a Valeria Badalamenti il programma Get the Party su Disney Channel[15]. Javnost je nase prvič opozoril leta 2010, ko se je udeležil glasbenega šova X Factor Italija, na katerem je zasedel šesto mesto. Ruggero Pasquarelli (n.10 septembrie 1993, Citta Sant'Angelo, provincia Pescara) este un prezentator, actor și cântăreț italian.Ruggero a fost un participant la al patrulea sezon al versiunii italiene a X Factor și a jucat rolul lui Tom în cadrul programului de televiziune în turism, care a … They were really close friends. Read about Ruggero Pasquarelli Wikipedia, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Family, Instagram and 10 facts. In 2017, he released his first self-written song called 'Allá voy' on the Soy Luna Soundtrack. Ruggero Pasquarelli (* 10.September 1993 in Città Sant’Angelo, Provinz Pescara) ist ein italienischer Moderator, Schauspieler, Sänger und Songwriter.Pasquarelli war Teilnehmer der vierten Staffel der italienischen Version von The X Factor und verkörperte die Rolle des Tom in der Fernsehsendung In Tour, die für den Disney Channel Italia produziert wurde. Grazie a questa esperienza ha potuto cantare la canzone "A me me piace 'o Blues" di Pino Daniele nella compilation relativa a X Factor intitolata X Factor 4 Compilation[10]. [3][4] Javnost je nase prvič opozoril leta 2010, ko se je udeležil glasbenega šova X Factor Italija, na katerem je zasedel šesto mesto. Discover Ruggero Pasquarelli Net Worth, Salary, Biography, Height, Dating, Wiki. 2 talking about this. Ruggero Pasquarelli, artistically known as RUGGERO, is an Italian singer and actor. He participated in the fourth season of the Italian version of The X Factor in 2010. Ruggero Pasquarelli (born 10 September 1993), artistically known as RUGGERO, is an Italian singer and actor. [1] También es conocido por sus interpretaciones como Federico Paccini en Violetta y luego como protagonista de la serie Soy Luna interpretando a Matteo Balsano. In classifica arriva alla sesta posizione, eliminato alla decima puntata[9]. He's best known for participating in the Italian version of the show The X-Factor in 2010 and for his roles as Federico in Violetta and Matteo Balsano in Soy Luna. Nel 2016 viene scelto per interpretare il ruolo di Matteo Balsano, l'affascinante pattinatore che si contende il cuore della protagonista, nella serie argentina Soy Luna, per la cui preparazione deve seguire un intenso allenamento di pattinaggio. Szülei Bruno és Antonella Pasquarelli voltak. În timp ce filma pentru Violetta, Candelaria s-a îndrăgostit de Ruggero Pasquarelli, frumosul italian care îl interpretează pe Federico. On June 20, 2019, he released his first single "Probablemente", followed by the second single, "No Te Voy A Fallar", released on September 10, 2019. In high school, Pasquarelli studied at the pedagogical liceo, and specialized in Arts and Entertainment. Just better. Ruggero Pasquarelli (* 10. září 1993) je italský zpěvák a herec.V roce 2010 se zúčastnil čtvrté série italské talentové show X Factor.Známějším se stal díky roli Federica v argentinském Disney seriálu Violetta a díky roli Mattea Balsana v argentinském Disney seriálu Soy Luna. Pasquarelli nam in 2010 deel aan het vierde seizoen van de Italiaanse versie van X Factor. Ruggero Pasquarelli (born 10 September 1993), artistically known as RUGGERO, is an Italian singer and actor. The immense popularity and success have led Ruggero Pasquarelli to have landed him on Wikipedia where a detailed description of his life and filmography has been well-presented for the readers. En 2010 participó en la cuarta temporada de la versión italiana del programa de talentos Factor X. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Now at this moment Ruggero Pasquarelli relationship between them remains strong and there are no signs of complications or problems. She maintains a close friendship with her former "Violetta" co … Il 1 Aprile 2021 esce il suo nono singolo intitolato Ùsame, in collaborazione con Dvicio. He also took part in the three Live Tours in 2017 and 2018, playing shows in Latin America and Europe. Ruggero is Italian but Candelaria is Argentinian. Ruggero Pasquarelli, italijanski filmski in televizijski igralec ter pevec, * 10. september 1993, Pescara, Italija.. Življenjepis. He portrayed the character Federico on the Disney Channel Original Series, Violetta. In 2010, he took part in the fourth series of the Italian talent show X Factor.He is also known for his performance as Federico in the Argentine telenovela Violetta (2012–2015) and as Matteo Balsano in Soy Luna (2016–2018). You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Biographie. File; File history; File usage on Commons; File usage on other wikis; No higher resolution available. Ruggero Pasquarelli was born on September 10, 1993. 2008. óta Pasquarelli énekórákra is … [3][7], In 2012, Pasquarelli landed the role of Federico in the Argentine telenovela Violetta.[21]. Si fidanza con l'attrice Candelaria Molfense[5] nel 2014 ma, nel 2020, termina la relazione. Ruggero Pasquarelli. In September 2010, he … Ruggero Pasquarelli (10 september 1993) is een Italiaanse acteur, zanger, danser en presentator. Nasce a Città Sant'Angelo, in provincia di Pescara in Abruzzo il 10 settembre 1993, nonostante la sua famiglia sia di origine napoletana. Moreover, he has a various cover song of rapper like NipseyHussle, Bryson Tiller, Lil Wayne and more. On July 8, 2020, he released his fourth single titled "Puede", and on September 9 of the same year, his fifth single titled "Bella" was released. [22] In the final months of 2020, he released two more singles: "Dos Extraños" on November 19, 2020 and "Mil Razones" on December 17, 2020. Structured data. In seguito, partecipa anche ad alcune manifestazioni come il "Natale del Comune" a Montesilvano[11]. Ruggero Pasquarelli (born September 10, 1993) is an Italian actor, television host, musician and singer. In seguito, frequenta il liceo delle scienze sociali con indirizzo arti dello spettacolo[1] dedicato a Bertrando Spaventa nel comune di Città Sant'Angelo[2]. Weitere prominente Geburtstage hier auf Promi-Geburtstage.de Ruggero Pasquarelli (Pronúncia: Rudiêro Pascuarêli) (Pescara, 10 de setembro de 1993) é … Inoltre ha recitato nel ruolo protagonista di Tom nelle due stagioni della serie televisiva In tour insieme a Martina Russomanno e Arianna Costantin. The handsome lad is 5 feet 10 inches in height. Portrayed by Ruggero Pasquarelli, Matteo Balsano he is one of the main characters. L'8 luglio 2020 esce il suo quarto singolo intitolato Puede e il 9 settembre dello stesso anno viene rilasciato il suo quinto singolo intitolato Bella. File:Ruggero Pasquarelli.jpg. In 2015, Pasquarelli was cast as the male protagonist Matteo Balsano in the Latin American Disney Channel telenovela Soy Luna. Ruggero Pasquarelli (* 10.September 1993 in Città Sant’Angelo, Provinz Pescara) ist ein … Ruggero Pasquarelli wurde 1993 im italienischen Città Sant’Angelo, einer Gemeinde der Provinz Pescara in der Region Abruzzen, geboren. They also have a mutual love and affection for each other. Ruggero Pasquarelli este un actor şi cântăreţ de origine Italiană care îl interpretează pe Matteo Balsano în telenovela Soy Luna. Since 2012, he resides and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Karol Itzitery Piña Cisneros (Ciudad de México, 9 de noviembre de 1999) [1] , más conocida como Karol Sevilla, es una actriz, cantante, modelo y presentadora mexicana. your password On October 9, 2020, he collaborated with Tres Dedos on a new song titled "Por Eso Estoy Aquì". Ruggero Pasquarelli is a singer. In 2004 he enrolled in an acting school. Ruggero Pasquarelli, artistically known as RUGGERO, is an Italian singer and actor. ContentsBiographyRuggero Pasquarelli Net WorthDoes Ruggero Dead or Alive?FAQs Biography Ruggero Pasquarelli is best known as a Pop Singer. Nel marzo del 2020 firma con la casa discografica Sony Music Argentina. He is also known for his performance as Federico in the Argentine telenovela Violetta (2012–2015) and as Matteo Balsano in Soy Luna (2016–2018). Ruggero Pasquarelli Nominated Favorite Villain Valentina Zenere Won Favorite Show Soy Luna: Nominated Broadcast. He studied guitar, piano and singing moderno. Die deutschen Folgen laufen seit dem 02. I giudici si stuzzicano ma nel rispetto reciproco, X Factor - Tutte le esibizioni della sesta puntata, X Factor 4, Decima Puntata: Eliminato Ruggero Pasquarelli, in Ballottaggio con Nevruz Joku, Social King: Il baby Ruggero Pasquarelli scalza tutti e prende la guida del programma, Ruggero Pasquarelli da «X Factor» al set di «Violetta»: «Girerò altre 40 puntate», Disney Channel - Get the party: il primo factual Disney con Ruggero Pasquarelli e Valeria Badalamenti, RUGGERO finaliza álbum e anuncia chegada de nova música, You're the First, the Last, My Everything, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ruggero_Pasquarelli&oldid=119732451, Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Soy Luna (zu dt. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 5 apr 2021 alle 12:30. She was in a relationship with actor Ruggero Pasquarelli from 2014 to 2020 References External links. English. Ruggero Pasquarelli (born September 10, 1993) is an Italian singer and actor. En 2004, il est inscrit dans une école de théâtre. Ruggelaria (shared with Ruggero Pasquarelli) Won 2017 Kids' Choice Awards Argentina Trendy Girl Herself Nominated Tú Awards #La parejita más cute Candelaria Molfese & Ruggero Pasquarelli: Nominated 2018 Martín Fierro Awards: Digital Award for Best Thematic Content Herself Won Personal life. You're the First, the Last, My Everything, "X Factor, parla il papà di Ruggero, Bruno", "X Factor 2010: ecco i concorrenti della quarta edizione", "X Factor 4: il racconto della settima puntata", "X Factor 4, fuori Ruggero contro Nevruz", "X Factor 4, i concorrenti: Ruggero Pasquarelli", "X Factor 4: la fase finale dei provini in liveblogging", "X Factor 2010, Giudica i giudici: Mara Maionchi (I puntata)", "X Factor 4, Morgan presente grazie ad Elio. È stato conduttore della seconda edizione di Social King, andato in onda su Rai 2 e Rai Gulp[12] e anche di Cartoon Magic, andato in onda su Rai 2, stavolta condotto insieme a Ambra Lo Faro[13]. Acolo, postează clipuri, fac live-uri și vorbesc cu fanii. Ruggero Pasquarelli is an Italian singer. He is an Italian actress and singer. Ruggero Pasquarelli, conosciuto semplicemente come Ruggero (Città Sant'Angelo, 10 settembre 1993), è un cantante, attore e personaggio televisivo italiano naturalizzato argentino, noto per aver partecipato a Violetta e Soy Luna e per le sue canzoni come solista. È il primo tour da solista del cantante, per promuovere il suo primo EP di prossima uscita. How to transfigure the Wikipedia . Ruggelaria (Rugge/ro and Cande/laria) is the real-life romantic pairing between Ruggero Pasquarelli and Candelaria Molfese. Ruggero lascia il programma", "Violetta, Ruggero Pasquarelli confermato nel cast: "Federico sempre più importante nella storia, "RUGGERO finaliza álbum e anuncia chegada de nova música", "Chart Search: Ruggero, Billboard Argentina Hot 100", "Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2015: todos los ganadores", "Todos los ganadores de los Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2016", "Kids Choice Awards Colombia 2017: Estos fueron los ganadores de la noche", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ruggero_Pasquarelli&oldid=1015503446, Pages using Template:Infobox musical artist with unknown parameters, Pages using infobox person with unknown parameters, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Recurring role (seasons 1–2); main role (season 3). 10 Facts on Ruggero Pasquarelli The immense popularity and success have led Ruggero Pasquarelli to have landed him on Wikipedia where a detailed description of his life and filmography has been well-presented for the readers. Ruggarol (Rugg/ero and K/arol) is the real-life former friendship pairing of Karol Sevilla and Ruggero Pasquarelli. Nel gennaio 2015 inizia un tour con il cast della serie, con lo spettacolo Violetta en Vivo, partendo dalla Spagna e finendo a Pesaro. Entra Cassandra . Today the very talented actor-singer has turned 27 years of age. Ruggero Pasquarelli hat ein Alter von 27 Jahren. Pasquarelli was not allowed to perform during the final showdown, since he was 17 years old, and Italian laws don't allow performances of people under the age of majority after midnight. Inoltre, annuncia il Nuestro Tour, un piccolo tour che si svolgerà tra ottobre e dicembre dello stesso anno in giro per il Sud America. De asemnea el mai este cunoscut şi pentru rolul lui Federico din Violetta. März, 2016 vom Disney Channel Lateinamerika ausgestrahlt. [17], 2019-in corso: Carriera da cantante solista, X Factor 4, intervista a Ruggero Pasquarelli. To install click the Add extension button. È stato pubblicato anche un album della serie dove Pasquarelli canta alcune canzoni. Candelaria is 29 but Ruggero is 27. The handsome lad is 5 feet 10 inches in height. Il tour comincerà il 19 ottobre 2019 da Puebla, in Messico. He previously dated Violetta co-star Candelaria Molfese from some point in 2014 until October 2020. your username. [4], In 2010, during his senior year of high school, Pasquarelli auditioned for the fourth series of the Italian talent show X Factor. The handsome lad is 5 feet 10 inches in height. Ruggero Pasquarelli 1993. szeptember 10-én született Abruzzo Pescara városában. Hij werd zesde. Il 20 giugno 2019 esce il suo primo singolo Probablemente, seguito dal secondo, No Te Voy A Fallar, rilasciato il 10 settembre 2019. For the pairing in the series ofLuna and Matteo, see Lutteo. Later, he attended the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts Escénicas specialty dedicated to Bertrand Spaventa located in the town of Città Sant'Angelo. «Secondo me vincerà Stefano, A Montesilvano Ruggero X Factor in concerto, X- Factor 4, i concorrenti svelati in anteprima da Reality House, X Factor, eliminati i Borghi Bros. Si salvano gli Effetto Doppler. In 2010, he took part in the fourth series of the Italian talent show X Factor.He is also known for his performance as Federico in the Argentine telenovela Violetta (2012–2015) and as Matteo Balsano in Soy Luna (2016–2018). Also in 2019 he collaborated with MYA, a duo of South American singers, on the single "Apenas Son Las 12". Fuori Alessandra", "Ruggero Pasquarelli a X Factor col cavallo di battaglia di Mercury", "X Factor 4, Enrico Ruggeri stratega perde i Borghi Bros", "X Factor 4, Enrico Ruggeri perde anche gli Effetto Doppler", "X Factor 4, minuto per minuto la cronaca della quinta puntata", "X Factor 4: la diretta della sesta puntata", "X Factor 4: la cronaca della nona puntata", "Decima puntata di X Factor 4. Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? Vita:Ruggero Pasquarelli. Karol Itzitery Piña Cisneros (Ciudad de México, 9 de noviembre de 1999) [1] , más conocida como Karol Sevilla, es una actriz, cantante, modelo y presentadora mexicana. Born in 1993 in Città Sant'Angelo, in the province of Pescara in the Abruzzo region. [3] In 2008, Pasquarelli started taking singing lessons, and since 2009 he also studied piano. Ruggero Pasquarelli (born 10 September 1993), artistically known as RUGGERO, is an Italian singer and actor. Personal Blo 13-nov-2018 - Explora el tablero de lari Ruggarol en Pinterest. Ruggero Pasquarelli (Città Sant'Angelo, Pescara; 10 de septiembre de 1993), es un cantante y actor italiano. Read about Ruggero Pasquarelli Wikipedia, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Family, Instagram and 10 facts. Nel 2018 è in tournée in Europa e America Latina insieme a tutto il cast, con il quale si esibisce nelle canzoni più famose della serie. Candelaria Molfese at IMDb; Official website/blog; Last edited on 17 February 2021, at 11:51. Nel 2014 torna in Argentina per girare la terza stagione di Violetta. September 1993 in Città Sant’Angelo, Provinz Pescara) ist ein italienischer Moderator, Schauspieler Sänger und Songwriter. Ruggero Pasquarelli (nato il 10 settembre 1993), artisticamente noto come RUGGERO , è un cantante e attore italiano.Nel 2010 ha preso parte alla quarta serie del talent show italiano X Factor .È anche noto per la sua interpretazione di Federico nella telenovela argentina Violetta (2012-2015) e di Matteo Balsano in Soy Luna (2016-2018). Ruggero a fost un participant la al patrulea sezon al versiunii italiene a X Factor și a jucat rolul lui Tom în cadrul programului de televiziune în turism, care a fost produs pentru Disney Channel Italia. [3] He has a brother named Leonardo Pasquarelli. Pescara megye Città Sant'Angelo városában nőtt fel. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. [7] The judges vote resulted in a deadlock, and the public vote saved Nevruz, and Pasquarelli finished the competition in sixth place. From 2016 until 2018 he displayed his role in all three seasons, consisting of 220 episodes. 1 Vie et carrière 2 Filmographie 3 bagatelles 4 Galerie Né en 1993 à Città Sant'Angelo, dans la province de Pescara dans la région des Abruzzes. A pre-recorded performance was broadcast instead. [6] He finished once again in the bottom two during the tenth live show. Ruggero Pasquarelli Lyrics mit Übersetzungen: Probablemente, Apenas Son Las 12, Puede, Bella, Loco enamorado, No Te Voy a Fallar, Mil Razones You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Ruggero Pasquarelli was born in his house, Abruzzo, on 10 September 1993, to Bruno and Antonella Pasquarelli, and he grew up in Città Sant'Angelo, a town in the province of Pescara. Log into your account. Später besuchte er die Facultad de Ciencias Sociales und spezialisierte sich dabei auf die Darstellenden Künste.. Ab 2009 war er Teil der Musikgruppe 65013, bei der Pasquarelli die Hauptstimme sang. Viene scelto per interpretare il ruolo di Federico nella seconda parte della prima stagione della telenovela Violetta[14], continuando per tutta la seconda stagione. Ruggero Pasquarelli. Ruggero Pasquarelli 1993. szeptember 10-én született Abruzzo Pescara városában. Il 9 ottobre 2020 collabora con i Tres Dedos in una nuova canzone intitolata Por Eso Estoy Aquì. [5] During the seventh live show, Pasquarelli finished in the bottom two for the first time, together with Cassandra Raffaele, but only Raffaele's judge, Elio, voted to eliminate Pasquarelli, and he was therefore saved. Il successo è grandissimo. [1] He is also known for his performance as Federico in the Argentine telenovela Violetta (2012–2015)[2] and as Matteo Balsano in Soy Luna (2016–2018). Das Staffelfinale war am 26. Sempre nel 2019 collabora con MYA, un duo di cantanti Sud Americani, nel singolo Apenas Son Las 12. Disney Channel. Cande și Ruggero au împreună un canal de YouTube, care poarta numele cuplului, Ruggelaria. August, 2016. He's currently portraying Federico on the Disney Channel Original Series, Violetta. Scroll below to learn details information about Ruggero Pasquarelli's salary, estimated earning, lifestyle, and Income reports.