One of the arguably most striking features of the contemporary economic geography of the world is the uneven distribution of economic activity. PhD Student in Economic Geography at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom 371 connections. This research project aims at documenting the vertical growth of cities and advance the theoretical and empirical understanding of the urban height profile. First the omission of some fundamental determinants of MNEs investment decisions in ‘traditional’ national-level analyses. From joining one of over 200 societies, or starting your own society, to volunteering for a local charity, or attending a public lecture by a world-leading figure, there is a lot to choose from.Â, LSE is based on one campus in the centre of London. Over the past two decades, the house price-to-rent ratio has risen dramatically in many parts of the world, particularly in supply constrained superstar cities. Identification of such spatial spillovers and the productivity effects of close, face to face contact between workers and firms is not so easy, however. Do cuts to the state provision of public services increase or reduce the private provision of public services by the voluntary sector? The MPhil/PhD in Economic Geography aims to provide you with a rigorous and quantitative approach to the study of socio-economic phenomena that have a … Telephone +44(0)7517608618. Moreover, for every one standard deviation change in the index of court severity (becoming more “lender friendly”), housing demand decreases by 4.6%. The Department has been awarded €606,345 funding from the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks Scheme for POLISS (“Policies for Smart Specialisation”). We first analyse the impact of rising national gas prices on energy efficiency installations and domestic energy consumption. Pedro M. Llanos is a PhD candidate at LSE and an Early-Stage Researcher of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on ‘Policies for Smart Specialisation’ (POLISS). Find out what our campus and London have to offer you on academic, social and career perspective.Â, Your time at LSE is not just about studying, there are plenty of ways to get involved in extracurricular activities. HtB also led to bunching of newly built units below the price threshold, building of smaller new units and an improvement in the financial performance of developers.  See further information on supporting documents. Courses. Led for LSE by Prof Simona Iammarino, this is a collaborative project (overall 3.7 million euros) coordinated by Dr Andrea Morrison at Utrecht University, involving teams from 8 European countries. ... HPC System Co-ordinator at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Kingston upon Hull, England Metropolitan Area. You will be asked to discuss your research paper/thesis outline during an Upgrade Meeting in front of an Upgrading Committee normally formed by main supervisor, review supervisor and a third member of staff with relevant expertise. This includes: the European Commission, the OECD, the World Bank, Regional Development Banks, various UN agencies and the government of New Zealand’s Productivity Commission and UN HABITAT; the Bank of England Residential Property Forum, Department for Business, Innovation and Science, Department for Communities and Local Government, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for International Development, Department for Transport and HM Treasury; the English Regional Development Agencies and their successors the Local Enterprise Partnerships, the Greater London Assembly, Local Authorities including in particular Birmingham, Cambridge, Manchester and Newcastle; McKinsey and Co. See a list of our staff and PhD students on the People page. With new microgeographic data on building heights becoming available, understanding of the causes and effects of building heights will likely remain a priority research area in urban economics for the years to come. We analyse the locational characteristics of prime locations and compare them to historic city centres, which we trace back to the first settlements, often several thousands of years ago. LSE Careers Â- with the help of LSE Careers, you can make the most of the opportunities that London has to offer. The aim is to assess the importance of transport investments, access to finance, changes in technology and changes in dependence on natural resources to the changing location and the nature of productive activities in the UK.,,, Principal Investigators: Dr Neil Lee,Prof Simona Iammarino. Callum Wilkie (PhD LSE, 2018, placed at TDR Capital). LSE is an international community, with over 140 nationalities represented amongst its student body. Please note that LSE allows part-time PhD study only under limited circumstances. ... PhD candidate in Economic Geography Department of Geography and Environment. We visit schools, attend education fairs and also hold Destination LSE events: pre-departure events for offer holders. Find details on LSE's upcoming visits.Â, London School of Economics and Political Science. You must also note that places are limited on some courses and/or subject to specific entry requirements. Careers. PhD in Economic Geography. The largest spatial differentials, however, can be found within cities. Publications. In order to do so, we develop a novel theoretical framework and show that the effect of increasing repossession risk on house prices and mortgage sizes can be positive if courts are too lenient to begin with – but negative if courts are too strict. Thesis title: "Promoting innovation and economic growth in less developed territories" Viola von Berlepsch (PhD LSE, 2018, placed at the Boston Consulting Group). Our estimates suggest that in Greater London, where supply is seriously constrained, local labor demand shocks in conjunction with supply constraints explain 63% of the increase in the price-to-rent ratio since 1997. Employing panel data for 353 Local Planning Authorities in England from 1997 to 2018, we provide evidence in support of all four predictions. (See âTeaching and assessment).Â, LSE Studentsâ Union (LSESU) â they offer academic, personal and financial advice and funding.Â, PhD Academy - is available for PhD students, wherever they are, to take part in interdisciplinary events and other professional development activities and access all the services related to their registration.Â, Sardinia House Dental Practice - offers discounted private dental services to LSE students.Â, St Philips Medical Centre - based in Pethwick-Lawrence House the centre provides NHS Primary Care services to registered patients.Â, Student Services Centre â our staff here can answer general queries and can point you in the direction of other LSE services. Teaching and learning in 2021 We hope that programmes beginning in September 2021 will be unaffected by Coronavirus. 7. Training coursesCompulsory (not examined) Staff/Research Students SeminarsProvides background sessions for MPhil/PhD students in their first year of study. For more information about LSE's teaching plans for 2020 please visit: and to view our Coronavirus FAQ's for prospective students please see: In addition to our needs-based awards, LSE also makes available scholarships for students from specific regions of the world and awards for students studying specific subject areas. Within countries, there are typically cities and regions that thrive at the expense of others. If you apply for the PhD programme directly, will not be considered for the 1+3 pathway. At the heart of our analysis, we analyse factors, which determine the degree of persistency in internal city structure to rationalize the variety of observed spatial outcomes. Find out more about the support available to students through LSE Careers. While it seems obvious that urban form and regulations - via influencing transport behaviour and the built environment - matter for environmental change, little is known about the exact mechanisms that govern the relationship. We explore whether the initiative – via adversely affecting the local economy and restricting the option to convert primary homes into second homes – had the effect of lowering prices of primary homes. The effect of past climate change in Africa on local urbanization. The research draws on Parish level employment and entrepreneurship data dating back to the early 19th century, linked to multiple data sources of potential drivers of changing employment patterns. PhD Economic Geography, LSE. Note: students who have graduated from either the MSc Local Economic Development or the MSc Real Estate Economics and Finance cannot repeat courses taken as part of their masterâs programme. Moreover, the doctoral experience at LSE will expose you to an international, vibrant and multi-disciplinary research environment. 1681 and as CEPR Discussion Paper No. A final sub-project (Cheshire, Hilber, Sanchis-Guarner) focuses on the retail market and explores the impact of Town Centre First Policies on average shopping distance and travel times. Compulsory subject-specific courses (examined) Courses to the value of one unit from a range of options. Project has received funding from English Heritage and The Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERED). Substantively the cluster has largely been concerned with the traditional economic geography issues of regional and urban development, spatial inequality, location of economic activity, innovation, agglomeration, and labour market outcomes. Ali … About. How do different urban planning cultures leftover from the colonial era affect urban shape and sprawl. Don't fear, London doesn't have to be super expensive: hear about London on a budget.Â, Students who successfully complete the programme often embark on an academic career.Â, Further information on graduate destinations for this programme. Workshop in Information Literacy: finding, managing and organising published research and dataAims to develop students' research skills and introduce the essential sources and tools when undertaking research, and the skills required to use them. Department of Geography and Environment, LSE | 1,138 followers on LinkedIn. If you have studied or are studying outside of the UK then have a look at our Information for International Students to find out the entry requirements that apply to you. Based in the Department/Institute: Geography and Environment. Territorial/spatial factors, MNEs heterogeneity and local institutional conditions have been often overlooked in MNEs location analyses. It also provides the forum in which first year full-time and second year part-time MPhil/PhD students must present their work in advance of submitting their major review documents. The success of places such as Silicon Valley is frequently attributed to exactly this. It stays open late, has lots of excellent resources and itâs a great place to study. Economic History. Geography and Environment – PhD Students. Teacher: View. So far my work in the programme focuses on: Staff involved: Paul Cheshire, Christian Hilber, Charles Palmer, Ted Pinchbeck. 1), 2) and, 3) Firstly, micro-data on establishments’ birth, location, expansion and death will be used to investigate how cities are internally organized in terms of the distribution and evolution of economic activities (BSD, ARD, ASHE etc.). Ibarra-Olivo, J. Eduardo (2019) The economic geography of foreign direct investment and human capital in Mexican regions. The proposition that public expenditure ‘crowds out’ (i.e. In order to test the predictions of our model, we use boundaries of catchment areas of courts that adjudicate on repossession cases in England and Wales as a source of an exogenous spatial variation in repossession risk. In this project we empirically test this proposition by answering the following research questions: Staff involved: Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Nancy Holman. Freedom Fries; with Xiaojia Zhi. Economic Geography . The impact of the national highway construction in China on city growth. This is Year 2 for students in the +3 programme and Year 3 for students in the 1+3 route. This focus follows a general trend in the discipline and the growing need of policy advice to be solidly grounded in well-documented empirical regularities and properly established causal links. The World Bank estimates that in 2013 only 0.3% of Kuwait's GDP was spent on R&D, compared to an OECD average of 2.4%, with private sector R&D likely to be even lower. The progessive expansion of firms from emerging economies into multinational enterprises is unprecedented. The City produces 2.4% of UK GDP and about 25% of Greater London GDP, a dense urban area of about 1500 times the size of the City. We find that house prices are higher and mortgages larger in locations with ‘borrower friendly’ courts as judges in our sample are too strict. Before joining LSE in 2020, Pedro worked as Research Coordinator at Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA). Research is conducted using a combination of historical methods, statistical methods and the application of economic theory to historical situations and institutions.The field can encompass a wide variety of topics, including equality, finance, technology, labor, and business. Custom Programmes. 2. Diemer, Andreas (2020) Essays in the spatial economic analysis of social interactions. Relevant links: winner of Nick Tyrrell Research Prize. The effect on city growth in China of favouritism in capital markets. You may take courses in addition to those listed but must discuss this with your supervisor. How to assess that impact on population relocation, GDP growth, differentiating between regional primate and other cities and assessing the impact of new highways on promotion of domestic vs international trade by cities. Further information about fee status classification. If perceived lack of progress is identified, it can trigger a more formal annual review of progress in which you will be asked to produce specific written documents to be evaluated by a review panel. You are required to submit a formal written upgrade report consisting of an extensive revised research proposal, two substantive draft papers/chapters, of which one can be a literature review, and a detailed plan for completion. However please note the funding deadlines: Duration: Three-four years (minimum 2) full-time. 4. The MPhil/PhD in Economic Geography aims to provide you with a rigorous and quantitative approach to the study of socio-economic phenomena that have a spatial and geographical nature, as well as their implications. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2010, 2(3): 256-81, Appendix Tables, Appendix Figures A major part of the project involves building a credible database to describe the speed, magnitude and spatial form of urban development. It also provides the forum in which first year full-time and second year part-time MPhil/PhD students must present their work in advance of submitting their major review documents. Since 1960s, over 9800 conservation areas have been designated in England. This inter-disciplinary research group is working on policy focused research which considers spatial inequality in both the developed and developing world. You will begin on the MPhil, and will need to meet certain requirements to be upgraded to PhD status. In this project we analyse the internal structure of a large sample of cites around the world. Progression to the second year (third year of the 1+3 programme) is also dependent on you having passed all required examinations and obtained at least one merit, and having presented your work satisfactorily in the doctoral presentation workshops. PhD in Economic Geography The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Sep 2018 – Present 2 years 1 month. Language Centreâ the centre specialises in offering language courses targeted to the needs of students and practitioners in the social sciences. The upgrade is also dependent on you having completed all required training courses and having made a satisfactory research presentation in your doctoral presentation workshop. Every research student is charged a fee in line with the fee structure for their programme. The fee covers registration and examination fees payable to the School, lectures, classes and individual supervision, lectures given at other colleges under intercollegiate arrangements and, under current arrangements, membership of the Students' Union. LSE. In addition to progressing with your research, you are expected to take the listed training and transferable skills courses. Staff involved: Henry Overman and Olmo Silva. Once on the MPhil/PhD programme you will go through a First Year Progress Review, taking place in the Summer Term of your first research year. About. Alexandra Sotiriou. We augment this data with various other sources including the Ordnance Survey, Land Registry and Energy Performance Certificate Register using geographical matching. Why in some cities do traditional slums near the centre persist while in others they are redeveloped? The focus of this project on ‘Resilient Cities’ aims to fill these gaps by looking at resilience as a regional, local and urban process that needs to be placed in a ‘global’ perspective and assessed with reference to global flows and networks of goods, capital and knowledge. What are the spatial patterns in voluntary activity, charitable giving and the provision of public services through charities and Local Authorities in the post-Coalition years and how has the response to budget cuts differed across different types of area? At the end of your second year (full-time), you will need to satisfy certain requirements and if you meet these, will be retroactively upgraded to PhD status. See the fees and funding section for more details. Staff involved: Riccardo Crescenzi (PI and Grant Recipient); Simona Iammarino (Research Team Member). The School will always notify the affected parties as early as practicably possible and propose any viable and relevant alternative options.
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