In the episode "The Heat Is On", Emma and Rikki clash (because of their boyfriends) at the juice bar and are late to the anniversary that Cleo planned (for their one year anniversary of becoming mermaids). Despite their arguments, Rikki and Emma do get along a lot of the times, and Rikki genuinely cares for her friends. Her eyes are wide, dark-lashed, and sky blue. They do. If a merperson with this ability is in the Moon Pool during the special planetary alignment, it is enhanced to Pyrokinesis and Electrokinesis: the power to start and put out fires, as well the ability to summon a lightning from the sky from anywhere. Rita mentions that it can be extremely useful to a mermaid caught in a cave-in or in an encounter with a killer whale. However she could communicate with them when the mermaids were awake as seen when she told the girls where the galleon was. The only hint the audience has about Terry, is his hobby, which is working on motorcycles. Years later Rikki demonstrated having Telekinesis power when she stopped a glass full of water from moving. her hips are so big. Essence Manipulation is the power to manipulate an object's or person's essence. In the second season, Rikki ran into Zane again at the dirt track and they both wanted to get back together. Eventually they got a divorce and Rikki lives with her father, Terry Chadwick. Emma "awesome,that’s under my personal best” Cleo "Emma you were really motoring there“ Emma ”i’ll do better than that tomorrow give me two weeks and I’ll be ready for Regionals “ Cleo “ so cool “ Zane”hey Cleo hey Cleo yes that Cleo I am in some trouble here can you help“ Cleo” I don’t think so “Zane”My zodiac won’t Go and all I need you to do is just passed me the tools” Cleo” i’m not good with boats“ Zane” you’ll be fine Took me a while to realize that someone stole my spark plug” Cleo” so does it work without one” … It is revealed in season one that her father forgets her birthday every year. Hydrokinesis is the elemental ability to create, control, and manipulate liquid water at will. (i … Cleo and Emma meet new girl, Rikki, and find themselves stuck on Mako Island where they are transformed into mermaids. do they show her as a mermaid. Rikki is the exact opposite of Emma not just in their magical powers but also in their personalities as well. Su ddenly in the moon pool the girls have legs again. Her lips are a rosy pink and plump. The ordeal affected her mentally to the point where she became withdrawn from Bella and Cleo and everyone around her for the next two episodes. "When we enter the water, we're giving up everything," Rikki added. As well as growing tails, the girls find they have powers over water. The power to control and manipulate the weather itself and its various aspects. Rikki is described as very pretty. This is demonstrated when she takes Emma and Cleo out on a shopping spree with her new money in "Dangerous Waters." Emma and Rikki arrive and a 4-mermaid fight begins. Plot. It is revealed that the more time she spends at the Moon Pool, the more her connection with Mako advances. When she was little, her parents fought a lot over money issues. However, Rikki proved herself worthy by continuing to keep their mermaid secrets from Zane. Vision Sharing is to see what another merperson is seeing. In the episode, "Bad Moon Rising", Zane encounters the full-moon stricken Rikki on Mako Island. Despite her carefree nature, Rikki is capable of displaying a sense of responsibility especially when it comes to money. The café seems to be in better situation whenever Rikki's around. Invisibility is the power to become invisible. Lewis asks Charlotte to go with him to Mako Island. Desperate to get her back, Zane tries to gain Rikki's attention by stealing a necklace Will made for her out of moon crystals. As they ventured in deeper into the jungle-infested island, the three girls soon came across a clearing where a river stream turns into a waterfall over several boulders. Her body is slim, but not to an extreme, and shows signs of athleticism. When she got injured, he pulled her out of the water and tried calling her friends for help. Series one: 2006. "There will always be people like you trying to exploit us," Emma said. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mimmi demonstrated that power when she took Evie's Essence and tried to remove her newly acquired mermaid tail. After renovating it, he named it after her and made Rikki the new manager and his business partner. Cleo is pretty hott thought. When a merperson with this power is in the Moon Pool during a special planetary alignment, it is greatly strengthened to Aerokinesis, the power to summon wind gusts or float beings or objects in mid-air. The next morning, Rikki began working at the JuiceNet café, but because of her rebellious attitude, Emma threatened to fire her on the spot after seeing how rude she was to the customers. When Zane discovered that she is still a mermaid, he confessed that he no longer cares about exploiting her secret. Rikki formed a bond with the water tentacle. Cleo has also been helping Lewis with mastering his powers, though it did result in them both suddenly springing tails many times along the way. In "Pressure Cooker", Rikki encouraged Cleo and Emma to rebel against Charlotte Watsford and her mother, Annette Watsford who were invited by Don Sertori to stay over for dinner. When all three of them entered the pool, the full moon became aligned with the Moon Pool, causing it to bubble and glow a mystic blue glow and emitting small orbs of magical light particles into the air. Rikki has a strong adventurous streak and is the first to fully embrace the possibilities of the girls' new powers. This power is the upgraded version of Hydro-Thermokinesis, and is currently owned by Rikki Chadwick, Nixie, Rita Santos, Sirena and was used by Zac Blakely through the Trident. In the end, she struck a deal with him that she'll only go out with him if he stops talking about mermaids. Hell is said to smell of sulfur (likely due to its association with volcanic activity), as it is found primarily in hot springs and volcanic regions, a reference to both her personality and powers. Duh yes!!! Humans who have changed into merpeople possess this power since their first transformation. ... Miss Chatham tells the girls that people will keep hunting for them unless they give up their powers – they can do it tonight in the moon pool during the lunar eclipse. The power to summon wind gusts or float beings or objects in mid-air. All clothing, including tops, accessories and watches are absorbed by the merperson and vanish during their transformation which only reapper when they're dry. Emma had to give up her swimming team and Cleo had that fear of water, which seems so stupid when you have fins, but Rikki didn't give up anything. Rikki possesses the ability to transform into a mermaid ten seconds after physical contact with water. She only mentioned by Rikki once when she tells, In the beginning of season 3 Rikki did not trust. Throughout the rest of the season, Zane tried his best to win Rikki back, but unfortunately, ended up wrecking it more. This could imply that he is an auto-mechanic, although he never succeeded in fixing his motorcycle, and Zane eventually ended up fixing it, to earn Terry's approval. After another blunder with Terry, Zane tried to prove his worth to him by fixing his motorcycle before pleading his innocence. In H2O: Mermaid Adventures, mermaids transform by being enveloped in colored light. H2O Just Add Water Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. This power could apply with anything containing liquid, ranging from human body to even the water molecules in the air. In religious contexts, burning sulfur is referred to as "brimstone", giving rise to "fire-and-brimstone" sermons where listeners are told of the threat of eternal damnation. But refreshing the memories, we have got a quiz for you. This alignment increases her powers, becoming very powerful. When Zane asked her to go out with him, she refused because he wouldn't give up his talk about mermaids ever since Emma saved him from drowning. It was temporarily owned by Charlotte Watsford. Emma and Rikki love swimming underwater and exploring their new mermaid powers. It is also known that if human beings somehow absorbs Moon Water, they will receive the regular powers over water. I guess all of you had your favorite character in the show which you loved little more than the rest. Growing up in a struggling environment, Rikki lacks the personalit… Just a one drop can change them into their true selves. Only Moon Rings remain in both forms as they are magical themselves. While Emma is confident, controlling, and responsible, Rikki is quite rebellious, independent, sarcastic and carefree, making the two argue often. Rikki jumps aboard the boat to save her, revealing that she was the one who stole Zane's spark plug to his boat. In the episode "The Dark Side", Rikki grew frustrated with Zane's insensitivity and ran away to face the water forces alone at the Moon Pool. Every liquid present in that same room was affected by this ability. This power is mostly used for racing other merpeople or escaping from boats and other merpeople, or just to get somewhere faster. In the beginning of season three, the café is shut down and out of business for an unknown reason. Hydrokinesis has been used to float water in the air or spray it in the form of a jet blast. As Rikki got closer to Mako Island she saw another mermaid. As a mermaid, Rikki has the ability to swim at a super speed, hold her breath for more than fifteen minutes, and dive at a depth lower than any ordinary human being. She also wears a locket identical to Cleo and Emma's, only with a red stone, to represent the ability to heat water. With the carefree Rikki steering the boat out into the sea and miles offshore, the girls soon found they are now out of fuel in the middle of the ocean. Upset, Rikki blames Zane for their situations. Upon the next morning and twelve hours after their ordeal, Rikki decided to take a morning walk around her neighborhood. Not only does Rikki shows her rebellious nature freely, but she encourage it in her friends as well. If a merperson with this power is in the Moon Pool during the special planetary alignment, it is drastically enhanced to full-fledged Cryokinesis, in which a merperson can freeze anything without the presence of liquid water and can make it snow. However, at one point, Rikki decided to put aside her judgment on him in the episode "The Camera Never Lies" where she discreetly saved him from being eaten by sharks. Despite their arguments, Rikki and Emma do get along a lot of the times, and Rikki genuinely cares for her friends. One can also control water and mold it into any shape and for he or she desires. In a ring of fire made by Rikki On the beach This is a enhanced version of Hydro-Cryokinesis, and is currently owned by Emma Gilbert. Emma and Cleo think that Rikki is dating Zane : Miriam's locket is the same as Emma and Cleo's : Lewis developes a waterproofing spray. Wilfred, the owner, threatened to fire Emma and replace her with Rikki. With this power, the user can levitate objects and people, hold an object or person in place, pull objects and people towards the user, push objects and people away from the user, and alter an object or person's directional course. With the carefree Rikki steering the boat out into the sea and miles offshore, the girls soon found they are now out of fuel in the middle of the ocean. Once ashore on the deserted island, Cleo and her friends pondered on how they should call for help. The hand motion for this power is to use the thumb and index finger and move up and down with the fingers. But Cleo is alarmed when she hears a rumor of sea turtles becoming caught in fishermen's nets. It means that Thermokinesis is the most volatile and dangerous of all three original powers. Rikki seems to not be too focused on her appearance, due to the fact she is a tomboy. The two shared a kiss, but with her out of control powers, she accidentally dehydrated Zane and he passed out., Rikki's mother never appeared in the series. There, she encounters the Water Tentacle and was shocked to find that she could connect with it. However, it is unknown if Bella has any siblings or if she's an only child. Rikki was without her necklace and locket in her Mako: Island of Secrets appearance. Along the ride, the girls ran into Emma, who was walking home from her swim training. Ten seconds after touching water, they will revert back to their true forms. Siren Singing is an ability that allows a Siren to put a boy or man into an irresistible, hypnotic trance in which he will follow her around. Unlike Emma and Cleo, Rikki's family is more broken up as her mother isn't around. After talking to Zane, she kisses him causing him to dehydrate and become unconscious. Plugging it back in, Rikki and Cleo decided to take the boat for a joyride. ! Throughout the series, we discover that this power can easily get out of control. Sophie tries to convince him to move on by taking Rikki's name down from the café, but he refused. Rikki soon opens up to the mermaids when they show her compassion and understanding and state she is the same as they are. But when Emma accidentally froze Miriam Kent (who was hiding in the cool room), Rikki has no choice but to become responsible and thaw her out. Hydrokinesis has been used to float water in the air or spray it in the form of a jet blast. Rikki is also shown to have maintained her rebellious fun loving nature as she helped the mermaids steal the bracelet and when Mimmi offered to return it, Rikki let her keep it because it would amuse her to see how the foundation reacts when they notice it is gone. At first, it implies that Hydro-Cryokinesis could only freeze things with water over it. She is so fatt! Invisibility Detection is the power to see invisible merpeople. This is first seen in "Stormy Weather". Cleo and Emma meet new girl, Rikki, and find themselves stuck on Mako Island where they are transformed into mermaids. She also appear in the last 2 episodes of the third season of the spin-off series Mako: Island of Secrets. Rikki witnessed their argument and saw how rude Zane was to her father and decided to avoid him. "Because of people like you," Cleo answered. Surprisingly, Rikki first discovered that she transformed into a mermaid when she was hit by water from the park sprinkler system. Eventually, they got a divorce, and Rikki now lives with her father, Terry Chadwick. Rikki was the last to discover her powers, which bothers her greatly. In the episode "Bad Moon Rising", Rikki got struck by the full moon's spell, causing her powers to go out of control, resulting in everything she touched immediately heating up. It can also be used to render people immobile by freezing only their wet clothing. Thermokinesis is most useful when the merpeople need to dry off their tails faster. She hates Cleo as well as Rikki and Emma who hate her back, a dislike made even stronger after she becomes the fourth mermaid late in series two, armed with the powers of all three girls. She turned back into a human several minutes after climbing out of the the water and once her body was completely dry, she turned back into a human along with the clothes she was wearing before she transformed. Rikki was the last to discover her powers, which bothers her greatly gets tricked into helping Zane Bennett repair his boat, he sets her adrift into the sea. When she transformed, she now is susceptible to all the weaknesses of a mermaid. The show is about three teenagers, Emma, Rikki, and Cleo, that are secretly mermaids when they touch water. In the episode "Hocus Pocus", Rikki was responsible for causing the magical, wish-granting seaweed fungus to take over the café. Telepathy is the ability to communicate without the use of any known human senses. i still like itso can you please make an saeson 4 i love rikki ilove cleo i love bella and i hope emma comes back and ilove lewis and zane please please please i love h2o just add water. However, their relationship became more strained by the cause of various problems such as the Water Tentacle, Sophie, and Will's diving ability. Rikki also shows her care for Emma when Rikki prods Byron to apologize to her friend in "Sink or Swim," revealing that Emma is not as tough and thick-skinned as she lets on. While Emma and Rikki were able to jump over to the small waterfall, Cleo became hesitant and without a warning, fell into a hole. The power to start and put out fires. The user puts their hand in a fist motion and move it half circle. Cleo follows them to find out along with Lewis that Charlotte is planning to make the girls lose their powers because in that night the planets will be in a line with the moon and a mermaid in the moon pool at the time will lose her powers forever. Just like Siren Singing, this ability can't be learned and only them possesses it. Cleo is such a wuss. I never have seen her as a mermaid? When Rikki and Zane got trapped on a hotel balcony in the episode "Hook, Line and Sinker", they started to bond and soon they realized that they are in love with each other. Speed-Swimming is one of the most used merpeople abilities in H2O: Just Add Water and Mako: Island of Secrets. Zac uses this power to improve Carly and Cam's vocal chords, while the mermaids used it to shrink lemons and Sirena's vocal chords. Taking her friend's advice, Rikki admits to Zane where she lives and that Terry is her father. because she is so digusting. In Season 2, after a powerful planetary alignment, Rikki was gifted with a second power called Pyrokinesis, and later, she was able to create a storm with Cleo and Emma, as well as alone. Pods were established around these Moon Pools to live and protect their magical source and the pods consists of hundreds of mermaids and formerly mermen. She always so naiive and doesn't know what to do. Oblivious to what was happening to them, the girls ventured out into open sea where they were rescued by the local water-police. Her wardrobe consists of red and black items, based on her fiery abilities, tough she does wear colors like khaki, blue, gray, and even pink sometimes, and in season 3, she starts wearing more blue tones. Q: In season 1, when Dr. Denman saw Emma, Cleo, and Rikki enter the moon pool and "give up" their powers, why didn't Denman stick around to study the powers of the moon pool and Mako Island? But, as proven on many occasions, she can look beautiful if she so desires. Charlotte molding the water into three snakes, Cleo using her powers to squirt water out of a bottle, Emma using this power for the first time (gif), Lyla using Aerokinesis to try and take away Zac's powers. Like the rest of the girls, her skin is glowing and ethereal when in mermaid form. S1:E1 | Jun 2, 2013 | 25m Although the origin of the name Rikki is uncertain, congnates in Northern Finnic imply it means "sulfur". In Mako: Island of Secrets, an older Rikki has made a successful life for herself despite growing up in a financially struggling family thanks in large part to her experiences as a mermaid that she shares in her book under the guise of being a very skilled diver. Cleo however, is not so sure. With this power, one can contact another person mentally, without fear that someone overhears the conversation. This is demonstrated when she takes Emma and Cleo out on a shopping spree with her new money in "Dangerous Waters." This is a enhanced version ofHydro-Thermokinesis, and is currently owned by Rikki Chadwick. When three mermaids (one with each amplified weather-related ability) combine their powers of air and wind, ice and snow, and lighting and electricity grants them complete control over the weather and its various elemental aspects. She even threatened to have them arrested and almost engaged them in a fight, showing that she maintained her stubbornness and spunk. Although Emma still opposed Rikki for dating Zane again, she told her that she must be the one who is truthful to Zane. This quiz will tell you which character from the show you are most like. Thinking that Don is getting remarried and that Charlotte will become Cleo's step sister, Rikki encouraged the others to use their powers to ruin the food, not knowing that Annette was only invited as a business partner. Her father's occupation is unknown. After confirming her theory with Emma and Cleo, Rikki grew excited and embraced her new changes. Hydrokinesis is the elemental ability to create, control, and manipulate liquid water at will. Emma suggested that they should head inland towards a higher altitude in hopes of getting a signal for a call. It allows merpeople to swim at an incredible speed. In fact it was one of the best things that happened to her. Lead sailors to their death 7 Where does Cleo, Emma, and Lewis find Rikki and Zane after they kissed on Mako? But several times in season one, Emma was able to freeze, cool, and lock objects with her powers without the aids of water. And unlike her friends, Rikki doesn't live in a house, rather she and her father lives in a trailer park by the canal as her father's income isn't very high. During her stay as café manager in season three, she was able to show her ability in running a business successful. In the episode "The Awakening", Zane decided to take her idea and bought the place with his father's money. She is the only one without a boyfriend in the season 3 finale. Terry decided to forgive him and allowed him to date his daughter again. If Emma and rikki weren't there she would of been caught and disected a long time ago. To take the essence, one only has touch the object or person. But if she thought the powers were gone, what's to study? Since she was little, Rikki has been used to people not liking her, so when people express their affections and kindness towards her, she feels uncomfortable and "fenced in". Not knowing that Terry is her father, Zane was confused as to why she did so. After Cleo gets tricked into helping Zane Bennett repair his boat, he sets her adrift into the sea. In "In Over Our Heads", Rikki attempted to help her father by trying to find a lost treasure for the reward money because her family was struggling with the bills. She didn't actually want to work on controlling her powers like she told him—like she would tell Emma and Rikki when she announced she'd split up with Lewis. Along with Cleo and Emma, Rikki discovered her powers after her trip to Mako Island. It's the counter-spell of the Legs Spell. Confirming her find, she and Rikki convinced the hesitant Cleo to escape with them. I would go into the mako Moon pool and get cleo, emma, and rikki's powers all to myself. As a mermaid, her hair is always down, as a part of the transformation and she has an orange-scaled tail with a matching top. Upon the next morning and twelve hours after their ordeal, Rikki decided to take a morning walk around her neighborhood. After that, Rikki has no memory of kissing him, but they decided to stop exchanging their usual insults whenever they meet. "We're giving our powers up." It's also used to mold water into a multitude of shapes, … Annoyed that Lewis had wasted her time, Rikki gave the potion an overdose of her magic, causing it to overflow overnight and eventually flood into the rest of the building. Cleo is capable of controlling the air currents and winds. To make up for her previous blunder in the same episode, she also does her best to buy Cleo the perfect new fish (as thanks, Cleo dubs the fish "Hot Stuff," in honor of Rikki). Volume Reduction is the ability to shrink objects. When Cleo and Emma found out their secret relationship, they disapproved greatly in fear that she'll tell Zane their secret like Julia did 50 years ago. When Zane unintentionally caused Will to almost drown in a practice dive, Rikki became upset with him and even more so when he didn't show much concern about the Water Tentacle during a full moon. Lewis and Cleo insisted on using the café's cool room to create their wish giving potion. After being rescued the girls return to their normal lives, but soon discover they have changed: seconds after contact with water, they transform into mermaids with unique supernatural powers over water. Later on, Zane invited Rikki to go on a treasure hunt with him in the episode "In Over Our Heads". Zoolingualism is the unique ability to understand and speak the language of sea creatures, such as dolphins and whales. When she was little, her parents fought a lot over the issues of money. It was temporarily owned by Charlotte Watsford. The girls give up thier powers to shake Dr. Denman. It's been quite long since the show ended in 2010. There, she confessed that she was tired of "being a mermaid". In the season one finale "A Twist In The Tail", Zane proved to his father and Dr. Denman of mermaids' existence on camera, not knowing that they are actually his friends and girlfriend. It would be awesome!!!! Before her transformation, Rikki had all the typical weaknesses of a human. In this episode, he shows his concern for her when he saw how much she insisted on looking for the treasure and convinced her to take a break. Dr. Denman is back and finds proof of the mermaids. This is a supremely powerful combined ability that only Cleo Sertori, Emma Gilbert and Rikki Chadwick have shown to possess. Rikki had an idea that it should be reopen again but with new trends, such as a live music concert. When Rikki left after breaking up with Zane, the café started to struggle despite Sophie replacing her as manager, showing her organizational and monetary abilities. In the episode "Hook, Line and Sinker", Rikki attempted to look for some financial security for her family by attending Harrison Bennett's seminar, only to find it to be a scam. I beamed their houses over to Royal York and they were amazed by the extent of the beauty of the city. Rikki was the first to be captured by the water tentacle. Rikki uses her unique heating power to dry Cleo off and help her turn back into an ambulatory human again while Emma freezes the door shut so none of the partygoers will uncover the secret. While Rikki enjoys her new life as a mermaid, Emma and Cleo are less enthusiastic about … Rikki Chadwick, Emma Gilbert, and Cleo Sertori are three teenage Australian girls who find themselves stranded on the mysterious Mako Island, where they end up in a pool under a dormant volcano just as a full moon passes above them, bathing the pool in light. When she was little, her parents fought a lot over money issues. Rikki admitted that she needed the money from the treasure hunt to help her father pay the bills. Hydrokinesis also allows the user to multiply the water molecules, making the shape of the water to grow more and expand in size, despite the small amount in a glass to begin with. Throughout Season 2 through Season 3, Mimmi and Zac has been able to see what each other see at certain times. And Charlotte, i don't understand! In "The Big Chill," Rikki needed money to buy concert tickets but didn't like the idea of working. A merperson using it also shows the ability to change its viscosity (making jelly to catch Cleo's fish). In season 1, when Dr. Denman saw Emma, Cleo, and Rikki enter the moon pool and "give up" their powers, why didn't Denman stick around to study the powers of the moon pool and Mako Island?
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