Sophienstr. 451 likes. The Game Night will provide some social time to balance the intellectual debates and activities. EYP. European Youth Parliament Sophienstr. Learn about working at IS Milano 2020. For more information, click here. The following team members will join Iman at at the session: Editorial Assistants. In case of any questions, feel free to contact What we hope to bring to the Session is the opportunity to make each new encounter a starting point for discussion, introspection and self development: how the Session is going to be perceived and remembered by participants still has to be written but we are sure that each one of us will find our own meaning in it. The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings together young people from all over Europe to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. Milano 2020, the 91st International session of EYP, will include key moments that will be opportunities for everyone to enrich themselves, such as the Leadership training, the Teambuilding, the Eurovillage, the Italian Night, the Committee Work, the Opening Ceremony and the General Assembly. 06/12/2019 - 11:10. The European Youth Parliament is one of the largest platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, European civic education and the exchange of ideas for young people in Europe. It is also a chance to interact with external guests, discuss the theme of sustainability all together for the first time, setting the base for the days of discussion to come, and get to know the participants and their diversity through interactive activities. It is our greatest pleasure to announce that the Vice-Presidents and Chairs for Milano 2020 have been selected! Volterra 2019 - National Selection Conference of EYP Italy. 2 “I'm positive that the European Youth Parliament is the best environment and the perfect community to encourage and strengthen a new debate about those pressing issues that institutions, industries and citizens, have to tackle." Milano 2018 - 44th National Selection Conference of EYP Italy, Milan, Italy. Jakob Planinsek (SI) Lea Pfau (DE) Anait Tsaturyan (AM) Ola Kowalewska (PO) The event is structured through individual digital rooms with groups of 20 rotating participants, to ensure a more intimate and spontaneous dialogue between speaker and audience. Dubrovnik 2020 - 30th National Selection Conference of EYP Croatia. 32. We are congratulating Iman and wish her all the best for her work on the session. 23/09/2020 - 10:52. Here are some insights they have shared with us. I have been an active member of EYP since 2015. Find the contact details of the EYP National Committee in your country by clicking here. Event. Event. 28 / 29 10178 Berlin Email: info[at] Phone: +49 30 726 21 95 42 Fax: +49 30 97 00 50 96. The European Youth Parliament is one of the largest European platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, European civic education and the exchange of ideas for young people in Europe. The last part of every session is a General Assembly, where the committees come together to present and debate the resolutions they wrote, in a parliamentary style, practicing public speaking. Based on the well-known TedTalk format, the event is structured around 8' speeches from delegates, officials, and external guests on the topic of Sustainability and Activism. Since then, the EYP organises three International Sessions every year. Therefore, the aim of the Media Team is to capture the profound interpersonal exchanges of all participants through mediums that preserve their memories. The Berlin-based foundation empowers young people from all backgrounds to be active European citizens contributing to a pluralistic, democratic society. An evening event with the scope of promoting intergenerational dialogue. The experience-based pedagogy is used to build teams where the members, despite having never met before and being from different countries and backgrounds, can work together, building trust and principles of teamwork. Participants will be able to learn from unique speakers leading in the world of sustainable development. Throughout Committee Work, the delegates analyse the topic of their committee, identify the problems linked to it and propose solutions. The selection report is attached to this post with a more detailed description of the selection process. As a network of independent associations, EYP is present in 40 European countries and organises more than 500 events every year. Email: info[at] We wish the entire team a wonderful and fruitful time on their way to the EYP International Session in Milano 2020! Hosting an inspirational guest over breakfast is the best way to start the day. In the end, the resolutions are put to a vote, allowing all participants to voice their position on all the topics discussed. Milano 2020 will actually be reality! Participants have the opportunity to interact with companies/start-ups/NGOs and discover how their corporate mission is enhanced by sustainability. Milano 2020 - 92nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament. Kryštof Stupka (CZ) Elena Ignatiadou (GR) Journalists. What we cherish in EYP are human connections: the opportunity to create and cultivate friendships and companionship and the experience that you get from meeting and connecting with new people who will undoubtedly leave an impact. The session will focus on sustainability declined in social, economic and environmental clusters, while trying to be as sustainable as possible in the way the program is implemented. I started EYP in 2014 and have been an active member ever since. Elena Marro: I am 20 years old and I’m studying diplomacy in Bologna but my heart is in the mountains of my hometown Cuneo. EYP. Youth Organization. 28 / 29 10178 Berlin Email: info[at] Phone: +49 30 726 21 95 42 Fax: +49 30 97 00 50 96 We wish the entire team a wonderful and fruitful time on their way to the EYP International Session in Milano 2020! The event will kick off with an opening ceremony, where the event leadership can introduce themselves and the session’s vision to all participants. It is my greatest pleasure to announce the selection of the Editors for the 92nd International Session of the EYP in Milano. Katerina Mucci: Born and raised in the Eternal City, I am now 21 years old studying Economics up in Milan. Each of them brings together about 300 young people for 9 days from around 40 European countries. A huge thank you to the people who made this possible #ismilano20 . Join LinkedIn today for free. 2 “I'm positive that the European Youth Parliament is the best environment and the perfect community to encourage and strengthen a new debate about those pressing issues that institutions, industries and citizens, have to tackle." We have asked the amazing team of young volunteers who will organise the event why they want to spend the next two years preparing the session. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Milano 2019 - National Selection Conference of EYP Italy. From the 30th of April to the 10th of May 2020, EYP Italy will be organising the 92nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament, in Milan. Get to know the patrons of the 91st International session of EYP, held in 2020 in Milan, which consists of important and illustrious figures, such as: Carlo Altomonte, Enrico Giovannini, Massimo Gaudina and … 32. It is our great pleasure to announce the Media Team of Milano 2020, the next International Session of the European Youth Parliament. We congratulate all selected candidates and which them and Rebecca the best of luck for their work! From this National Session, three of our delegates, Togay Ata Gokalp, Emily Wallerstrom and Constantinos Paschalis, were selected to represent EYP Cyprus to the 92nd International Session of EYP, Milano 2020. Milano 2020 - 92nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament. The idea of organising this session grew naturally among us, as a close group of friends, and the idea of shaping such an important moment of connection leads us to reflect firstly on ourselves and on our relationship. We are pleased to announce that the Editor for Milano 2020, the 92nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament has been selected. A lot of the discussion techniques used during Committee work are similar to the ones used in corporate teamwork. On behalf the panel, I would like to congratulate Jeroen and Lukas on their selection as Editors. “MIlano 2020 has the opportunity to became a platform that challenges the standardized approach of EYP sessions. Ljubljana 2019 - 5th National Selection Conference of EYP Slovenia. Milano 2020 - Chairs' Team Selected. European Youth Parliament Sophienstr. Can you please tell us a bit more about yourself? The session will focus on sustainability declined in social, economic and environmental clusters, while trying to be as sustainable as possible in the way the program is … Congratulations to all our EYP team for their hard work and dedication! The selection panel would further like to thank all candidates for their commitment to EYP and their work put into the application. Event. The 44th National Selection Conference of EYP Italy will be held in Milan from the 26/04/18 to the 01/05/18. Phone: +49 30 726 21 95 42 My route led me to EYP in 2016 when a session in a medieval city of central Italy truly changed my life. Fax: +49 30 97 00 50 96. Also, EYP Italy will benefit from holding such an event in Milan, capital of fashion and business, that will be more than perfect to host eight days of stimulating debates, by promoting new ideas, rethinking traditional approaches and addressing shared challenges at both a regional and international level. Katerina, Elena and Gloria: We want communication to be the cornerstone of our work as it represents the foundation of all human relationships and plays such a central role in our association. It is with great excitement that we share the news of the selection of the president for the 92nd International Session of the EYP in Milano, Italy. Information. We are very happy to announce that Ms Rebecca Smith (FR) will preside the session. EYP methodology consists of Teambulding, Committee Work, General Assembly and Cultural Programme. Milano 2020 is the 92nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament and it will take place in April 2020, in Milan (MI), Italy. The EYP is a network of independent youth organisations active in 40 countries across Europe. Milano 2021 is the 92nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament and it will take place in April 2021, in Milan (MI), Italy. The city of Milano will host the EYP International Session in 2020. The very first International Session of the European Youth Parliament took place in Fontainebleau, France in 1988.
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