Haifa Group is a world leader in the field of specialty fertilizers. Dripping irrigation system and foliar spraying Application Rate Foliar application 45mls in 15l of water (0.1-1.5, 6L/Ha) ... Related products. Greenhouse grade potassium nitrate 13.5-0-46.2 (crystalline) – fully water soluble – NK fertilizer Particle size On 35 US mesh (>0.5mm)- 12% typ. Some fertilisers display K as K 2 O, P as P 2 O 5, Ca as CaO and Mg as MgO. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Multi-K = 13-0-46 (Potassium nitrate)Citrus trees benefit from Haifa’s products: boost yield, reduced fruit drop & splitting, increased fruit size, increased sweetness, extended fruit shelf life. Specialized Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer for Fruits, Nuts and Vines Fase3 is the final step in the multi-nutrient fertilizer program for nut trees, fruit trees, berry bushes, and vines. ... Multi-K™ pHast. Consists of 100% plant macronutrients. Many people are unfamiliar with foliar feeding, but it really is a great way to get added nutrition to your plants. Foliar feeding of young lemon trees with Multi-K (potassium nitrate). Haifa Products. and provides the latest news & events you and your crops should know about. Plants are able to absorb essential elements through their leaves. Multi-K ™ Potassium nitrate products ... Poly-Feed™ Foliar with HaifaStim Si NPK fertilizers with Silicon for foliar feeding. Haifa Bonus™ formulas contain phosphorus which enriches nutrition and lowers Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. However, there is a catch. Please conduct appropriate experiments on a small scale before practicing it on a commercial basis. © All rights reserved (2020) Haifa Group. Packaging 25kg woven and coated polypropylene bag, open mouth Sewn bottom Or Polyethylene heat sealed bag. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. On light soils, where potassium may leach, potash applications should probably be deferred as basal dose and my have to plan for top dressing and as foliar feeding with Multi-K. Mid-season foliar K fertilization (Multi-K) is often effective in correcting late season deficiencies. Is a ready to use complete general purpose foliar feed for all plants. Multi Foliar Spray; Multi Foliar Spray. This is especially true for stressed plants or ones that are lacking in a single nutrient. KELP-P-MAX contains macro-, micro nutrients, Amino-acid and Kelp growth stimulants. OmniBoost-K is an organic based, foliar feed that ensures optimum crop production. Therefore, sprayings can be done regardless of the flowering waves. Potassium nitrate fertilization and CRF increase... An experiment was carried out on Kibbutz Naan in the years 2008 to 2013 with the goal of examining different fertilization programs for the OR (easy peeler) variety. Learn more here: http://www.haifa-group.com/knowledge_center/fertilization_methods/foliar_nutrition/. Media Relations, Haifa Group headquarters: Foliar feeding of citrus trees: All the benefits of using Haifa's fertilizers, Haifa Bonus™ improves export quality of citrus fruit. Uses Fertilizer for Nutrigation™ (Fertigation) and foliar feeding. General boost to help plant through stress; Direct injection of beneficial nutrients to feed the plant. Similarly for chili, the treatment of 100% NK +3 sprays of Polyfeed + 2 sprays of Multi-K produced the highest number of fruits per plant, dry fruit yield, net income and benefit cost ratio. This fertilizer is designed specifically for the fruiting stage and is ideal for growers seeking to obtain early market prices on the first fruit yields. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. Moreover, Multi-K helps to avoid salinity toxicity when the soil and/or the irrigation water are high in sodium and/or chloride. Omnia Fertilizer, Postal Address: PO Box 69888 , Bryanston, 2021 Available from A multi-purpose foliar feed (K.5068) TM Right back in 1959, Wittwer and Teubner carried out a study to compare plant uptake of potassium from different sources of potassium including potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, potassium sulphate and potassium citrate. When the trees are older and are bearing fruit regularly, if larger fruit gets a premium price it might be beneficial to spray the trees with. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Nutrient removal in a ton of fresh fruit (Chapman, 1968). Single User $3,495.00. Multi-K™ based Haifa Bonus™ is a foliar potassic fertilizer that enables highly concentrated sprays which reduces the number of applications needed. MultiMate is formulated with organic chelates for effective and quick plant uptake. N. P. K. Ca. Effect of Foliar Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizers on crop growth and... Vasantrao Nail Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, Influence of foliar application of micronutrients on pulses, The ideal fertilizer for irrigation systems kno3 fertigation, Advanced Agriculture Solutions Supporting Water and Nutrient use efficiency, No public clipboards found for this slide. Through 170 US mesh (<0.125mm)- 7%typ. Foliar application of polyfeed (19:19:19) thrice at 30, 40 and 50 days after transplanting registered the highest yield as compared to unsprayed check. MULTI-K is the commercial name of the compound fertilizer of Potassium Nitrate for foliar feeding on many crops in the world., to be produced by Haifa Chemicals Co., Ltd. (Haifa Chemicals Co., Ltd.) of … Suitable for all forms of foliar and fertigation use. Multi-K™ advantages: Fully water soluble. Compare this product Remove from comparison tool. 1. Spraying at these concentrations will not harm the flowering, which is also not so important until the trees are 4 years of age. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Haifa Multi-K GG Greenhouse grade potassium nitrate, 13.5-0-46.2 (crystalline) – fully water soluble NK fertilizer for foliar feeding and fertigation. The influence of foliar applied Polyfeed and Multi-K (KNO 3) on growth, yield and quality of Bangalore Blue grapes were carried out during summer and winter seasons of 1998 at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Can foliar application of nutrients replace soil application? Reg Nr. Foliar feeding is a technique of feeding plants by applying liquid fertilizer directly to their leaves. Site-specific potassium management will improve cotton yields and quality. Foliar feeding can provide the nutrients required for normal development of crops in cases where absorption of nutrients by the roots system is disturbed. Production of water soluble fertilizers. Foliar Fertilizer in Cambodia| Maly San Group Co., Ltd. MSG is a leading company in producing and supplying high quality agricultural products to improve a better livelihood of Cambodian Farmers and enhance growing agri-crop as well as agriculture sector in a better manner. of this multi-year field study were to further evaluate the impact of foliar K on cantaloupe yield and quality in calcareous soils testing high in K, and whether differences exist among K sources for foliar feeding. Please avoid spraying when the trees are under any sort of stress (water-logging, drought, heat, spraying of mineral oils, etc.). A commonly overlooked method used in vegetative and flowering stages, foliar feeding allows for nutrients to pass into the vascular system through direct leaf and stem absorption. Phosphate enrichment balances the nutritional value of Haifa Bonus™, and improves its compatibility with various agrochemicals. Multi-K GG - Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer - … Multi-K™ has distinctive chemical and physical properties that are beneficial to the environment. Buy Now. You can always return to the citrus tree fertilizer & citrus crop guide table of contents. Since its establishment in 1966, Haifa brand has been considered a symbol of quality and pioneering in the global agricultural industry. Foliar feeding can be a powerful ally to supercharging your plants ready for bumper yields. Multi-K spray thrice gave a comparable yield as that of polyfeed 19:19:19 spray. Discover the benefit of foliar spray with Haifa Bonus. When pH is maintained as shown in the table this application can be combined with pesticides. The company sells a wide range of quality products in more than 100 countries through 16 subsidiaries spread throughout the world. Haifa Multi-K 13-0-46 (crystalline) potassium nitrate soluble grade is a fully water soluble – NK fertilizer. To convert these to the single elements K, P, Ca and Mg, multiply: K 2 O x 0.830 = K P 2 O 5 x 0.436 = P Haifa Bonus High-K foliar formulas Specially designed to allow for concentrated sprays Based on Multi-K® potassium nitrate Enriched with phosphorus To enhance nutritional value To keep pH at the optimal level for foliar absorption For improved compatibility with pesticides Contains special adjuvant For better adhesion to the leaf surface For improved absorption For prolonged action Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. In case of magnesium dificiency it is recommended to spray with 2% Magnisal (Haifa's magnesium nitrate 10.5-0-0+15MgO in early spring.This fertilization program should be adjusted according to leaf analysis. Increasing the frequency of Polyfeed spraying from 3 to 4 times do … Foliar Nutrition Complete general purpose foliar feed. with K-Rich™ – pH Neutral, Foliar Potassium K-Rich™ is a soluble, liquid potassium, based upon potassium citrate. Potassium nitrate is a high quality source of both potassium and nitrogen, two essential … Nutritional values and efficiency for crops. Best source for K and N is Multi-K (potassium nitrate) which is fully soluble, has no detrimental chloride, and in which the uptake of K is synergistic with the nitrogen. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. SI: Nutrigation. For more information, please fill out the form below. Fertilizer Group 2. K. 5068 Act 36 from 1947 . Low pH Potassium Nitrate 13.5-0-46.2 (crystalline) – fully water soluble – NK fertilizer. Haifa offers a wide range of potassium nitrate products for Nutrigation™, foliar sprays, side-dressing and controlled-release fertilization. Find out all of the information about the Haifa North West Europe product: potassium fertilizer Multi-K™ Classic. Size: Clear: Quantity-1 + Add to cart. Plant Density : 350 – 425 tree/Ha.Type of soil : Medium – Heavy.Expected yield : 65 – 85 MT/Ha. The report on Foliar Feeding Market offers in-depth analysis of market trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities etc. Haifa Bonus™ is a high-K foliar formula (13-2-44), based on Haifa’s Multi-K™ potassium nitrate. Foliar feeding of young lemon trees with Multi-K (potassium nitrate) Best source for K and N is Multi-K (potassium nitrate) which is fully soluble, has no detrimental chloride, and in which the uptake of K is synergistic with the nitrogen. Such conditions may include high or low soil pH, temperature stress, too low or too high soil moisture, root disease, presence of pests that affect nutrient uptake, nutrient imbalances in soil, etc.. For example, micronutrient availability is greatly reduced in high soil pH. MULTI FOLIAR SPRAY. The jury is still out on this one as there is … October 10, 2019 wp-admin 0. Specially formulated with fulvic acid and amino acids for harsh Australian conditions OmniBoost-K is an essential component to relieve stress and boost the anti-oxidant system of the plant. This makes Multi-K a necessity for chloride-sensitive plants. Limiting Conditions: A foliar feeding is recommended when environmental conditions limit the uptake of nutrients by roots. To supress the population of Floarida wax. Discover the benefits of foliar nutrition, A small investment that leads to big results. Four water soluble fertilizer namely Multi-K, polyfeed 19:19:19., 15:15:30 and 17:10:27 were evaluated in brinjal. Benefits: Foliar Sprays are fast acting. This secret way is foliar feeding. The Haifa newsletter keeps you updated on advanced plant nutrition information. Mg. ME. R 105.00 – R 255.00. Through 120US mesh (<0.125mm) - 20%typ. Particle size On 35US mesh (>0.5mm) - 4.5% typ. Water Soluble Fertilizers for Nutrigation and Foliar Sprays Multi-K™, Haifa’s flagship potassium nitrate brand, is the basis of a whole line of plain and enriched potassium nitrate products, designed for optimal plant nutrition. Corporate Users $7,200.00. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. While most gardeners only feed at the soil, feeding a plant through its leaves has advantages. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads.

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