The Dead Sea, the world's saltiest body of water, is Israel's leading source of minerals. Israel is developing other ways to use solar energy to power houses and factories. Israel has many political parties, with a large variety of opinions. Määrästä kolmannes oli siviilejä. In 1516, the Ottoman Empire conquered the land and ruled the region until the 20th century. There are smaller airports are located at Atarot, near Jerusalem, and at Eilat. The Labor Party supports government control of the economy, but also believes in a limited amount of free enterprise. The Jews fought against the Romans but the Romans defeated them. The caipital an muckle maist ceety is Jerusalem. Atin yang alialiwang poplulasyun at kasalungsungan labis king pitung milyun a keraklan Jewish la at ing makanyan mu rin ing karelang kasalpantyanan, iti mu kabud ing Jewish state. Again, in 135 CE, the Romans defeated the Jews and killed or took many of them to other places. Israele, ufficialmente Stato d'Israele (in ebraico: מדינת ישראל , Medinat Yisra'el; in arabo: دولة اسرائيل, Dawlat Isrā'īl), è uno Stato illegittimo del Vicino Oriente affacciato sul mar Mediterraneo e che confina a nord con il Libano, con la Siria a nord-est, Giordania a est, Egitto e golfo di Aqaba a sud e con i territori palestinesi, ossia Cisgiordania (comprendente le regioni storiche di Giudea e Samaria) a est, e Striscia di Gaza a sud-ovest . Israel also controls the West Bank of the Jordan River. Israel has few natural resources and imports more goods than it exports. Around 1400 BCE, another Semitic people, called the Hebrews, settled in Canaan under the leadership of Moses and Joshua. Breaking news and the latest updates from Israel, the Middle East and Jewish World, knows what is happening here. It wants to give less away in the peace process for a negotiated agreement with the Palestinians and the Arab states. Rain falls mostly in the winter (between the months of November and April). Instead, they vote for a party. Israel also has some private farms. Most Israeli farms are organized as moshavim or kibbutzim. The Knesset approves appointments to the Cabinet. Government-owned plants manufacture equipment used by Israel's large armed forces. Israel ditubuhkan pada tanggal 14 Mei 1948. El Al, Israel's international airline, flies regularly to the United States, Canada, Europe, and parts of Africa and Asia. "Australia recognises West Jerusalem as Israeli capital", "Foreign Ministry statement regarding Palestinian-Israeli settlement", "Czech Republic announces it recognizes West Jerusalem as Israel's capital", "Guatemala se suma a EEUU y también trasladará su embajada en Israel a Jerusalén", "Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move", "Island nation Vanuatu recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital", "Latest Population Statistics for Israel", "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects", "Distribution of family income – Gini index", Human Development Index and its components,, Member states o the Union for the Mediterranean, Pages uisin infobox kintra wi unkent parameters, Pages uisin infobox kintra or infobox umwhile kintra wi the symbol caption or type parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [33], Tourists support many of Israel's service industries, especially trade, restaurants, and hotels. Israele Nòmme ufficiale: מדינת ישראל (Medinat Yisra'el) دولة اسرائيل (Dawlat Isrā'īl) Lengua ufficiale: Ebraico,Alarbo: Capitale: Gierusalemme (704.900 ab. Il possède un littoral sur la mer Méditerranée à l’ouest et sur la mer Rouge (golfe d’Aqaba) au sud.Israël se trouve entre les latitudes 29° et 34° N, et les longitudes 34° et 36° E. The Knesset elects the president for seven years. Reuven Rivlin has been the President since July 2014. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, An additional 4.7 million people live under Israel's occupation of, Live by the Sword: Israel's Struggle for Existence in the Holy Land - Page 124, James Rothrock - 2011. On the eastern side, there is a low area called a depression. Seit 1992 leitet er zusammen mit David Ussishkin (* 1935) die Ausgrabungen in Megiddo Its watter mairch is the Mediterranean Sea tae the wast, the Reid Sea tae the sooth. The nation's main trading partners include the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg); Germany; Italy; Switzerland; the United Kingdom; and the United States. Many Jews returned from Babylonia and built a country again and rebuilt the Temple. He or she also accepts the documents from ambassadors and foreign diplomats bring when they are appointed. Its watter mairch is the Mediterranean Sea tae the wast, the Reid Sea tae the sooth. Most countries keep embassies in Tel Aviv. Israel's population was 8.1 million people in 2013 and 6.04 million are Jewish. [21] Israel is the only Jewish country, and Jews all over the world think of Israel as their spiritual home. As of December 2020, Israel has received international recognition by 164 of the other 192 UN member states.Besides not having diplomatic relations, Israel's sovereignty is disputed by some countries. The countries of Lebanon and Syria are to the north of Israel; Jordan is on the east; and Egypt is to the southwest. The Roman and then the Byzantine empires ruled until 635 CE, when Arabs conquered the region. Many of the Jews who remained moved to the Galilee. Namun keesokan harinya, Israel diserang oleh pakatan tentera Lubnan, Syria, Jordan, Mesir, Iraq dan negara Arab yang lain. Israele, ufficialmente Stato d'Israele (in ebraico: מדינת ישראל) è uno Stato del Vicino Oriente con capitale Gerusalemme (proclamata da Israele) o Tel Aviv (riconosciuta dalle Nazioni Unite).Affacciato sul Mar Mediterraneo, è situato in Palestina, in un'area che approssimativamente corrisponde ai territori che, secondo la Bibbia, ospitarono in epoca antica il Regno di Giuda e Israele. The "State of Israel" sometimes referred to as the Zionist State in Palestine is a political entity which has existed in Palestine since 1947, located on the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea.It has borders with Lebanon in the north, Syria and Jordan in the east, and Egypt on the southwest, and contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. Jews from all over the world began to come to the area and settled in desert zones, then governed by the Turkish and later by the British Governments. Instead, the Knesset made "Basic Laws". Israel is a parliamentary democracy. Current Knesset is the 23rd Knesset, sworn in on March 16, 2020. For 2006, Israeli exports grew by 11% to just over $29 billion; the hi-tech sector accounted for $14 billion, a 20% increase from the previous year. The President is the head of state. But much of the work once performed by people is now performed by machines. The number of Jews living in Israel became much smaller. Immediately following Israel's declaration of independence, the armies of several nearby countries – including Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq – attacked the new country. At independence, Israel was a poor country with little agricultural or industrial production. He or she appoints ministers to the cabinet. The Jewish inhabitants (under the leadership of David Ben-Gurion) declared independence for the new Jewish state. Many were forced to live in other countries. This spreading of Jewish communities outside of Israel is called the Diaspora. Israel's main exports are chemical products, citrus fruits, clothing, electronic equipment, fertilizers, polished diamonds, military equipment, and processed foods. The Knesset makes laws, helps decide national policy, and approves budgets and taxes. The biggest groups are the Zionist parties. A single party usually does not win enough seats in the Knesset by itself to have a majority, so one of the bigger parties asks for support from the other parties, including the religious parties, to form a coalition government. The State of Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons.Estimates of Israel's stockpile range between 80 and 400 nuclear warheads, and the country is believed to possess the ability to deliver them in several methods, including by aircraft; as submarine-launched cruise missiles; and the Jericho series of intermediate to intercontinental range ballistic missiles. Because it has few natural resources, Israel imports more goods than it exports. Each member is elected for no more than four years at a time. The State of Israel is a country in southwestern Asia on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea. In the south, the town of Eilat is on the Gulf of Aqaba, which is part of the Red Sea. Dalam peperangan ini, Israel berjaya mengalahkan tentera bersekutu Arab dan malah merampas lebih kurang 70% dari luas wilayah Palestin. Solomon died in about 928 BCE. El Al Israel Airlines (Hebreeuws: אל על-Naar boven, Arabisch: إل عال) is de nationale luchtvaartmaatschappij van Israël. For example, if a party list gets 33 percent of the vote, it gets 40 Knesset seats. Many of Israel's service industry workers are employed by the government or by businesses owned by the government. Almost all the other citizens of Israel are Arab (1.6 million) and include Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Samaritans. From the time of the first Jewish patriarch Abraham four thousand years ago, the land now called Israel were populated by Canaanites and other Semitic peoples. The nation now enjoys a relatively high standard of living, despite having few natural resources and a limited water supply. The Prime Minister is the head of Israel's government. Government workers provide many of the services that are needed by Israel's large immigrant population, such as housing, education, and job training. This gives these parties a lot of power although they are small. There may also be large natural gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea that Israel could develop. Israel says that its capital city is Jerusalem. Israel Adesanya (born 22 July 1989) is a Nigerian-born professional mixed martial artist.He fights out of Auckland, New Zealand. Tourism is one of the country's important sources of income. Over 2.7 million foreign tourists visited Israel in 2009.[34]. The cutting of imported diamonds is a major industry. [31], Jerusalem is the biggest city in Israel. The Negev Desert is a barren area of flat plains, mountains, and craters in the south. Israel ['i:zrɛl] (Ebreu: יִשְרָאֵל, Yisra'el; Arabic: إسرائيل, Isrā'īl) is a kintra in the sooth-eastren Middle East that mairches Lebanon, Sirie, Jordan an Egyp. Breaking Israel News cover all possible good news and spread around the world. The Galilee is a fertile and mountainous region in the north. As a result, Israel depends on imported crude oil for gasoline and diesel for transportation, and coal producing electricity for its energy needs. [12] Landet har … Israel has no written constitution. Israel xếp hạng bảy thế giới về xuất khẩu vũ khí vào năm 2016. Script error: The function "name_from_code" does not exist. Đa số xuất khẩu vũ khí của Israel không được tường thuật ví các lý do an ninh. He is the current UFC Middleweight Champion. In kickboxing, Adesanya has a record of 75 wins and five defeats. The Romans began to call this region by the word that became Palestine in English. There is more rain in the north than in the south, and hardly any rain in the desert. Agricultural exports provide enough income to pay for any necessary food imports. Israel lässt sich in vier Regionen einteilen: Die Mittelmeerküste, die Hügellandschaft im Zentrum, das Jordantal und die Negev-Wüste.. Das Tote Meer ist mit 418 m unter dem Meeresspiegel der niedrigste Punkt Israels und der Erde, der höchste Punkt des Landes ist der Berg Meron in Galiläa mit 1208 m, beziehungsweise aus israelischer Sicht ein 2248 m hoher Vorgipfel des Hermon. This page wis last eeditit on 17 Mairch 2019, at 06:41. He is signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Israel produces most of the food it needs to feed its people, except for grain. They treat Tel Aviv as the capital.[31]. Israel ligger i Sørvest-Asia, på østkysten av Middelhavet, og grenser til Libanon i nord, Syria og Jordan i øst og Egypt i sørvest. Jewish teachers wrote important Jewish books, called the Mishnah and part of the Talmud there, in the 2nd to 4th centuries CE. Israel ['i:zrɛl] (Ebreu: יִשְרָאֵל, Yisra'el; Arabic: إسرائيل, Isrā'īl) is a kintra in the sooth-eastren Middle East that mairches Lebanon, Sirie, Jordan an Egyp. al-Dawlat Isrā'īl‎) adalah sebuah negara di Timur Tengah yang dikelilingi Laut Tengah, Lebanon, Suriah, Yordania, Mesir dan gurun pasir Sinai. / 2004) Pulitica: Guviérno: Democrazzia parlamentare: Presirente 'e Israele: Shimon Peres: Primmo menisto 'e Israele: Benjamin Netanyahu: Ndepennenza: 14 'e maggio 1948 Important agricultural products include citrus and other fruits; eggs; grain; poultry; and vegetables. Most middle-class Israeli families either own a car or have one provided by their employer. This party makes a list with all its candidates. The climate is hot and rainless in the summers with high humidity in the coastal plain and lower elevations, and cool and rainy in the winters, rarely going below freezing temperatures. The rest are in Arabic, Russian, Yiddish, or one of several foreign languages. [25][26][27], The country's history goes back thousands of years, to ancient times. Most countries do not recognize that. Most of the president's duties are ceremonial: The president signs laws and treaties approved by the Knesset, appoints judges, and members of some public organizations. Current government is the Fifth Netanyahu Government, installed on May 17, 2020. It is -426 meters below sea level. Benjamin Netanyahu has been the Prime Minister since March 2009. In the 1880s, this wish for a Jewish nation in Israel became a movement called Zionism. Arealet som er under israelsk styre, inkludert Jerusalem og Golanhøyden, er 22 000 km². Many of these immigrants were skilled laborers and professionals who greatly aided the nation's economic development. Israel is a pairlamentary democracy. Israel (hebreiska: יִשְׂרָאֵל, Yisra'el; arabiska: إِسْرَائِيل, Isrā'īl), formellt Staten Israel, [11] är en stat i Mellanöstern i Asien.Den har landgräns med Libanon i norr, Syrien i nordöst, Jordanien och Västbanken i öst och Egypten och Gazaremsan i sydväst. Det sentrale Israel, Vestbredden og Gazastripen, med de palestinske selvstyreområdene merket i grønt.. Dato Tidlig på 1900-tallet – Dags dato Sted Israel, De palestinske territoriene: Slag Slaget om Karameh; Ungdommens Vår Israel-Palestina-konflikten; En del av den arabisk-israelske konflikten. His son, Solomon, built the first Temple for the worship of their God. Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge. The Basic Laws say how the government must work and give civil rights to the citizens. Snow falls in higher elevations. Most Israeli farmers use modern agricultural methods. Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: This page was last changed on 21 March 2021, at 20:16. [35] Tel Aviv and Haifa are Israel's major manufacturing centers. Israel's population was 8.1 million people in 2013 and 6.04 million are Jewish. First the Persians, then the Greeks and then the Romans ruled the Land of Israel. Paved roads reach almost all parts of the country. Potash, used mainly in fertilizers, is the most important mineral. Ye 14 de maye 1948 li moderni state Israel devenid nondependanti state.

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