06. Dr. Antonio Morsiani, Dr. J .-M. Paschound and Prof. R. Triquet, note that the Cane Corso is a direct descendant from the old Roman Molossian. On the standard: I think that the original standard of the Cane Corso Italiano written by Prof. Antonio Morsiani is absolutely complete and detailed in all its particulars. The Cane Corso Association of America (CCAA) is the official American Kennel Club (AKC) Parent Breed Club for the Cane Corso in the United States of America. Izvor: Societa Amatori Cane Corso Stranica sa originalnim tekstom: Cane Corso – kretanje Preveo: Bogdan Pavlović. 1984: The SACC contacts ENCI to start the process of recognizing the Cane Corso as a breed. Cane Corsos with this coat are perfectly normal, and they don’t reflect any genetic anomaly. FCI Cane Corso Standard # 343. AKC (American) Cane Corso Breed Standard, 2010. Cane corso bloodlines Contact Blue Kings Cane Corso Breeders of Atlanta, GA, At Call 404-990-0714 For More Information. That should never have been, after all, this is wh... 149 views 1 comment. This activity produced an official standard document edited by Dr. Antonio Morsiani ratified by the judging committee of the ENCI in 1987. In 1987, the founding members of S.a.c.c. Translation: Dr. Antonio Morsiani , Dr. J.M. ... Dr. Antonio Morsiani, Dr. J.-M. Paschoud and Prof. R. Triquet. The Cane Corso received AKC recognition, into the Working Group, in 2010. We are the Number One Breeder in the State of Texas with two Decades of Experience. FCI-Standard N° 343 / 06. ORIGIN: Italy. Sturdy, with a strong skeleton. 1986: ENCI assigns Dr. Antonio Morsiani to draft a standard for the Cane Corso. 1986: ENCI assigns Dr. Antonio Morsiani to draft a standard for the Cane Corso. Translation: Dr. Antonio Morsiani , Dr. J.M. According to Korec, Black Brindle Cane Corsos have the longest life span among other breed colors, with a median age of 10.3 years. 06. (Società Amatori Cane Corso) asked Dr. Antonio Morsiani to design the first standard for the Cane Corso after collecting data and measurements on over 100 dogs. canecorsoproject. Antonio Morsiani u saradnji sa Stefanom Gandolfijem. Centar mase. To solidify my claim, let me share the result of a study conducted by a breeder from the Czech Republic named Evzen Korec. Vând Cane Corso de 4 săptămâni, disponibil mascul și femela pe negru și gri inch Ofer pentru monta mascul cane corso in varsta de 4 ani. Date of publication of the standard: English ITALIAN CANE CORSO : 12/17/2015: Français CHIEN DE COUR ITALIEN: 2/19/2016: Deutsch ITALIENISCHER CORSO-HUND: 5/15/2018: Español CANE CORSO: 5/15/2018: Section: Molossian type: This activity produced an official standard document edited by Dr. Antonio Morsiani ratified by the judging committee of the ENCI in 1987. Based on the evaluation of about 90 Corsos, 1987: ENCI approved the official standard of the Cane Corso. Cane Corso Italiano. Basir was going to be the chosen one, all the efforts put in that Basir was the model for the new standard and so that the judges, were fixed in the new race the cane corso. De volgorde kan enigszins afwijken van de oorspronkelijke rasstandaard. Cane Corso Recovery ... chaired by Dr. Perricone wich gave to dr. Morsiani a layout of Standard, adopted from FCI Congress in Munich during 1934, drawn up a project of Standard of the breed. 2007/ GB - TRANSLATION : Dr. Antonio Morsiani, Dr. J.-M. Paschoud and Prof. R. Triquet. The breed standard is published in Dr. Giovanni Ventura book -"Il Cano Corso". Thanks to this unity of spirit the task of recovery that had started at the end of 1979 was carried out; this enabled Dr. Morsiani to start the biometric measurements that would rapidly lead to the drafting of the official standard of the Italian Cane Corso. 06. General Appearance Ancient Italian breed medium-large size Molossus Dog. ORIGIN : Italy. They used Basir and his sister as the male and female prototypes for the standard. Our goal has been, is and will always be staying true to the correct type and to the Morsiani Standard, while prioritizing temperament and health, in order to obtain the complete dog, balanced and confident, loyal to family, sturdy and stately and, above all, an excellent guardian. 1. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. Guardian Dog Group. Breed Standard. Italian Corso Dog (Cane Corso Italiano) ... Dr. Antonio Morsiani, Dr. J.-M. Paschoud and Prof. R. Triquet. Cane Corsos are generally healthy dogs,but you should take your dog on regular check-ups for health conditions such as hip dysplasia, demodex mange, and eyelid abnormalities. According to Enci standards the Cane Corsoweight should be 42-50 kg for males and 38-45 kg for females. Italian Corso Dog (Cane Corso Italiano) Deze afbeeldingen beantwoorden niet noodzakelijkerwijs aan het ideaalbeeld van het ras. Gvido Jr. special guest on our wedding ... Dr. Antonio Morsiani, Dr. J.-M. Paschoud and Prof. R. Triquet ... All colours not indicated in the standard; large white patches. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY ... All colours not indicated in the standard; large white patches. 2007/ GB ITALIAN CORSO DOG (Cane Corso Italiano) TRANSLATION : Dr. Antonio Morsiani, Dr. J.-M. Paschoud and Prof. R. Triquet. 2007/ GB : CANE CORSO: Translation : Dr. Antonio Morsiani, Dr. J.-M. Paschoud and Prof. R. Triquet. The CCAA is dedicated to preserving the working ability, soundness and intelligence of the Cane Corso in its purest form. Find out how to look at a Cane Corso and tell whether or not they meet the breed standard! Cane Corso information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. The ICCF (the largest American breed club) also adopted this standard as of January 1,2004 ; Find Cane Corso Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Cane Corso information. FCI Cane Corso Standard # 343. FCI (Italian) Cane Corso Breed Standard. In theory, it sounded right, but ENCI wanted the registrations and the money that came with each registration, the m ore dogs and their litters r egistered, the mor e … On June 16, 1985, the first formal meeting was held between SACC enthusiasts and official cinofilia, represented by ENZI members Franco Bonetti, Antonio Morsiani, Mario Perricones and Claudio Bussadori. STANDART. The largest annual Cane Corso show in the world (100+ entries) was held in Rome the summer of 2003 and this is the standard they used. ENCI assigns Dr. Antonio Morsiani to draft a standard for the Cane Corso. A socialized dog is confident and behaves balance in every situation. Translation: Dr. Antonio Morsiani , Dr. J.M. FCI-Standard N° 343. Cane Corso socialization 1. The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a guide for judges. Nov 2020. Based on the evaluation of about 90 Corsi, Basir and his sister were used as the male and female prototypes for the standard. ... By Antonio Morsiani and Stefano Gandolfi The following comment explains and complements the standard compiled by Dr. Antonio Morsiani a... 53 views 0 comments. The Cane Corso, which we can admire ... Basir the model for the standard of the race was the son of Dauno and Tipsi, two dogs chosen by Dr. Breber. Izvor: Societa Amatori Cane Corso Stranica standarda: Cane Corso Standard Preveo: Bogdan Pavlović “Standard rase bi trebalo da bude opis etničkih karakteristika koje treba da vode odgajivače i sudije. 1983: The SACC - The Society Amatori Cane Corso, is formed by Dr. Breber and five others. HOME Judging on Dog Shows Daddy’s biggest support ! DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE ORIGINAL VALID STANDARD : 21.05.2007. The Cane Corso is an ancient Italian breed, medium-large sized molossoid. Click this link - Cane Corso AKC Breed Standard Click this link - Cane Corso FCI Breed Standard CI-Standard N° 343 / 06. Breeders of Cane Corso Italiano. Muscular and athletic, it … Whether or not you are looking for a companion dog, a foundation dog for your breeding program, or a dog you can show off at the AKC or other clubs events you should have some knowledge of what the breed standard for that dog breed is. FCI 343 (Italian) BREED STANDARD Translation: Dr. Antonio Morsiani , Dr. J.M. Mehanizam kretanja se ne može razumeti bez razmatranja postojanja centra mase ili centra gravitacije. CANE CORSO ITALIANO (343) Group : n°2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs. Cane Corso owners should learn what signs to look out for, and what to do should they occur. Standard Cane Corso 2003 - This is the standard that the AICC (the largest Italian breed club), ACCP (molosser breeds) and Arcicaccia CSSA (all breeds) use. Kretanje. I remember a time when folks would laugh at the idea of a Cane Corso being a farm dog. Paschoud and Prof. R. Triquet Origin: Italy Date of publication of the original valid standard: 12.03.1999. FCI-Standard N° 343 / 06. Socializing your Cane Corso is the essential thing one owner could do for his best fur friend. This activity produced an official standard document edited by Dr. Antonio Morsiani ratified by the judging committee of the ENCI in 1987. Cane Corso Dog information, pictures, training, behavior, and care of Cane Corso and dog breed mixe. Dr Morsiani came up with this in order to avoid having litters of mixed dogs with Cane Corso registration papers.
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