For other inquiries, Contact Us. La Gazzetta dello Sport kemudian melaporkan bahwa perselisihan berlanjut di lorong stadion. People also like. 2. 3. Pemain Juventus, Leonardo Bonucci, yang ada di stadion memberikan kesaksiannya. Following his side's Coppa exit, Conte claimed Juventus were the chief antagonists despite his own actions. “There is nothing to say but more sportsmanship and respect is needed for those who work.”. Juventus president Agnelli appointed Conte as his side's coach in 2011 and the pair won three Serie A titles together. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. Juventus president Agnelli appointed Conte as h… This post first appeared on Video, please read the originial post: here. AP RADIO. And the full-time whistle saw a jubilant Agnelli rush down the steps from his seat, directing some stern words towards the pitch. El entrenador del Inter de Milán, Antonio Conte, y el presidente de la Juventus de Turín, Andrea Agnelli, fueron filmados profiriendo insultos, acompañados de un gesto obsceno del primero, el martes, al margen del partido de Copa de Italia entre ambos clubes en Turín. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Print. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Drama on and off the pitch at the Allianz Stadium where Andrea Agnelli and Antonio Conte didn't exchange pleasantries. Agnelli y Antonio Conte se dedican insultos tras la Juve-Inter . Conte se disculpó por su rifirrafe con Agnelli por BeSoccer @besoccer_es - 13 Feb 2021 0 212 El entrenador del Inter de Milán, Antonio Conte, pidió perdón por su pelea con el presidente de la Juventus, Andrea Agnelli. VIDEO Menurut beberapa laporan media Italia, Agnelli mengeluarkan kalimat "tutup mulutmu berengsek". Juventus president Agnelli appointed Conte as his side's coach in 2011 and the pair won three Serie A titles together. Speaking to RAI 1, Conte … A Conte no lo veo como entrenador del Inter,yo lo echaría Ver 2 comentarios Mostrar comentarios Volver a la noticia 'Tensión tras el Juve - Inter: Agnelli y Conte se dedican peinetas e insultos' Scontro tra Agnelli e Conte a fine partita, volano parole grosse – VIDEO. Juventus s-a calificat în finala Cupei Italiei după 0-0 în returul dublei manşe cu Inter. SPORT (Torino). By admin. Agnelli was seen at the end of the game vehemently shouting in the direction of Conte. Campioana câştigase cu 2-1 în deplasare meciul tur. Juventus president Agnelli appointed Conte as his side's coach in 2011 and the pair won three Serie A titles together. But things quickly deteriorated between Conte and President Agnelli. The result leaves Conte under further pressure having failed to win a trophy in his 18 months as Inter boss, with his side already out of Europe. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Agnelli juga tertangkap kamera mengumpat selepas peluit akhir. February 11, 2021 GMT. "We have to learn from our mistakes and start over and try again. Conte has a rich history with Juventus having had tremendous success with them as both a player and a manager. A bad episode ‘. Trifulca Agnelli-Conte en el partido de Coppa. Andrea Agnelli e Antonio Conte hanno condiviso la rinascita della Juventus dopo il lustro post-Calciopoli, inizio dello splendido ciclo Juve-Inter, Agnelli dagli spalti urla contro Conte: il VIDEO! As the break began, Conte was caught on camera flashing a middle finger towards the Allianz Stadium directors' box. A bad episode '. ... Últimos videos. Antonio Conte and Andrea Agnelli were spotted in an angry confrontation as Inter Milan drew 0-0 with Juventus. BOLASPORT.COM - Perseteruan Andrea Agnelli Vs Antoio Conte menjadi episode terbaru tanda kerusakan hubungan antara Juventus dan Inter Milan.. Perkelahian antara Andrea Agnelli dan Antonio Conte menjadi tajuk terkini dalam pertemuan Juventus vs Inter Milan, Selasa (9/2/2021).. Pada laga semifinal leg kedua Coppa Italia itu, laga antara Juventus Vs Inter Milan berakhir imbang 0-0. Kata-kata ini ia utarakan selepas laga, setelah ia berpelukan dengan orang-orang di manajemen Juventus. THERE was no love lost between Antonio Conte and former employers Juventus last night as the fiery coach flashed his middle finger at Andrea Agnelli. ", Marcos Llorente '£68.5m bid', Solskjaer 'set for £10m-a-year new contract', Man Utd open for shock Jesse Lingard return and contract talks in summer, Barrow star Hardcastle forced to retire aged just 22 over heart trouble, Inside Hart's stunning mansion for sale for £3.7m with home cinema & wine room, ©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. 4 Antonio Conte flashed a middle finger as he left the pitch at half-time #Mercato (@Sport_Mediaset)” Additional information from the Daily Mail claims this gesture was aimed at Agnelli, with the pair getting into a heated row and exchanging words during the game, which ended 0-0.. Según informa La Gazzetta dello Sport, el presidente de la Juventus, Andrea Agnelli pasó gran parte del partido de vuelta de la semifinal de la Coppa Italia insultando y provocando a Antonio Conte.Luego, tras el final del encuentro, las cámaras lograron captar el momento en el que el DT de Inter muestra una peineta al cabecilla del plantel bianconero. Video: Agnelli vs. Conte, what happened Posted on February 9, 2021 by James Grundy Andrea Agnelli seems to have insulted Antonio Conte after Juventus-Inter with the Nerazzurri coach who hit back in front of cameras. - Drama perseteruan antara pelatih Inter Milan, Antonio Conte, dengan Andrea Agnelli selaku presiden Juventus jadi topik hangat. Meanwhile, the former Chelsea manager doesn't shy away from pinning the blame on his opponents. [VIDEO] Autogol Cartoon - Conte Vs Agnelli - Gli Autogol: Fonte qui. Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Majd Conte aláírt az Interhez, és ezzel elvágta magát a Juventus-drukkereknél, még akkor is, ha Agnelli diplomatikusan azt is nyilatkozta a kinevezése után, hogy Conte mindig klublegendának számít majd a torinói csapatnál. 0 comentarios Comentar. Share. Until the end we tried to score because we knew that by scoring one goal it would cause them trouble. Conte-Agnelli, other than friends | Video. Rekamannya pun tersebar di media sosial, di mana Conte nampak menunjukkan jari tengahnya kepada Agnelli. Durante i ringraziamenti che, nei i primi minuti dell'assemblea degli azionisti, Andrea Agnelli riserva al team della Juventus, spiccano quelli a Massimiliano Allegri " … Antonio Conte showed his middle finger to Juventus president Andrea Agnelli during Inter's Coppa Italia clash on Tuesday evening. La Juventus obtuvo el pase para la final de la Coppa italiana después de empatar ante el inter (0-0) y hacer bueno el 2-1 de la ida. Italian federation investigates Antonio Conte and Andrea Agnelli spat; Italian federation investigates Antonio Conte and Andrea Agnelli spat Conte, who played for and later coached Juventus, appeared to make a rude gesture towards Agnelli at halftime. Video: Agnelli vs. Conte, what happened By Football Italia staff Drama on and off the pitch at the Allianz Stadium where Andrea Agnelli and Antonio Conte didn't exchange pleasantries. VIDEO. We have to learn from our mistakes and start over and try again. They need more sportsmanship and respect for those who work", but it later emerged he had also abused Juventus' directors and Agnelli showing them the middle finger on his way to the tunnel during the half time break. Planet Football; 10th February 2021 ; Inter boss Antonio Conte was pictured giving Juventus president Andrea Agnelli the middle finger during the second leg of their Coppa Italia semi-final clash on Tuesday night. “Federal prosecutor Giuseppe Chiné has opened an investigation into the behavior of the directors and staff of Juventus and Inter during and at the end of the return match of the Italian Cup semifinals,” the federation said in a brief statement. A vezetőségből Fabio Paratici sportigazgató és Pavel Nedved alelnök is Conte visszahozatalát támogatta, Agnelli azonban megvétózta az ötletet. Share. Andrea Agnelli seems to have insulted Antonio Conte after Juventus-Inter with the Nerazzurri coach who hit back in front of cameras. Inter Milan manager Antonio Conte was spotted sticking his middle finger up at Juventus chief Andrea Agnelli during yesterday’s Coppa Italia clash. Dalam video yang beredar di media sosial, tampak Agnelli mengeluarkan kata-kata kasar seperti 'bajingan' dan 'diam kau keparat' kepada Conte. 4. Eccoloo #JuventusInter #agnelli #coppaitalia, Il gestaccio di #Conte all’intervallo, Premier League interest in Ramsey and Rabiot. Ecco il motivo . Seperti yang diketahui, Juventus dan Inter Milan bertatap muka dalam laga leg kedua babak semifinal Coppa Italia pada Rabu (11/2/2021) lalu di Allianz Stadium. "I am sorry because these games are played over 180 minutes, we tried to overturn the result immediately but we couldn’t do it. The Old Lady picked up a 0-0 draw in the decider of the Coppa Italia semifinal in Turin and qualified for the final where they will meet one between Atalanta and Napoli. By admin. Setelah mengucapkan kata-kata itu, ia pun turun dengan raut muka kesal. Familia se contagió en desayuno y cuatro de sus miembros ya han perdido la vida por COVID-19. Campioana câştigase cu 2-1 în deplasare meciul tur. Facebook. "We paid for some gifts that we gave Juventus along the way. ADVERTISEMENT Click to copy. Agnelli was seen at the end of the game vehemently shouting in the direction of Conte. Even the image of Conte’s gestaccio, taken by a camera dedicated to him, was part of the additional contents of the match but, live, the director chose to take a moment before on Ronaldo. THERE was no love lost between Antonio Conte and former employers Juventus last night as the fiery coach flashed his middle finger at Andrea Agnelli. De către Panaitescu Razvan. Click to copy. Conte was clearly agitated by Agnelli's presence, and stuck a middle finger up to his former employer as he went down the tunnel to give his half-time team talk. Videos. February 10, 2021 Juventus held Inter to a 0-0 draw at the Allianz Stadium in the second leg of the Coppa Italia semi-finals, but it was a clash between Andrea Agnelli and Antonio Conte to make headlines. Advertisement . “Pavel Nedved a convaincu Andrea Agnelli : le retour d’Antonio Conte à la Juventus est désormais très proche ! Twitter. WhatsApp. Agnelli was seen at the end of the game vehemently shouting in the direction of Conte. Antonio Conte says Juventus need to show more respect and sportsmanship after he clashed with Bianconeri president Andrea Agnelli. WhatsApp . February 11, 2021 Getty Images. Home Sport Juventus, Bonucci: 'Lite Conte-Agnelli? The Italian reportedly bellowed: "F*** off, shut up, a**hole. Now, there is an aggressive showdown. Posted on February 9, 2021 by James Grundy. Agnelli brought Conte back to the club in 2011 as manager to succeed Luigi Delneri and the 51-year-old has overseen a great period of success as a manager, winning three straight Serie A titles. ", FREE BETS: GET OVER £2,000 IN SIGN UP OFFERS HERE. Video Conte mengacungkan jari tengah ke Agnelli kemudian viral di sosial media. Andrea Agnelli terekam mengumpat dan menyerang bench Inter Milan, di mana terdapat juga Antonio Conte di situ. The 51-year-old told Rai Sport: "“They should tell the truth, the fourth official saw what happened the whole game, they should be more polite. La Federación Italiana informó este jueves de que ha abierto una investigación para esclarecer los hechos que se produjeron al término de la semifinal de la Coppa Italia, entre Andre Agnelli y Antonio Conte.. El mandatario de la Juventus, equipo que pasó a la final de la Coppa Italia, le dijo un comentario feo al técnico del Inter de Milán, perdedor de la semifinal. It was a tense and vibrant game at the Allianz Stadium with scenes and drama on and off the pitch. Video Conte mengacungkan jari tengah ke Agnelli kemudian viral di sosial media. As a player, Conte won five Serie A titles and made more than 500 appearances for the Italian giants in a star-studded midfield. Conte-Agnelli that quarrel | Video. 1 of 2. Local media reports detail the feisty Derby d'Italia with fans berating Conte outside the stadium before the game and the former Chelsea boss chuntering away with opposition defender Leonardo Bonucci early on. Agnelli brought Conte back to the club in 2011 as manager to succeed Luigi Delneri. Twitter. Related topics. The relationship with Agnelli became strained, and Conte resigned with the club in 2014 in the middle of the preseason. Juventus s-a calificat în finala Cupei Italiei după 0-0 în returul dublei manşe cu Inter. BOLASPORT.COM - Terdapat sebuah insiden antara Presiden Juventus, Andrea Agnelli dan pelatih Inter Milan, Antonio Conte selepas laga Juventus Vs Inter di semifinal leg kedua Coppa Italia, Selasa (9/2/2021) atau Rabu dini hari WIB.. Kamera merekam presiden Juventus, Andrea Agnelli menyerang Antonio Conte begitu wasit meniup peluit panjang tanda berakhir pertandingan antara Juventus Vs … According to Sky Sport Italia, tensions boiled over after the full-time whistle as a row erupted between Conte and Agnelli. Now, as long as Agnelli is president of Juventus, the doors for Conte will always remain closed - that's the promise made by Agnelli on the day of Conte's tumultuous farewell to the Old Lady. View our online Press Pack. Italian federation investigates Antonio Conte and Andrea Agnelli spat; Italian federation investigates Antonio Conte and Andrea Agnelli spat Conte, who played for and later coached Juventus, appeared to make a rude gesture towards Agnelli at halftime. Juventus, Bonucci: ‘Lite Conte-Agnelli? Video; Listen. Antonio Conte y Andrea Agnelli enfrentados. Top 10 Sites to watch Telugu Movies Online in Hd Quality. The coach hit back during a post-match interview saying: “I think they [Juventus] should be more polite. Home Video Quarrel between Conte and Agnelli during Juve-Inter (VIDEO) Video. Namun, temuan terbaru menunjukkan kalau Conte sudah melakukan tindakan tidak terpuji kepada presiden Juventus di jeda babak pertama. It occurred on Tuesday night in the Coppa Italia at Juventus Stadium, which saw Juve make it to the final. But Conte's decision to resign suddenly as pre-season began in 2014 saw their relationship collapse and Tuesday's Coppa Italia semi-final was their latest reunion. Juventus president Andrea Agnelli has joked Inter Milan boss Antonio Conte showing him his middle finger was a 'gesture of affection'.. Agnelli and Conte … In any case, no one from Rai could have seen the next middle finger, while the Juventus club had the right to go back to the source and find the offending moment. Email. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. EuroCup: Virtus Segafredo Bologna - Joventut Badalona. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. ALVISE CAGNAZZO IN ITALY: Agnelli brought Conte back to the club he had captained as a player - a choice that should have guaranteed gratitude. VIDEO: Conte shows middle finger to Juventus directors. Video yang memperlihatkan Agnelli berkata kasar kepada Conte tersebar pasca pertandingan. VIDEO | Scandal în Italia! 10.02.2021. Antonio Conte shows middle finger to Agnelli in bust-up with Juventus chief who tells Inter Milan boss to ‘f*** off’ Video. Andrea Agnelli e Antonio Conte hanno condiviso la rinascita della Juventus dopo il lustro post-Calciopoli, inizio dello splendido ciclo Juve-Inter, Agnelli dagli spalti urla contro Conte: il VIDEO! Up next Platini incontra la Juventus a Villa Agnelli - Platini meets Juventus at Villa Agnelli - Duration: 1:12. Antonio Conte and Andrea Agnelli embroiled themselves in an expletive argument during the Coppa Italia semi-final between Juventus and Inter Milan last night. Partida a fost umbrită de un scandal între antrenorul oaspeţilor, Antonio Conte, şi preşedintele lui Juventus, Andrea Agnelli. Now, as long as Agnelli is president of Juventus, the doors for Conte will always remain closed - that's the promise made by Agnelli on the day of Conte's tumultuous farewell to the Old Lady. Pinterest. Interestingly, Agnelli brought back Conte to Allianz Stadium in 2011. And the relationship between the two soured by the time Conte left the club in 2014. Antonio Conte; Milan; Soccer; Serie A; Sports - Europe; Italian federation investigates Conte and Agnelli spat. Ahead of a pair of crucial matches, versus Lazio and AC Milan, he said: "In my opinion we should have capitalised on the chances that we created and it’s a shame because over the 180 minutes we saw two teams fighting to the end. Al termine del match di Coppa Italia tra Inter e Juventus sono volate parole grosse tra Andrea Agnelli e Antonio Conte. Inter boss Antonio Conte was pictured giving Juventus president Andrea Agnelli the middle finger during the second leg of their Coppa Italia semi-final clash on Tuesday night.. Juventus progressed to the final, where they will face the winner of Atalanta vs Napoli, having followed up their 2-1 victory at the San Siro with a 0-0 draw at home. Conte şi Agnelli, altercaţie după Juventus – Inter! After the final whistle, Juventus President Andrea Agnelli  was caught on cameras allegedly shouting “Fu** off, shut up a**hole,” to Conte. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Video: Agnelli vs. Conte, what happened. Andrea Pirlo's men won the first leg 2-1 at the San Siro last week with Cristiano Ronaldo scoring a brace. Facebook. By admin admin The coming together saw Juventus knock out Conte's Inter Milan, with a 0-0 draw on the night sealing a 2-1 aggregate win. Kolade Daniel February 10, 2021 8:53 am February 10, 2021 8:54 am. Videos Watch: Antonio Conte risks wrath of Serie A with middle-finger salute February 10, 2021 - 4:30 pm. Sky Sport Italia claim a scuffle broke out between the benches at half-time which Agnelli became involved in. Barça - Movistar Estudiantes (98-68) Monbus Obradoiro - Real Madrid (71-87) No obstante, Buffon aseguró que el presidente de la Vechia Signora, Andre Agnelli, ... – VIDEO. Search. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed, Antonio Conte flashed a middle finger as he left the pitch at half-time, Juventus president Andrea Agnelli launched his own tirade at the final whistle, Antonio Conte hit out at Juventus for not being 'polite' after the draw, Inter Milan were knocked out of the Coppa Italia with a 0-0 draw confirming a 2-1 aggregate defeat, Watch furious Antonio Conte scream 'see me after the game' after Sevilla's Ever Banega takes mickey out of his hair, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).

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