Find the best version for your choice. Un Guidice Tabs - De Andre Fabrizio, version (2). Spark is the smartest and most interesting app to learn and enjoy playing guitar. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal Un Guidice chords by Fabrizio De Andrè with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. Chords and tablature aggregator - Spark is an all-around app for beginners and advanced players to learn any song with chords or master new skills with hundreds of lessons and games in Spark. Fabrizio De André tabs, chords, guitar, bass, ukulele chords, power tabs and guitar pro tabs including un matto, via del campo, una storia sbagliata, un giudice, volta la carta Un Giudice - Fabrizio De André Chords: Am, Dm, E, G7, C/G, F, A. Chords for De Andrè - Un Giudice (). Play Un Guidice Tabs using simple video lessons Chords for Fabrizio De André - Un Giudice (). Spark is the smartest and most interesting app to learn and enjoy playing guitar. Learn how to play Un Giudice by Fabrizio De André on guitar now! Spark is an all-around app for beginners and advanced players to learn any song with chords or master new skills with hundreds of lessons and games in Spark. Correction: Fabrizio De André - Un Giudice (chords) Comment. Given a piece of music, it is interesting to count how many times each of the individual twelve musical notes is played, and understand their relative weight, or importance, in the piece. The hystogmam below is the result of such an analysis perfoemed on Un_Giudice[1].mid- Play song with guitar, piano, bass, ukulele. Chords for Un giudice by Fabrizio De Andrè. One accurate version. Un_Giudice[1].mid Musical Notes Distribution. Chords: Am, F, E, A, Dm, D, G, C, Gm. Un Giudice chords by Fabrizio De André. ... , per imboccare la strada che dalle panche di una cattedrale porta alla sacrestia quindi alla cattedra di un tribunale: giudice finalmente, arbitro in terra del bene e del male. Un Guidice by Fabrizio De Andre chords. Preview Add correction. - Yalp

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