Get AccuWeather alerts as they happen with our browser notifications. Inoltre i costi sono davvero contenuti: per volo di andata e ritorno, più soggiorno di 3 giorni dovreste spendere una cifra che si aggira intorno a … Sunny, Cloudy and Gloomy days. ☂ Online precipitation map and other weather maps. Tabella Clima Copenaghen ... Aprile, Novembre e Dicembre. Friday nights in the city are bursting with live music thanks to … The warmest month (with the highest average high temperature) is July (21.2°C). During this time of the year, daily temperatures will average 6°C (43°F); additionally, the average afternoon high climbs to 10°C (50°F). Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Copenhagen, Capital RegionDenmark, Denmark with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and I will be traveling to Copenhagen for 3.5 days in early-mid April with my sister and nieces and we are looking for suggestions: 1. what part of Copenhagen to stay in - thinking Nyhavn because it sounds charming and seems to have more character and that is what we want, but wanted to look into other areas 2. The climate here is mild, and generally warm and temperate. Annual Weather Averages Near Copenhagen. Months with the lowest number of snowfall days are May, June, July, August and September (0 days). Aprile 2021 - meteo in Copenaghen.Guida su clima, previsioni meteo per i turisti e viaggiatori. In Copenhagen during April average daily high temperatures increase from 46°F to 56°F and the fraction of time spent overcast or mostly cloudy decreases from 59% to 51%. Try searching for a city, zip code or point of interest. How sunny is it in Copenhagen in April? April weather for Copenhagen. The coldest month (with the lowest average low temperature) is February (-1.9°C). UAH Global Temperature Update for Nov. 2011: +0.12 deg. We use cookies and other tracking technologies on the website to improve your browsing experience, display personalized content and targeted ads, analyze website traffic, and learn where our visitors are coming from. The main reason for this warmth is the Atlantic Gulf Stream. The driest month (with the lowest rainfall) is February (22.7mm). Weather Atlas: Copenhagen, Denmark - April weather forecast and climate information. Fenomeni meteorologici registrati negli anni precedenti in Copenaghen ☃ Temperatura dell'acqua in località in Copenaghen ☀ Meteo per la vacanza Copenaghen a ad aprile ☔. At night it could still fall to lows of 2°C or 3°C. Il sole. La temperatura media a Copenaghen nel mese di aprile è un po’ fredda, essendo intorno ai 7 ° C (44,6 ° F). You can expect various weather conditions during April. The best month for swimming (with the highest average sea temperature) is August (17.8°C). Temperature of water and air, precipitation, amount of days with rain and advice on the best time to visit Copenhagen. Weather phenomena recorded in previous years in Copenhagen ☃ Water Temperature in localities in Copenhagen ☀ Weather forecast for Copenhagen in April ☔. Dall'altra parte della costa, oltre lo stretto di Øresund, si trova Malmo, in Svezia. It rises at 5.30am and doesn’t set until after 8.30pm at the end of the month, with an average of six hours of sunshine. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a cool 10°C (51°F), whilst at night 3°C (37°F) is normal. We have updated our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. The best time of year to visit Copenhagen in Denmark. April is in the spring in Copenhagen and is typically the 6th coldest month of the year. Get the monthly weather forecast for Copenhagen, Capital, Denmark, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. Copenhagen experiences unstable and changing weather patterns in all four seasons, as well as temperatures about 5 degrees higher than average for its latitude worldwide. The wettest month (with the highest rainfall) is September (58.9mm). Temperatures start to rise in April and flowers have begun blooming by late March. The month with the longest days is June (Average daylight: 17.4h). The maximum and minimum values were 40.6°F and 49.6°F respectively. The month with the lowest average high temperature is January (2.5°C). Copenaghen Grafico clima. Even in the driest month there is a lot of rain. Con una media di 82 mm il mese di Agosto è quello con maggiori Pioggia. A warm spring with up to 20 C is entirely possible as is a sudden cold snap. Copenhagen is 11m above sea level. Weather in Copenhagen in April: air temperature, number of sunny days, precipitation, air pressure and humidity. The month with the highest number of snowfall days is January (5.9 days). Secondo la nostra carta climatica, Maggio è il mese più soleggiato con una media di 9 ore di sole al giorno. Daytime temperatures usually reach 10°C in Copenhagen in April, falling to 3°C at night. On the other side of the coast, beyond the Øresund strait, lies Malmo, in Sweden. Copenhagen Water Sea Temperature in April, °F. Spectacular sight in sky was earthly... Podcast: Southern US to face more severe weather risks. Get the monthly weather forecast for Huntsville, AL, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. Aliens? Up your barbecue game with these gas grills, Our top picks for pressure washers to prep your home for warm weather, AccuWeather School: Submit your ideas for new hurricane names. A meteor shower? The month with the highest relative humidity is January (86%). April is definitely unpredictable, but the forecast so far looks decent. Da aprile a settembre il clima è buono, con medie che si aggirano intorno a 20°, e non incapperete nel gelo invernale e nelle pochissime ore di sole durante il giorno. | Resources, Ships docked in the Nyhavn District harbor of Copenhagen, Denmark, on a sunny morning, In Copenhagen, the average relative humidity in, In Copenhagen, the average seawater temperature in. Per confronto: Roma ha una media di 6,9 ore, Milano 6,2 ore. C By Dr. Roy Spencer The global average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly for November, 2011 remained about the same as last month, at +… The coldest month (with the lowest average sea temperature) is February (2.3°C). The city is the capital of Denmark and is located on the island of Zealand, in the east of the country. Il clima danese si caratterizza per la presenza costante di nuvole, una temperatura vicina allo 0° per tutto l’inverno e … The best time to visit Copenhagen is from March to May or between June and August – depending on what you're looking for. Il clima di Copenhagen è di tipo baltico, cioè relativamente continentale, con inverni freddi ed estati miti o piacevolmente calde. Months with the lowest UV index are January and December (UV index 0). The weather in Copenhagen in April can see highs of 10°C, with the daytime average hovering around 7°C. Months with the lowest relative humidity are May and June (72%). A Copenaghen il clima è mite in estate e freddo in inverno.. Averages are for Koebenhavn-Kastrup Airport, which is 5 miles from Copenhagen. when it's 20+, Copenhagen … In media, il sole splende 4.8 ore al giorno all’anno. © 2021 AccuWeather, Inc. "AccuWeather" and sun design are registered trademarks of AccuWeather, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Generic astronomy calculator to calculate times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset for many cities, with daylight saving time and time zones taken in account. The month with shortest days is December (Average daylight: 7.1h). Hello. [628974], Weather Atlas | © 2002-2021 | Yu Media Group d.o.o. Of course there are more people hanging out in parks etc. Clima a Copenhagen, quando andare e temperature medie mensili. April in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a fresh spring month, with average temperature varying between 10.2°C (50.4°F) and 2.4°C (36.3°F). Travel guide and advices. Calculations of sunrise and sunset in Copenhagen – Denmark for April 2021. Breve introduzione sul clima della città. : +0.11 C (about 0.20 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for March. Is the sea cold around Copenhagen in April? Clima, meteo e temperature a Copenaghen Tutte le informazioni per scegliere il periodo migliore per visitare Copenaghen e cosa mettere in valigia. Città dal patrimonio culturale ed architettonico considerevole, la capitale danese Copenaghen rappresenta una delle più belle città scandinave. What to pack: Warm clothes will come in handy when visiting in early spring. Ecco la bellissima Copenaghen, scopriamo clima e luoghi da visitare a maggio. Organizza il tuo viaggio grazie alle previsioni meteo di Easyviaggio per evitare brutte sorprese! The sun appears much more this month. Months with the highest number of rainy days are November and December (15.4 days). Montly weather forecast in Copenhagen on Yandex.Weather. There are normally 6 hours of bright sunshine each day in Copenhagen in April - that's 42% of daylight hours. Il mese di aprile a Copenaghen si caratterizza con temperature che vanno dagli 8°C ai 13°C con temperature che scendono e salgono frequentemente, spesso anche da un giorno all’altro. Weather in April April in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a fresh spring month, with average temperature varying between 10.2°C (50.4°F) and 2.4°C (36.3°F). As with other seasons, keep an umbrella or rain jacket on hand, just in case. The month with the highest UV index is June (UV index 6). La città è capitale della Danimarca e si trova nell'isola di Selandia (o Zelanda), nell'est del Paese. Based on weather reports collected during 1985–2015. Information about regional climates. The month with the lowest number of rainy days is May (10.8 days). Select Year: 2020: 2019: 2018: The average sea surface temperature in April 2020 for Copenhagen was 45.6°F. Average temperatures climb significantly in April, after months of hovering round the freezing mark. Although rather mild, weather-wise Copenhagen can be rainy. Il periodo migliore per visitare Copenaghen è senz’altro quello primaverile ed estivo, quando il tempo è favorevole, le giornate si allungano e per gli amanti degli spazi aperti visitare la città sarà più facile e piacevole. The month with the highest average low temperature is July (12.9°C). Read an overview of the climate. Around 5-10 degrees celsius and not too much rain. What is special about all of Scandinavia in summer is the light (sun sets late and rises early) and the temperature - if you don't mind 10 to 20 degrees celcius, visiting Copenhagen in April is not a problem. Weather ☀ ⛅ Copenhagen ☀ ⛅ April ☀ ⛅ Information on temperature, sunshine hours, water temperature & rainfall in April for Copenhagen. Weather forecast in mobile app. The month with least sunshine is December (Average sunshine: 1.2h). Copenaghen, la città scandinava offre monumenti e temperature gradevoli in un bel viaggio a maggio. Rain boots is definitely a waste of space, just make sure to bring some good walking shoes, something with a goretex membrane to keep your feet dry is plenty good enough. On average, you Copenhagen experiences a temperature of 6 C, with temperatures not dropping below 2 C and highs hovering at around 10 C. April can, however, be a little unpredictable. Weather in Copenhagen in April 2020. Copenaghen in aprile, Danimarca : il clima previsto per il mese di aprile a Copenaghen. Global Temperature Report: March 2012 U.S. hits record highs in March, Iowa is ‘warmest’ place on Earth Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.13 C per decade March temperatures (preliminary) Global composite temp. The climate in Copenhagen during April can be summarized as cool and reasonably dry. Copenhagen is a city with a significant rainfall. Deadly tornadoes cut path of destruction across Alabama, Georgia, Southern US to face more severe weather risks. April weather in Copenhagen is mostly characterized by milder days as well as nights. Il mese più secco è Aprile e ha 45 mm di Pioggia. Friday’s Rock with live music in Tivoli. The month with most sunshine is May (Average sunshine: 8.5h). The climate of Copenhagen is Baltic, that is to say, relatively continental, with cold winters and mild to pleasantly warm summers. Today’s and tonight’s Copenhagen, Capital RegionDenmark, Denmark weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and
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