For right now, it's going to start out as a 3-parter. She can be very stubborn and has a short temper. When Rikki left after breaking up with Zane, the café started to struggle despite Sophie replacing her as manager. Special power: Rikki has the ability to heat water with her mind -- a dangerous power for someone with such a hot temper. Several hours later, the three of them ended up at the end of the tunnel and found the moon cave with a pool at the bottom of the island’s dormant volcano. When Cleo hands Rikki the hair dryer, she puts it in Rikki's left hand. In the season one finale "A Twist In The Tail", Zane proved to his father and Dr. Denman of mermaids' existence on camera, not knowing that they are actually his friends and girlfriends. Unbidden, the image of Rikki, stomach bulging with pregnancy, entered his mind. Comments: 152 Kudos: 244 Bookmarks: 34 Hits: 6214 Brenna Bennett was so like her mother, it was often scary. While Emma is confident, controlling, and responsible, Rikki is quite rebellious, independent, sarcastic and carefree. When she was little, her parents fought a lot over the issues of money. With Brittany Byrnes, Cariba Heine, Claire Holt, Phoebe Tonkin. "Rikki," a voice said, and both girls turned to see Zane standing there. ... Zane's father plans a luxury resort on Mako Island -- so the girls swim into action to save their beloved retreat from ruin. Written by: You should've just told me. Rikki jumps aboard the boat to save her, revealing that she was the one who stole Zane's spark plug to his boat. When she got injured, he pulled her out of the water and tried calling her friends for help. When Rikki and Zane got trapped on a hotel balcony in the episode "Hook, Line and Sinker", they started to bond by and soon they realized that they are in love with each other. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Unlike Emma who tends to hold her tongue in certain situations, Rikki frequently speaks her mind without euphemism or without care that her opinions might hurt other people's feelings. She decided to break up with him when she caught Sophie kissing Zane at Will's Free-Diving Championship. Not knowing that Terry is her father, Zane was confused as to why she did so. Girl Friend at the Marine Park - Unknown (. Audio languages. Eventually they got a divorce and Rikki lives with her father, Terry Chadwick. The café seems to be in better situation whenever Rikki's around. After confirming her theory with Emma and Cleo, Rikki grew excited and embraced her new changes. And what would you have said? Emma suggested that they should head inland towards a higher altitude in hopes of getting a signal for a call. Her power is most useful when the girls need to dry their tails and de-transform quickly as it would take at least about several minutes for them to dry completely. Like Emma and Cleo, Rikki possesses the magical ability to transform into a mermaid ten seconds after touching water. 's://ssl':'://www')+''+'/siteopt.js?v=1&utmxkey='+k+'&utmx='+(x?x:'')+'&utmxx='+(xx?xx:'')+'&utmxtime='+new Date().valueOf()+(h? When Zane appears to side with Harrison over the Mako Island development, Rikki's decision is clear. She also demonstrated Pyrokinesis in "Bad Moon Rising" before her power advancement. There, she confessed that she was tired of "being a mermaid". Her favorite colors are red and black based on her clothing. 23. In season 3, Zane leaves the country for summer holidays and returns to Rikki with a surprise: he has bought the JuiceNet Café after being shut down, and converted it into " Rikki's ". She doesn't really try to look good most of the time, due to the fact she is a tomboy but can if she desires to. 25min. Later on, Zane invited Rikki to go on a treasure hunt with him in the episode "Treasure Hunt". Pyrokinesis allows her to create fire or combust things simultaneously while electrokinesis allows her to create an electric storm and levitate a person into the air when she combines it with Emma and Cleo's powers. Comments: 149 Kudos: 239 Bookmarks: 32 Hits: 6048 But when the camera view changes, it's in Rikki's right hand. And unlike her friends, Rikki doesn't live in a house, rather she and her father lives in a trailer park by the canal as her father's income isn't very high. In the episode "Bad Moon Rising", Rikki got struck by the full moon's spell, causing her powers to go out of control. In the beginning of season three, the café is shut down and out of business. Meanwhile Zane and Rikkiare stuck together on a balcony of a fancy hotel where after much argument, they kiss again. Just after Zane compares his drawing to the one on the newscast, you can see by the bar on the player that the video is almost complete. Throughout the series, Rikki slowly abandoned her isolation and learned to accept other people's caring feeling for her, although at times, she still like to be alone whenever she's depressed or frustrated. Cariba Heine Claire Holt Phoebe Tonkin Angus McLaren Sophie tries to get Zane to change the name of the cafe. In the episode, "Bad Moon Rising", Zane encounters the full-moon strike Rikki on Mako Island. She has wavy-curly, light-blond that goes a bit past her shoulders hair and bold sky blue eyes. While Zane gets closer to the secret, he also gets closer to Rikki. TV-PG. d.write('
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