And then you can definitely add food coloring once all the ingredients have been incorporated and the ganache is ready to begin the cooling process. Quando sarà freddo farlo riposare 20 minuti in frigorifero coperto a pelle con la pellicola. If it travels rapidly and pools at the bottom, your ganache is too warm. Hi! This process helps the drips from not traveling too far down the cake (if they were watery, they would keep dripping down the cake). Or would you do a 3:1 ratio like your white chocolate drop for dipping? I’m so excited to try this! Although semi-sweet chocolate is the most common type I use for drip cakes, I’ve listed the ratios I use for all different types of chocolate below. Also- some other posts state that you put the cake in the refrigerator once done decorating. Hi Peggy! It sounds like the ganache didn’t have enough cooling time before you started dripping the cake though, so next time I would let it cool more and do a test drip to make sure it doesn’t pool at the bottom before dripping the whole cake. In a saucepan over medium-high heat, warm heavy whipping cream until it just starts to simmer. You could really use any cake recipe and light colored buttercream to get this look, but the cake above is a vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream. Ganache (especially white chocolate!) Whisk it together until it’s uniform in consistency and there are no bits of chocolate left on your whisk. Since the consistency of your ganache is pretty much everything when it comes to a successful drip cake, I wanted to take a moment to talk about what to do if your drips are too thick or too runny. Lasciar intiepidire, quindi sfornare i dischi. The type of chocolate you use will determine the amount of heavy whipping cream to incorporate for the perfect consistency. Creo que en mi país nos e vende, será crema doble? Hi Whitney Therefore I kept adding in 1T of powdered sugar until consistency was thick enough to hold my piping. After researching it a little bit, I think when people paint drips metallic they’re either using melted chocolate, candy melts, or royal icing for the drips (aka something that dries hard). I do provide the gram/ml measurements in the recipe though! I’d like a touch of nutmeg essential oil in my white ganache, to use over an eggnog cake–but obviously not if it’s going to ruin the ganache. La ricetta è quella di Adryincucinna: Per la ghiaccia reale (drip): 1 albume; 175 gr di zucchero a velo; colorante rosa; Did you ever do your post on white chocolate ganache that you mention above?! Also will there be condensation if I refrigerate the cake after applying the drip and then letting the cake get rooom temp again? Tarte al tè matcha, cioccolato bianco e … your receipe will be just right consistency. Could you tell me if I have to let it set in the fridge, or can I just add them as soon as its done. It’s just recipes all say cake needs to be chilled for at least 30 mins before doing ganache drip. I’ve never heard of Fino whip before, and I’m not sure that it will have enough fat content to stabilize the ganache. […] keep up the creativity by using some other design techniques. If you're using white chocolate: my favorite ratio is 3:1, meaning three parts white chocolate to one part heavy whipping cream. Garnish the cake with a chocolate ganache drip, graham cracker crumbs, and marshmallow meringue piping that’s been toasted with a culinary […]. Trascorso questo tempo prendete la ganache al cioccolato bianco e stendetela sulla drip cake con l’aiuto di una spatola. Abbiamo preparato questa golosissima torta per il compleanno di Seejay. Just follow the instructions above (no extra steps necessary) and you’ll be good! My question is I am using a whipped icing (not the white tub kind) is this a problem. My question is about the consistency of the white chocolate ganache after refrigerating overnight. If you’re starting with a chocolate … As long as the ganache frosting layer is nice and chilled, this method will work beautifully! lo so che è rosa ma credetemi, ce l’avevo in mente da così tanto tempo che sono partita in quarta senza pensarci e solo alla fine ho realizzato che il colore non era proprio adatto per il festeggiato … povero suocero!. Its looks and tastes great. Your drip technique worked beautifully. Sorry if I’m being stupid but could you possibly explain how that translates to actual measurements? For whipped ganache I use 2:3 ratio (for example, 2/3 cup whipping cream to 1 cup chocolate). I have to travel in the car for two hours and I had thought of decorating when I got there. Refrigerating after dripping the cake isn’t necessary, but I like to pop it in the fridge for about 5-10 minutes to let it set up before adding more decorations to the top. Instead, the ratios are by mass. What I make wring? Hola tengo una consulta a que te refieres con crema? Should I do that immediately, or wait til it sets -will it still be soft enough for the sticks to pierce the ganache? I have a question, I use Italian meringue to cover the cakes since the buttercream in Venezuela is very expensive to make, so I wanted to know if it works just as well and if you also have to put it in the refrigerator. Have you ever done this? Any help would be appreciated, Hi Cheryl! I used AmeriColor “Electric Purple” ( for the vibrant purple color on this cake. Hi Molly! When the drips have been refrigerated, they’re a little less fragile, but try not to touch the drips at all during the decorating or boxing-up process. I’ve never tried the drip technique on fondant-covered cakes, so I can’t entirely recommend it. Hope that helps! Hi Ashley! It sets, but is still semi-soft, so it won’t lift off the cake. I want to add some chocolates on top of the cake. Yay, Sonja!! I boil the cream in a small saucepan. I’ve never tried flavoring ganache with a water or oil-based additive, but after a quick Google search it looks like people flavor ganache with essential oils all the time! Cooling in the fridge also leads to the urge to stir it too often. Thanks. The only way to fix it is use 5-10% more heavy whipping cream in the recipe next time, to balance out the ratio. Ganache al cioccolato bianco. Hi Barbara! Hi Sam! But yes very happy with results. Also what can i do to make my swiss chocolate butter cream dark but not black? 300 gr di cioccolato fondente. Or is it different? La crema ganache al cioccolato bianco è una crema al cioccolato bianco per copertura, per decorare e per farcire torte e dolci, una variante della ganache al cioccolato fondente.Una ricetta semplice che si prepara in 5 minuti composta solo da 2 ingredienti.. La Ganache al cioccolato bianco è molto utilizzata nel cake design per copertura e per stuccare le torte decorate, al … La drip cake è una torta esplosiva, visivamente molto d’effetto e dal gusto delicato. Thaya. Although I’ve never tried that before, I’m sure that would work just fine as long as you’re using stabilized whipped cream frosting. I have always decorated with fondant, can you please advise how long can you decorate with the drip ahead of a party? I’ve been studying lots of your blog posts and am putting together my first ‘real’ cake this weekend! Good luck! I will have dripped the cake the day before and left in fridge overnight. Per gli amanti del cocco , ma soprattutto cioccolato e cocco, ecco qua la torta Bounty Drip Cake : 6 strati di pan di Spagna umido al cioccolato farciti con una crema golosa al cioccolato bianco,mascarpone e cocco, e rivestita con una crema al cioccolato e mascarpone, decorata con tanti pezzetti di Bounty. i was wondering how long do I wait to add sprinkles to my drips? this ganache can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to two weeks. Es la crema de leche batida, o chantilly? Do you boil the cream right in a saucepan or in a bowl over a saucepan? Ganasce al cioccolato colorata per copertura drip cake. And to answer your second question, in my experience there is usually a little condensation after bringing a refrigerated cake to room temp. I really like to weigh my ingredients when baking so that I am sure to have to correct proportions. Just make sure that the icing is cold to the touch and the chocolate ganache is room temp before you drip . The truth is, chocolate ganache has definitely put me through the wringer before (especially white chocolate ganache, which used to be my absolute nemesis). Hi Clementine! Would I use the same ratios that you mentioned above for regular chocolate? Is there any way to fix a ganache batch that is slightly too runny?? The storage instructions are in the notes section of the recipe . The truth is, chocolate ganache has definitely put me through the wringer before (especially, Want to see more Cake Basics videos like this one? At what’s stage can I place sprinkles on the drips? La Pink Drip Cake è una golosa torta a strati, realizzata in occasione del compleanno di mio suocero, non ridete! What would the ratio be for that? In questo caso ho fatto solo due strati ma per una drip cake d’effetto è preferibile raddoppiare le dosi della quatre quarts e fare altri due strati. Also, I’m in the UK – is ‘heavy whipping cream’ the same as ‘double cream’? Hi! Just wondering if the raspberries will make the ganache kind of wet underneath them from the juice? Hi Kimberly! After the ganache sets, it’s still soft enough to add decorations/insert cake toppers. As far as refrigerating, I always refrigerate my cakes after dripping them and your cake should be find if you decorate on Thursday night and keep it in the fridge until about an hour before the party on Saturday. Also what sprinkles did you use on the purple cake? While this is the ratio that works for me, it sounds like you need to try a ratio with less liquid to get better results. Hopefully that’s not the case, but if it is, just make sure you refrigerate the cake until the very last second before transporting to the party. Hi Alishba! I have a question – if I wanted to do whipped ganache, would you use the same ratios, chill in the fridge, then whip up in your mixer? Enjoy! Too risky? ive done drip cake with white chocolate beFOre but when it reach the customer, the cake melt.. did i do anything wrong? Ingredienti drip cake Ingredienti per un pan di spagna al cioccolato 22 cm di diametro (Servono due pan di spagna quindi sarà necessario raddoppiare le dosi) 80 g di farina; 40 g di cacao amaro in polvere; 4 uova grandi a temperatura ambiente; 120 g di zucchero hi. Could you please give the quantities in grams? Disporre le fragole su tutta la superficie e coprire con il secondo disco. I’m getting ready to make a 5 layer drip cake for daughters birthday. La drip cake è, a mio avviso, uno dei dolci più belli che si possano preparare con il minimo sforzo. I was wondering if you’ve ever used this for strawberry dipping? My vanilla cake can be found here: and my chocolate cake recipe is even easier, as it’s a one-bowl cake: Hope that helps! Le drip cake sono torte con colate di ganache decorate con quello che più o meno ti suggerisce la fantasia, come tutti gli anni ho deciso che il tema portante della torta erano fragole e cioccolato bianco, i colori rosa e bianco!. 100 g di cioccolato fondente al 72% min Hi Carolanne, I just looked into why the ganache would be cracking and it sounds like chocolate with higher percentages of cocoa solids (aka dark chocolate) can end up setting harder, sometimes resulting in cracking. As long as the ganache is room temperature and the frosting is cold, I’m sure it will work just fine. The colour on the purple cake is so vibrant. In the meantime, this ganache recipe can still be made using a 1:1 ratio in grams. The recipe we used this year just didnt taste fresh and was pretty dense by the time it unfroze. Can this be used for a tiered cake covering top and drips down sides and do you put anything between the tiers. I would love to do a ganache drip on an ice cream cake with whipped cream frosting, should I do the drip shortly after applying the whipped cream so its not to cold? Hi there, would ganache drip work over top of a ganache icing, so two layers of ganache? Hi Andrea! The best thing about a chocolate ganache drip is you can do it ahead of time and once it’s dripped it’ll keep perfectly in the fridge until you’re ready to serve it or continue decorating. Il nome spiega già perfettamente il suo aspetto: "drip" infatti, significa gocciolare e "cake" torta, si tratta quindi di una torta che gocciola golosamente una glassa al cioccolato :) Io ho preparato la Drip cake qualche giorno fa per … more? Should I redo?? Let me know if you try it! Hi, Whitney, I want to decorate my drip cake with sweets (candy), is it possible to decorate the day before? If it’s globby or doesn’t travel very far down the side of the cake, it’s too cold. Nella mia drip cake di oggi ho fatto solo due strati, ma prometto che la prossima sarà molto più alta. The only way to know for sure is to try it, and if you do, let me know how it goes! I usually make it ahead and store in the fridge for up to two weeks, then when I’m ready to use it I bring it back to room temperature and whip in my stand mixer with the paddle attachment. PROCEDIMENTO. Any suggestions? Hi Joanne! Here are some common problems and ways to solve them: – this typically means your ganache is too warm, in which case I recommend to give the ganache 5-10 more minutes to cool down before attempting your next test drip on your chilled buttercream cake. Any help would be appreciated Continuare a lavorare la glassa con le fruste fino a che lo zucchero a velo sarà completamente amalgamato, unire il colorante alimentare, di solito io utilizzo quelli in gel. Thanks to your videos and tricks, it came out wonderful. Drip cake con crema chantilly e ganache al cioccolato. But too warm will melt my frosting. When I went to do the center afterwards on top, I had a little bit of problem regarding the ganache. I’m making it a day a head and wanting to put fresh raspberries on top. Ganache is such a tricky thing! Make ahead tip: this ganache can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to two weeks. Thank you! Let me know how it goes! I didn’t have tons left. So happy you love this recipe! Applying gold luster to chocolate ganache might end up ruining the drip since it’s so soft to the touch when set. I almost always use semi-sweet chocolate, but have tried milk chocolate before and it’s delicious. In my experience with Chocolate Ganache and even colored White Chocolate Ganache I have never had problems with the colors running. Thank you! When you’re ready to use it as a drip, microwave it in 10 second increments, stirring after every interval until your ganache is room temperature and uniform in consistency. they were fine… maybe a touch thick, but okay. Prepariamo 2 torte da 18 cm con i seguenti ingredienti per … This should thicken it to perfect consistency (after cooling it back down to room temp). I always store my cakes in the refrigerator until about an hour before serving, but refrigerating a ganache drip cake isn’t necessary. La Ganasce al cioccolato colorata per copertura drip cake e’ una sorta di salsa di cioccolato che serve per decorare le torte ,i gelati,i dolci in genere.La particolarita’ in questo caso specifico e’ il colore,da una base bianca (se si utilizza un cioccolato bianco… Hi Mily, as long as the frosting gets firm after chilling it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, you should totally be able to drip it with this ganache! Por lo general, uso chips de chocolate blanco o negro de la marca Nestlé, Ghiradelli o genéricos de la tienda y los tres han funcionado perfectamente con esta receta y técnica. Most of the time, it doesn’t take a whole lot to bring your ganache back to ideal drip consistency. Hi Haleema! That ratio works great with any true chocolate, especially milk chocolate. My hunch is that white chocolate ganache would be too sticky to paint, even after it’s been refrigerated. Hi Michelle! The cream cheese is very soft. That trick worked with the recipe in tip #3 quite well. I ALWAYS struggle with drips. Sometimes I think those last details should be applied last minute. Thanks for this recipe. Per la ganache al cioccolato bianco (da utilizzare sia come farcitura che come copertura): 300 ml di panna fresca; 400 gr di cioccolato bianco. I use Heavy Whipping Cream for this recipe, and I believe that is called Double Cream in the UK. ¡Espero que ayude! Hi thankyou for your post…ive tried this before (not your recipe) and found the ganach had set but not too hard. Hi Chris! Your email address will not be published. Will the ganache work ok if dripping on to an ice cream cake? Hi Bono! Abbiamo fatto una base di chiffon cake, farcita con crema pasticcera al cioccolato bianco e stuccata con ganache montata al cioccolato bianco… Una bomba di gusto e calorie che è piaciuta molto alla festeggiata. does not like to be stirred too often, and the end result can mean that your whipping cream starts to separate from the chocolate. Did you warm it up in the microwave or was it runny when left out at room temperature? Double cream and heavy whipping cream are the same thing, just called by different names. If so they should be fine to add on top of the cake as a final step in your decorating process. Fase 4: preparate la salsa al cioccolato e fate le colature. Repeat the reheating process as needed until you get the perfect consistency. Thanks. It seems to me that it might be more workable with an oil-based flavoring than with an alcohol- or water-based one, but I’m curious as to whether you’ve tried any of those. So the article suggests adding a small amount of glucose syrup so the ganache still looks fresh and brilliant the next day. Hi , You’ll also find tons of cake recipes and decorating videos there to inspire you and broaden your skill set – be sure to hit the subscribe button so you never miss a new one! Hi Stella! After dripping the cake, I would recommend placing it into the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes just to let it set up, then you can place your fondant decoration over the top and insert your lollipops. 330 gr di farina 00 Just wondering if I should be reading that! Thanks. I would recommend trying a 2:3 ratio and use 1 cup chocolate chips to 2/3 cup heavy whipping cream next time. Thanks. How long can it be out for on the following day for a birthday party. La ganache al cioccolato si può preparare anche con cioccolato bianco al posto del fondente ed è una crema molto morbida e perfetta per la copertura delle torte o per farcire dolci. I have read that if you prefer decorating your cake ahead of time, like the day before the event, the ganache may appear dull or will have lost its shine by the next day.

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