La Humildad y el Monte Sinai. Eso 19:18 in tutte le versioni Mostra capitolo. Thomas Nelson & Sons.1961, 1962. Beno Rothenberg. El Rey David y el liderazgo judío. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. Cerca se encuentran el Monte Catalina, la montaña más alta de la región, a 2.438 metros, y el Monte Serbal, con una elevación de 1.828 metros. En este monte Dios entregó a Moisés la ley (Habacub 3:3) «Dios vendrá de Temán, Y el Santo desde el monte de Parán.Selah Su gloria cubrió los cielos, Y la tierra se llenó de su alabanza». Empress Helena, ca. Y fue durante aquel tiempo pasado en el Monte Sinaí que Moisés recibió las instrucciones presentadas en el resto de este libro del Éxodo. [72] Hoffmeier wrote, "None of the encampments of the wilderness wanderings can be meaningful if the Israelites went directly to either Kadesh or Midian ... a journey of eleven days from Kadesh to Horeb can be properly understood only in relationship to the southern portion of the Sinai Peninsula. The Elijah narrative appears to suggest that when it was written, the location of Horeb was still known with some certainty, as Elijah is described as travelling to Horeb on one occasion,[43] but there are no later biblical references to it that suggest the location remained known; Josephus specifies that it was "between Egypt and Arabia", and within Arabia Petraea (a Roman Province encompassing modern Jordan, southern modern Syria, the Sinai Peninsula and northwestern Saudi Arabia with its capital in Petra). [9] In the biblical account, the fire and clouds are a direct consequence of the arrival of God upon the mountain. Sinai was also mentioned once by name in the rest of the Hebrew Bible in Nehemiah 9:13. The possibility of an alternate site located in Saudi Arabia has also drawn attention due to the Apostle Paul's assertion in the first century that Mount Sinai was located in Arabia, although in Paul's time, the region of Arabia Petraea would have included both the modern Sinai peninsula and northwestern Saudi Arabia. The journey to the mines was long, difficult and dangerous. of Theol. [26], According to textual scholars, in the JE version of the Exodus narrative, the Israelites travel in a roughly straight line to Kadesh Barnea from the Yam Suph (literally meaning "the Reed Sea", but considered traditionally to refer to the Red Sea), and the detour via the south of the Sinai peninsula is only present in the Priestly Source. Sinai is mentioned by name in ten other locations in the Torah: Exodus 31:18; 34:2, Leviticus 7:38; 25:1; 26:46; 27:34, Numbers 1:1; 3:1; 9:1 and Deuteronomy 33:2. Tel Aviv, Israel. [49], Moses on Mount Sinai, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1895-1900, Mass-revelation at Mount Sinai in an illustration from a Bible card published by the Providence Lithograph Company, 1907, God Appears to Elijah on Mount Horeb, 1860 woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld, Mount Sinai depicted on late medieval Georgian manuscript, Published by French cartographer Alain Manesson Mallet, 1719, Bible Encyclopedia, R. K. Harrison; J. K. Hoffmeier, Josephus, Flavius, The Antiquities of the Jews II, xii, 1; III, v, 1. Since Moses is described by the Bible as encountering Jethro, a Kenite who was a Midianite priest, shortly before encountering Sinai, this suggests that Sinai would be somewhere near their territory in Saudi Arabia;[14][42] the Kenites and Midianites appear to have resided east of the Gulf of Aqaba. [56], Calculating the travels of the Israelites, the Bible Atlas states, "These distances will not, however, allow of our placing Sinai farther East than Jabal Musa. The Pauline Epistles are even more vague, specifying only that it was in Arabia, which covers most of the south-western Middle East. [73], The Sinai peninsula has traditionally been considered Sinai's location by Christians, although the peninsula gained its name from this tradition, and was not called that in Josephus' time or earlier. Some of the Georgian manuscripts of Sinai remain there, but others are kept in Tbilisi, St. Petersburg, Prague, New York City, Paris, or in private collections. Several of these were dated in the later Bronze Age. [26] Others regard the set of laws given on the mountain to have originated in different time periods from one another, with the later ones mainly being the result of natural evolution over the centuries of the earlier ones, rather than all originating from a single moment in time. have indicated that the smoke and fire reference from the Bible suggests that Mount Sinai was a volcano;[14] despite the absence of ash. [50] In the 6th century, Saint Catherine's Monastery was constructed at the base of this mountain at a site which is claimed to be the site of the biblical burning bush. Secondo le Scritture, agli israeliti occorsero undici giorni per andare da Horeb [altro nome del biblico monte Sinai] a Kadesh Barnea, località nel nord della penisola del Sinai: ‘Vi sono 11 giornate dall’Horeb, per la via del monte Seir, fino a Kadesh Barnea’ (Deuteronomio 1:2). [56], Some scholars[57] believe that Mount Sinai was of ancient sanctity prior to the ascent of Moses described in the Bible. Evidently this view was eventually taken up by Christian groups as well, as in the 16th century a church was constructed at the peak of this mountain, which was replaced by a Greek Orthodox chapel in 1954. She chose the site for the church from the identification which had been handed down through generations through the Bedouins. . have also made the identification. Anson F. Rainey, editor. Based on a number of local names and features, in 1927 Ditlef Nielsen identified the Jebel al-Madhbah (meaning mountain of the Altar) at Petra as being identical to the biblical Mount Sinai;[82] since then other scholars[who?] Secondo il Deuteronomio (Deuteronomio 1:2), agli Israeliti occorsero undici giorni per spostarsi dall' Horeb (Monte Sinai biblico) a Kadesh Barnea nel nord del Sinai ("Vi sono 11 giornate dall'Horeb, per la via del monte Seir, fino a Kadesh Barnea"). Etheria (circa 4th century CE) wrote, "The whole mountain group looks as if it were a single peak, but, as you enter the group, [you see that] there are more than one. It is improbable that the name Sinai is derived from that of the Sumerian Zen (older Zu-en), Akkadian Sin, the moon-god worshiped at Ur (in his form Nannar) and at Harran, since there is no indication that the name Sin was ever employed by the Canaanites or the Semitic nomads of Palestine. Christians settled upon this mountain in the third century AD. [15] Other bible scholars have suggested that the description fits a storm[15] especially as the Song of Deborah seems to allude to rain having occurred at the time. Según el Apóstol Pablo, ¿En que lugar se encuentra el monte Sinaí? [30][31] R. K. Harrison states that "Jebel Musa . En el Monte Sinaí, el Señor le entregó a Moisés los diez mandamientos. Ancient Temple : The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map", "In Search of Noah's Ark: Wyatt's quest: Part 8", "Is Noah's Ark on mount in Iran? In the Bible, Mount Sinai (Hebrew: הַר סִינַי, Har Sinai) is the mountain at which the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God. Rut y el imperativo de la bondad. According to Rabbinic tradition, the name "Sinai" derives from sin-ah (שִׂנְאָה), meaning hatred, in reference to the other nations hating the Jews out of jealousy, due to the Jews being the ones to receive the word of God. [1] In the Book of Deuteronomy, these events are described as having transpired at Mount Horeb. Bedouin tradition considered Jabal Musa, which lies adjacent to Mount Catherine, to be the biblical mountain,[26] and it is this mountain that local tour groups and religious groups presently advertise as the biblical Mount Sinai. All Rights Reserved. Man scours the world looking for religious artifacts", Mount Sinai is NOT Jebel al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia, "Mount Sinai has been found: Archaeological discoveries at Har Karkom", "Where Is Mount Sinai? Objetivo de preparar y formar obreros para el servicio de Dios. [64] The nawamis were used over and over throughout the centuries for various purposes. R & R "Ropa Bazar" Clothing (Brand) ... DEVOCIONAL INSTITUTO BÍBLICO MONTE SINAI. Copyright 2021, Mount Sinai Christian Church | Iglesia Cristiana Monte Sinaí. Monte Sinaí – Las Ubicaciones Tradicionales El Monte Sinaí tradicional (también conocido como Monte Musa) se encuentra en el extremo sur de la Península de Sinaí, elevándose a 2.133 metros. seems to have enjoyed special sanctity long before Christian times, culminating in its identification with Mt. "[56], Some point to the absence of material evidence left behind in the journey of the Israelites but Dr. Beit-Arieh wrote, "Perhaps it will be argued, by those who subscribe to the traditional account in the Bible, that the Israelite material culture was only of the flimsiest kind and left no trace. According to the Documentary hypothesis, the name "Sinai" is only used in the Torah by the Jahwist and Priestly source, whereas Horeb is only used by the Elohist and Deuteronomist.[19]. 1 talking about this. Sinai. ! Ewald, W. R. Smith, Sayce, Burney, see next reference for detail. Sinai of biblical tradition" and should be researched. Como lo dice NIV Study Bible [La Biblia de estudio de la NVI], “los diez mandamientos son los requisitos esenciales del pacto de Dios con Israel hecho en el Sinaí y su efecto en lo que sigue en la historia es de vital importancia. Edward Hull stated that, "this traditional Sinai in every way meets the requirements of the narrative of the Exodus." [62][63], Groups of nawamis have been discovered in southern Sinai, creating a kind of ring around Jabal Musa. Jameson, John H. John E. Ehrenhard, Christine Finn, The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, the location where Moses had brought water from the ground, by striking it with his rod, Pillar of Fire or Dust? [42], Modern scholars differ as to the exact geographical position of Mount Sinai.[26]. Etheria, circa the 4th/5th century CE, noted that her guides, who were the local "holy men", pointed out these round or circular stone foundations of temporary huts, claiming the children of Israel used them during their stay there. Horeb is thought to mean "glowing/heat", which seems to be a reference to the sun, while Sinai may have derived from the name of Sin, the Sumerian deity of the moon,[20][21] and thus Sinai and Horeb would be the mountains of the moon and sun, respectively. Éxodo 19 – La Nación de Israel Llega al Monte Sinaí A. Llegando al Monte 1. [14][42] Additionally, the Song of Deborah, which some textual scholars consider one of the oldest parts of the Bible,[14] portrays God as having dwelt at Mount Seir, and seems to suggest that this equates with Mount Sinai;[26][16] Mount Seir designates the mountain range in the centre of Edom. "Canaanites and Egyptians At Serabit el-Khadim." ⚠️ ¿Alguien estuvo allí hace 3500 años o estuvo en otro lugar para decir fue aquí, o fue allá? (Horeb - Douglas Tenney (seco, desierto). . Even Jabal Serbal, 30 kilometres (20 mi) west of Sinai, is at its highest only 2,050 m (6,730 ft) above the sea. iv. [84] Unfortunately, the removal of the original peak has destroyed most other archaeological remains from the late Bronze Age (the standard dating of the Exodus) that might previously have been present. Egypt, Israel Sinai; Archaeological and Historical Relationships In The Biblical Period. Instituto biblico Monte Sinai chiapas. [60] Robinson says that inscriptions with pictures of Moon worship objects are found all over the southern peninsula but are missing on Jabal Musa and Mount Catherine. In 1873, Charles Beke proposed Jebel Baggir which he called the Jabal al-Nour (meaning mountain of light), a volcanic mountain at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba, with Horeb being argued to be a different mountain - the nearby Jebel Ertowa. [77] Mount Helal, in the north of the peninsula has also been proposed. ii. DESIERTO, SOLEDAD, DESTRUCCIÓN, MONTAÑA DEL TERRENO SECO. [94] A number of researchers support this hypothesis while others dispute it. She also reported the site was confirmed to her in a dream. Horeb - Diccionario Español . [70] Expeditions headed by Professor Mazar examined the tell of Feiran, the principal oasis, of southern Sinai and discovered the site abounded not only in Nabatean sherds but in wheel-burnished sherds typical of the Kingdom of Judah, belonging to Iron Age II. An Egyptian pilgrim named Ammonius, who had in past times made various visits to the area, identified Jabal Musa as the Holy Mount in the 4th century. 56 talking about this. A sus pies se encuentra el Monasterio de Santa Catalina. It has also been recognized that it may somehow be connected with seneh (Aram. Esodo 19. Clip com alguns momentos vividos por um grupo de amigos durante a chegada e subida ao Monte Sinai (Egito) There were political, cultural, and religious motives for locating the church on Mount Sinai. 'The heavens' could be a metaphor for clouds and the 'lake of fire' could be a metaphor for the lava-filled crater. ; W. R. Smith, Rel. ¿Cuánto tiempo tardó en llegar el pueblo de Israel al monte Sinaí? [24] Consequently, Levenson argues that if the use of "bush" is not a scribal error for "Sinai," Deuteronomy might support the connection between the origins of the word Sinai and tree.[23]. It is much more likely that the name Sinai is connected with the place-name Sin, which belongs to a desert plain in Sinai as well as to a Canaanite city in Syria and perhaps to a city in the northeast Delta of Egypt. Jabal Mūsā in the Nineteenth Century',, "The World is My Village: A Novel with an Index", The Sinai Journeys: The Route of the Exodus, "Pharaoh's War with the Israelites: The Untold Story | Azure", "Mount Sinai (and the Peak of Mount Musa or Mousa)", "Gebel Khashm el Tarif [Jebel Hashem al Taref, Hashem el-Tarif, Mount Sinai (?)] Dios bendiga a cada estudiante por el esfuerzo y el interés que tiene por aprender más de la Palabra de Dios!! [20] In particular, numerous references to the mount exist in the Quran,[5][6] where it is called Ṭūr Sīnā’,[33] Ṭūr Sīnīn,[34] and aṭ-Ṭūr[35][36] and al-Jabal (both meaning "the Mount"). [citation needed], The earliest references to Jabal Musa as Mount Sinai or Mount Sinai being located in the present-day Sinai peninsula are inconclusive. School. [96][97], Jabal al-Lawz has been rejected by scholars such as James K. Hoffmeier (Professor of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History and Archaeology) who details what he calls Cornuke's "monumental blunders" and others. [14][76] A number of scholars and commentators have therefore looked towards the more central and northern parts of the Sinai peninsula for the mountain. [10] According to the biblical story, Moses departed to the mountain and stayed there for 40 days and nights in order to receive the Ten Commandments and he did so twice because he broke the first set of the tablets of stone after returning from the mountain for the first time. Citazioni sul monte Sinai.. Dio prese il Monte Sinai, lo sollevò in aria e disse al popolo eletto: "Osservate la mia legge, o ve lo rovescio sul cranio". A possible candidate within the Arabia theory has been that of Jabal al-Lawz (meaning 'mountain of almonds'). "[32], Local Bedouins who have long inhabited the area have identified Jabal Musa as Mount Sinai. [25] Classical rabbinic literature mentions the mountain having other names: The earliest Christian traditions place this event at the nearby Mount Serbal, at the foot of which a monastery was founded in the 4th century; it was only in the 6th century that the monastery moved to the foot of Mount Catherine, following the guidance of Josephus' earlier claim that Sinai was the highest mountain in the area. The Jebel al-Madhbah was evidently considered particularly sacred, as the well known ritual building known as The Treasury is carved into its base, the mountain top is covered with a number of different altars, and over 8 metres of the original peak were carved away to leave a flat surface with two 8 metre tall obelisks sticking out of it; these obelisks, which frame the end of the path leading up to them, and are now only 6 metres tall, have led to the mountain being colloquially known as Zibb 'Atuf, meaning penis of love in Arabic. [11] While biblical scholars argue that these passages are from different sources, the Mekhilta argues that God had lowered the heavens and spread them over Sinai,[12] and the Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer argues that a hole was torn in the heavens, and Sinai was torn away from the earth and the summit pushed through the hole. There is also no other district in the Peninsula which affords such excellent pasturage." Esodo 19:20. In the story Sinai was enveloped in a cloud,[7] it quaked and was filled with smoke,[8] while lightning-flashes shot forth, and the roar of thunder mingled with the blasts of a trumpet;[7] the account later adds that fire was seen burning at the summit of the mountain. Nota: En este lugar: Dios llamó a Moisés, Elías se escondió en una cueva y Dios lo llamó, le habló y lo fortaleció para continuar en su labor profética… los dos tuvieron que decidirse por hacer la voluntad de Dios… [52] The traditional Mount Sinai, located in the Sinai Peninsula, is actually the name of a collection of peaks, sometimes referred to as the Holy Mountain peaks,[53][54] which consist of Jabal Musa, Mount Catherine and Ras Sufsafeh. Destacan el Monte Catalina, el monte más alto del Sinaí con 2.642 m. También el propio monte Sinaí de 2.285 m, la montaña donde, según el Antiguo Testamento, recibió Moisés las Tablas de la Ley con los Diez Mandamientos. Comentarios (1) 4. The monastery is Greek Orthodox and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. [71], Edward Robinson insisted that the Plain of ar-Raaha adjacent to Jabal Musa could have accommodated the Israelites. [2], The location of the Mount Sinai described in the Bible remains disputed. The church had its own plots[clarification needed] in Kartli. [69] The remote site of Serabit el-Khadem was used for a few months at a time, every couple of years at best, more often once in a generation. 34:3–7 and Exodus 32:20, Bimson, John J., Livingston, David. [3] Hebrew Bible texts describe the theophany at Mount Sinai in terms which a minority of scholars, following Charles Beke (1873), have suggested may literally describe the mountain as a volcano.[4]. [78][79] Another northern Sinai suggestion is Hashem el-Tarif, some 30 km west of Eilat, Israel.[80][81]. Donald B. Redford, Editor. Ewald, Hist. Josephus says that Sinai is "the highest of all the mountains thereabout," and is "the highest of all the mountains that are in that country, and is not only very difficult to be ascended by men, on account of its vast altitude but because of the sharpness of its precipices". The construction of one such church was connected with the name of David The Builder, who contributed to the erection of churches in Georgia and abroad as well. ...there is nothing that requires us to explain Him as a modified moon-god. [13] Several bible critics[who?] DEVOCIONAL SÁBADO 27 DE FEBRERO 2021 LLEVADO A CABO POR LOS ALUMNOS DEL 1ER Y 2O AÑO SEMIESCOLARIZADO "PREPARADOS PARA EL … Mount Sinai is one of the most sacred locations in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic[5][6] religions. In the fourth century CE small settlements of monks set up places of worship around Jabal Musa. [51], Josephus wrote that "Moses went up to a mountain that lay between Egypt and Arabia, which was called Sinai." [61] This oddity may suggest religious cleansing. New York. Perseverancia: el proyecto de la NASA y los preparativos para Shavuot. Those in Midian, East of Elath, rise only to 1,300 m (4,200 ft). The earliest references to Jabal Musa as Mount Sinai or Mount Sinai being located in the present day Sinai Peninsula are inconclusive. There is evidence that prior to 100 CE, well before the Christian monastic period, Jewish sages equated Jabal Musa with Mount Sinai. [23] Deuteronomy 33:16 identifies YHWH with "the one who dwells in the bush." According to the UNESCO report (60100 ha / Ref: 954) and website hereunder, this monastery has been called the oldest working Christian monastery in the world – although the Monastery of Saint Anthony, situated across the Red Sea in the desert south of Cairo, also lays claim to that title. Quiénes somos y más | Who we are and more, Conéctate a la Familia Sinai | Get connected to the Sinai Family, Siganos junto con el ultimo mensaje | Follow along with the latest message, Explora las oportunidades para todos en Sinai | Explore the opportunities for everyone at Sinai, Mire nuestros servicios | Watch our services online, Dar En Línea Hacia Sinaí | Online Giving For Sinai, Háganos saber cómo podemos orar por usted | Let us know how we can be praying for you, “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, por cuanto me ha ungido para dar buenas nuevas a los pobres; me ha enviado a sanar a los quebrantados de corazón, a pregonar libertad a los cautivos y vista a los ciegos, a poner en libertad a los oprimidos y a predicar el año agradable del Señor.” Lucas 4:18-19 Regarding the Sumerian Sin deity assumption, William F. Albright, an American biblical scholar, had stated:[22]. Graham Davies of Cambridge University argues that early Jewish pilgrimages identified Jabal Musa as Mount Sinai and this identification was later adopted by the Christian pilgrims. 1987. (1908), p. 343 f. Dr. Robinson’s Biblical Researches, vol. EL MONTE SINAI O HOREB. "Sinai" and "Horeb" are generally considered to refer to the same place by scholars.
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