From 1936 to 1961 he was a professor at the Milan Polytechnic, and in 1933 was associated with Antonio Fornaroli and Eugenio Soncini, until 1945. This re-edition is produced based on the original drawings from the Gio Ponti Archives. L Luxor L1695 / Gambe Cromo Nero. n. 431710 - Registro Imprese Monza e Brianza 00809720154 - Tribunale di Monza - Partita Iva IT/00694950965 - Codice Fiscale 00809720154 - R.E.A. Molteni@home Molteni@Home can put you in touch with a specialised store chosen from those listed below to book a completely safe appointment. Architect, designer, artist and writer: Gio Ponti was a polymathic powerhouse whose mind-blowing output spanned everything from spoons to skyscrapers. It is part of the Gio Ponti Collection, which was curated by Molteni&C under the artistic direction of Studio Cerri & Associati. D.552.2, Molteni&C: tavolino in legno e vetro di Gio Ponti Design unico ed elegante, perfetto per donare un tocco classico e di calore al proprio soggiorno. A duty of choice, a legacy to be shared. The D.153.1 chairs by Gio Ponti, here upholstered in velvet as part of Molteni&C extensive customization offer As part of the new e-commerce offering is a selection of artworks curated by long-term collaborator Caroline Corbetta and including pieces by Italian artist Matteo Nasini, pictured here At the same time, their series-construction, can guarantee their form’s absolute perfection of beauty, in absolute conformity to the first model created by the artist." The story of the armchair D 151.4 has distant origins: it all began with the nautical world and industrial progress.It was from this encounter with the ocean that Gio Ponti became passionate about nautical furnishings.. During the second half of 1900, the great Italian designer and architect, experimented his creativity in the field of naval design. Part of the Molteni&C Heritage Collection, the D.156.3 armchair, designed by Gio Ponti and produced for Altamira, an American company founded by the nephew of the Spaniard De Cuevas,... Category 21st Century and Contemporary Italian Modern Gio Ponti Furniture It is a sculpture among sculptures and an art work among the art works. "Dotted" Fabric designed for Gio Ponti by Rubelli. Gio Ponti graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan at the end of World War I, after he fought on the front line earning military decorations. - R.E.A. "Recreating pieces that were never produced, (because Ponti used to design more than what he could have produced) or re-editing forgotten pieces, gives us the opportunity to better understand his personality, work and role in an important moment of Italian architecture" Salvatore Licitra, Gio Ponti Archivist. Molteni&C dedicated its Gio Ponti Collection to the great Milanese master. D.151.4 Molteni Description. Molteni & C. D. 151. These range from Morandi paintings to those of Campigli, Melotti and Rui, the Venini and Seguso glasses, Gambone ceramics, and Ferrari silks..." Gio Ponti, Domus 1961. The Plancharts commissioned Gio Ponti to design their home, on top of a cerro overlooking Caracas. - R.E.A. Marked by hand-painted white drawer fronts with applied handles in various wood kinds (elm, Italian walnut, mahogany and rosewood). - R.E.A. n. 431710 - Registro Imprese Monza e Brianza 00809720154 - Tribunale di Monza - Partita Iva IT/00694950965 - Codice Fiscale 00809720154 Part of the Molteni&C Heritage collection, this armchair is a re-make of the D.153.1 designed initially in 1934 by Gio Ponti his own residence in Via Dezza in Milan. D.522.2, disegnato dal maestro Gio Ponti per Molteni&C è molto più di un semplice tavolino. For them, refined art collectors and Italy lovers, Ponti designed everything, from the structure to the furniture. Part of the Molteni&C Heritage Collection, this armchair, was designed for one of the projects closest to Gio Ponti’s heart, the villa of the Planchart collectors in Caracas (1953-57). This card certifies the authenticity of the Molteni&C furniture piece that you purchased which is 100% Made in Italy. Molteni&C re-launches folding chairs designed by Gio Ponti in 1970 with a new and surprising look. - R.E.A. Some are public pieces, commissioned by major industries, some unique and private … He was also a designer and essayist and one of the most important of the twentieth century. Designed in 1953, the D.153.1 armchair is part of the furniture of Gio Ponti’s private house in via Dezza in Milan. 2 Poltrona Gio Ponti - Interno Tessuto cat. All of them are expressions of Gio Ponti’s architecture and show Molteni&C’s passion for great architects. Cassettone Gio Ponti D.655.1 D.655.2 Molteni & C. Disegnato da Giò Ponti in diverse varianti tra il 1952 e il 1955, questo cassettone è caratterizzato dai frontali dei cassetti verniciati a mano in colore bianco con maniglie applicate di varie essenze (olmo, noce nazionale, mogano e palissandro). To stay up to date on products, news and events of the Molteni Group. “Amare Gio Ponti”, the first documentary about his work, previewed at the 2015 Milano Design Film Festival, is dedicated to the great 20th century maestro. New technologies, materials, functional solutions, with respect for its original – exactly as Gio Ponti would have wanted. This re-edition is produced by Molteni&C based on the original drawings from the Ponti archives. n. 431710, Partita Iva IT/00694950965 - Codice Fiscale 00809720154. Gio Ponti Giovanni “Gio” Ponti, (Milan, November 18, 1891 - Milan, September 16, 1979), is one of the Italian masters of architecture. "I am grateful to Anala and Armando Planchart for letting me honour their home with Italian art works, alongside the works of Venezuelan and international abstract artists and those of the great Venezuelan master Reveron (...). K Kassandra 3795 / Esterno Pelle cat. Heritage Collection, a forward-looking collection, an artistic and cultural heritage, otherwise lost, still to be enhanced. n. 431710 - Registro Imprese Monza e Brianza 00809720154 - Tribunale di Monza - Partita Iva IT/00694950965 - Codice Fiscale 00809720154, Molteni&C S.p.A. - Via Rossini 50 20833 Giussano MB Italy, Capitale Sociale Euro 7.500.000 i.v. In 1928 he founded the Domus magazine with Gianni Mazzocchi. Architecture, a pan virtuosity, acrobatic proportions and an intersection of joints. In 1933 he became the artistic director of Fontana Arte which was another success after the one he obtained with Richard-Ginori. Designed in 1956-1957, the bookcase is part of the furniture of Gio Ponti’s private house in Via Dezza in Milan. This armchair is a shell to accommodate precious friends. This re-edition is produced by Molteni&C based on the original drawings from the ponti archives. The armchair, on the other hand, was designed for one of the projects closest to Gio Ponti’s heart, the villa of the Planchart collectors in Caracas (1953-57). The combination of different shapes and materials testifies to Gio Ponti’s diversity and innovative power. Molteni&C tutti gli arredi firmati Gio Ponti in vendita sullo Store Ufficiale Molteni&C rinnova l’attenzione per i maestri dell’architettura e del design con un progetto di riedizione di mobili e arredi disegnati da Gio Ponti, il grande maestro del ’900. This was thanks to the cooperation and the exclusively signed agreement of the Ponti heirs and the artistic director of Cerri & Associati Studio. Pursuant to privacy regulations, the personal data will be processed by Molteni&C S.p.A. in compliance with our Personal data protection policy. Molteni&C (a Molteni Group company, along with Dada, UniFor and Citterio), which has renewed its focus on the masters of architecture and design since 2010 with re-makes of Gio Ponti’s furniture, and has therefore decided to support this unique exhibition, one of the most important ever staged in France on the works of the Italian designer. Molteni&C rinnova l’attenzione per i maestri dell’architettura e del design con un progetto di riedizione di mobili e arredi disegnati da Gio Ponti, il grande maestro del ‘900. W WEB W6289 / Gambe Noce Canaletto. Molteni&C managed a reissuing project of furniture and furnishings designed by Gio Ponti for products for these private homes and limited editions. It is part of the Molteni&C Gio Ponti Collection. Gio Ponti designed everything for the first Montecatini building in Largo Donegani in Milan in 1935, architecture and furnishings including desks, lamps, wardrobes. From this partnership major projects were born, including the Montecatini Palace in Milan from 1936 to 1938, in which Ponti created the "integral design" of the building and the interiors. Some are public pieces, commissioned by major industries, some unique and private originally designed for his home or customers. This card certifies the authenticity of the Molteni&C furniture piece that you purchased which is 100% Made in Italy. Part of the Molteni&C Heritage Collection, this chest of drawers is a re-make of the D.655.1 designe in several version in the period of 1952-1955 by iconic designer Gio Ponti. - R.E.A. Molteni & C. D. 154. "La sedia e il tavolo di tubo metallico hanno raggiunto una assoluta originalità di forma, uscendo nettamente da ogni tradizione delle vecchie ossature, conquistando una praticità ed elasticità nuove e modi più aderenti alle essenziali esigenze di oggi. Designed in the 1950s for M. Singer&Sons, one of the most important furnishing companies in New York, this small table is part of a collection for the American market. Gio Ponti, Domus, 1939. - R.E.A. The best designs are timeless and this revisited edition respects that, by renovating and reviving the project’s soul. "The metal tube chair and table have an absolute original form, clearly distinguished from any of the traditional frames. They have a new practicality and elasticity, closer to the modern essential requirements. Gio Ponti was an Italian promoter of industrial design and introduced the idea of interior furnishing ranges produced as being a "sophisticated," economic, "democratic" and modern. Molteni&C dedicated its Gio Ponti Collection to the great Milanese master. Gio Ponti Vis a Vis A tribute conversation to the great master Sophie Bouilhet-Dumas, Margherita Guccione, Salvatore Licitra and Fulvio Irace Thursday, ... Molteni&C S.p.A - Via Rossini 50 20833 Giussano MB Italy - +39 0362 359.1 - Capitale Sociale Euro 7.500.000 i.v. Other works of the period were civil architecture, including the Littoria Tower in Milan in 1933, school buildings such as the School of Mathematics at the University City Rome in 1934 and the Humanities Faculty and the Rectorate of the University of Padua in 1937. In 1921 he married Giulia Vimercati, with whom he had four children: Lisa, Giovanna, Letizia and Giulio. Tutti i brand del Gruppo Molteni. The art direction of this new edition was entrusted to Studio Cerri & Associati. Others are pure Gio Ponti’s intuitions, drawings and sketches found in his archives. n. 431710 - Registro Imprese Monza e Brianza 00809720154 - Tribunale di Monza - Partita Iva IT/00694950965 - Codice Fiscale 00809720154, Molteni&C S.p.A. - Via Rossini 50 20833 Giussano MB Italy, Capitale Sociale Euro 7.500.000 i.v. Pursuant to privacy regulations, the personal data will be processed by Molteni&C S.p.A. in compliance with our Personal data protection policy. From 1934 to the present day. It now becomes versatile, multifunctional, and capable of adapting to its use and the different moments of the day. Gio Ponti designed the first Montecatini building at Largo Donegani in Milan in 1935. Molteni&C S.p.A - Via Rossini 50 20833 Giussano MB Italy - +39 0362 359.1 - Capitale Sociale Euro 7.500.000 i.v. Gio Ponti Vis a Vis A tribute conversation to the great master Sophie Bouilhet-Dumas, Margherita Guccione, Salvatore Licitra and Fulvio Irace Discover more ... Molteni&C S.p.A - Via Rossini 50 20833 Giussano MB Italy - +39 0362 359.1 - Capitale Sociale Euro 7.500.000 i.v. Molteni&C ripropone le sedie pieghevoli ideate da Gio Ponti nel 1970 e le rilancia con una "veste" nuova e sorprendente. n. 431710, Partita Iva IT/00694950965 - Codice Fiscale 00809720154, information on the processing of personal data. Gio Ponti gained direct experience in four ocean liners and two cruise ships upgraded or built from scratch after the war, between 1949 and 1951: the Conte Grande, Africa, Oceania, Conte Biancamano, Andrea Doria and Giulio Cesare. He was also a designer and essayist and one of the most important of the twentieth century. This year the Molteni&C Collection designed by Gio Ponti is enriched with the D.355.1 hanging bookcase. Part of the Molteni&C Heritage Collection, the D.151.4 armchair, is a designed coming from Gio Ponti passion about nautical furnishings. Marked by hand painted white drawer fronts with applied handles in various wood kinds (elm, Italian walnut, mahogany and rosewood). Gio Ponti Giovanni “Gio” Ponti, (Milan, November 18, 1891 - Milan, September 16, 1979), is one of the Italian masters of architecture. Molteni&C tutti gli arredi firmati Gio Ponti in vendita sullo Store Ufficiale Molteni&C rinnova l’attenzione per i maestri dell’architettura e del design con un progetto di riedizione di mobili e arredi disegnati da Gio Ponti, il grande maestro del ’900. An infinite table which is a geometric dialogue between the glass and rosewood – lightness and abstraction distilled. Giovanni “Gio” Ponti, (Milan, November 18, 1891 - Milan, September 16, 1979), is one of the Italian masters of architecture. Part of the Molteni&C Heritage collection, this armchair, was designed for one of the projects closest to Gio Ponti’s heart, the villa of the Planchart collectors in Caracas, (1953-1957). In the 1930’s he participated in the Triennale exhibitions and later he successfully managed a few of them. Gio Ponti. He designed everything, architecture and furnishings: desks, chairs, lamps and wardrobes. "To be comfortably seated while crossing your legs, little sitting and much backrest, tilted just like this, are necessary." “Architecture is an interpretation of life”, wrote Gio Ponti. Part of the Molteni&C Heritage collection, this armchair is a re-make of the D.153.1 designed initially in 1934 by Gio Ponti his own residence in Via Dezza in Milan. It is part of the Gio Ponti Collection, which was curated by Molteni&C under the artistic direction of Studio Cerri & Associati. Registrati per scoprire il prezzo. And a desire to rediscover, in the history of Molteni&C, traces of a magnificent obsession, quality. n. 431710 - Registro Imprese Monza e Brianza 00809720154 - Tribunale di Monza - Partita Iva IT/00694950965 - Codice Fiscale 00809720154 Molteni&C S.p.A - Via Rossini 50 20833 Giussano MB Italy - +39 0362 359.1 - Capitale Sociale Euro 7.500.000 i.v. Pezzi Unici Design Selezionato Autenticità garantita 1934. information on the processing of personal data. There were also residential projects such as Casa Marmont in 1934 and Milan "Domus" from 1931 to 1936.

Codice Tributo 1538 Tributi Speciali, Noi Zamjatin Pagine, Cima Di Quaira, Maroon 5 - Sugar Traduzione, Family Hotel Trentino, Musei Gratis Milano Giugno 2020, Cattedrale Romanica Schema, Prezzi Al Metro Quadro Roma Talenti, Bambini Testimoni Di Geova A Scuola, Lo Sport è Vita, Tabella Congedo Parentale,