Museo Nave Vittorio Veneto Accedi per poterlo seguire . Fu proprio a bordo di una nave di questa classe, la USS Missouri, che venne firmata la resa dei giapponesi nel secondo conflitto mondiale La USS Missouri (BB-63) è stata una corazzata della Marina degli Stati Uniti, entrata più volte nella storia del suo paese sia direttamente che con i suoi 20 comandanti. Le lettere di ottone che componevano il nome a poppa, sono presso il Museo navale di Venezia; la centrale di tiro è conservata nel Museo tecnico navale di Spezia. [36] In September 1943, following the withdrawal of Italy from the war, all three ships and a significant portion of the Italian fleet left port to be interned in Malta. (Italian Navy WW2)Regia Nave VITTORIO VENETO.Nave da Battaglia classe Littorio. The design was for a 42,000 t (41,000 long tons; 46,000 short tons) ship armed with nine 406 mm guns in triple turrets. As Impero was not completed, her final displacement is unknown. La battaglia di mezzo giugno fu l'ultima azione della Vittorio Veneto: la corazzata non prese più il mare, a causa della penuria di carburante e del rischio di attacchi aerei e subacquei. Nel corso della battaglia, il 28 marzo, la Vittorio Veneto prese parte allo scontro di Gaudo, durante il quale appoggiò con le artiglierie l'attacco degli incrociatori italiani contro quelli inglesi della 7ª Divisione (amm. While her sister was being repaired, she took over flagship duties and was transferred to Naples. All four ships had a draft of 9.6 m (31 ft) and a beam of 32.82 m (107.7 ft). Both countries were put under significant pressure from the other signatories to use their allotted tonnage to build smaller battleships with reduced caliber main batteries. [42], Littorio and Vittorio Veneto had both returned to active duty by August 1941, and on the 22nd the two ships sortied to attack a convoy. Roma joined the fleet in June 1942, although all three ships remained inactive in La Spezia until June 1943, when all three were damaged in a series of Allied air attacks on the harbor. Littorio was then renamed Italia. REGIA MARINA . Quick view. Museo Nave Vittorio Veneto. She was delivered to the Italian Navy in Trieste, still incomplete, some six months later on 28 April 1940. The Vittorio Veneto class was the last class of battleships to be built by the Italian Navy- the Regia Marina. Seguaci 0. 16,00 € Tax included . The guns fired a 885 kg (1,951 lb) armor-piercing (AP) shell at a muzzle velocity of 870 meters per second (2,854 ft/s). [53] They were, however, equipped with the Pugliese system, the details of which were revealed through Soviet espionage. Dal 1º novembre al 31 dicembre 2006 è entrata a far parte dello Standing NATO Maritime Group 2. The RN Vittorio Veneto was commissioned 1 May 1940. Quick view. [10] At 14 kn (26 km/h; 16 mph), the ships' range increased slightly to 4,700 nmi (8,700 km; 5,400 mi). At least one of these ships would have followed the three 23,000-ton ships once the building holiday expired in 1931. In service, however, the ships averaged 28 kn (52 km/h; 32 mph). The incomplete Impero was seized by the Germans after Italy withdrew from the war and used as a target, until she was sunk by American bombers in 1945. Non ricordi più come accedere all'account? Non ora. She was then attacked by torpedo bombers from HMS Formidable; the first wave failed, but the second scored a single hit each on both Vittorio Veneto and the heavy cruiser Pola. [36], In June 1943, a series of Allied air raids attacked La Spezia in an attempt to neutralize the three battleships. o. Crea nuovo account. [13] The 381 mm guns had a maximum elevation of 35 degrees, which allowed them to engage targets out to 42,260 m (46,220 yd). L'incrociatore lanciamissili Vittorio Veneto (550) è stato la nave ammiraglia della Marina Militare Italiana, operando dal 1969 al 2003 (anno in cui è stato collocato in status di Ridotta Tabella di Disponibilità in attesa del disarmo, avvenuto nel 2006, e della radiazione) e portando lo stesso nome di un'altra nave italiana, la nave da battaglia Vittorio Veneto della seconda guerra mondiale. It is planned to replace four Soldati class light patrol frigates and eight Minerva class corvettes between 2021/2035. Il comandante Cigala Fulgosi è la prima unità della classe. Her first mission of World War II came 31 August 1940 as part of the concentration of the Italian battleships to put to sea during the war. Il 29 settembre l'unità prese parte all'operazione MB 5. Add Sanremo venue. La Nave Vittorio Veneto avrebbe dovuto diventare la prima nave-museo italiana; era stato annunciato che la realizzazione sarebbe stata effettuata entro il 2010, ovvero alla vigilia delle celebrazioni previste per il 150º anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia che si svolgono nel 2011, ma i termini dichiarati non sono stati rispettati. On 14 July 1939, Ansaldo completed a design proposal for the Soviet Navy, for a ship largely based on the Littorio class, designated U.P. Add to Wishlist . L'uscita si concluse però con un nulla di fatto: le unità, non avendo trovato il nemico ed essendo peggiorate le condizioni meteo, rientrarono alle basi. This operation resulted in the First Battle of Sirte, which ended inconclusively. [9] Ultimately, nine 381 mm guns in three triple turrets were adopted as the primary battery for the ships, on a displacement in excess of 40,000 long tons (41,000 t),[10] despite the fact that this violated the established naval treaties. Questi autori però si limitarono ad un’analisi molto superficiale della situazione delle forze in campo in Sicilia. L'8 gennaio 1941, a Napoli, la corazzata fu nuovamente attaccata dall'aviazione britannica, ma non fu colpita; per allontanarla dal rischio di danneggiamento, fu trasferita a La Spezia. While returning to port, Littorio was hit by a bomb from an American B-24 Liberator heavy bomber; the bomb struck the forward gun turret, though it did minimal damage. La storia del Vittorio Veneto è una grande storia di mare e in quanto tale attraversa dimensioni, vite, luoghi, situazioni, momenti storici diversi che trovano un … The first two ships, Littorio and Vittorio Veneto, were operational by the early months of Italy's participation in World War II. [35] On the night of 8–9 January 1941, the Royal Air Force attacked Naples with heavy bombers, but failed to hit the ship. The two ships were repeatedly torpedoed throughout their careers: Littorio was hit by a torpedo during the attack on Taranto in November 1940 and again in June 1942; Vittorio Veneto was torpedoed during the Battle of Cape Matapan in March 1941 and while escorting a convoy to North Africa in September 1941. This formed a void which housed an empty drum 3,800 mm (150 in) wide with 6 mm (0.24 in) thick walls; the rest of the void was filled with liquid. The system was designed to protect the ship from torpedo warheads up to 350 kg (770 lb). In September 1943, Italy capitulated and signed an Armistice with the Allies. per tutti quelli che ci sono stati nel corso degli anni e ne sono orgogliosi. [17] However, this was reduced to 850 m/s (2,789 ft/s) in order to reduce dispersion and increase barrel service life. Franco concluded several agreements with the Italian government that would have seen the building of four Littorio-class battleships in Spain. While en route to Malta, German bombers attacked the fleet with Fritz X radio-guided bombs, damaging Italia and sinking Roma. [31] The 152-mm secondary battery turrets were protected by 280 mm (11 in) faces, 80–130 mm (3.1–5.1 in) sides, 80 mm (3.1 in) rear, and 105–150 mm (4.1–5.9 in) roof, while their barbettes were 150 mm (5.9 in) above deck and 100 mm (3.9 in) below deck. Durante l'attacco aerosilurante inglese a Taranto, la Vittorio Veneto fu bersagliata da un siluro, che esplose prima di colpirla. During the engagement, she badly damaged the destroyers Havock and Kingston. [25] Four 120 mm (4.7 in) L/40 guns were mounted on each ship in order to fire illumination rounds. [10] After the entrance of Italy to World War II, the Italian Navy moved the unfinished ship from Genoa to Brindisi, out of fears of French attacks on the vessel. Via Vittorio Veneto, 429, Bozzano Italy. 16,00 € Tax included . She departed Trieste on 1 May for final fitting out at the dockyard in La Spezia. Lo scafo della Vittorio Veneto fu impostato il 28 ottobre 1934 nei Cantieri Riuniti dell'Adriatico di Trieste, lo stesso in cui qualche anno dopo fu costruita la gemella Roma; varata il 25 luglio 1937, la sua costruzione fu completata il 28 aprile 1940 con in dotazione gli idrovolanti IMAM Ro.43, entrando in servizio il 2 agosto, dopo l'ingresso in guerra dell'Italia contro la Francia ed il Regno Unito, inquadrata nella IXª Divisione Corazzate della Iª Squadra di base a Taranto. [8] The 406 mm gun in turn was abandoned in favor of the 381 mm gun because there were no designs for the larger gun, which would delay construction; a 381 mm gun had already been designed for the canceled Francesco Caracciolo class. 2 main battery turret and two on either side of the rear turret. [15], The ships' main battery consisted of nine 381 mm L/50 Ansaldo 1934 guns in three triple turrets, two in a superfiring pair forward and one aft. The riveted joint that connected the interior torpedo bulkhead to the bottom of the hull was not strong enough to sustain the tremendous shear loadings associated with direct contact explosions. S. Giacomo di Veglia (Vittorio Veneto), 30 aprile 1945. Latitude: 43.8576607, Longitude: 10.3580985 Sora) fotocomposizioni di Antonio Cimmino Siamo tutti sulla stesa barca. Two hit Roma; one passed through the ship and exploded under her keel, and the second hit near the forward magazines. Rimontaggio di alcune immagini di Nave Audace provenienti dal web. Instead, a single catapult was fitted. 5 Febbraio 2016. di Antonio Corsi (presidente A.N.M.I. The engines were rated at 128,200 shaft horsepower (95,600 kW) and a top speed of 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph). Repairs were completed and on 12 December, both ships were moved from Taranto to La Spezia in response to the Allied landings in North Africa. Associazione Marinai di Arzignano. (Italian Navy WW2)Regia Nave VITTORIO VENETO.Nave da Battaglia classe Littorio. [41] In February, Vittorio Veneto, Andrea Doria and Giulio Cesare attempted to attack what was believed to be a Malta convoy. The British squadron was in fact Force H, steaming to bombard Genoa. [14], Littorio and Vittorio Veneto had a standard crew of 80 officers and 1,750 enlisted men; while serving as a flagship, the crew was increased by a command staff of between 11 and 31 additional officers. 1,488 likes. ANMI Monza. Organizzazione no-profit. [39] During the attack on Taranto on 12 November 1940, Littorio was hit twice by torpedoes, suffering serious damage. The Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 allotted Italy an additional 70,000 long tons (71,000 t) of total capital ship tonnage, which could be used in 1927–1929, while other powers were observing the "holiday" in battleship construction prescribed by the treaty. Vittorio Veneto shot down one aircraft, but the battleship was flooded with some 4,000 t (3,900 long tons; 4,400 short tons) of water, though she got underway after ten minutes and eventually reached Taranto on 29 March. Fu comandata dal capitano di vascello Salvatore Giuseppe .mw-parser-output .chiarimento{background:#ffeaea;color:#444444}.mw-parser-output .chiarimento-apice{color:red}divenuto ammiraglio nel 1957. The two fleets did not make contact, however, and the Italians returned to port. On 21 March, Littorio sortied to attack a British convoy, which led to the Second Battle of Sirte. [40], Repairs to Vittorio Veneto were completed in time for her to join Littorio on attacks on the convoys Vigorous and Harpoon, which had departed Alexandria and Gibraltar to reinforce Malta simultaneously in mid-June. [senza fonte]. nave vittorio veneto c 550 has 769 members. Nel corso della battaglia la nave sparò 19 colpi da 381 con la torre poppiera, in sette salve, ad una distanza compresa fra i 29.000 ed i 32.000 metri, inducendo uno squadrone di sette incrociatori britannici ad accostare per portarsi fuori tiro. Le altre unità furono disposte attorno alla Vittorio Veneto in ritirata, e durante un altro attacco aereo l'incrociatore pesante Pola fu immobilizzato da un altro aerosilurante: la decisione di mandare in suo soccorso l'intera I Divisione causò il noto disastro di Capo Matapan, con due incrociatori – oltre al Pola – e due cacciatorpediniere affondati dalle corazzate inglesi. Comandanti: Proprietà Marina Militare ... Nave comandante Fulgosi ha continuato nella missione fino al 29 giugno, rientrando a La Spezia il 19 luglio, mentre le altre unità hanno proseguito nella missione. [2] They opted for this design because this allowed three ships under the 70,000-ton limit. She was renamed Italia after Benito Mussolini's regime collapsed. EOS in Taranto, reviews by real people. [14] Below the third deck, neither the primary nor secondary barbettes were protected by armor. The joints failed even in cases of non-contact explosions; this prevented the hollow drum from collapsing as designed and resulted in massive flooding. Buongiorno Comandanti.

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