Watch Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness season 1 - 3 online with NEON - try it free for 14 days! Season 3. The show was originally intended to premiere in 2010, but it was delayed and officially launched on Nickelodeon on November 7, 2011. White Bone Demon | Tong Fo counts too, wanting to destroy the Valley of Peace for no apparent reason. Buy season. Rate. With Mick Wingert, Fred Tatasciore, Kari Wahlgren, James Sie. Kung Fu Panda Cyfres 1 Mae Po yn gweddnewid i afr er mwyn mynd i garchar Chor Gom i geisio datrys cyfrinach y troseddwr dieflig, Tong Fo. He wants to destroy the Valley of Peace. He can be socially awkward at times, often pausing and emphasizing words that aren't usually emphasized, or staring at others with his enormous eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time. He is an anthropomorphic giant panda in his 20s, who is improbably chosen as the champion of the Valley of Peace in the first film. She is a ruthless demon who was defeated and imprisoned in the spirit kingdom of Sun Wukong. PG . and Dick Hardly.. History. 2. Meanwhile, Tigress and Monkey find out about the escaped fugitive (who was actually Po), and track him down. In Kung Fu Panda, Shifu, the red panda, has seven students who each practice a different style … Mei Ling, Tong Fo talking with Master Po in the episode "Jailhouse Panda". 8.1 (37) 0. Po, the Dragon Warrior panda, leads the Furious Five in maintaining calm in the Valley Of Peace. Kung Fu Panda is a media franchise by DreamWorks Animation, consisting of three films: Kung Fu Panda (2008), Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) and Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016). Mao Ren | Kung Fu Panda – Legenden mit Fell und Fu (Originaltitel: Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness) ist eine Kinder-Comedy-Fernsehserie von Nickelodeon.Die Fernsehserie spielt zwischen den beiden Kinofilmen Kung Fu Panda (2008) und Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) und zeigt Po beim Training, um ein guter Drachenkrieger zu werden. Monkey Kung Fu (Monkey): "Monkey Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art where the movements imitate monkeys or apes in fighting. S3, Ep20. Tong Fo is the tertiary antagonist in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness and the only one to give Fung orders. He is a cute, yet evil, loris who appeared in the episode "Jailhouse Pandaloris who appeared in the episode "Jailhouse Panda In Kung Fu Panda 3, Po is promoted to be a teacher when Shifu (Dustin ... (Mick Wingert) is now a mentor of four panda kids (Nu Hai, Jing, Bao, and Fan Tong), who stumbled upon a mythical cave within Panda Village and being chosen by the spirits of Four Constellations, their legendary chi respectively. Shenzi, Banzai and Ed - Su (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness), Boss Wolf (Kung Fu Panda 2) and Tong Fo (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness) Rafiki - Baloo (The Jungle Book) Gopher - Shifu (Kung Fu Panda) Quint - Kai (Kung Fu Panda 3) Fred - Finnick (Zootopia) Speedy the Snail - T.W. Similar Shows. Rate. Kung Fu Panda: Tai Lung Fung is a recurring antagonist (sometimes an anti-hero) from the animated TV series Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Ring: 010-601 34 25 Sök efter: IT Blog Tong Fo emerges from a nearby cave with the war hammer, he then breaks the shift stone, turning him and Po to normal. Po was jumped in a sneak attack by Monkey, who was about to beat Po in their score-keeping, when Tigress suddenly interrupted them with a loud sneeze, to which she promptly fell into the obstacle course and caused the three of them to fly out onto the other side. He is voiced by John DiMaggio, who also voiced Bender from Futurama and Dr. Drakken from Kim Possible. În “Tânăr și revoltat“, Bian Zao fură puteri fulgerătoare magice și face echipă cu Tong Fo și Bandiții Croc; Po și Taotie trebuie să-l împiedice pe Bian Zao să distrugă satul. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. In "The Kung Fu Kid", Peng arrived in the Valley of Peace to partake in the Peace Jubilee. Tong Fo Survive the Night ivcooler Player Loading... Unsubscribe from ivcooler Player? Video of Tong Fo for fãs of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness. Fan Tong may be a bit fearful and nervous, but Po 's guidance and the chi of Red Phoenix help him gain confidence and embrace his power. Kuai Xun | Kung Fu Panda 2: Lord Shen | Lord Shen's Wolf Army (Boss Wolf) With Mick Wingert, Fred Tatasciore, Kari Wahlgren, James Sie. He was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. Bian Zao steals magical lightning powers and teams up with Tong Fo and the Croc Bandits; Po and Taotie must keep Bian Zao from destroying the village. Tong Fo captures Shifu and intends to "keep him as a pet. Temutai is one of the main antagonists in the DreamWorks/Nickelodeon TV seriesKung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Tigress and Monkey arrive and battle Po, believing him to be a fugitive. Season: OR ... During a fight with Tong Fo, Po is struck by lightning, which gives him the power to read minds. As Junjie allies himself with Po’s old enemy, Hundun, and returns with a grudge against Po and Shifu. 16 Feb. 2016 Forsaken and Furious. Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda] Thread starter NullenVoid; Start ... Tong Fo merely turned it into a flip and kept coming. Starring Mick Wingert, Fred Tatasciore, Kari Wahlgren Genres Kids Subtitles English [CC] Audio languages English. Rate. He steals the shift stone and uses it to disguise himself as a prison guard and escapes. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tong Lo is a minor character briefly seen in the Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness episode " Mind Over Manners ". Po goes undercover, as the goat Shang, in prison to find out where Tong Fo has hidden a sacred war hammer of LayLang. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Tong Fo looked at his fallen men, then at the heavily-breathing red panda. 6. În “Pușcăriașul Po“, Po intră sub acoperire, în calitate de capră Shang, în închisoare pentru a afla unde Tong Fo a ascuns un ciocan de război sacru al LayLang. SD HD HD selected. When Po learns Tsin is telling the truth, it's up to the Kung Fu Panda to stop the invasion before it's too late. Now living in his permanent home at the Jade Palace with the rest of the Furious Five, Po the Panda trains, battles, learns At first, Tong Fo buys Po's disguise, but then realizes he is actually the Dragon Warrior. In "Jailhouse Panda", Po met Tong Fo in prison while he was in disguise as the criminal goat Sheng. He can also be unpredictable, such as when he showed he was impressed with Po's less-than-convincing act as a criminal and his true identity rather than being angry, and when he threw a table aside after Po walked away, only to pleasantly tell him to hurry back for dessert., Tong Fo and the other criminals were kept in Chor Ghom Prison, the same place where. Oh, the fun we'll have. S3, Ep5. He is also conniving and ruthless, leaving Po to rot in jail as he planned ahead to retake the Sacred War Hammer of Lei Lang and use it to once again wreak destruction. Can't play on this device. Directed by Michael Mullen. Check system requirements. 0. Hundun | Adorkable: Po. Rate. He is a notorious criminal who sought to break out of Chorh-Gom Prison and reclaim the war hammer he stole and hid away years ago. Po, the Dragon Warrior panda, leads the Furious Five in maintaining calm in the Valley Of Peace. Rate. £10.49. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Directed by Michael Mullen. Look at me, I'm giddy." 2013 A Thousand and Twenty Questions. Rate. Fu-Xi | He was voiced by Jeff Bennett, who also played Jacques von Hämsterviel, Big Bad Wolf, Toucan Dan, Scarecrow, Mr. Smee, Bradley Uppercrust III, 2-D Man, Robert Canler, Dick Hardly, H.A.R.D.A.C., Henri Ennui and Xavier the Villain. Rate. 10. He can be socially awkward at times, often pausing and emphasizing words that aren't usually emphasized, or staring at others with his enormous eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time. 6. Tong Po is a villain from Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Es un notorio criminal que trató de escapar de la Prisión de Chorh-Gom y recuperar el Martillo de Guerra Sagrado de Lei Lang que robó y escondió hace años. AU$14.99. Po, the Dragon Warrior panda, leads the Furious Five in maintaining calm in the Valley Of Peace. 1 Biography 1.1 Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness 2 Personality 3 Gallery 4 Navigation Even though Temutai's origins are unknown, his … Check system requirements. Temutai | Tong Fo has been described as diabolical, violent, and evil, despite his misleading looks. 10. He finally agrees to bond with his dad over trying to destroy Po. Po goes undercover, as the goat Shang, in prison to find out where Tong Fo has hidden a sacred war hammer of LayLang. Can't play on this device. Bad Po | Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness Series 1 From £10.49 Available on HoloLens PC Mobile device Xbox 360 Description Po, the Dragon Warrior panda, leads the Furious Five in … Lidong | Upon his arrival, someone proposed that Peng fight Jing Mei, the nephew of Temutai, who was one of the masters hosting the celebration. Please add anything related to Kung Fu Panda 2 or Kung Fu Panda 3 on their own pages respectively. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (2011–2016) Episode List. At first glance, Tong Fo was q… Walks, training, punishments. Po uses a shift stone to disguise himself as a wanted fugitive and heads to Chor Ghom Prison, where Tong Fo is held captive. … Rate. A fejlesztője Elliott Owen, a … Kung Fu Panda 3: Kai the Collector, Television Tong Fo | Master Ping Xiao Po (simply Po ; born as Li Lotus) is the title character and the protagonist of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. Video games. Frågor eller support? Rate. Movies Fan Tong is the most earnest, kind-hearted kid in the group. Rate. 5. SD HD HD selected. As Sheng, Po tried to get information from Tong Fo about the location of the real Sacred War Hammer of Lei Lang, and attempted to get into his good graces and become his partner. He wants to destroy the Valley of Peace. Więcej o Kung Fu Panda – legenda o niezwykłości sezon 2 Serial opowiada o dalszych przygodach nieco niezdarnego, ale pełnego optymizmu mistrza kung fu aka Smoczego Wojownika, Po. Video of Tong Fo for Фаны of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness. It takes place after the first film, showing Po's training to becoming a successful Dragon Warrior, where the second film is, according to the series' executive producer Peter Hastings, "not unlike a very long, super deluxe 3D version of one of our episodes". Tong Fo is a recurring antagonist in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness and the only one to give Fung orders. Your favorite characters from DreamWorks Animation’s hit movie Kung Fu Panda are back in this awesome animated series that chronicles the continuing adventures of Po, the lovable panda who’s ever-vigilant and always hungry. Jindiao | Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Peng manages to get payback for what Tong Fo did to Lian and Shifu reveals he has been watching and enjoyed the fight club and decides to sanction the kung fu club as legal, much to Peng, Po, and Lian's happiness. Serie: Kung Fu Panda: Legendele Teribilității The first two were distributed by Paramount Pictures, while the third film was distributed by 20th Century Fox.. 1. He wants to destroy the Valley of Peace. With Mick Wingert, Kari Wahlgren, Fred Tatasciore, Max Koch. Po escapes with the help of Tong Fo's henchmen and then runs off to find Tong Fo. 28 Jun. Tong Fo tribute Peng corners Tong Fo who orders Lian to be killed but Lian has managed to free herself and orders a free fight against Tong Fo's men. A Kung Fu Panda – A végzet mancsai (eredeti cím: Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny) 2018-ban indult amerikai televíziós 3D-s számítógépes animációs sorozat, amely Kung Fu Panda – A rendkívüliség legendája és a Kung Fu Panda-filmek alapján készült. Villainfan1696's Movie Spoof Ferdinand Ferdinand the Bull - Tong Fo (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness) Angus - Evil Kipo (Rio OC) El Primero - Julius the Spoonbill (The Animal Show) Error: please try again. He is a cute, yet malicious loris who appeared in the episode "Jailhouse Panda". The White Bone Demon, also known as The Voice in the Shadows or Baigujing, is the main antagonist of the second half of Season 1 of the 2018 Amazon Prime original Dreamworks series Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny. Bian Zao | Heilang | He was stopped by the Furious Five, but the weapon was revealed to be a fake, and Tong Fo has hidden the real weapon somewhere, meaning that he would find if he escapes. Po practiced his kung fu skills in the Training Hall with orders given by Shifu to make it across the obstacle course in ten seconds unscathed. A Thousand and Twenty Questions: Master Yao announces that he's offering a "Wonder and Wisdom Exchange." Photo of Shifu and Tong Fo for fans of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30511699 Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. This is a list of episodes for the third season of Nickelodeon's animated television series, Kung Fu Panda: ... A powerful gem stolen by Tong Fo gives Po the ability to read minds after being struck by lightning, but it isn't long before this new power starts driving everyone else crazy. Tong Fo is a character in the Nickelodeon television series Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Starring Mick Wingert, Kari Wahlgren, Fred Tatasciore Genres Kids Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages English. Tong Fo tribute Video of Tong Fo for fans of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness. While technically almost everybody counts given that it is a series about kung fu, Tong Fo's long time quest for the Sacred War Hammer implies he would not be much of … Fung | Buy series. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness ‪Season 5‬ ‪13 episodes‬ ‪Nickelodeon‬ ‪2013‬ ‪Animation‬, ‪Family/Children‬ ‪English audio‬ ‪CC‬ ‪Unrated‬ 236. Shi Long, Video Games Check system requirements. Shifu explained to Po that, years ago, Tong Fo got hold of a powerful and destructive weapon known as the War Hammer of Lai Lang. Kung Fu Panda is a media franchise by DreamWorks Animation, consisting of three films: Kung Fu Panda (2008), Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) and Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016). He is voiced by Jeff Bennett, who also did villains such as H.A.R.D.A.C. Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness is an American computer animated television series spun off from the Kung Fu Panda films. He was voiced by Jeff Bennett, who also played Jacques von Hämsterviel, Big Bad Wolf, Toucan Dan, Scarecrow, Mr. Smee, Bradley Uppercrust III, 2-D Man, Robert Canler, Dick Hardly, H.A.R.D.A.C., Henri Ennui and Xavier the Villain. Anyone who brings him a new wonder will be allowed to ask a question. 0. The White Bone Demon, also known as The Voice in the Shadows or Baigujing, is the main antagonist of the second half of Season 1 of the 2018 Amazon Prime original Dreamworks series Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny.She is a ruthless demon who was defeated and imprisoned in the spirit kingdom of Sun Wukong. He is the grandfather of Tong Fo. "I was minding my own business, and now I have to deal with Tong Fo, because you tried to scam the worst possible mark!" Look no further than when he first entered the Jade Palace and spent the next minute or two just gawking to himself over the cool … Kung Fu Panda garnered an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature Film of the Year and a Golden Globe nomination for Best Animated Feature Film. 8. Tong Po is a villain from Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness is an animated television series based on the Kung Fu Panda film series, set between the first two films. Tong Fo es un personaje de la serie de televisión Kung Fu Panda:La leyenda de Po. Rate. This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location. And Tong Fo had not made it this far by taking Während eines Kampfes mit Tong Fo wird Po vom Blitz getroffen, was ihm die Macht verleiht, Gedanken zu lesen. Po and Monkey then joked a… Tong Po is a villain from Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. 1. Rate. Rate. Can't play on this device. Rate. Fan Tong [is] a sweet and devoted friend who, incidentally, holds the record for being the biggest baby ever born in Panda Village. Now living in his permanent home at the Jade Palace with the rest of the Furious Five, Po the Panda trains, battles, learns, teaches, stumbles and "geeks out" as the newest hero in the Valley of Peace. He is crocodile who serves as the leader of the croc banditsand sometimes Tong Fo'svice. Junjie | He is a huge water buffalo who is very strong and very skilled in the martial arts. See image of Jeff Bennett, the voice of Tong Fo in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (TV Show). When Tong Fo attempted to get revenge, Taotie steps in front of him, warning him that should he attempt to harm his son, he's gonna devote the rest of his life to making him regret it. Rate. The first two were distributed by Paramount Pictures, while the third film was distributed by 20th Century Fox. He weighed his options; he had thought he could take the man in a fight, but now he was less sure. 3. Peng was hesitant until Jing Mei knocked down his pottery cart, and agreed to the fight… The further adventures of Po the Dragon Warrior and his friends. His first appearance was in "Jailhouse Panda", in … Po, Tigress, and Monkey fight Tong Fo and his henchmen. Tong Fo has been described as diabolical, violent, and evil, despite his misleading looks. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness is a television series based on DreamWorks Animation Kung Fu Panda franchise chronicles the continuing adventures of Po - the energetic, enthusiastic & always hungry panda. 9. Tong Fo from Kung Fu panda cartoon Bobert from Gumball Marevly from all hail king Julien Nooth from early man Jango from star wars 2 Dooku from Star Wars 3 … [2] He is very intelligent and incredibly calm, and known to be a criminal mastermind. Rate. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness is a television series based on DreamWorks Animation Kung Fu Panda franchise chronicles the continuing adventures of Po - the energetic, enthusiastic & always hungry panda. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness ‪Series 5‬ ‪13 episodes‬ ‪20th Century Fox‬ ‪2013‬ ‪Animation‬ ‪English audio‬ ‪CC‬ ‪Unrated‬ 75. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness ‪Season 5‬ ‪13 episodes‬ ‪20th Century Fox‬ ‪2013‬ ‪Animation‬ ‪English audio‬ ‪CC‬ ‪PG‬ 14. Fai Suan | Cancel ... Kung Fu Panda in real life characters - Duration: … Tong Fo is a recurring antagonist in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness and the only one to give Fung orders. 9. Po's commenting on Shao's "defined muscles" in "Bride of Po" was...interesting. 7. Serie: Kung Fu Panda… it's been like i don't know, sometime i didn't draw any new loud house style characters, so i thought of making one after i look into mast0r-rainb0w's art and thought of making tong fo from kung fu panda legends of awesomeness, i mean look at em <3, he's cute like hell, always makes wonder how does a real loris looks like in this style, and so there's the cartoon version of tong fo Face–Heel Turn: He went from an indifferent teen to bonding with Po to stealing Master Yao's mystical kung fu secrets, keeping one for himself (the Jin Tian's Tempest, an ability to shoot lightning out of one's fingers) to using said secret to affiliate with Tong Fo and terrorize the Valley of Peace. Rate. Error: please try again. 5. Po goes undercover, as the goat Shang, to Chor Ghom Prison. 8. Taotie | 4. During a fight with Tong Fo, Po is struck by lightning, giving him the power to read minds. 3. Po just received an invitation to a great feast on his honor, held by his fans. 8.0 (20) 0. One of the more acrobatic kung fu styles, movements often include falling, lunging, grabbing, jumping, and tumbling. Ke-Pa | Tong Fo est un personnage de la série télévisée de Nickelodeon Kung Fu Panda: L'incroyable légende.Il est un criminel notoire qui cherche à sortir de la prison de Chorh-Gom et de récupérer le marteau de guerre qu'il a volé et caché loin il y a des années. Tong Fo tribute Season 1; Season 2 ; Season 3 (8) IMDb 7.1 2016. Tong Fo and Po arrive at Camelback Mountain, where the war hammer is hidden. 7. Po and Monkey in "Secret Admirer". Shifu tells Po and the Furious Five that if she plants the seed, a tree similar to the Shuyong will grow and if she eats that fruit, she will have complete mastery of time. 2. Rate. Just as they get defeated, Shifu stops the crooks revealing to have used a shift stone to disguise himself as one of Tong Fo's henchmen. He and his bandits often steal things from people, only to be defeated by Po … "Don't do that, old man," Shifu growled, not even bothering to watch his opponent as he knocked him to the ground. Soon, Tong Fo tricks Peng into fighting Po through threatening his girlfriend. 4. Characters hailing from the Kung Fu Panda Universe, Characters that hail from the DreamWorks Universe, After Tong Fo manipulated Bian Zho to use him for his lightning powers and Bian Zho betrayed him when he learned of this, they end up in prison. Kai | Rate. Jade Tusk | Great Gorilla | Rate. Po manages to prove to them otherwise by telling them their secrets. My List . Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness is based on DreamWorks Animation's hit feature film, Kung Fu Panda which has grossed over $630 million at the worldwide box office and became the studio's most successful original feature film ever. Watch the official clip compilation for Kung Fu Panda 3, an animation movie starring Jack Black, Bryan Cranston and Jackie Chan. Buy series. Rate. Rate. Ke-Pa crosses it when he temporarily killed Po. Wu Sisters | 3 SEASONS. Tong Fo (Kung Fu Panda) Female Scorpio (Kung Fu Panda) Kaa (Jungle Book) Crossover; trap; Hypnotism; Hypnosis; Beating; Defeat; Good Guy Lose; Bad Guy Win; Danger; Peril; Dark; Tragedy; Vore; Choking; suffocation; Summary. Nightmare Fuel : … SD HD HD selected. $14.99.

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