... Searching for authors . These metrics may be used for tenure, funding and for other research performance based decisions; therefore, it is important to ensure your profile reflects your information correctly. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ... Support center." Thanks in advance for your time. Check if you have access through your sign in credentials or via your institution. Search for an author With our free author lookup, researchers can search for any author in Scopus and view various indicators including number of citations, publication history and h … Choose the ‘Author Search’ tab from the Search menu and enter your details. Select one or more names from the list of results, based on affiliation, subject area and location. When the … With our free author lookup, researchers can search for any author in Scopus and view various indicators including number of citations, publication history and h-index. Privacy Policy
We are always looking for ways to improve customer experience on Elsevier.com. Here is Note: The h index considers Scopus documents published after 1970, but the information from 1970-1996 may be incomplete for now. 2. If you decide to participate, a new browser tab will open so you can complete the survey after you have completed your visit to this website. Scopus. Select the "Author Search" tab on the Scopus search page. Scopus® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. Scopus corporate fact sheet (396.3 KB) Scopus generates precise citation search results and automatically updated researcher profiles, creating connections between people, published ideas, and institutions. We have detected that your browser has JavaScript disabled. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. (sign in for off-campus use, if necessary) Click the author search tab. With Scopus author profiles, your researchers can tell a more accurate and complete story about their research compared to other solutions. Publication data informs your researchers’ funding and promotion applications, and is used by those assessing your researchers and institution, so it’s critical that author profile data is up to date and accurate. With Scopus you can search and filter results in the following ways: Document search : Search directly from the homepage and use detailed search options to ensure you find the document(s) you want Author search : Search for a specific author by name or by Open Research and Contributor Identifier ID (ORCID) For example, if in the search box you typed: solar energy without quotations, Scopus returns over 229,000 document results. Scopus' author details page gives many bibliometric details including the number of publications, the number of citations, and the h-index. —Graduate Student, Imperial College London, United Kingdom. In order to go to the author details page click on "Hawking, Stephen". Learn more about the h-index. Step 3: Scopus author details page with the h-index. Scopusjournals aims to increase the visibility and ease of use of scopus indexed open access scientific and scholarly journals. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. Make sure you get full access once you've left your institution. Categories: Brochures and Fact Sheets Last updated: 2020-03-23 Type the Last name and intials or first name of the author you want to find. To view this embedded content, please enable Targeting cookies in your
This tutorial demonstrates how to use key terms to create a Document search, make your searches more specific, and work with previous searches. Affiliations: Search by institution to find documents produced at a specific institution.. Find resources below. Scopus needs JavaScript to function correctly. Run the Author Citation Overview Search: Access Scopus from the Health Sciences Library homepage. Scopus offers free metrics to non-subscribers. NOTE: For information on Advanced searching, see Scopus advanced search tips. Enter a few citation details into the main search page. Go to the Scopus database; Search by the document's title Review yours, claim it, and update it — all for free! Profiles are created automatically when two or more articles are linked to one profile. How Follow these steps to search for a … Download the instructional slides(PPTX, 1.4 MB). Looking for free journal rankings and metrics? Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research. By continuing, you agree to the use of cookies. Your Scopus Author Profile (automatically created by Scopus) showcases various indicators including number of citations, publication history and h-index. Author Search: Search by author or author affiliation. Sign in to view your account details and order history. Before Scopus, I was unable to find relevant works related to my search and it was not easy to see an author’s profile. The most efficient way to search is to enter the article title in the first box. Powerful algorithmic data processing matches articles to existing profiles with a high degree of accuracy based on name, email, affiliation, subject area, citations and co-authors. Scopus tutorials "Scopus tutorials provide a visual guide to using the product. All rights reserved. Cookies Settings, To view this embedded content, please enable JavaScript, Copyright © 2021 Elsevier, except certain content provided by third parties, Cookies are used by this site. Copyright © Elsevier B.V . This update is part of a broader re-design of the Scopus homepage. Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and web sources with tools to track, analyze, and visualize research. Users can search the lookup tool to locate an author's profile, which includes the identifier, references, citations of work, h-index, and subject areas. A Scopus Author ID is automatically generated the first time one of your publications is indexed in Scopus. Authors with publications indexed in Scopus are automatically assigned a Scopus Author ID. Scopus provides you with the option of searching for publications based on search terms relating to specific parts of a document (e.g. The following steps outline how you can do a cited reference search in Scopus: 1. 2 ORCID ID Search for authors using an ORCID ID. Cookie Notice
You can also search in combination with his/her affiliation. However, if you include the double quotations: “solar energy,” Scopus will look for items where “solar energy” is used as a phrase, reducing your results to just over 105,000 documents. Contact sales to speak with your local representative. View the terms and conditions of Elsevier (opens in a new window). Sitemap. title, author, keywords, ISSN). In Scopus, search for your name or one of your indexed publications and g o to your Author Details page (accessed by clicking on your name when it appears in a search results list, a source document details page, or a document details page) . Searching for documents . Interested in learning more about Scopus author profiles and data? Scopus will soon cease the support of IE 9 and users are recommended to upgrade to the latest Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. Scopus provides access to a broad portfolio of peer-reviewed content from around the world. Learn more about signing in or creating an account with Scopus (opens in a new window). To find citation counts in Scopus. If you’ve worked at several institutions it is best to leave the affiliation information blank. For the broadest search enter the last name and only the first initial of the first name. Did you know Scopus offers free profiles to all indexed authors? Scopus search results for our author search for Stephen Hawking. Part of a broader re-design of the Scopus homepage. Enter the last name of an author and the first initial for the broadest search. An h-index of 12 for an author means that out of the total number of documents selected to produce the graph, 12 of the documents have been cited at least 12 times. Please turn on JavaScript to continue. That is why our free Scopus Author Feedback Wizard allows your researchers to review their Scopus profiles and submit feedback, including the ability to: These metrics may be used for tenure, funding and for other research performance based decisions; therefore, it is important to ensure your researchers’ profiles reflects their information correctly. Click on the "View Citation Overview" button at the top of the list of results. Cookie Settings, Terms and Conditions
Despite the sophistication of the algorithmic profiling used by Scopus, algorithms cannot always match all documents to a single profile with 100% accuracy. Document Search: Search for topic by keyword and limit by date, document type, and subject. Scopus gets daily updates to its content from thousands of publishers which it uses to generate new author profiles and update existing author profiles. the Author fields and a list of authors that may match will be shown. a link to the video instead. In the next search box, enter the author's last name. To check your Scopus Author profile, visit the Scopus website (available when using the University’s IP range or via the VPN) or use the free to access preview version if your institution does not subscribe to Scopus). You can create an account for free access to Scopus preview and other Elsevier products. Wildcards and Boolean operators can be used. Scopus2Orcid - Use the Scopus to Orcid Author details and documents wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile. To use this feature you must be a registered user of Scopus. Other changes we’re planning over the next few months include: improved search history, the addition of saved searches to the home page, improved alerts to help you stay-up-to date, and; better linking to your author profile. Scopus data follows the model that articles are written by researchers who are affiliated with institutions. We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your visit.
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