Hoping that you thoroughly enjoy your. Qualità: Shine on! I’m wishing you a very lovely birthday. The event is lived in various modes, including the "official, La comida es una gran fiesta: hoy es jueves de Carnaval, pero tambi�n es el cumplea�os de sor Mar�a Clara de Cortona, y el. Riferimento: Anonimo, Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-27 Happy Birthday Wishes Funny Grumpy Can. Both are grammatically correct. The Beak Boys Birthday Song. that we appear to have travelled back in time here to the 1990s. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "wishing you a very happy birthday". Mr. JAYATILLEKA (Sri Lanka): Mr. President, w. buenos d�as y me adelanto a excusarme ya que, tras pronunciar estas palabras, tengo que acudir al Grupo de Trabajo Intergubernamental sobre la aplicaci�n efectiva de la Declaraci�n y Programa de Acci�n de Durban. May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of … May all your dreams come true. Utilizzando tali servizi, accetti l'utilizzo dei cookie da parte nostra. #CelebrationClub. Qualità: I will give you one heart and a new spirit; I will take from you you... r hearts of stone and give you tender hearts of love for God. You bring me courage and comfort. A good friend definitely deserves the best wishes for his/her birthday. As this is the first Pastoral Letter of the New Year, Commissioner Helen, Como �sta es mi primera carta pastoral de A�o Nuevo, la comisionada Helen Clifton. ! Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Happy birthday my love. Happy Birthday Penguin Dance. Wishing you a happy and prosperous birthday and a … Have loads of fun, special girl. Have a wonderful moment and a very happy birthday with smiles. all those who, like myself, have received the grace of bearing this beautiful. My dear friend, may your special day be full of beautiful, magical and unforgettable moments! Riferimento: Anonimo, Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-07-29 Riferimento: Anonimo, Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-12-22 Best wishes on your birthday and throughout the coming year. Happy Birthday. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Happy birthday to a VIP in my life! Saved from i2.wp.com. Happy birthday, dear! (DE) Se�ora Presidenta, Comisario Verheugen, se�or Vizjak. I cookie ci aiutano a fornire i nostri servizi. Happy Panda Dance On Your Birthday. name, and I ask Saint Joseph to grant them his special protection in guiding them towards the Lord Jesus Christ all the days of their life. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Have a very happy birthday! Riferimento: Anonimo, Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-24 Qualità: I have a simple wish for you. You are another year older and I just can’t see it. it is fair to say that the ink of the multi-annual programme on consumer protection is not quite dry, and the Commission has already prepared a concrete strategy to implement it faithfully. You are still as beautiful and lovely as you were back then. May your helpers of destiny locate and help you today. A birthday is something one should celebrate fully. Wishing you a beautiful day and many blessings for the year ahead. Life is tough but birthdays are smooth because I will finally have a chance to smile at you. Explore. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Wishing you a very happy and fun-filled birthday!” Thank you so much for the birthday wishes – it reminded me that I am really loved and cared for. • May your birthday be sprinkled with fun and laughter. Qualità: on your special day! Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Happy birthday, I wish you Peace and love. Riferimento: Anonimo, Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-11-21 May the best of your wishes be the least of what you get. -Ezekiel 11:19 ️ God's Word # Lifeline # CFRfm See More Enjoy the best of today with a lot of laughter like never before. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, I should also like to congratulate the Commissioner, because I think. I can’t imagine not having you in it! 37. MyMemory è la memoria di traduzione più grande al mondo. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. 4. Qualità: Hope you enjoy your special day. Riferimento: Anonimo, Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-08-01 After creating (writing your name on greeting card photo) Wish You A Very Happy Birthday Wishes you will like and love it. I wish a very happy birthday for the second much-loved child of my parents. Qualità: You are the best. Qualità: 36. Riferimento: Anonimo, Rasel sarmin ar bibahito jibon sukhar hok, Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-12-07 You always shine like the sun and illuminate the lives of those around you. Riferimento: Anonimo. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 (PT) Se�or Presidente, Se�or�as, se�or Comisario, The course is ideal if you have little time and want to learn as much Spanish as. Happy Birthday Wishes .. Enjoy yourself to the fullest. But you don't refer to the act of wishing, you refer to the feeling. Jos� que les conceda una protecci�n especial, gui�ndoles todos los d�as de su vida hacia Jesucristo Nuestro Se�or. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 El curso es perfecto si tienes un poco de tiempo y quieres aprender. As you celebrate this special day my Angel, may there be pleasant surprises, loads of happiness and good health for you. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Edit your and bday boy or girl name on Wish you a very happy birthday wishes Greeting Card online. Quotes By Genres. Qualità: Make your name colorful birthday greetings image. 39. With every joy and happiness on your special day. You are one in a million. Happy Birthday Wishing You Good Health and Happiness in life. Qualità: life! Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 You don’t need a lot of words to wish someone a happy birthday. Quotes. 38. Riferimento: Anonimo, Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-10-15 Happy birthday. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 3. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 traduzione di wishes you a happy birthday nel dizionario Inglese - Italiano, consulta anche 'wish',wise',wishbone',withers', esempi, coniugazione, pronuncia
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