Subsidies and other opportunities. Contacts of International Relations Offices, Teaching Staff-Student Distribution lists, U-Web Reporting - Projects Accounting Reporting, Post-graduate vocational training programmes, European Projects of Education and Training, International staff, professors and researchers, Libraries, digital resources and study rooms,, Telephone Desk, On-site Desk- Virtual Desk, Erasmus office directory - International Relation administration offices, Exchange students at Unibo - International Relations office at each Campus, About the website and accessibility information, queries regarding the learning agreement procedure, information about courses and learning agreement. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 10:00 - 12:00 Tuesday and Thursday: 14:30 - 16:00. You must therefore consider the tim… The Call for Applications will be published shortly. Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship: Whenever there was any news telecast about their mission, my father used to call me to see the news and from that point, I started dreaming about working with them. We can receive students in person only by appointment. Pausa Play. Coronavirus: provisions extended to the whole national territory - University of Bologna The Rector: "In addition to museums and libraries, all the University's premises will be closed, as well as the study rooms and other locations that may have been used so far by students. Published on 17 December 2020. All the courses continue in the online mode, the activities (which can be done online: conferences, seminars, etc.) demo di site e applicativi PHP/MySQL Nella difficile situazione che stiamo vivendo, il consorzio CLE vive l'oggi guardando sempre verso il domani. +39 051 2098869 (not in service when working remotely), Piazza Scaravilli, 2 – first floor - 40126 Bologna, Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10-11.30 am - Wednesday 2.30-3.30 pm. He is active in helping our students to cope with the multiple problems that the situation poses. … AFORM - Settore Servizi didattici "Ingegneria-Architettura" - Ufficio Supporto alla didattica e ai Corsi di Studio, Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9–11.15am; Tuesday, Thursday 2.30–3.30pm, Email address for outgoing students:, Email address for incoming students:, AFORM - Settore servizi didattici "Lettere-Lingue" - Ufficio Supporto alla didattica e ai Corsi di Studio, Office hours: Wednesday 9–11.15am; Thursday 2.30–3.30pm. Helpdesk; Intermediary Organisations' Corner; IT Tool; Sitemap; An initiative of the European Union. Civilian service at the University of Bologna ... Erasmus+ mobility for study Call for application a.y. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Support Office. The document provides information on: 1. the priorities of the programme, 2. the actions supported, 3. the funding available for different acti… The Erasmus+ Programme Guide (version 2 of 26/02/2020), incorporating the corrigendum of 26/02/2020 is an integral part of the 2020 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals and its corrigendum, published on 26/02/2020. News Read the latest news related to Erasmus+. Coronavirus impact How the COVID-19 pandemic affects Erasmus+ activities; VET Mobility Charters Encourages organisations that have proven quality in organising VET mobility. Conosci gli studenti provenienti da UNIBO, Università di Bologna. AFORM - Settore Orientamento, Tirocini e Mobilità Internazionale, Office hours: Wednesday and Friday 10am–12pm, Erasmus+ Mobility for Study:, Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship:, Ufficio Corsi di Studio - Service Area Medica – SAM, Polo Murri, first floor - via Massarenti 9 - 40138 Bologna, Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2–3.30pm, Office hours: Monday 10:00 – 12:00 (noon), Tuesday and Thursday 14:00 – 15:30, Farmacy and Biotechnologies, Sport sciences, Office hours: Wednesday and Friday 10:00 – 12:00 (noon), Office hours: Wednesday and Friday 10:00 - 12:00, DIMEVET - Dipartimento di Scienze mediche veterinarie, Servizi per la didattica - Mobilità internazionale, Via Tolara di Sopra 50 – 40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO), Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9–10.30am; Thursday 2–3pm, Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali e Tirocini Cesena – International Relations Desk, Palazzo Urbinati - Via Montalti 69, 47521 Cesena, Telephone Desk, On-site Desk- Virtual Desk (in Italian), Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9–11am; Tuesday 9–11am and 1–2pm; Thursday 1–2pm, Guidance and Internships and International Relations Office Ravenna, email:, Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9–11.15am, Tel: +39.0541.434101/234; Fax: +39.0541.434271, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9–11.15am; Tuesday and Thursday 2.30–3.30pm. ERASMUS® è un marchio registrato dall'Unione Europea, rappresentata dalla Commissione Europea. Coronavirus: provisions extended to the whole national territory - University of Bologna The Rector: "In addition to museums and libraries, all the University's premises will be closed, as well as the study rooms and other locations that may have been used so far by students. Follow unibo on: Follow us on Facebook; Follow us on YouTube; Follow us on Instagram; Follow us … Erasmus and exchange programmes. Multibeneficiary: Annex I. Aufgrund des neuartigen Coronavirus ist es zu verschiedenen Szenarien gekommen, wodurch Studierende ihren Aufenthalt nicht antreten konnten bzw. Tel: +39 051 20 80 855 (Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00-11:15) Indirizzo: Presso Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, Complesso didattico "A. Murri". Erasmus+ Mobility for Study: Director of the Master in Environmental Monitoring and Prevention of Risks for Human Health and Environment. Sonderregelungen aufgrund von COVID-19. Mario Antonio Martelli. President of of UniBO Ravenna Campus. Highlights. Highlights. Study grants. demo di site e applicativi PHP/MySQL Nella difficile situazione che stiamo vivendo, il consorzio CLE vive l'oggi guardando sempre verso il domani. Virtual Help Desk only: during office hours. Model Grant Agreement 2019. In the expectation that the situation will become clearer and allow a resumption of the activities involved, we invite students, present and future, to contact us for any need: For Bologna:Anna Soncini (program information, thesis, activities): annapaola.soncini@unibo.itLucia Manservisi (administrative information, activities): lucia.manservisi@unibo.itFernando Funari (information, bibliographic research, Italian and French tutoring): Eleonora Marzi (bibliographic research, Italian and French tutoring): Michele Morselli (French tutoring):, For MulhouseTania Collani (program information, thesis, activities): tania.collani@uha.frClémence Bauer (administrative information, activities):, For StrasbourgBertrand Marquer (program information, thesis, activities): bmarquer@unistra.frPatrick Werly (research, thesis, activities): Enrica Zanin (research, thesis, activities): Andrea Barthel (administrative information, activities):, For ThessalonikiMaria Litzardaki (program information, thesis, activities): lima@frl.auth.grChristine Theodoridou (administrative information, activities):, For LisbonJosé Pedro Serra (program information, thesis, activities): j.p.serra@fl.ul.ptRodrigo Furtado (program information, thesis, activities):, For DakarAugustin Coly (program information, thesis, activities): Sagna (administrative information, activities):, For MoscowVera Zabotkina (program information, thesis, activities): zabotkina@rggu.ruElena Galtsova (program information, memoirs, activities): galtsova05@mail.ruYana Zherebtsova (administrative information, activities):, For MumbaiVidya Vencatesan (program, administrative information, thesis, activities):, Dipartimento di Lingue Letterature e Culture Moderne - Via Cartoleria, 5 - 40124 Bologna p.iva 01131710376 - c.f. La relazione annuale 2019 sulle attività Erasmus +, nonché la prima relazione in assoluto sul... 23-12-2020 La Commissione pubblica il rapporto annuale 2019 su Erasmus+ e Corpo europeo di solidarietà Given the current COVID-19 emergency the office is temporarily closed to the public and only carries out telephone reception from Monday to Friday from 9 to 12. Presentation. The world at the table. The student is aware that the respect of these dates is a basic condition for receiving the Erasmus Erasmus+ Europa Sie wollen während Ihres Studiums für ein oder zwei Semester ins Ausland? den Aufenthalt unterbrechen oder vollständig abbrechen mussten. If there are still restrictions related to the COVID - 19 epidemic and some certification bodies suspend their activity, for candidates who do not have the necessary language certifications, the Selection Board will assess the levels of knowledge of languages through an oral interview. La storia di Laura Ceccarelli, iscritta al quinto anno di Medicina e Chirurgia, da settembre in mobilità per studio e tirocinio nella capitale belga. Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9–11.15am, By phone only: from Monday to Friday 9–11.15am, The reception takes place on Monday - Wednesday - Friday from 10.00 to 13.00 by telephone: 051 20.91653, email:, AFORM - Settore Orientamento, Tirocini e Mobilità Internazionale - Ufficio Mobilità Internazionale. Erasmus+ bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, in einem anderen Land zu studieren und damit neben den fachlichen auch ihre sozialen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen zu erweitern. Master Erasmus Mundus en Cultures Littéraires Européennes CLE Coordinator: Anna Soncini She/he will discuss her/his final thesis during the summer session of the second academic year (July). CLABE First Year @ Buenos Aires Campus - SECOND ROUND OF SELECTIONS STILL OPEN a.y. Albania National Erasmus+ Office Sheshi Skenderbe, Pallati i Kultures, kati IIII Kodi postar 1004 Tirane Email: The monobeneficiary grant agreement is available only in english in pdf format. Meeting on dialogu, Online seminar: Disobeying violence. Overview ... Infomeeting about Erasmus+ for study call. Given the current COVID-19 emergency the office is temporarily closed to the public and only carries out telephone reception from Monday to Friday from 9 to 12. COVID-19 - Resuming activities safely - The measures adopted by the University of Bologna. Erasmus+ Mobility for traineeships is the EU-promoted student mobility programme which gives students a chance to broaden their vocational and training curriculum by working abroad in any public sector company or a private commercial enterprise located in European countries that have joined the Eras... Der DAAD hat in seine FAQs zu 'Corona und Erasmus+' Neuerungen zur 'Blended Mobility' aufgenommen: Last update: 9 Nov 2020. News and Events. Events Find out where and when Erasmus+ events are taking place. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme am Programm ist, dass Sie an der Philipps-Universität eingeschrieben sind. Email: Liebe Studierende, um der Ausbreitung von Covid-19 entgegen zu wirken, haben sich aktuell einige Veränderungen in Bezug auf die Organisation und Durchführung des kommenden Wintersemester 20/21 ergeben. Follow the … Erasmus e coronavirus: una studentessa Unibo volontaria in ospedale a Bruxelles. Given the current COVID-19 emergency the office is temporarily closed to the public and only carries out telephone reception from Monday to Friday from 9 to 12. The student is aware that the respect of these dates is a basic condition for receiving the Erasmus This guide presents the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) and explains the rules and conditions for setting-up an application for this action.. Organisations wishing to apply for an Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree grant should consider the following recommendations: Informationen für ausländische ERASMUS-Studierende. Erasmus in Großbritannien … Quality of the Degree Programme. Find out the measures to study and live safely. Do you want to take part in Erasmus+? Overview Open day Programme type Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS) Place of teaching … Erasmus + Erasmus+ mobility for study 2021/22 Call for application. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in WAter and COastal MAnagement (WACOMA) 2017-2022 promotes academic excellence in a teaching Master Degree Programme that aims at developing common understanding and deepening scientific knowledge in the vital, challenging and continuously evolving field of water and coastal ecosystems. Tel. The scientific publication of the group of ten scientists is ready for assessment by … Organisations and institutions seeking funding in the framework of this call must comply with the conditions for participation and funding expressed in this Guide. Coronavirus impact How the COVID-19 pandemic affects Erasmus+ activities; VET Mobility Charters Encourages organisations that have proven quality in organising VET mobility. Go to the Notice Board. Given the current COVID-19 emergency the office is temporarily closed to the public and only carries out telephone reception on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and on Friday from 9 to 12 at +39 051 20.91884. News [09/11/2020] 3rd Cohort Wacoma Students and Professors at Ravenna Campus interviewed by RAINews at "Effetto farfalla" »» Events [22/07/2020] First WACOMA Cohort Graduation »» Download the brochure . COVID-19 - Resuming activities safely - The measures adopted by the University of Bologna. The website will be updated for the A.Y 20/21. - Erasmus + per studio, mobilità intraeuropea per crediti formativi - Erasmus + per tirocinio formativo, mobilità intraeuropea per crediti di stage/tirocinio - Worldwide Study, mobilità extraeuropea per crediti formativi - Short Term Mobility, mobilità brevi (3-30 giorni) in tutti i Paesi del mondo If you have left the University of Bologna, you can continue to attend lectures and you can take the exams on the set dates and times, because your student career has remained active, even if you have checked out. WACOMA - Academic Activities - Course Structure 2020/2021 WACOMA - 1st Semester Class Timetable at UNIBO 2020/2021 For your reference please have a look at the Academic Year 2019/2020 second semester. 051.2095313. Telephone +39 051 2088100 Fax +39 051 2086174 Office hours. ERASMUS® ist ein registriertes Markenzeichen in Besitz der Europäischen Union und repräsentiert durch die Europäische Kommission. Ovviamente l’esperienza sarebbe diversa senza Coronavirus, mi mancano le feste Erasmus di inizio periodo, però capisco e so bene che la situazione è grave: c’è una pandemia mondiale e non posso farci niente». COVID-19 - Resuming activities safely - The measures adopted by the University of Bologna. In the coronavirus emergency period, like all students of the University of Bologna, you can attend lectures and take the exams online according to the scheduled dates and times. See you at the University of Bologna! Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree WACOMA (Water and … A world premiere from Erasmus MC and Utrecht University: they found an antibody against COVID-19. Online lectures are available synchronously and are not recorded. Coronavirus. The (virtual) contact with the students is constant. Since my childhood, I have always dreamt about working for NASA. Il programma Erasmus+ ti permette di trascorrere parte del tuo percorso universitario, da tre a dodici mesi, in un altro paese europeo. 2021/2022. Information about academic issues: learning agreement and credit recognition. The deadlines for the call (draft) are now available online. Unique discovery in Erasmus MC: antibody against corona. General Conditions. I was extremely fascinated by their activities. An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions.EMJMDs award EU-funded scholarships to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds.Study must take place in at least two of the Programme countries. Erasmus+ und Bologna ECTS, Anerkennung, Learning Outcomes. Con lo "status di studente Erasmus+" potrai frequentare i corsi, sostenere gli esami e ottenerne il riconoscimento. Monobeneficiary: Annex I. Neben der europäischen politischen Grundlage zum Erasmus+ Programm, ist auch der supranationale Bologna-Prozess mit seinen Reformzielen im Erasmus+ Programm wieder zu finden. Published on 15 December 2020. Il Bando Erasmus + Mobilità per Tirocinio è stato aggiornato a causa dell'emergenza sanitaria COVID-19.. Sono stati annullati i test di accertamento linguistico che si tenevano presso il CLA.. Possono candidarsi coloro che possiedono uno dei seguenti Requisiti linguistici con data di rilascio non anteriore al 01.01.2017. Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship: Due to the CORONAVIRUS health emergency, services are available online; please refer to our institutional email to contact us. Go to the Notice Board. email:, DISTAL - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari, email:, Tel. Contact - Menu Block. National Erasmus+ Offices are responsible for the local management of the international dimension of the higher education aspects of the Erasmus+ Programme in 27 Partner Countries outside the EU. Part of the studies can also take place in a Partner countries if there is a partner-country institution involved. Students challenge the Coronavirus with four innovative solutions. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Water and Coastal Management WACOMA CREDITS, overcoming coronavirus to the future and beyond, Online seminar: Listening to the other. Webdesign vision*r . Peace and Inclusion in North Macedonia - Conference and Seminar Watch the video. The EMJMD WACOMA is specifically … Stay . Diese Webseite hat auch nichts mit der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Kommission zu tun. Kommende Online-Infoveranstaltungen In den Infoveranstaltungen erhalten Sie grundlegende und umfassende Informationen zu den Austauschprogrammen der Universität Tübingen. Contact us with your queries and comments Tel. Study grants. Stay . Via Massarenti 9, 40138 Bologna. In the difficult situation that we are all experiencing, the CLE consortium lives today, always looking towards tomorrow. Join the live meeting on Teams for information about the call and how to apply . The COVID-19 outbreak negatively affects ongoing or planned activities under the Erasmus+ programme and European Solidarity Corps. Here you will find all the information you need for applying . Neuigkeiten und Veranstaltungen. Insgesamt können Studierende eines Bachelors oder Masters sowie Promovierende maximal 12 Monate und … Coronavirus – Krisenreaktion How the COVID-19 pandemic affects Erasmus+ activities; Mobilitätscharta für die Berufsbildung Unterstützung von Einrichtungen mit nachweislicher Erfahrung in der Organisation hochwertiger Auslandsaufenthalte im Bereich der Berufsbildung; Stay . All, coordinators and administrative staff, are available to students to finish the academic year in the best possible conditions. Next items. Bitte lesen Sie sich hierzu die FAQ zu Erasmus - Sonderregelungen aufgrund von COVID-19 genau durch. È attivo nell'aiutare i nostri studenti ad affrontare i molteplici problemi che la situazione pone. Bitte … News and events - Menu Block. Coronavirus / COVID-19 Informationen für Tübinger Austauschstudierende, die gerade im Ausland sind. Im Rahmen des Programms ERASMUS+ können grundsätzlich sowohl das Auslandsstudium als auch Praktika und Lehrassistenzen im europäischen Ausland gefördert werden. Master Erasmus Mundus en Cultures Littéraires Européennes CLE Coordinator: Anna Soncini She/he will discuss her/his final thesis during the summer session of the second academic year (July). Insbesondere die unten angeführten Informationen zum Orientierungsprogramm und zum Sprachkurs sind deswegen nicht aktuell. continue. Diese Webseite ist ein Social Network, genauer gesagt eine Online-Community für internationale Studenten, und hat nichts mit der ERASMUS®-Marke zu tun. 2020/21 Semesters @Buenos Aires - a unique opportunity Once a Claber, always a Claber! Other info. Attention! 051.2095313. Clamda-Im Mentorship Program . +32 2 282 08 73 | Fax +32 2 230 00 38 . Tel. Elena Fabbri is Full Professor in Physiology at the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna (UniBo) Italy. Medicine and Surgery. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in ... COVID-19 - Resuming activities safely. Why we need mediation. News and events - Menu Block. Updated list of the institutions awarded Erasmus Higher Education that takes into account on a regular basis any change on names, address, mergers, splits, Institutional ID code, etc: ‹ Erasmus Charter for Higher Education - EACEA/03/2018 up Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 - … È attivo nell'aiutare i nostri studenti ad affrontare i molteplici problemi che la situazione pone. Mario Antonio Martelli. Medicine and Surgery. Erasmus+ Mobility for Study: Published. The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is available on-line. 80007010376 Contact. General Conditions. ... deadline 20 January 2021.