TMDb Rating 6 1,039 votes. In the show, Lovelace presents a flying penguin (actually an Atlantic Puffin) named Sv… Norma Jean | Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul then takes Mumble to meet Lovelace, then Mumble could have his answers. Happy Feet Three is a 2021 3D computer-animated musical comedy film directed by George Miller and written by Miller and Gary Eck. Later on, Lovelace get the attention of some humans to build a way out for the penguins. Raul is first seen with his four best friends, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo and Rinaldo, when they met Mumble when the latter was being chased by a leopard seal. Mumble, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul head to Emperor-Land where it is mating season. Erik (voice) Johnny A. Sanchez. Maurice | Sven almost manages to take Seymour outta there, but he fails and then reveals his true species, making the penguins upset. Another example of his sense of humor is during the leopard seal attack, the leopard seal threatned to return, claiming to know where they lives, and Raul playfully teases him by answering they lives on solid ground. The Amigos, including Ramón lead Mumble to the heart of Adelie-Land in Happy Feet. COVID update: Pelham Happy Feet has updated their hours and services. Happy Feet is a 2006 computer-animated musical comedy film directed, produced, and co-written by George Miller. Powers/Skills I'm trying not to lose my head. Happy Feet Bachata Footwork every Monday #dominicanbachata #bachatadominicana #bachata #bachateamemamá #anthonysantoselmayimbe #bachatainthepark #ghappyfeet #gwepaa. They starts training (except Noah and the Elders), when the humans arrives in a helicopter. In his first appearance, he is first seen when he and the amigos meet Mumble after getting chased by a leopard seal. Uncle Raul (by Erik, Atticus and Boadicea) After asking many questions, and not having answered, Lovelace decides to stop answering questions for the day. In order to protect her, Mumble jokingly insults her singing voice into driving her away, and then she leaves to home. Do-Gooder Raul Related Photos: Happy Feet Photos, Comedy Photos, Happy Feet Movies Photos Uploaded: April 10, 2007. Mumble tries to impress Gloria, but he knows he can't sing, so Ramón hides behind Mumble and sings to Gloria. Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul are later seen again when Mumble backs to Emperor Land. Raul is a supporting character in Happy Feet and a minor character in Happy Feet Two. Mrs. Astrakhan | Happy Feet 2 [HD] un Film di Categoria Animazione Ideato in Australia, la durata di questo film è 100 min.. Mambo è cresciuto a pesci e tip tap, ha sposato Gloria e adesso è padre apprensivo di Erik, un cucciolo che sogna due ali per volare e una voce per cantare. Will | They also meet a land of elephant seals along their way, who warn them of the "aliens annihilators" (which was actually a boat or a ship the humans used to go fishing). Happy Feet therefore racializes by presenting characters with non-white-esque characteristics that seem far removed from white culture. Ramón | Ramon: No, you like it! However, Mumble did not wanted Gloria to go with him on his journey, as he knew it could be dangerous, and Gloria could die. There they are attacked by two orcas, but they all manages to escape. The Amigos, led by Ramón, sing a sad song after Mumble rejects Gloria's attempt to join them on their dangerous journey in Happy Feet. Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon (2016) - Chip; TV Specials. It stars the voices of Elijah Wood , Robin Williams , Brittany Murphy , Hugh Jackman , Nicole Kidman , Hugo Weaving , and E.G. His role is the same as in the previous film, as still being a secondary character. A great memorable quote from the Happy Feet movie on - Leopard Seal: Remember, dumplings, I know where you live...Raul: It's called LAND, lard-face!Nestor: Rub back any time, blubber-butt!Mumble: (to the leopard seal) See you, fatty! Soon all the penguins (even Noah and the Elders) dance for the humans, who take footage of them and the United Nations decide to protect the penguins' food supply. Bryan | Mumble then sends Boadicea to Adélie-Land to find Ramón and Lovelace and bring as many adélies penguins as they can. Happy Feet Photos. Incarnations View all 3 versions of Raul on BTVA. Director. Mumble stumbles upon a group of outcast penguins named Ramon, Raul, Nestor, Lombardo, and Ronaldo who have nicknamed themselves “The Amigos”. Erik | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Raul is first seen with Nestor, Lombardo and Rinaldo when Ramón arrives at the Adélie-Land with Erik and his two best friends, Atticus and Boadicea. They returns to Lovelace to find out information about the fish shortage and wants to speak to the aliens. However, the only penguins to be free are Mumble, Erik, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul and half of the adélie penguins, while the other half has fallen into the Doomberg. Name Email Required. When Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul watches Ramón to wish, he opens his eyes to mistake Mumble (looking for Erik, Atticus and Boadicea) as a girl. Raul, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo and Rinaldo took interest on Mumble's tap dance, which made them to immediately take a liking towards Mumble. Mumble then convinces all the penguins dance for the humans so the humans will give their fishes back. However, he likes hugs (as claimed Ramón) if they have his reasons, as seen when Raul (and the rest of the Amigos) hugged Ramón both when he arrived in Adélie-Land and when he got free from the Doomberg in the second film (celebrating their happiness for seeing their friend again). Mumble, Lovelace, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo, Carmen, Gloria, Memphis, Norma Jean, Sven, Seymour, Miss Viola, Noah the Elder, The Elders, Erik, Atticus, Boadicea, Bryan the Beach Master, Shane, Darren, Trev, Nev, Kev, Barry, Wayne the Challenger, Humans Noah the Elder (formerly), The Elders (formerly), Humans (formerly), Leopard Seals, Orcas, Doomberg, Boss Skua, Brokebeak, Francesco He is one of Mumble's best friends. Although, he does have a feather shape white spot on the back of his neck. Comments Add a Comment. Baby Seymour. Ramon / Lovelace (voice) Pink. $36.89 +$14.90 shipping. Raul has many things in common with the rest of the Amigos. Everyone was singing and dancing, and they use some of their newly learned tap dancing to impress some female penguins, to no avail. He and the Amigos are also sliding with Mumble when the mountain breaks into the water and went to the sea to escape. After Ramón presents them to the Amigos, they all go watch Lovelace's show. After sliding down the icy mountain, Mumble, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul fall into the ocean, where a piece of ice breaks off and releases a bull-dozer, which intrigues Mumble. He also has brown eyes. Provoker Sidekick In the end, all is well. It is the final installment in the Happy Feet franchise and a sequel to 2011's Happy Feet Two. Seymour | Written by Warren Coleman, John Collee, George Miller, and Judy Morris Lovelace confess that it was never given by the mystic beings (nor anyone else either) and that it actually caught around his neck while he was swimming. He also has brown eyes and a blwck mouth (as seen in artwork). Mumble - Carlos (Nina’s World) Gloria -Nina (Nina’s World) Memphis - Papi (Nina’s World) Norma Jean - Mami (Nina’s World) Noah the Elder - Archibald (Archibald's Next Big Thing) Ramon - Yang (Yin Yang Yo!) His sense of humor is seen again when Mumble explained male emperor penguins sings to get their females, and Raul not only laughs at his claim like the rest of the Amigos, as well as he playfully asks Mumble ir he was kidding. In his first appearance, he is first seen when he and the amigos meet Mumble after getting chased by a leopard seal. Raul is the only amigo of the group that is bald. I Can Trick Myself. Although, he does have a feather shape white spot on the back of his neck. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mumble follows the ship leaving the others behind. Ramón : Big guy. Some fans of the movie misspell his name as "Raoul". Full Name To help Mumble get the penguins free from the Doomberg (second film; succeeded)To find a new home for the penguins (ongoing; currently). He is an actor and producer, known for Happy Feet (2006), Rinaldo | Then, they decide to invite Mumble to meet their home, Adélie-Land. along with the amigos, h… Enemies After finding Lovelace, they discovers that Lovelace is chooking because the thing around his neck is too tight. Lombardo is first seen with Nestor, Rinaldo and Raul when Ramón arrives at the Adélie-Land with Erik and his two best friends, Atticus and Boadicea. Availability: Out of Stock $21.99 ) Out of stock. Nestor note that Mumble is "so accidentally cool" and the five jump after him. Appearances in Fanfictions [edit | edit source] Here are all the fanfictions that this character makes an appearance in that are on this wiki: Club Penguin And Happy Feet The Crossover Occupation "LOLZ Raul" is the thirty-two episode of Happy Peep written by MarioFan65 and directed by Penguin-Lover. Hobby Lombardo Boyar was born on December 1, 1973 in El Paso, Texas, USA. The most obvious racializing in Happy Feet is of Hispanics. Cast Mumble - The Once-ler (The Lorax) Gloria - Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6) Baby Mumble - Sherman (Mr. Peabody and Sherman) Baby Gloria - Penny Peterson (Mr. Peabody and Sherman) Ramon - Cosmo (The Fairly OddParents) Lovelace - Eugene H. Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants) Noah the Elder - Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls) … Comments Required. Jimmyandfriends' movie-spoof of 2006 Warner Bros. film, "Happy Feet". Desesperated, several emperor penguins slide down a mountain in order to fly outta there. To help Mumble find out what is happening to the fish (first film; succeeded)To help Mumble get the penguins free from the Doomberg (second film; succeeded)To find a new home for the penguins (ongoing; currently) After Ramón presents them to the Amigos, they all go watch Lovelace's show. SHOW COMMENTS (0) FRANCHISE RELATED. His first appearance is when Ramón and the three baby penguins (Erik, Bo, and Atticus) return to Adélie-Land. Movie: Happy Feet Two Franchise: Happy Feet. TheCartoonMan6107's TV spoof of “Happy Feet”. Mumble, Lovelace, and the Amigos as they meet the Elephant Seals. Although, he does have a feather shape white spot on the back of his neck. Not wanting to be without her, Ramón jumps into the Doomberg, thus finally winning Carmen's heart. Memphis | Mumble accepts, but threats to return after he discover why the fishes were disappearing. He is a male adélie penguins who is a member of the Amigos, and the only member of his group who doesn't possesses hair. Mumble and Erik then goes to the elephant seal land to ask for the help of their new friend, Bryan. Movies Studio Pictures's Movie-Spoof of Warner Bros Pictures and Roadshow Pictures's 2006 Animated Musical Comedy Movie Film "Happy Feet". Review Subject Required. Daily . However, a storm starts and the humans leave. After the attack, they found fishing ships come to the Forbiden Shore and the penguins watch them plunder fish. Ramon: He told me to. No information Raul is first seen with Nestor, Lombardo and Rinaldo when Ramón arrives at the Adélie-Land with Erik and his two best friends, Atticus and Boadicea. Type of Hero Miss Viola | IMDb Rating 5.9 41,601 votes. (HD) - YouTube Raul also seems to doesn't like sudden hugs, as seen when he bluntly and angrily asked Ramón to stop hugging him. Raul (voice) Sofía Vergara. Mumble, Lovelace, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul soon begins their journey. Lombardo | Rating Required. Lovelace: Go forth and multiply! Raul is a supporting character of Happy Feet, Happy Feet Two and Happy Feet Three. Lovelace | Darren | Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo, Raul and even Lovelace dances with the emperor penguins. George Miller. Origin Mumble | Despite this, he is willing to disrespect people who are superior to him, if they does something unfair. Live with Raul & Carol 68 Views. Happy Feet (2006) Lombardo Boyar is the voice of Raul in Happy Feet Two. (The Amigos pause and look at Mumble for a moment)Raul: That's cool! Family Raul's appearence is like a normal adélie penguin, and he is the only of the Amigos that is bold. Mumble, and the Amigos, try to impress the Adelie chicas with their dance moves in Happy Feet. After Sven caught the females' attention, Ramón got jealous and wanted to ruin his show, forcing Lovelace to call the security to take Ramón away, despite their friendship. Raul is the best rapper of the group. Individuals Gloria | Directed by George Miller. After he says "We Got It!" [Funny Clip]-Happy Feet. See All. item 7 Happy Feet Two Series 1 Figurine Set Toys Erik Mumble Gloria Lombardo Raul NEW 7 - Happy Feet Two Series 1 Figurine Set Toys Erik Mumble Gloria Lombardo Raul NEW. He is voiced by Lombardo Boyar. Mumble (Elijah Wood), a young emperor penguin, lives in Antarctica. They still try to dance, but with several penguins fallen, their moves is not enough. Alias Wayne, Uncle Raul (by Erik, Atticus and Boadicea), Hanging around with Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo, Mumble and Lovelace, To help Mumble find out what is happening to the fish (first film; succeeded), Mumble, Lovelace, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo, Carmen, Gloria, Memphis, Norma Jean, Sven, Seymour, Miss Viola, Noah the Elder, The Elders, Erik, Atticus, Boadicea, Bryan the Beach Master, Shane, Darren, Trev, Nev, Kev, Barry, Wayne the Challenger, Humans, Noah the Elder (formerly), The Elders (formerly), Humans (formerly), Leopard Seals, Orcas, Doomberg, Boss Skua, Brokebeak, Francesco. Sven tries to help, but still is not enough. The penguins are now free, they forgives Sven for his lies, Sven starts living with the penguins, Ramón introduces Carmen to his friends, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul. Shane | Mumble notices that some of the penguins there was carrying around rocks. Raul He is a adélie penguin in the amigos who has a little hair on his head. She doesn't fall for it and at first, rejects him, but when he dances to her heartsong, she ends up falling in love with him, and many other penguins (including Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul) dance with them. Raul. Mumble asks Lovelace to take them to the Forbiden Shore (where Lovelace found his "talisman"), and then they could find the aliens to discover what happened to the fishes and how to take the thing out of Lovelace's neck. Member of the Amigos Don't push me 'cause I am close to the edge. Later, the sea is frozen, turning impossible for Sven and the adélies penguins to bring fish for the emperor penguins. The Amigos (or Adelie Amigos in the credits) is the name of a group of the five Adélie Penguins from the Happy Feet franchise. Raul: Get away. Instead, he can dance, leading to friction in his colony. After Raul and his friends found the aliens/humans, Raul told Mumble "We'll they those grumpies that they were wrong about you", referring to Noah and the Elders in a rather angered tone. Unfortunately, Noah, the leader of the emperor penguins, see their antics and banishes Mumble for not changing his ways. In the show, Lovelace presents a flying penguin (actually an Atlantic Puffin) named Sv… item 8 HAPPY FEET TWO ERIK & ATTICUS COLLECTIBLE FIGURE 2 PACK PENGUINS RARE 8 - HAPPY FEET TWO ERIK & ATTICUS COLLECTIBLE FIGURE 2 PACK PENGUINS RARE. Happy Feet (2006) Lombardo Boyar as Raul. Carmen | Mumble gets married with Gloria and becomes a hero. Mumble then realizes that if they danced enough, they could move the snow into making a way outta there. Sven | 24. Lovelace has a plastic rings from a six-pack-soda-can around his neck (which was said to be his "sacred talisman"), which he claims the mystic beings gave to him. Cast. Raul is the only one of the group that is bald. The movie ends with Sven and the penguins looking for a new home. Happy Feet Three is an 2022 3Dcomputer-animatedfamilycomedy film directed, produced, and co-written by George Miller. Mumble mistakenly assumed that the male penguin was going eat it, until Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul told him it was a lovestone, for getting a mate. View All Photos (60) Happy Feet Quotes. Original title Happy Feet Two. He has physical issues at times, which includes stomach aches. Bo | Raul | 1 Characters 2 Transcript 3 Trivia 4 Gallery Raul (the main protagonist) Ramón Rinaldo Nestor Lombardo Carmen Lovelace Sven Esequiel the Tickle Inventor Phoenix Perxio Music Manager Stage Manager (minor) Checker Burdo (the main antagonist) Seymour Shooter Guinings (minor) Mumble … Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raull, along with Mumble, taunted the leopard seal until he gave up and flopped away. Ramón calls the security to trap Mumble, and he sees a female adélie penguins named Carmen, and Ramón falls in love with her. Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul head back to Emperor Land to warn Norma Jean that Mumble is okay, and tells her about his heroic acts. Hanging around with Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo, Mumble and Lovelace along with the amigos, he says to Mumble that he's dangerous. Raul VOICE Lombardo Boyar. Ramón advise him to talk to Lovelace, a "wise and all-knowing" rockhopper penguin. 12. Some fans of the movie misspell his name as "Raoul". Mumble, Lovelace, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul later discovers that Gloria had followed them, as she wanted to go with Mumble. The next day, Mumble, Lovelace, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul arrive at the Forbiden Shore. He is the third member of the group "The Amigos". Happy Feet (2006) - Raul; Happy Feet Two (2011) - Raul; Movies - Dubbing. Lombardo (voice) Lombardo Boyar. US Release: Nov 17, 2006 Japan Release: Mar 17, 2007 Trending: 109th This Week Franchise: Happy Feet Genre: Children Credit Verification: Official Credits A CG animated movie about penguins. #ukuniteddancechallenge My brother @fadikdance challenge, enjoyed doing it! Mumble, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul are walking and dancing when the piece of ice Mumble was dancing on breaks, and he falls down a steep mountain. The penguins, still believing that Sven is a penguin (except for Mumble) asks him to teach them how to fly. Nestor | Friends/Allies Raul appeared again in Happy Feet Two. I paid an extra $10 to get some neck time afterwards... but pressure was good overall worth the $50!" Raul: What you huggin' for? Elijah Wood. Though Raul doesn't gets angry very easily, however, he seems to be the most fierce and wrathful of the Amigos, as seen when he was angry at Ramón for hugging him with no reason, or when he angrily "roared" at Noah for unfairly banishing Mumble. After they return, everyone starts tap dancing on the ice, making enough snow and ice fall to create a sort off stairway to the top off the glacier. Permalink: Don't push me 'cause I am close to the edge. Later on, Emperor Land is trapped by a massive glacier of ice and snow, with Mumble, Erik, Atticus and Boadicea as the only penguins to be free. Mumble (voice) Robin Williams. The group consists of five members named Ramón, Nestor, Raul, Lombardo, and Rinaldo. However, several penguins falls into Doomberg, including Atticus, Boadicea, Lovelace and Carmen. Let me tell something to you. Happy Feet Happy Feet Two Raul & Lombardo Mini Figure 2-Pack. They are Mumble and Lovelace's best friends. Noah the Elder | Happy Feet Quotes. After he says "We Got It!" In the show, Lovelace presents a flying penguin  (actually an Atlantic Puffin) named Sven. Happy Feet Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. In Adélie-Land, Raul and his friends are walking when they saw the Adelie Chicas. Like others of his kind, he needs to be able to sing to attract a mate, but he has a terrible voice. Director. Ramón tries to win her heart, but she is not interested. He is playful, sarcastic and joking, as seen when he jokingly claimed Mumble got so much ginga that it's dangerous. Videos. Happy Feet Two › Raul. In Adélie-Land, Raul and his friends are walking when they saw the Adelie Chicas. After Boadicea arrives with the adélies, Lovelace and Sven, they tries to keep the emperor penguins feed by bringing fish or them. Bill | Goals He also has brown eyes and a black mouth (as seen in his artwork). Happy Feet/Transcript/@comment-, Comedic talents In the world of penguins who find their soul mates through song, a … After singing his history, Sven shows pity towards Ramón and teaches him "Sventhink" and that he will it, it will be his. After Ramón presents them to the Amigos, they all go watch Lovelace's show. The film is the sequel to 2011's Happy Feet Two and the third installment in the Happy Feet franchise. This story, in spite of its magical animation and the at times over-the-top performance by Robin Williams as the adele penguin Raul, Happy Feet Two is an unsatisfying story that happens to be a visual treat. Gloria (voice) Elizabeth Daily. However, he is also respectful for those who have a high social status than him, such as Lovelace, as seen when he tried to stop Ramón from ruining Lovelace and Sven's show. This usually happens when he is scared. Happy Feet is a 2006 film about a penguin who can't sing, in a society which finds soul mates through song. Video Quality [Rating:5/5] Not wanting Mumble to be alone, Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul decides to go with him on his journey.