He eventually became rector of the Seminary of Perugia and a professor of classics in Assisi before being consecrated a bishop in 1982, when Pope John Paul II named him to head the diocese of Gubbio. Automat. 22 kontakty. jego Eminencja. Zapoznaj się z przykładami tłumaczeń 'Ennio Antonelli' w zdaniach, posłuchaj wymowy i przejrzyj gramatykę. Dátum narodenia: 23. Test Your Relationships . In 1988 he was advanced to Archbishop of Perugia-Città del Pieve, from which see he stepped down in 1995 to become Secretary-General of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Ennio Antonelli jeszcze nie ma biografii na Filmwebie, możesz być pierwszym który ją doda! Tämä tiedosto on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä-JaaSamoin 2.5 Yleinen-lisenssillä. Ennio Antonelli known from movies inc. Warrior of the Lost World, Brothers Till We Die, Jason and the Argonauts, The Warning, The Octopus 2, Crime in Formula One, Crime on the HighwayUgly, Dirty and BadDetective School DropoutsBlindman Registruj sa a jednucho si sprav zoznam! [6], The references used may be made clearer with a different or consistent style of, Last edited on 17 December 2020, at 15:48, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal-Priest of Sant'Andrea delle Fratte, Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Nomina del Presidente del Pontificio Consiglio per la Famiglia", http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2014/07/19/0526/01170.html, Papabili list for 2009 at "Popes-and-Papacy", Secretary-General of the Italian Episcopal Conference, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ennio_Antonelli&oldid=994794456, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Apostolic Administrator of Florence (2008), This page was last edited on 17 December 2020, at 15:48. On 29 January 2011 Cardinal Antonelli was appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants. Filmografia, nagrody, biografia, wiadomości, ciekawostki. He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Todi in 1960. Dla aktora, zobacz Ennio Antonelli (aktor). 776,209 profiles already created. He retired as president of the Pontifical Council for the Family on 26 June 2012. TEST YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. He appeared in more than one hundred films from 1961 to 1991. People. na podstawie geolokalizacji Schowek Ustawienia konta Donacje (ur.26 kwietnia 1852 w Savonie, zm. Sprawdź tłumaczenia 'Ennio Antonelli' na język Polski. CREATE YOUR PERSONALITY PROFILE. Create Your profile . Ennio Antonelli - Ennio Antonelli. Read all about Ennio Antonelli's spiritual essence, his relationships and compatibility with you. Ennio Antonelli (Roma, 23 febbraio 1927 – Roma, 6 agosto 2004) è stato un attore e pugile italiano. Prosíme Vás, abyste si heslo změnili po přihlášení. Stopklatka - film, telewizja, seriale, kino, program tv, repertuar kin, box office, newsy. Ennio Antonelli (s. 18. marraskuuta 1936) on katolisen kirkon italialainen pappi. Categories. He played several roles in Fantozzi and Fracchia film series, the role of Spartaco Sacchi in I ragazzi della 3ª, the role of Otello Rinaldi Manzotin in Febbre da cavallo, … [2], On 15 September 2012 he was appointed a member of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints for a five-year term.[3]. IMDb. View the profiles of people named Ennio Antonelli. Ennio Antonelli (born 18 November 1936) is an Italian cardinal of the Catholic Church and retired President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. [4], Cardinal Antonelli is generally seen as a moderate, with a strong interest in social justice and peace issues. Ennio Antonelli net worth is. Ennio kardinál Antonelli (* 18. listopadu 1936, Todi) je italský katolický kněz, bývalý arcibiskup ve Florencii a Perugii, předseda Papežské rady pro rodinu v letech 2008 až 2012, kardinál Kněz a biskup. Galeria zdjęć Ennio Antonelli - profil osoby w bazie Filmweb.pl. [5] When in 2009 the Italian Court of Cassation declared there was no substantial difference in law between a family based on marriage and one resulting from cohabitation, he reacted by saying that, in the light of recent sociological studies that reveal the benefits to society of what is called the traditional family and the disadvantages for society of single-parent families and those of cohabiting couples, the traditional family is needed more than ever today both for family members and for society as a whole. Es retirà com a president del Consell Pontifici per la Família el 26 de juny de 2012. On Saturday, 19 July 2014, according to the Vatican web site's daily Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office, where papal appointments are listed, Cardinal Antonelli was appointed by Pope Francis to serve as his Special Envoy to the consecration of the new Shrine of St. Gabriel in Teramo. Films include Roma and I carabbinieri Lists Reviews Images Update feed. HOME. Ennio Antonelli (born 18 November 1936) is an Italian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and retired President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. Ennio Antonelli was born on February 23, 1927 in Rome, Lazio, Italy. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Ennio Antonelli . Ennio Cardinal Antonelli coa.jpg 968 × 970; 175 KB Palazzo arcivescovile, stemma cardinale antonelli.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 966 KB Cardenal Ennio Antonelli - Conferencia Madrid 2012 - HazteOir (1).jpg 640 × 360; 27 KB Ennio Antonelli adalah seorang kardinal Gereja Katolik Roma Italia dan pensiunan Presiden Dewan Kepausan bagi Keluarga. 1,554,139 relationships already tested. Ennio Antonelli. Ennio Antonelli - Explore. Cieszymy się, że Ty też masz łeb pełen filmów i chcesz podzielić się swoją wiedzą z innymi.Niniejsza strona została utworzona dzięki takim jak Ty! Ennio Antonelli was an Italian actor. Najwięcej treści dodali: W krzywym zwierciadle: Europejskie wakacje, Ricchi, ricchissimi, praticamente in mutande. Emerytowany przewodniczący Papieskiej Rady do Spraw Rodziny: Kardynał Antonelli ( prawy) powitanie następnie prezydent Włoch Giorgio Napolitano. He died on August 6, 2004 in Rome. Copyright © 1998-2021 Filmweb Sp. Ennio Antonelli. In response to […] 23 suhteet. 18 listopada 1936 w Todi) – włoski duchowny katolicki, były arcybiskup Perugii i Florencji, przewodniczący Papieskiej Rady ds. Ennio Antonelli (ur. Ennio Antonelli (s.18. 1927; Znamenie; Miesto narodenia: Roma, Lazio, Italy Dátum úmrtia: 6. Ennio Antonelli, Actor: Warrior of the Lost World. Chci se registrovat. Saluto con affetto e riconoscenza il Cardinale […] Saluto con affetto e riconoscenza il Cardinale Angelo Scola, Arcivescovo di Milano, e il Cardinale Ennio Antonelli, Presidente del Pontificio Consiglio per la Famiglia, principali artefici di questo VII Incontro Mondiale delle Famiglie, come pure i loro Collaboratori, i Vescovi Ausiliari di Milano e tutti gli altri Presuli. z o. o. Sp. Born in Todi, he first attended seminary there, and then in Assisi and the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome, where he was awarded a licentiate in sacred theology. President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Family: Cdl. His Eminence. 2004(vo veku 77 rokov) Koľko filmov s Ennio Antonelli si videl? He served in this position until March 2001, when he was named to the see of Florence, whose archbishop is traditionally named a cardinal, and he was duly elevated in the consistory of 2003, becoming Cardinal-Priest of Sant'Andrea delle Fratte. Italian presidentti Giorgio Napolitano ja Ennio Antonelli. Ennio Antonelli - profil osoby w bazie Filmweb.pl. Ennio Antonelli. Find out more about cookies He resigned as Archbishop of Florence on 7 June 2008, on becoming President of the Pontifical Council for the Family.[1]. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Oprócz tego, że był aktorem, był również bokserem. He was one of the cardinal electors who participated in the 2013 papal conclave that selected Pope Francis. Hän sai 21. maaliskuuta 2001 nimityksen Silvano Piovanellin seuraajaksi Firenzen arkkipiispana, ja hänet asetettiin tähän virkaan 20. toukokuuta.Hän toimi virassa, kunnes sai nimityksen Paavillisen perheneuvoston puheenjohtajaksi 7. kesäkuuta 2008. $100,000 Ennio Antonelli Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Ennio Antonelli (born 18 November 1936) is an Italian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and retired President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. Ukończył seminarium w rodzinnym mieście, a następnie wstąpił do zakonu pijarów.Śluby wieczyste złożył w 1874.Kształcił się w latach 1870-1877 w domu zakonnym pijarów. BoxRec.com uses cookies to make the site simpler. Alfonso Maria Mistrangelo Sch.P. Ennio Antonelli is an Italian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and retired President of the Pontifical Council for the Family.. also known as Антонелли, Эннио; born on 18 November 1936 (79 years ago) in Todi; religion: Catholicism education: University of Perugia profession: Cardinal; Ennio Antonelli was an actor.. also known as Tony Antonelli, Enrico Antonelli k. Filmografia, nagrody, biografia, wiadomości, ciekawostki. Cardinal Antonelli is no longer eligible to vote in any future papal conclaves as he turned 80 on 18 November 2016. He later earned a doctorate in classics at the University of Perugia. Ennio Antonelli : biography 18 November 1936 – Ennio Antonelli (born 18 November 1936) is an Italian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and retired President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. In response to demands that the Church denounce divorcees who were candidates for political office in the 1990s, he said the Church should be more concerned with their voting record. Il mitico Paolo villaggio fa un richiesta particolare ad un personaggio particolare Ennio Antonelli e riceve una particolare risposta Wikipedia. 8. ×Kvůli zablokování přihlášení přes Facebook se ke svému účtu přes Facebook dostanete zadáním Vašeho emailu a hesla 123456789. marraskuuta 1936) on katolisen kirkon italialainen pappi. 10 talking about this. Views Cardinal Antonelli is generally seen as a moderate, with a strong interest in social justice and peace issues. zobacz elementy, które możesz współtworzyć! CONTACT. Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato a sconfiggere il suo acerrimo nemico il pretore Ciccio De Ingras? Join Facebook to connect with Ennio Antonelli and others you may know. 2. He was an actor, known for Warrior of the Lost World (1984), The Castle of the Living Dead (1964) and Sword of the Empire (1964). El cardenal Antonelli segueix sent elegible al vot en qualsevol futur conclave papal que tingui lloc abans del seu 80è aniversari, el 16 de novembre de 2016. Film profile for Ennio Antonelli, Actor, born 23 February 1927. Cardinal Antonelli was considered an Italian papabile heading into the 2005 papal conclave in which Pope Benedict XVI was elected and at which Antonelli was a cardinal elector. 7 listopada 1930 we Florencji) – włoski duchowny katolicki, arcybiskup Florencji i kardynał.. Życiorys.