He was very kind explaining the wholw procedure and very quick in the process. If you are on the fence, take the plunge he is extremely trustworthy and efficient. The sevice I got is exceptional. I contacted Vademecum Italia for help as I urgently needed my Police Certificate for a visa application in the middle of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. I found David online and decided to give it a try. I recently contacted David (online) after having been asked by employers in the UK for an overseas police check. Looking forward to talking to you again soon! He always answered all my questions instantly and very efficiently. Service really appreciated and recommended. Thank you again! Thank you David! I highly recommend it. 50-2016 (si veda anche il Comunicato del Presidente dell’ANAC dell’8-11-17): 1. This website uses cookies to improve your experience and collect data. Hi Jorge, Thank you for your kind review. Dal 1°gennaio 2012 i certificati sono necessari solo nei rapporti tra privati (art. Thank you very much! I was hesitant at first but David and team were incredibly responsive and professional. I worked for two years in Italy before my new application and they requested a criminal record certificate from that country where I spent my last 6 months. Thank you David! Alan, I contacted David and his company to assist me on how to get an certificato penale since I’m currently in the UK and I have to say he did an outstanding job. Thank you😊😊😊😊😊😊. It is indeed trust worthy. art. To be trusted with no hesitation! Anyone who has lived in Italy will appreciate the occasional challenges of Italian bureaucracy. certificato generale del casellario giudiziale . I highly raccomande this site and his person. Thank you David for sorting my Certificato Casellario Giudiziale! He is a real trustable proffesional lawyer. I needed my Certificato del Casellario Giudiziale to sign the contract for a new job, and I was able to obtain it super quickly (without the hustle of dealing with Italian bureaucracy). Con questo servizio è possibile prenotare i certificati del casellario, dei carichi pendenti e le visure del casellario giudiziale presso qualsiasi ufficio locale del casellario. 24/11/20 - Protocollo sicurezza anticontagio Covid- 19 PALAZZO DI GIUSTIZIA Milano Integrazione del documento di Valutazione dei Rischi (D.Lgs. Thank you very much David. For those wondering, it took less than 2 days for David to request the certificate, collect it and send it to me. Excellent service. Certificato Casellario Giudiziale Civile: è un certificato che contiene tutti i provvedimenti relativi alla capacità della persona, come ad esempio i casi di interdizione giudiziale e legale, inabilitazione, provvedimenti emessi relativi ai fallimenti, i provvedimenti riguardanti la perdita o la revoca della cittadinanza italiana. Grazie vademecum italia di esistere, I am extremely pleased with service, I got my document very fast and David handled it very profesionally. Se si tratta di impresa individuale o s.n.c., socio e direttore tecnico 2. Hi Meg! The first time I got this document I had to send documentation through post and had very little support from the service provider I had hired at the time. Certificato casellario giudiziale europeo, definizione. I needed police certificates, English translations and apostilled documents. Thank you SO much David! We would definately recommend him to take the stress out of applying for legal documents from Italy! CASELLARIO GIUDIZIALE. Casellario giudiziale e carichi pendenti Per parlare direttamente con noi +39 051271616 Il Casellario Giudiziale e Carichi Pendenti Certifcato del CasellarioGiudiziale e Certificato dei Carichi Pendenti: cosa sono e come richiederli. He was always responsive to my emails if I had any questions or queries. I would like to thanks Vandecum Italia his providing the PCC for immigration on an urgent basis. The demand was very easy and straight forward, they even provide advice on the kind of paper demanded depending on the county of use. I am so impressed with this fantastic service! What an amazing service, do not hesitate. From the beginning they were highly professional and very quick to reply. Wao wao,at first I thought this was a joke but after reading so many testimonies about this company, I was convicted to give it a try,infact I was so surprise that my certificate arrive in hard copy just exactly as mentioned in the page,honestly speaking I will refer any body to work with David no matter where you are,I just received the hard copy minutes ago and I was so please with his services,and I give a thumbs up to any body in need of these. Il Certificato del Casellario giudiziale Tribunale riporta, invece, le condanne penali definitive e alcuni provvedimenti in materia civile e amministrativa a carico di un soggetto. I contacted Vademecum Italia, they were very fast to reply even after working hours. Susan. We live in the US and our daughter who is an Italian citizen is going to college in Switzerland and needed the Certificato Casellario Giudiziale. He was very quick in communication, polite, and fast. I got the criminal record back in less than 24 hours. Two days after I had made the bank transfer and filled in the form to request the documents, I already had a scanned copy of the original. He was very professional and quickly to obtain the certificate as well as communicating with me. I needed a Certificate of Good Conduct to provide to a UK police force for hiring purposes. Nei rapporti con la pubblica amministrazione - ad esempio comuni, regioni, ministeri, scuole, agenzie delle entrate - e con i gestori di pubblici servizi - come le società che gestiscono i rifiuti, i trasporti o i servizi idrici - è obbligatorio presentare esclusivamente dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificazioni e dell'atto di notorietà (artt. He was easy to understand and replied to my emails right away. David helped me to obtain a Certificato del Casellario Giudiziale (an Italian Criminal Record Certificate) while I was in the UK. We will certainly look him up again if we need any further legal services in Italy. He was able to offer an extremely quick and efficient service whilst maintaining a clear line of communication throughout. This service was superfast and efficient. I’ve lived in Italy for the past 8 years and needed a criminal record check for a job in the U.K. David was professional and efficient. I required an overseas criminal record check for a new job I am due to start in the UK. Hi David, thank you so much for your speedy service. I am very pleased with the service provided. The service was exactly as promised–quick, reasonably priced, and entirely correct. I’m a teacher in the UK and my school requested a certificate of good conduct. Thank you! I sent an email to the Hungarian consulat in Rome, they guided me to the Italian Consulat in Budapest. Thank you again David, I will speak to you soon again once I will be settled in my new place to request more documents from Italy (especially my diplomas). Thanks so much Vademe Cumitalia. 84,05 € 59,75 € IVA Inclusa RICHIEDI; In offerta! Il Certificato del Casellario Giudiziale (o Giudiziario) è un documento che permette di conoscere i provvedimenti di condanna penale definitivi ed alcuni provvedimenti in materia civile ed amministrativa passati in giudicato a carico di una persona specifica. Superb service. Thank you so much for your help and for putting yourself at risk! He responded promptly and efficiently and secured the paperwork in super quick time, which saved us loads of time and worry. I urgently needed police certificate for immigration reasons. Such fantastic and speedy service I received when trying to get a criminal record check, another company didnt seem to know what they were doing but it only took this company less than 24 hours and I had the document that I needed, much appreciated and would definitely recommend them for any legal work, thank you for your very quick and professional service. Lo si può richiedere anche con Apostilla e Uso Estero. He kindly clarified for me the types of documents that I need. The process was really fast and easy, and completely professional. I knew, having dealt with Italian bureaucracy, that it would be very complicated for me to do it by myself or simply by asking a friend. He works very diligently and professionally. It took David no more than 3 days to obtain the certificate, translate and scan to me. It was absolutely top service! Il certificato del casellario giudiziale contiene i provvedimenti in materia penale, civile e amministrativa riguardanti una persona. I stay at Australia and it was extremely difficult for me to get this done within few days. Si tratta di una certificazione che contiene informazioni relativi ai diversi provvedimenti presi nei confronti del richiedente. Questa sezione contiene informazioni utili per la richiesta dei principali certificati, civili e penali, e i recapiti degli uffici competenti. D. lgs. Certificato del casellario giudiziale generale. As a student who has studied in Italy and has returned to China, it is very difficult to obtain a no crime certificate issued by the police: due to the severe Covid-19 situation and expensive round-trip air tickets, not to mention the complicated isolation procedures, so I cannot return to Italy at all. This was the second time I had to get this document for overseas visa application purposes, and I wish I had known of him from the first time. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Very clear information on the website. I definitely recommend. Percorsi chiari e precisi, un tuo diritto, Certificato avvenuto pagamento delle spese di giustizia, Certificato casellario giudiziale e dei carichi pendenti richiesti dall’estero, Certificato casellario per pubbliche amministrazioni - CERPA, Certificato dei carichi pendenti degli illeciti amministrativi dipendenti da reato, Certificato dell'Anagrafe delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato, Il certificato del casellario giudiziale richiesto dal datore di lavoro, Visura delle iscrizioni presenti nel casellario giudiziale, Visura delle iscrizioni presenti nell'Anagrafe delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato, Prenotazioni online dei certificati casellario, Certificato del casellario giudiziale europeo e Informazione con valore legale sui precedenti penali europei, D. lgs. I’m a student and don’t have much money, but I could afford this easily. Dunque, dalla lettura del certificato del casellario giudiziale deriva una visione parziale della situazione giudiziaria del richiedente. I highly recommend their services to anyone wishing to request police clearance certificates and the like from Italy. risulta a proprio carico:  NULLA  oppure: His level of English is excellent and displayed professionalism which I value highly. This service was very swift and professional. David was a great help in obtaining a police clearance for our client living in France. Thanks for the great service David. David made the process to obtain this document very seamless and easy through online forms, which was very convenient and fast. Although my process is not yet complete (I am awaiting a hard copy by mail) I am very satisfied with David’s services thus far. Certificato Carichi Pendenti Richiedi qui i documenti on-line: He was so helpful and the process was very quick, which I appreciated. I lived in Italy for a year, and I was asked to provide an Italian criminal clearance while I was in Rwanda. 46 e 47 del d.p.r. David was very professional and extremely quick with his service. certificato dei carichi pendenti . I needed an overseas criminal record check to begin teacher training at a UK university. Even offer an English translation should you need it. I was worried about obtaining a police clearance certificate as I heard it was a pretty dodgy thing to do. He kept emailing me with updates. I have recently needed to get my police background check from Italy and was very fortunate to have come across this website and getting in contact with David. Documents arrived a week later to my mail box. Ministero della GiustiziaProcura di Firenze. He first emailed me a scanned copy of the documents I requested, and then he mailed them. Would have got it sooner but didn’t want to go through the long drawn out process. Thank you for the speedy response and quick resolution. It is worth noting that my demand was during the covid-19 lockdown and still the service very top with very reasonable fees. I needed to get original copies of my birth certificate, of my Criminal Record Certificate (with sworn translation and Apostille) and a copy of my Immunisation Certificate from the ASL in my hometown. Criminal record certificate / Police clearance certificate – Certificato penale del Casellario Giudiziale. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do for you. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I found vademecum just through googling. David was incredibly helpful and efficient! good job and thank you. We stumbled on David’s webpage after weeks of searching and had received her report within 48 hours following our first contact. I cannot recommend your services enough. Very professional, easy to contact and quick to reply. Thank you David and the team. Thank you so much for your help, David and the team. Although Im not used to deal with law firms on regular basis, David (the one I was predominantly in touch with) always remained very professional and reassuring, and pretty swift too! presso la Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di. I received a copy of my certificate via email within 48 hours. I have probably lost 6 weeks worth of wages because of that other company and was left very upset. Thank you vademecum italia for a great and fast service, Specially to Mr. David who really help me in obtaining my husband police certificate in italy and he really made sure that i get the correct certificate to be use in canada immigration,and top of it , i got it for 1 day only Once again thank you and God bless !!!!!! I live in Sri Lanka and required an Italian criminal certificate to get a residence permit in Iceland. Valutato 5.00 su 5. As I was trying to gather all my fiances documents for our upcoming k-1 fiance visa and he was able to provide me with help and a better understanding of the process. He was wonderful. Please note that it is on its way, so you should receive it within 48 hours. I’ve received my certificate and I’m in the process of getting my certificate shipped to me. ll team AvvocatoPenalistah24.it può, in tua vece, richiedere i predetti certificati. This is a great service! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Would recommend! Casellario giudiziale; Legislazione. The reviews were all positive so I went ahead and sent an enquiry. I made a request over the christmas period and contacted by David the same day. I was lucky to have found this website – through which I was able to obtain my record within a week. David was incredibly helpful and told me the step by step process, emailing me with updates. I applied to a position in Hungary where the employer requested a certificate. The process took a couple of days and for the service he provided, the price was very, very good. David was very helpful and attentive. At the present I live in Portugal, country where I was born. I highly recommend David. If asked for, I would definitely recommend him to anyone who wants to get a police clearance certificate and translation work done from Italy. Il certificato del casellario giudiziale europeo è un documento previsto dalla Convenzione Europea che consente ad ogni paese membro UE di attingere informazioni sui reati commessi da un cittadino non solo a livello nazionale, ma anche estero. E’ possibile prenotare certificati e visure in qualunque ufficio locale del casellario giudiziale esistente presso la Procura della Repubblica di ogni città sede di Tribunale. Highly recommended! Thank you all. Let me know if you still need the translation. David made this stressful process very easy, and I would therefore recommend his services. Two days after that, I had received the original documents via DHL. La procedura per ottenere il Certificato Giudiziale è molto semplice. Per le altre società e consorzi: membri del CDA … He was very quick to reply and very helpful during the process. I highly recommend their services. Please remember to send us your address tomorrow. Estratto per riassunto dell’atto di matrimonio, PEC: what is it, why should you need a PEC address, and how to get one, Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all'Estero, Marriages between Italians and foreigners, transcription of marriages celebrated abroad. certificato del casellario carichi pendenti visura del casellario senza valore certificativo (gratuita ) anagrafe sanzioni amministrative carichi pendenti degli illeciti amministrativi dipendenti da reato I moduli per la richiesta dei certificati sono a disposizione sul sito sotto la voce modulistica. The support was very clear and quick using simple terms, explaining all step by step. This was very difficult to navigate even for her father who speaks Italian. Thanks so much. La richiesta può essere inoltrata anche per posta. I need this to start work at a certain organisation in the UK I had been desperate due to using another company, however, after nearly 2 months, and lots of excuses/ignoring my emails, I just hadnt received it. I would like to thank Davide and his team for their highly professional service. Without the efficient and very effective service provided by David, I would not have known where to start.I cannot praise too much the work done by David within such a short timeframe. Thank you so much for everything, David. e, per il cittadino italiano, contiene anche l’attestazione relativa alla sussistenza o non di iscrizioni nel casellario giudiziale europeo. I completed the form and sent over payment on Monday, and less than 24 hours later I had received a scanned copy of my certificate. Due to the current circumstances across the globe with the outbreak of COVID-19, and considering the whole of Italy is on complete lock down, David was still able to obtain the certificate for me in such a short time frame. Hi, I needed Certificato Generale del Casellario Giudiziale and the Certificato dei Carichi Pendenti for American Visa. The entire process was smooth and hassle free. This is an exceptional service, I can only offer the highest recommendation for David’s service. I required a criminal record check from Italy, the service was great and very fast. I received both my police certificates without any issues. Higley recommended Vademecum Italia services. I am in Kenya and he helped me get the police clearance certificate. Thanks again, David! David details the costs clearly and the certificate was delivered as a scanned copy via email and the original couriered and received in record time. He was very thorough and quick, and made sure to repeat important information numerous times to make sure that we had understood one another. David was a great help for me in getting my police clearance. Is vademecumitalia really authentic? So pleased to have found it and would 100% recommend its use for anyone who was struggling like I was to get this done. Roshni, Thank you for finding the time to post your nice review. I needed a PCC for the Australian citizenship application. Per prima cosa quindi dovete decidere quali soggetti controllare, in base all’art. I needed police certificates for the Green Card and contacted Vademecum Italia – The service was professional, accurate and fast. It seemed like an insurmountable task to get these two certificates and it made it so easy for us and took the stress out of the whole process! He was very flexiable and it was a smooth hassle free process. Comprende, fra gli altri: i provvedimenti penali di condanna definitivi e i provvedimenti afferenti all'esecuzione penale; i provvedimenti relativi alla capacità della persona: interdizione giudiziale, inabilitazione, interdizione legale, amministrazione di sostegno; i provvedimenti … David is very professional and helpful and I received a copy of my certificate within about 48 hours of my first email. David helped my daughter get the criminal record report she required to return to the UK and to apply for job within her chosen profession as a teacher. You were quick, efficient and professional from start to finish. He even offers a postage service, should you need the hard copy. The turn around time in quick and was given reassurance when it came to payment. David was very prompt in responding via Whatsapp. I got the required documents in 4 days. However, David has delivered me this after one day during lockdown. Теперь это будет мой личный проверенный юрист в Италии =). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Brilliant service. Luckily, after looking into the internet I got in touch with VADEMECUM. 122/2018 - Disposizioni per la revisione della disciplina del casellario giudiziale, in attuazione della delega di cui all'art.1 c18 e c19, della l. 103/2017; In general I found David to be very clear and forthcoming with information and assistance with my PCCs from Italy. I highly recommend using his service without hesitation. Thank you again! I requested both certificates last Friday 01/05 afternoon (Melbourne time) and got them yesterday afternoon as scanned copies, then posted via courier today (05/05). I highly recommend this service and I am very pleased with the results. Thanks! I was worry about how to get this certificate living abroad and far until I found David and all these good references so I trust and he didn’t disappoint me. I also like the WhatsApp communication, as I could ask at ANY point in time the status of the papers. Fantastic service. David obtained those documents for me so quickly and was able to get in touch with ASL and get that certificate for me withing a week! I needed a criminal record check dating back 50+ years when I was a student in Rome. It was a very confusing process when I first looked into getting a certificate – which I needed for medical school, but you sorted it out very quickly and efficiently. He prepared a no criminal record certificate and a sworn translation for me within a week, including all necessary legalization documents. Don’t worry at all, it’s all real and David is very helpful. Riassumendo, il primo elenca i procedimenti in corso e non ancora irrevocabili, mentre il secondo le condanne penali definitive. 08 bis The service was thoughtful and very enthusiastic. Obrigada!! la data di entrata in vigore del D.Lgs. Il Casellario Giudiziale è il registro nazionale che contiene gli estratti dei provvedimenti delle autorità giudiziarie e amministrative relativi a specifici soggetti. My fiance and I need her Italian police clearance ASAP for our immigration process, and David was unbelievably efficient with getting it done. I needed a certificate of criminal records for my wife and I urgently. I lived in Rome in 2018 and my current Japanese employer needed my Italian criminal record. Thank you again, David! During this highly uncertain times, I got my certificates via email in three days and via mail in less than ten days; from Italy to Canada. Other agencies had been unable to assist me with this matter however David proved to be extremely helpful, very prompt in his replies and was able to send me a scanned copy of the certificate just 2 days after my initial request. Hi Dave, All i can say is that ,thank you so much for your quick response regarding this certificate..i really appreciated your company and your services David …Saluti…God Bless you always…, in these days normal long procedure routines, i have to say they surprised me with their service and quickly done requirements. I will definitely use this service again, and will recommend it to anybody. Absolutely recommend! David had this by the next working day, I then requested an Apostille and courier and this was all done within a matter of days!! They are so quick and efficient. I recommend to be advised by the lawyers first, in my case it was David, which helped me to get exactly what I needed. The process was clear and simple, and he always responded promptly. I have been granted my SIA licences. We can obtain your Police Clearance Certificate (Certificato del Casellario Giudiziale) within 24 hours from the request. The service you provided was so easy, fast and stress-free for me. Transcription of marriages celebrated abroad in the Italian Registers of Civil Status. I had an amazing experience with them. Avevo richiesto entrambi i certificati Venerdì scorso 01/05 di pomeriggio (ora di Melbourne) e li avevo ricevuti già ieri pomeriggio come copie scannerizzate, dopodiché gli originali vennero spediti oggi (05/05) tramite corriere. ался в ситуации, где нужен документ, но вы боитесь наткнуться на мошенников. They managed to get all the papers request in 1 days and sent them to me. VAT), certificates, company business profiles, etc. He provide me the request certificate and also the relative translation in just a couple of day instead of long waiting I’ll have using other service. Certificato Casellario Giudiziale Richiedi qui i documenti on-line: E' il certificato rilasciato dalla Procura della Repubblica del Tribunale che attesta l'esistenza o meno di condanne penali e civili. I contacted them on a Saturday and received scanned copies of my requested documents including a translation by Thursday, which is pretty remarkable service. I would like to recommend this service to everybody who need certificate on criminal records. It was very easy and fast to obtain my certificate of criminal record. Thank you for your efficiency, we will definitely pass your details onto whoever needs them. Home » Come fare per » Certificati. Please let me know if you also need the Carichi Pendenti certificate. The prices are reasonable. Vademecum Italia provides professional assistance to foreigners or Italians living abroad in the following ways: Privacy Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src = "//cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We will send you a scanned copy of the certificate as soon as we collect it. 28-bis, comma 3, d.P.R. Inoltre l’ufficio del casellario centrale provvederà a « garantire l’acquisizione del certificato del casellario giudiziale europeo ai sensi dell’art.

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