Società Federate - Trentino-Alto Adige. The referendum has been delayed until further notice. [556][557], Chile – WHEN TWO MASTERS MEET di by Dara Our, Cambodia, Cambogia, 6’ EN BORA - BEYOND AMAZON’S RIVERBANKS di by Leonardo Carrato, Peru, 7’ OSMILDO di by Pedro Daldegan, Brazil, Brasile, 15’ POINT di by Aliya Sultan, Russian Federation, Russia, 17’ The family was previously on holiday in Lombardy. On 3 March, a 47-year-old man who had travelled in the same plane with the 38-year-old woman was confirmed positive and admitted to the same hospital. : 96049970229 ORARIO DI UFFICIO: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 08.30 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 15.30 2020 Police issued warnings that criminals were using false identities and posing as health inspectors to gain access to people's homes to steal money, jewellery and other valuables. Consulta la voce del menù “scuole federate 2018” e troverai un elenco delle scuole affiliate a Federdanza ed i loro contatti. [227], On 28 February, during an interview with Rai News24, Professor Massimo Galli from the Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan suggested that the majority of newly recorded cases were pre-existing cases that were finally detected during the extensive tests performed on people (and their relatives) who had come in contact with confirmed patients. [477] The case of the "export limits, "Masks divide the EU as Germany and France block exports", "Coronavirus, la Germania invierà un milione di mascherine all'Italia", "Coronavirus, medici cinesi a Roma: anche erbe medicinali fra le 31 tonnellate di materiali", "Coronavirus, attese per oggi un milione di mascherine", "China sends essential coronavirus supplies to Italy", "China sends medical supplies, experts to help Italy battle coronavirus", "But what help from China against the virus, it's all stuff we purchase", "Jack Ma donates two million masks for coronavirus crisis in Europe", "Family behind Ferrari donates €10m and 150 ventilators to help fight coronavirus in Italy", "Exclusive: Ferrari and Fiat look at helping Italy make ventilators in coronavirus crisis", "Cuban doctors head to Italy battle coronavirus", "Emergenza Coronavirus, numeri e medici cubani infondono speranz", "Trump says US to send medical supplies to Italy, France, Spain", "Russian army to send coronavirus help to Italy after Putin phone call", "Russia sends Italy coronavirus aid to underline historic ties", "Quelle polemiche infondate sugli aiuti russi all'Italia", "Samaritan's Purse opens coronavirus field hospital in Italy, receives first patients", "Germany treats first Italians as coronavirus care crosses borders", "Germany Takes in 47 Coronavirus Patients From Italy", "US Humanitarian Assistance Support to Italy", "Somalia sending 20 doctors to help Italy fight virus", "Coronavirus, l'Albania invia medici e infermieri: "Non dimentichiamo l'Italia che ci ha aiutato, Serbia Sends Four Planes Carrying Medical Equipment to Italy, "An Israeli team of experts helps Italy contain Covid-19 spread", "Israeli medical team aiding Covid battle in northern Italy", "Italy's Health Care System Groans Under Coronavirus – a Warning to the World", "Coronavirus Italy: Instagram post from Milan nurse shows bruised face from hazmat gear", "Coronavirus: Italian nurses share the startling reality of fighting the pandemic", "Coronavirus, l'uomo che ha moltiplicato i letti di terapia intensiva in Lombardia: "Ora la situazione è stabile, "Coronavirus: Italy's worst-hit region builds new hospital in 10 days", "Coronavirus, ospedale da campo in tempi record a Bergamo: la gioia dei volontari", "Un ventilatore per due pazienti, la scoperta italiana che raddoppia i posti in terapia intensiva", "Un protocollo nazionale dagli ospedali più virtuosi", "Life 'hanging by a thread' for Italian cancer patients in coronavirus crisis", "Caratteristiche dei pazienti deceduti positivi a COVID-19 in Italia", "The Italian Doctor Flattening the Curve by Treating COVID-19 Patients in Their Homes", "Italy's doctors face new threat: Conspiracy theories", "AP PHOTOS: Italian doctors fighting pandemic in rural areas", "At the Epicenter of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Humanitarian Crises in Italy: Changing Perspectives on Preparation and Mitigation", "Coronavirus, Piemonte: riorganizzazione degli ospedali", "Vittorio Veneto è "ospedale COVID": chiusi tutti i reparti", "Asp Tp, ospedale Marsala diventa Covid-hospital", "Con il nostro pre-triage aiutiamo gli ospedali", "Coronavirus, hotel a 4 stelle a Bari ospita medici e personale dei reparti Covid del Policlinico: "Fino a fine emergenza, "Coronavirus, a Roma alberghi requisiti per ospitare i pazienti in via di guarigione: il piano della Regione Lazio per affrontare l'emergenza", "Pronta Splendid, la prima nave ospedale per degenti post-Covid-19", "Alessandria, tampone in auto come al drive in: "Ne faremo 300 al giorno, "Covid -19: via ai tamponi in auto nell'Asl Nord Ovest", "Covid-19, supercomputer Enea per la ricerca su farmaci e vaccini", "Coronavirus, il professor Paolo Maggi: "39enne guarito con il farmaco Remdesivir, primo caso al Sud, "Sperimentazione Avigan, le perplessità della comunità scientifica", "Avigan, c'è il via libera dell'Aifa alla sperimentazione per Covid-19", "Vital drug for people with lupus running out after unproven Covid-19 link", "COVID19, vicepresidente ordine medici di Roma: "Cure a casa con la clorochina, la terapia sta funzionando, "Covid, cure con idrossiclorochina: ok da Consiglio di Stato", "Coronavirus, a Mantova e Pavia si studia l'uso del plasma dei guariti per curare gli ammalati", "Coronavirus, malati curati con il plasma dei guariti: a Pavia la sperimentazione", "Coronavirus, plasmaterapia per i pazienti al San Matteo di Pavia. She worked for a daycare centre in Riehen, and after her test was confirmed, the children at the daycare were put into a two-week quarantine. [442] Retired professionals were asked to go back to work to fill the vacancies, despite the high risk for their age group. [129], On October 15, the governor of Campania closed schools and universities until 30 October 2020. The Maldives' first cases were two staffers at Kuredu Island Resort who caught the disease from an Italian tourist who had returned to Italy and tested positive there. [440][441], The workforce of the healthcare system underwent massive reorganisation. [127] Both were admitted in Chonburi Province. These were all linked to the Lombardy cluster. 150 cases). [108], On 7 March, President of Lazio and leader of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, tested positive for COVID-19. One of the country's first two cases had a travel history to Milan. On 4 March 14 more Italian tourists who were kept at a quarantine facility in Delhi were confirmed positive, as well as the group's Indian driver. [487] In subsequent conference calls between the leaders of the EU member states, the proposal saw the opposition of the Netherlands and Germany. FITw - Twirling Scuole in Festa Anno Scolastico 2017-2018. delle Viote, 2, Strada per Sopramonte, Monte Bondone - Trento +39 0461 948047 A Bergamo uno su 4 ha gli anticorpi, Impatto dell'epidemia COVID-19 sulla mortalità totale della popolazione residente, Per l'Istat ci sono 11 mila morti in più collegabili al Covid-19, Decessi e cause di morte: costa produce l'Istat, "Istat ha rilasciato i nuovi dati sulla mortalità. L'altra resistenza di Vasco Belcari : internato militare di Soiana : ai ragazzi delle scuole medie inferiori e superiori perché capiscano appieno il valore civile della memoria storica [2018] Pugi, Rosita, 1970- author. Possibili misure restrittive per le Regioni, "Coronavirus, Conte firma il nuovo Dpcm: in semi-lockdown per un mese. [663] A 23-year-old fashion student from Nice who had recently returned from Milan tested positive at Nice University Hospital Centre and was admitted to Hôpital l'Archet. By 24 March, almost 7,000 people in the province of Bergamo had tested positive for COVID-19, and more than 1,000 people had died from the virus – making Bergamo the most hard-hit province in all of Italy during the pandemic. 270 casi in Italia. [82], On 1 March, the Council of Ministers approved a decree to organise the containment of the outbreak. Venturi: "Paziente ha viaggiato molto, "Primul italian venit în România ar fi infectat cu coronavirus trei persoane în Italia", "Primul caz de coronavirus în România. Smentita dalla Regione Lombardia la morte della donna a Brescia – Salute & Benessere", "L'ex muratore , gli anziani ricoverati: chi sono le vittime", "Coronavirus, c'è la settima vittima italiana: un 62enne di Castiglione d'Adda, era ricoverato a Como", "Coronavirus in Italia, i contagi sono più di 200: gli ultimi aggiornamenti", "Coronavirus, quarto morto, è un 84enne di Bergamo", "Coronavirus, sette morti in Italia, 229 contagi", "Coronavirus in Lombardia, salgono a 206 le persone contagiate", "Coronavirus, 325 casi in Italia. On 5 March, Chile confirmed its third case, a 56-year-old man who travelled across Europe and visited Northern Italy. Italian tourism official website: vacations, art and culture, history, events, nature, lakes, mountains, golf, sci, boating, thermal spas, sports and adventure [170][171], In addition to the emergency phone numbers 112 and 118, new dedicated numbers were added for the different regions – Lombardy 800894545, Campania 800909699, Veneto 800462340, Piedmont 800333444 and Emilia-Romagna 800033033. Contact Lonely Planet. [720], Slovenia – Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Artist Signed Scattina Couple Venezia Incantatrice Art Deco Sborgi pc ZG3699 at the best online prices at … ", "Il cdm proroga lo stato d'emergenza al 31 gennaio. [311] Of the 212 passengers, 172 were allowed to disembark while 40 passengers from Lombardy and Veneto decided to go back to Italy. [474][475][476] In February, eleven municipalities in northern Italy were identified as the centres of the two main Italian clusters and placed under quarantine. [130] On 23 October, De Luca announced a regional lockdown, imposing restrictions to all not essential movements as well as a curfew. I want emails from Lonely Planet with travel and product information, promotions, advertisements, third-party offers, and surveys. [478] [67][68][69] On the same day, a 76-year-old woman with pre-existing medical conditions died in Treviso. [516] [165] Authorities in Piedmont cancelled the last three days of the Carnival of Ivrea. [446][447], Healthcare workers were also affected by coronavirus infections, with a higher percentage of the infected healthcare workers being women because of their predominance among nurses. [284], Starting from July 2020, many countries in Europe, including Italy, witnessed a new rise in detected coronavirus cases. [27][28] This estimation was later confirmed in October 2020 by a second Istat report. The majority of confirmed cases in Romania are related to Italy. [471] In some places the Italian mafia was reported to be delivering groceries to needy residents. [423][426][427] Similarly to France, hydroxychloroquine (the less toxic version of the malaria drug chloroquine) was also tested:[423][428] in Lazio, its use was reported by the second week of April on a significant fraction of the roughly a thousand COVID-19 patients confined at home. Furthermore, movement across the country was further restricted, by banning "any movement towards a residence different from the main one", including holiday homes, during weekends and holidays. [390], On 24 March, Germany took in six coronavirus patients from the Bergamo hospital to be treated in Saxony. [723][750] [565][566][567], Uruguay – Officials at Ramon Airport refused to let 25 foreign nationals arriving on a Ryanair flight from Bergamo to disembark. [40][85][71] Officials in Apulia confirmed that a 33-year-old man from Taranto, who returned from Codogno on 24 February, tested positive and was admitted to San Giuseppe Moscati Hospital. [505], In Italy, in-person gatherings for religious worship have been suspended and as a result, many churches broadcast Mass via online live-stream, radio and television. [287] [131] Conte described the situation as "particularly critical", asserting that the virus was moving at a "strong and even violent" pace. [43] Thereafter, extensive screenings and checks were performed on everyone that had possibly been in contact with or near the infected subjects. Invitamos a la población a seguir informada y tomar medidas de prevención", "1st Confirmed Case of Coronavirus in NH", "CDC Announces Additional COVID-19 Infections", "Parson: St. Louis County woman is Missouri's first positive case of coronavirus", "Uruguay announces first four confirmed cases of coronavirus – ministry", "Confirmaron primeros 4 casos de coronavirus en Uruguay; todos habían regresado de Italia", "Régimen de Maduro confirma dos primeros casos de coronavirus", "Operational Headquarters: Two more Azerbaijani citizens who arrived from abroad infected with coronavirus", "First 3 cases of coronavirus reported in Bangladesh", "Two fresh cases of coronavirus detected in India; one in Delhi, another in Telangana", "Coronavirus India Live Updates: Italian tests positive for coronavirus in Jaipur", "Coronavirus Live Updates: Italian tourist's wife tests positive, number of cases rises to 7", "28 confirmed cases of coronavirus in India, GoM to meet today: Health minister Harsh Vardhan", "29th coronavirus case in India: After 15 Italian tourists, Paytm employee tests positive for Covid-19", "5 Of Family in Kerala Get Coronavirus, 39 Cases in India: 10 Points", "Israeli Who Visited Italy Tests Positive for Coronavirus", "Israeli who returned from Italy diagnosed with coronavirus: ministry", "El Al suspends all flights to Italy and Thailand over coronavirus fears", "Health Ministry confirms second case of coronavirus in Israel", "イタリアからの帰国者、初のコロナ感染確認 都内で入院 ("Returnee from Italy tests positive for coronavirus; in hospital in Tokyo")", "Jordan announces first coronavirus case from Italy", "After week-long lull, Malaysia records three new Covid-19 cases in 24 hours", "Maldives confirms first two coronavirus cases; two resort islands locked down", "One new case of coronavirus reported in Oman", "Saudi Arabia announces 17 new cases of coronavirus", "First Sri Lankan coronavirus patient in the country identified", "Cyclists await test results after coronavirus hits UAE Tour", "COVID-19 au Vietnam : un 17ème cas confirmé à Hanoi", "Konfirmohen dy rastet e para me koronavirusin e ri", "Informacion i përditësuar për Koronavirusin COVID_19", "Andorra registra su primer caso de coronavirus", "Coronavirus: Zwei Fälle in Tirol bestätigt", "Coronavirus news: Austria and Croatia report first cases as Tenerife quarantines hotel – live updates", "Austria's 2 coronavirus cases are Italian citizens", "Austria seals off Innsbruck hotel after reporting first two coronavirus cases", "Coronavirus: Drei bestätigte Fälle in Wien", "Dritter bestätigter Coronavirus-Fall in Wien –", "Infektion in Steiermark: Bereits sieben bestätigte CoV-Fälle", "Six coronavirus cases in Belarus – ministry", "Six coronavirus cases confirmed in Belarus – – Hot news from Armenia", "Bosnia Confirms Two Coronavirus Cases, Expects More", "Coronavirus latest news: Britons returning from Italy told to self-isolate as Matt Hancock says he is 'worried, "U Rijeci potvrđen treći slučaj koronavirusa u Hrvatskoj", "Hospital close to shutdown after doctor with virus treated patients (Update 5)", "Koronavirus: 32 případů, kontroly na hranicích i omezení v domovech seniorů", "Første dansker smittet med coronavirus: 'Vi er selvfølgelig dybt rystede, "En person, der er blevet undersøgt på Rigshospitalet, er det andet bekræftede tilfælde af COVID-19 i Danmark", "Nyt coronatilfælde er en medarbejder på Aarhus Universitetshospital", "Femte og sjette dansker smittet med coronavirus", "Sundhedsminister: Mindst 10 herhjemme er nu smittet med corona", "Second case of coronavirus diagnosed in Estonia", "Third coronavirus case confirmed in Estonia", "Kahel Bergamost naasnud tallinlasel tuvastati koroonaviirus", "Lisandus veel kolm koroonasse nakatunut", "17th person diagnosed with coronavirus in Estonia", "Volley, febbre al termoscanner: Milano-Padova non si gioca", "Koroonaviiruse saanud Saaremaa võrkpallimeeskonna juht: loodan, et see olukord laheneb võimalikult kiiresti", "Number of coronavirus cases in Estonia rises to 692", "Woman in Helsinki tests positive for novel coronavirus", "New coronavirus infection confirmed in Helsinki", "France reports two new coronavirus infections, one returning from Italy", "Direct. [596] On 11 March, Zhengzhou, Henan confirmed the first imported case, who stay in Italy. On 27 February, Denmark confirmed its first case, a man who had returned from a ski holiday in Valmalenco, Sondrio and quarantined at home. Sì della Camera alla risoluzione di maggioranza", "Conte: 'Non manderemo la polizia a casa, ma serve responsabilità, "Covid, in Campania vietati tutti i cortei, anche quelli funebri", "Covid, Conte: "Lockdown? The outbreak there came to light when a 38-year-old Italian tested positive in Codogno, a comune in the province of Lodi. The data on 2020-03-11 does not include cases from Abruzzo. Of 6,800 swabs, 1.7% were confirmed positive. [196] Driver's licence exams were suspended in Lombardy and Veneto. [344][345][346][347] Another Italian cruise liner, the Costa Favolosa, which was denied permission to dock at Tortola, British Virgin Islands on 26 February, was finally able to berth in Sint Maarten. [112], A US Navy sailor stationed in Naples tested positive on 6 March. [82][325][326] Malta installed thermal-scanning devices to monitor passengers arriving via Malta International Airport, as well as passengers disembarking from vessels at the Grand Harbour and the Virtu Ferries catamaran terminal in Marsa, which had direct connections to Pozzalo and Catania in Sicily. ll portale della scuola paritaria italiana - una finestra di formazione e informazione sulla scuola cattolica in Italia [532][533][534] In addition to this, some countries only report deaths in hospitals.[535][524][536]. Ma molti Paesi prendono misure", "Kuwait suspends flights to and from South Korea, Thailand, Italy over coronavirus fears", "Coronavirus, ecco gli Stati dove gli italiani non-possono viaggiare o hanno restrizioni", "The US is telling Americans with preexisting conditions to avoid trips to Italy", "Coronavirus: Deloitte Malta asks staff returning from Italy to work from home", "European Parliament cancels internships for people from coronavirus affected areas", "A growing list of US colleges are canceling study abroad programs because of the coronavirus", "Spain issues travel warning for Italy over coronavirus outbreak as it steps up protocols", "El Salvador bars visitors from Italy and South Korea, citing coronavirus", "Ireland v Italy in Six Nations postponed and may be cancelled due to coronavirus", "Israeli diagnosed with virus after Italy trip; visitors from there to be barred", "Dozens of travelers from Italy refused entry to Israel", "Coronavirus confirmed in Israeli who returned from Italy", "Cruise ship MSC Meraviglia turned away from two Caribbean ports amid coronavirus concerns", "Mexican port denies cruise ship permission to dock over coronavirus fears", "MSC cruise ship docks in Mexico following coronavirus scare; company says ill crew member diagnosed with flu", "Cruise ship docks at Mexico's Cozumel amid virus fears", "Cruise Ship With Sick Passengers Denied to Dock in the British Virgin Islands", "Italian cruise ship blocked from Tortola berths in St Maarten", "Final UAE Tour stages called off after two coronavirus cases confirmed", "Germany enacts new health security measures against coronavirus infections", "Coronavirus in Italy – Warning – Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel – Travel Health Notices | Travelers' Health | CDC", "Amazon defers 'non-essential' moves even in U.S. as corporate travel bans spread", "Advisory: Travel and Visa restrictions related to COVID-19", "Update – Coronavirus: Romania suspends flights, buses, and trains to Italy, additional measures in place", "Slowenien kündigt Schließung der Grenze zu Italien an", "Österreich will Einreisen aus Italien weitgehend stoppen", "Updated: FG places travel ban on China, Italy, US, UK, nine others", "Italy criticises EU for being slow to help over coronavirus epidemic", "Italian ambassador to the EU: Italy needs Europe's help", "Italy shuts all retailers except food stores and pharmacies", "Covid-19: Economic downturn worsens old EU splits", "For Help On Coronavirus, Italy Turns To China, Russia And Cuba", "Coronavirus, le mascherine destinate a Roma e al Lazio bloccate in Polonia", "Coronavirus: Cisl, 1 mln mascherine per Trentino bloccate", "Coronarivus, 200 mila mascherine per gli ospedali italiani bloccate ad Ankara da 15 giorni", "Confiscated face masks imported by an influential Chinese representative in Czechia", "Coronavirus, stop export of masks: Germany "suffocates" Italy", "Coronavirus, Germany asphyxiates Italy on masks? [601] On 15 March, Beijing confirmed two more imported cases,[602] and Shanghai also confirmed one more. [501], On 4 March, the government announced the closure of all schools and colleges until 15 March. [132], Starting from 6 November, Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley and Calabria were classified as red zones.
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